
Melancholy Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"Nostalgia, that melancholic feeling you get when you look back on your past."
"You can find a lot of places in the Commonwealth that have a certain melancholy about them, reminding you of how life used to be."
"The lore of Dark Souls is deeply melancholic and moving."
"The Romantic Poets of the 18th and 19th century thought that to be melancholic was to be artistically authentic."
"No contemporary music recreates that feeling of melancholy solitude better than that of Tame Impala."
"Behind the Grim dark violence is a profound sense of melancholy."
"An exquisite example of literature's saddest white people."
"Melancholy is an elegant negotiation with tragedy."
"Lennox's powerful vocals just adding to its melancholy but beautiful sound."
"It's a constant ethereal wave of sin that the mix of melancholy while still looking to the future."
"Wellington's quote after the Battle of Waterloo: 'Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.'"
"It's meant to be that sweet spot between bittersweet and melancholy."
"The worst times in life make the best stories. Like when you go to a bar, you don't talk about how nice your relaxing day was, you talk about the time you broke your hand in a fist fight."
"Cereal charismatic gifted yet melancholic, that is the evening songstress Nightingale."
"All those moments will be lost like tears in rain."
"Everything is gray, his hair, his smoke, and his dreams."
"The trees do not shed a tear for the lost souls within them."
"I love that stuff, it's depressing in a big way."
"It feels like a kind of unhappiness or taint melancholic and kind of lonely too."
"Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won."
"There is no happy end, it is only just the end."
"There’s a certain melancholy the game can evoke."
"Even in laughter, the heart is sorrowful, and the end of that mirth is heaviness."
"When you are conscious, a cloud of sadness surrounds you; when you are beyond consciousness, the moon rests in your arms."
"I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."
"Overall, I thought this was a very heartbreaking, bittersweet, just nice movie."
"It's sad but it's also beautiful at the same time."
"Drive is a melancholy masterpiece."
"Her voice, Soulful and haunting, captures a sense of existential despair that's both intimate and Universal."
"Surprisingly emotional like you said in a melancholic kind of way."
"It's just a perfect melancholy ending to what, as it turns out, is the first half of the overall narrative of BoJack Horseman."
"There's been a melancholy within you throughout your life."
"...they forever cemented themselves as one of my melancholy depressed favorites to listen to."
"Red Water Christmas Morning is the most depressing Christmas song ever."
"But our melancholy is what makes us us; and what makes us beautiful."
"I was just so sad the whole trip back home."
"It's just sad to see a house with no life in it anymore but all of their belongings still left inside."
"She’s deeply melancholic, quiet and suffers from depression because of her mother’s passing."
"If I were to sum up my life experience in a single word, it would be this: melancholy."
"The house feels like it's dying, and I'm going outside. There was no point in locking the door."
"It's deeply somber, really sad, and Melancholy but I feel like there's such an important message to it as well."
"It's a tremendously melancholic book. The ending is one of my favorites ever."
"Slow when the temple slows up and creates that new new. He seems alive, though he is feeling blue."
"I think sad music will just naturally always evoke more emotion than happy music."
"A deep solemnity hangs in the air, dampening any semblance of good cheer like wet leaves on a dwindling fire."
"She wears a grave melancholy look on her face which puzzles acquaintances and grieves friends."
"There was a feeling of autumn coming to last a million years, there would be no spring."
"One day everything will be gray and taste of oatmeal."
"I just kind of feel sad, a bit hollow right now."
"All true art," she said, "was shot through and through with Melancholy."
"...the deep and dank lake at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the house of Asha."
"Hyperview features an abundance of fuzzy, dreamy guitars along with a subtle vibe of melancholy that totally sells the shift in style."
"The familiar smell, a sweet ripe mix from clay pots and bags of soil comes at me like a punch, triggering another spasm of sadness."
"In the arms of the angel, fly away from here."
"Except it's a terrible day for rain."
"And i saw it was filled with graves, And tombstones where flowers should be: And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars my joys & desires."
"You're a little sad. The best kind."
"the night was as before light Melancholy White"
"The groundedness lacking the expansiveness can become this heavy part of our personalities and lives, and it can turn into melancholy, which can become even worse."
"The mixed feelings of relief and melancholy were a feeling more akin to homesickness."
"The only thing left was The Melancholy that inevitably comes at the end of an era."
"The haunting fear that someone somewhere may be happy."
"Maybe the only thing that the most melancholy of creatures can do about existence is laugh."
"True love waits the last track of the album and according to the gloom index which i mentioned earlier is the gloomiest radiohead track."
"Randy expressed a sense of melancholy to his colleagues, questioning whether his many years as a ranger had been worth it."
"Maybe there's something very sad about that."
"Melancholy men have the best senses of humor."
"It's really beautiful writing that is tinged with with this quite unique sense of melancholy to it."
"They're intoxicated every time they're near you. That's why they feel so melancholy when they don't have you in their company."
"It's a melancholy, it's a bittersweet thing, but I'm feeling very happy about it, very contented."
"looking at it without any context also kind of elicits a sense of melancholy"
"Despite the fact that it's summer, I feel like I've been in my sad girl era again."
"Woke up sad, woke up sad, guess I'm happy when I'm sad as [__]."
"...if you want the best of the Both Worlds of melancholy death metal aggression and emotion it's a must listen."
"As wet as ever," said Alice in a melancholy tone. "It doesn't seem to dry me at all."
"There's a certain melancholy I feel considering what has become of what was once my favorite show."
"It's heavy metal music mus but it's like there's something like deeply Melancholy to it."
"A battle lost can be half as Melancholy as a battle won."
"The strange thing about the second generation of romantic poets... was that they died pretty young... that gives kind of a sad air to it."
"I've often prayed for death, Ellen. I've been very happy with my little Cathy, but... but I've been just as happy lying through the long June evenings on her mother's grave."
"The most depressing time in your life is when you finished a book."
"You feel this feeling of, like, 'I know that place, I have been there,' but this sadness because now you're seeing it empty and forgotten."
"Even as Anne rallies Bennett, she amusingly recognizes a similar melancholy in herself."
"I think it's profound, I think it's just a funny and beautiful and very melancholy story."
"I always love that one, oh miserable, I love miserable at best."
"In My Time of Need by Opeth, a phenomenal piece of music, restrained, deep, melancholic, love the production on this album."
"It had a sorrowful air to it, the way it hovered there, the gentle swaying like a sad forgotten melody on repeat."
"'Decades later, a day seldom goes by when I don't think of her, but as time passed, the daily soul-shattering sadness turned into quiet melancholy.'"
"Reflections searching my soul to ruminate over all that's happened in my life you know the sadness the the regrets the loss the wasted opportunities I kind of Revel in the melancholy wasted all those years."
"Only of their melancholy and their vulnerability."
"The best and maybe only antidote for melancholia is action."
"There was something melancholy about being alone over Christmas."
"For me this is the loveliest and the saddest landscape in the world."
"...there are always in gatherings such as this sadder thoughts that will recur to our minds: thoughts of the past, of youth, of changes, of absent faces that we miss here tonight."
"But it's 4 in the morning once more, the dawn woke up the wailing in me."
"Loneliness has followed me my whole life."
"They're better than anything we've done. I know, that's what makes me sad [__]."
"A miasma of sadness hung in the atmosphere."
"This is a poor homecoming, unhappy Toad."
"hello sadness hello darkness my old friend"
"There was a certain hint of sadness as well."
"...it became a part of what one remembers forever, always surrounded by a prustian melancholy, long since that extended voyage of my mind and soul, Saturn and its icy rings."
"They're definitely left here with this sort of melancholy, very sad, and also very frustrated."
"The Smiths stood out possessing what one critic has identified as that devastating melancholia that quickly morphs into sardonic lyrical megalomania."
"Where is the joy? I don't know. It's gone."
"Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy."
"I still feel that heavy emotion just sitting on my chest."
"I think anything that stops you having a real relation to the world is sad. It's kind of pitiful. I mean, that's your one life, you know? That's it. And to spend it in entirely false relations with people all the time, I imagine it's a very melancholy thing."
"You have faith but it's tempered with melancholy."
"You save the world, the end. You get no recognition and it's kind of a melancholy ending."
"You can be happy that you've achieved these things, the characters have like grown themselves as much as they have. You know, they didn't lose anything themselves except the recognition that they rightly deserve, which is kind of a melancholy ending."
"There's a certain melancholy not only to the empty bed but to the blueness of the room around it."
"Nearly all his greatest poetry is pervaded by a feeling of loss."
"I mean listen man, anyone who hangs around the game long enough like it ends in a sad sad sad story."
"Robert Smith is an interesting one because he's so good at melancholy and beautiful melancholy, and that's something I think you excel at."
"It’s a beautiful, melancholy love story about two lost souls who find one another and are able to give each other’s lives meaning for a short time."
"This is a beautiful and somber sounding album."
"I do find it slightly depressing this obsession with the celebrity for its own sake."
"I love old things, they make me feel sad."
"An air of unutterable melancholy hung over the entire fortress monastery, an ache of the heart that had gone on for far too long."
"Stand on the highest pavement of the stair leaned on a garden urn weave weave the sunlight in your hair clasp your flowers to you with a pained surprise fling them to the ground and turn with a fugitive resentment in your eyes but weave weave the sunlight in your hair."
"'With pensive thoughts my weeping stag I crown, whose melancholy tears my cares express.'"
"It's such a good film just about the kind of melancholy of that late 20s early 30s, you know, when you're really trying to kind of build a life."
"Melancholy is the feeling of longing for something from the past."
"The doll cemetery was a grim and sad place, even in the full light of a summer day."
"At what point do you start getting sad because the week is coming to an end?"
"There's something kind of sad about it, but it's also beautiful."
"It's so beautiful but it's also kind of like tinged with this real feeling of melancholy and sadness."
"It's quite sad that we're getting old."
"The Silence of the forest depressed her; no birds sang in the lofty boughs."
"The flavor is the coldness, the flavor is the pulling away from time to time, the flavor is the tiny fear that maybe one day this will end."
"It's a poetry of sadness and longing, as you would expect, but Michelangelo had the distinction of being an artist, a sculptor, and a poet."
"It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of sadness."
"...even amongst all the entrails, the blood, the atrocity, and the meticulously documented rot, there's a melancholy and wistful tone to the film and to Orozco's life that has lingered with me much more than the footage of dead bodies has."
"It paints kind of a sad picture, I mean imagine spending the last years of your life living like this."
"Melancholy is... a kind of aesthetically pleasing sadness."
"The elevation of melancholy as the highest aesthetic goal of the artist."
"I love the lead up to Christmas, there's something about on Christmas day, it's almost like sad because it's over."
"We like the rain because it makes the sadness feel at home, turns it from a burden into an indulgence."
"It's full of melancholy but it's never depressing."
"De Profundis is so melancholic; it's as if it reminds you of a beautiful soul that is not with you anymore."
"Sophie walked alone along the front of the seaside town feeling sick and dejected."
"But when the melancholy fit shall fall sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud, that fosters the droop-headed flowers all."
"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul."
"Standing beside the breastworks on that summer evening under the shadow of the grim and silent Kennesaw with twilight deepening into night, there were shadows on all our hearts as well."
"All of Tolkien's work was steeped in a deep sense of melancholy that reflected aspects of his own life to a great extent."
"This early self-portrait embodies the haunting melancholy of the Symbolist and Expressionist traditions in which Picasso was fully engaged."
"These visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruel."
"This isn't a happy place, it's kind of like a real world Winnie the Pooh."
"There's a lot of colors, only feeling blue."
"Despite her beauty and often soft, loving nature, Eilistraee is said to be very melancholy due to the constant grief and loss that she has suffered."
"It definitely has a melancholic vibe to it, which is definitely the atmosphere that I'm sure they wanted to create."
"Fridays will always be better than Sundays 'cause Sundays are my suicide days."
"It's kind of sad and beautiful at the same time."
"There was a melancholy to Prince Rhaegar, a sense of doom."
"Loneliness really was a feeling for me fundamentally; it was just a feeling of heaviness, of emptiness, of sadness."
"Drive is a melancholic masterpiece."
"Now the world would forget his name too, Sansa realized there would be no song sung for him."
"If only we might perpetually walk in the brilliant sunlight. This lifetime has been so dismally overcast."
"I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad."
"By our own spirits are we deified: We poets in our youth begin in gladness; But thereof come in the end despondency and madness."
"My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all."
"Monday, May 5th, dawns gray and bleak in a cold, hard downpour."
"I left my soul in every city, it's sad but it's the truth."
"Feeling very blessed and sad, it's a bit bittersweet."
"The death of Pennywise in the movie is a bit sad and kind of beautiful."
"It's a scene that's filled with this deep longing and intense melancholy."
"A Serious Man... it's a compelling and emotional journey to be taken on, at times darkly hilarious, but also profoundly sad."
"And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor."
"This was imaginative, gripping, haunting, melancholic, and so visceral."
"One silhouette, a shade of regret, that's part of a heart and the start of a strange serenade."
"It's a downtrodden Christmas ballad that breaks the heart."
"It's all quite beautiful really, a sad but satisfying end."
"There's a hopeful melancholy to that tone."
"The central to figures of the central panel of 'Melancholia' are Harlequin figures, figures of a clown, always seen as the character laughing on the outside, crying on the inside, filled with a sense of underlying anxiety."
"My opinion is that milk thistle is the best remedy that grows against all melancholy diseases."
"Her blue eye was never lit up by the levity of the mind beneath; there was a melancholy charm about it."
"The volume, rich with achievements that had won renown for its author, was yet the melancholy record of a mortal hand."
"Girls' Last Tour, only six volumes, very melancholy."
"So new to him," she muttered, "so old to me; so strange to him, so familiar to me; so melancholy to both of us!"
"The lyrics dance in the realm of melancholy, and his songs rarely employed a chorus."
"It's the changing of the seasons. There's a beauty to it, and there's a deep, deep sadness to it."
"My soul is heavy, filled with emotions; my heart is sorrowful."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, and Hall was deeply unhappy."
"I suppose there's a melancholy feeling in a lot of cartoonists, because cartooning, like all other humor, comes from bad things happening."
"Every moment I spent with Arthur Craven and her saddest moments were the rest of the time."
"It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country."
"The soft indigo dusk added a touch of melancholy to the empty solitude of sand and sea."
"The sun had set beneath the horizon, casting the forest in a sad gray light."
"My days are swifter than a runner; they fly away without a glimpse of joy."
"Time brought resignation and a melancholy sweeter than common joy."
"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."
"A kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in visual sensory details."
"Later she would feel sadness, sadness that's vast shape would hardly be conveyed by such a simple word."
"It is sad and creepy and takes you all the way back to the beginning of time."
"There are two things about autumn that particularly attract me: sometimes there's a gentle melancholy... then I like the more robust rougher side just as much."
"The Glen really does have a Melancholy about it, and there is a sadness to be felt amongst the mountains which you truly must be there to feel."
"Melancholy is a kind of resignation, a happiness at the current state even if the current state isn't what you want."
"Nostalgia was like a disease, one that crept in and stole the color from the world."
"Sweet smell of great sorrow lies over the land."