
Current Times Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Nostalgia isn't always just about the past... The way we experience nostalgia actually tells us more about the time we are currently in than the one we're looking back on."
"You're sharing are so important and relevant for the time we're in right now."
"Unconditional love is so important right now."
"We don't talk about practicing humanity, but now, if ever, there's a time to practice humanity, the time is now."
"We're all struggling right now; hence, we shouldn't carry the burden of having it all perfect. Nobody can have it all perfect right now."
"Be wise in these times; that's my message for you today."
"I'm a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I'm not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a satanist, but these are not normal times."
"We are living in an unbelievably unprecedented moment."
"It's amazing to be alive today... everything is freaking perfect right now."
"We could not be prouder of everybody living at this time."
"There's never been a time when you have been more tested than you are now."
"Seek truth, and the number one truth that always comes first, especially during these times, and at this moment right now, is humanity."
"Padre Pio has been called a second Saint Francis for our troubled current times."
"We're living in solemn, dangerous times, but there is hope for tomorrow."
"Culture is a reflection of our moment and our time"
"Please be careful who you open your door to... The times we're living in are very dangerous."
"It's an interesting time in which we live. That is the understatement of the century."
"Are we currently living in the dystopian future that we thought we'd be living in? Like, this is where we're at."
"The times we're in now, yes, there's more consciousness."
"The times we live in are truly and without doubt fascinating."
"People are generally pretty accepting during this time."
"I felt like I had to do it for the people, for the people who deserve it and need it in these cosplay times that we're living in."
"There's a grace for this hour that we live in. And even as it ramps up and ramps forward, there is a grace for it all."
"Sound and music is incredibly important... to navigate through this time right now."
"Stay safe and sane in these interesting times."
"What could that be? You know, I feel like we're just in a time in the world where people are just so wrapped up in the wrong things."
"I think we live in interesting times, which is definitely a curse and a promise."
"Education as they say it's the best of times and the worst of times or at least a very, very interesting time."
"Speaking truth in the times that we live in is a revolutionary act."
"We live in very interesting times. I have a lot of hope."
"I feel like we're in 2020; we need to be kind to people."
"We are in the most interesting times on this planet, a time of deep revelation, a time of deep clearing."
"I think we're living in the good old days right now."
"In an entertainment aspect, we're getting the best [ __ ] ever right now."
"...but i think understand is the most important thing maybe to just be really understanding that times are a bit [ _ ] right now and it's not personal."
"Especially given the current times."
"We are living in absolutely unbelievable times right now, ladies and gentlemen."
"It feels pretty safe to say that there's never been a worse time to have the job of providing service with a smile."
"There has never been a more important time to stay connected."
"We all have to take care of ourselves, especially in this time."
"Comedy is needed so badly right now."
"We all need a bit of happiness right now in these unprecedented times."
"I feel so lucky to live here and to have a home, especially in these times."
"And if there is a time that anyone needs more kindness in their life, it is now it is literally now."
"We live in a pretty mad world at the moment, but I've never been so glad to be alive."
"We all need some happiness right now."
"It's still a weird time, isn't it, for everyone? So we're quite enjoying just these homey weekends."
"For everyone to have a little bit of self-sympathy is a great idea. We all need it right now."
"In times like these, don't be surprised if strong emotions are hitting you all of a sudden out of nowhere."
"We need revival, we need reclamation, we need to wake up and see the times in which we live."
"We are living in very serious and very solemn times."
"It tells us that we're living in extraordinary times."
"I'm pushing through, just as I think we all are during these times."
"This is the time to be more compassionate."
"I do think that we live in the golden era right now as far as what's available."
"You were born to cope with these times; that's why you're living through these times."
"Our greatest challenge in our lifetime is the times we are living in."
"Who should we be in a time such as this? What should we be demonstrating in a time such as this?"
"Connecting to others is so crucial at this time."
"In these interesting times, we are looking at it through different eyes."
"I feel like everyone's got issues right now."
"Hope, definitely a message we need in this time."
"I hope you are managing to stay safe in these odd times."
"We all could use a laugh these days."
"This right here is officially the season we're in."
"It is a very interesting time now, to say the least."
"There's been a certain amount of transformation and metamorphosis going on for all of us these days."
"Weird is good, especially right now."
"It's a time of innovation, so it makes sense to me."
"Love is one that is needed a lot, especially now."
"We're in a time of versatility, and I believe that we should also be focusing on optimism as well."
"I'm setting clear boundaries around that and just really focusing on the beauty that people are offering right now."