
Family Meals Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Folks who consistently eat dinner with their families frequently consume more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods and sodas."
"Seeing your own kid just smile with what you fed them is the greatest feeling."
"Your plate is just simply being made, no one is eating before the other person."
"A beautiful plate of food that I really think your mother will enjoy."
"Family meals can improve diet quality, reduce the risk of disordered eating, and improve self-esteem."
"And it's healthy and good, and the kids like them."
"The most affordable, efficient way to feed your family good homemade food for half the cost is to do it the way I'm going to show you."
"Here's my plate of dinner and all I could say about this one is oh boy I could serve this to my family every single week and we would not get tired of it."
"If we can return to eating meals together as a family, maybe we can create the conversation and change we'd like to see in ourselves and our country."
"Sunday roast... big plates of roast, roasted vegetables, Yorkshire puddings, and gravy."
"If you have $150, $100, $75, go to the grocery store, get a large portion of food, and tell your family to come over and y'all just sit and talk."
"I am excited to see this Texas Barbecue Seasoned Meatloaf at nine bucks, which includes seven servings per package."
"Pops is going big for our last meal in Key West."
"The convenience of boneless skinless breasts is undeniable, especially for busy families."
"Your meals don't have to be perfect, they just have to fill bellies."
"I think little John John here approved of the meal. He was a happy camper."
"This is my mashed potatoes y'all, they came out perfect."
"My parents are getting really super healthy cooks. They're really, really good. And so, oh, that's good. Like my childhood again because, yeah, like whenever we go over to Mum's for like lunchtime, it's very often soup, isn't it?"
"For $11.47, you can feed your entire family for the week. Is that a problem?"
"Home Chef has you and the entire family covered for delicious meals without all the hassle."
"This happens to be one of the meals my kids will eat with no fuss."
"Sunday dinner me Halo you know what I'm saying I do to Thanksgiving dinner every night every night I cook come on now you can."
"Kids who eat most often with their parents are 40 percent more likely to get A's and B's, adolescent girls who have frequent family meals and positive atmosphere during those meals are less likely to have eating disorders."
"Nothing makes me happier than home cooked meals but especially my mom's."
"You know the best is when you sit and everybody's eating and everybody loves it. That's what makes the day right."
"Every family needs thanks to Dom food, and thanks to today's sponsor hellofresh, I have some."
"I hope that you enjoyed some of these ideas and ways that you can customize them all throughout the summer and enjoy some fresh summer breakfast for your family."
"We have to eat our green bean casserole before we can eat our yam cranberry marshmallow casserole."
"I'm going to be sharing five dinners for just $25 that can feed your family of four this week."
"Consistent bedtime and wake up time, everybody's eating with me."
"Eating just three meals per week with your family led to significantly reduced incidents of obesity."
"This next dish is really popular with my kids and like a ton of other people."
"I think that's pretty good, that's gonna feed all six of us all three meals all seven days so I feel like it's really hard to get much better than that."
"...getting a week's worth of meals for your family even for a larger family like ours and be able to feed everyone for 50 cents a meal or for a dollar fifty every day, the thought of that is really remarkable."
"Many studies have been done to show the kids who eat at least one meal a day with their parents... are healthier physically, emotionally."
"This makes a ton of food, this is at least two meals worth of food for my family of five."
"Eat together as a family. You know, husband and wife, how often they eat separate plates, separate rooms, subhanAllah."
"Those evening meals were something to look forward to and remember."
"My family doesn't critique the looks of their dinner, it's gone before they even sit down."
"...seriously that's how you use the four step formula to create meals for your family that they will love..."
"Don't forget to have breakfast for dinner, families love this."
"If you have to feed your family the same 10 meals, they won't mind."
"Now we're eating every meal together, that is a huge change for sure."
"We don't expect perfect behavior at the table, but we do like them to try and stay in their seats and share these special meals together."
"We're not looking to make a fine dining experience here; we're just looking to feed our family with something that tastes good and is healthy for them."
"This could be good for a crowd or for your family."
"Make family dinners fuss-free with Hello Fresh's picky eater, kid-tested, and approved family plan recipes."
"If you're a complete beginner in the kitchen, you can follow along with these recipes and you will create delicious, super duper budget meals for you and your family."
"If you're a foodie and you love food like me and you just enjoy cooking on weekends or weeknights, you want to wow your family, you want to wow your guests."
"My Smackalicious Sauce Mix is the flavor that brings the family together."
"I'm all about her meal plans because she's a really good cook and she's got six kids that eat a ton, so they're like good hearty meals and they're not too complicated."
"I promise I will never again resent dressing for dinner and sitting at our table for a warm meal."
"Should I make some fajitas tonight?" "Oh yeah, sounds good, Dad. I love your fajitas."
"I hope you enjoy creating new gastronomic creations to delight you, your family, and guests."
"I really hope that you have found this video useful and that it does give you some ideas of maybe meals that you can cook for your family that are budget friendly but still healthy."
"Hello my frugal friends, welcome to today's video where I am going to show you how I fed my family of four for under $80 this week."
"I challenged myself to spend just ten dollars and see if I can make three meals for my family of five."
"It's cheaper than your average fast casual meal, and it feels great to know exactly what you and your family are eating."
"The whole point of eating together was to make it kind of a family affair."
"Enjoying good food with the family, which we all want to do more often."
"You've got a big honking griddle, you can actually feed the whole darn family."
"Crumbs under the table mean I have family meals."
"Teenagers who eat at least one meal at home as a family tend to be in much better nutritional health than those who don't."
"Spaghetti is a meal that I make a lot on days like today because it is a meal that we can eat in shifts."
"I hope that you enjoyed watching what I fed my family for dinner this week for only 36 dollars."
"One bite of this savory pie will transport you back to Sunday dinners at Grandma's house."
"Home-cooked dinners are where it's at, especially when my mom makes them."
"So these are just simple meals that the family will enjoy at dinner time, doesn't take much effort, and it's super delicious food."
"I cherish them so much because I remember so many meals as a kid."
"Great for anyone who wants healthier and better tasting meals for their family."
"I love when I can make a double batch of something and it can yield two meals for my family."
"When I see people come to the table and they see their favorite dishes and they scoop it up on their plate, it just makes me so happy."
"I know that I have a clean and delicious meal ready for the family even on the busiest night."
"We've been so good at eating at home."
"It's not easy to find a way to feed a family of four or more a healthy, nutritious dinner without breaking the bank."
"This is food you'll be proud to bring to your table and feed your family."
"We're pretty much all having the same thing, any time my sister's come over, we're eating good."
"We wanted to be able to all sit down to eat at the table."
"Since I've been putting the bowl of salad on the table, they are eating a lot more salad, which is good."
"I would love to hear a kid now say that to my mother. My mother would just be, 'Well, that's all there is. I guess you'll be hungry then, because that's what we're having.'"
"I'm going to show you what has been working for us."
"We're gonna sit down and eat, the kids are eating their rice as well and all the different food that we have. They're doing a lot better on eating exactly what we're eating and we're very proud of them."
"I don't remember one day that my wife and I didn't sit down for dinner."
"If you meal prep this salad for your family, they will ask you to make it again and again."
"Consistency and creating a culture in our homes of eating together... just having this culture around the dinner table."