
Emotional Conflict Quotes

There are 333 quotes

"Watching Yang struggle with whether or not she hurts someone unnecessarily...it's just heartbreaking. God, I love it."
"One of the most difficult things is for a woman to be with a good man she's not in love with."
"All my friends tell me to be strong; if they're right, why does it feel so wrong?"
"It was when I was 16 years old... I realized how strong I was then... All I could remember was how good I felt. And that terrified me afterwards because, you know, I thought that what I was doing was wrong, but every single part of myself told me it wasn't."
"So many of these people, they don't want to die. That's not what they want, but they feel completely trapped where they're at."
"I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you."
"It's real; it's there. But how do I feel about it exactly?"
"Lynn pretended to be happy, although deep down he felt a sense of sadness knowing that this meant the end of his time with his beloved wife."
"You want to think that it's gonna pop but you don't want it to pop."
"They're tired of fighting what they feel about this connection."
"They feel like they're in competition with you."
"I can never forgive you for what you did, but I would like to try."
"It's that horrible thing where you want closure and you also want hope. You cling to anything."
"The heart is getting in the way of the mind."
"To Reie, this means that he more or less gave up on her, wanting her to pass on to make things easier elsewhere."
"I feel super guilty about it like when I was dating my ex-boyfriend this summer, he was a very sweet guy but I just felt like I also wanted more. It was like a natural instinct I couldn't control."
"Physically I was miserable, but emotionally I was triumphant." - Narrator
"That's what they do when a couple is doomed and terrible: one person keeps trying to hook the other one in."
"But ultimately, we end up in that seething resentment, and that's where all that sort of the resent-o-meter 10 happens in a lot of the divorce."
"When your inner child wants love, your teenage self wants revenge, and your current self only wants peace."
"You did kill my father, but I kissed you before, so now I'm having a change of heart."
"Somebody's trying to steal you away from where you're at. They want you to walk away, steal your heart for themselves."
"We're not some happy family just 'cause I'm back."
"They let their thoughts stop what their hearts want."
"Stop ignoring the red the deal breaker stop it jen just just stop it just just stop it."
"There's a piece of you that's mourning the loss, and another piece of you wants to fight either for it or about it."
"But I'm also a Pisces, so I'll punch you in the face, but I will cry my eyes out about it later."
"Acting like I don't care, but feeling down and out."
"It was a barrage of conflicting feelings with no clear answer."
"We are witnessing history in action. Oh, I can't watch, and I can't turn away."
"It's something about them you're yearning over, but you know they're a player."
"You can love somebody so much even though it's a terribly destructive relationship."
"Sometimes people we have loved and admired do horrible things. It's tough to accept, but we have to if we say we support victims."
"I'm at war with my emotions sometimes, I'm at war with my with my gut health right so."
"Post nut clarity beats you're operating on biology but then your morality whatever your morality is will kick in and you'll be angry."
"Luffy versus Usopp was the most emotional fight in all of One Piece."
"I still believe the best moment of any Captain America Civil War trailer comes from the last trailer: 'I'm sorry, Tony. He's my friend.' 'So was I.'"
"You are going to get really mad about other women."
"I'm constantly feeling so grateful for this life while also questioning why I feel so shitty all the time."
"There's a thing between love and hate and all that aggression towards him, she probably wants him and then he was giving her the D."
"It was difficult for me to hate either one of them."
"It breaks your heart to have to push someone away."
"Regardless, they do have a lot of feelings for you, but they feel like they're going to regret pursuing you because you make them paranoid."
"They may feel like you left Pisces, this person feels like you're not being fair and they feel like you left them out in the cold."
"Some of you found out the truth about the situation or this person, but still can't walk away."
"I feel very bad because it's just like, even though I don't feel like I have an emotional attachment to them, it's a living creature."
"He was making her smile, it was another smile taunting my feelings."
"Infinite Jest is a struggle between the loneliness and solipsism of addiction and the empathy and fellow feeling of community."
"The thought of you with someone else upsets them."
"I'm not a robot and I do feel bad to see her so desperate and distraught, but when I look at my sons playing and laughing with their new friends, I know I've done the right thing."
"Growing resentment is so natural when you're on two separate pages."
"They're still very obsessed with you but they're not coming forward."
"Just feeling guilt for anything, even if I do one nice thing for myself, I will feel an overwhelming sense of guilt."
"The year of jealousy and hate" - a tumultuous period in online relationships.
"Mary wants revenge, and I kind of understand."
"Even when it hurts, you don't want to miss out on Christmas."
"Family's everything. I should have never come here. It's his birthday today. I'm sorry."
"I love... loved just the best experience with The Last of Us Part Two in the worst way."
"A lot of you guys are in this position sagittarius of knowing very well you have feelings for someone but at the same time it's like it's very tempting to just end things rather than to go through this turmoil again."
"When i'm succeeding in one i'm failing in the other if i am filming a lead role in a movie on a set i'm missing bath time and bedtime with my children oh my god it could make me cry."
"What would you rather have, a living daughter or a dead son? That's some psychological warfare for that."
"I feel like if I am honest with them it's going to torture them."
"Somebody's mad because you're moving on, because you're spending time with someone, or you've moved on, you have a star, could be an Aquarius or someone in the public eye."
"Persona 5's characters are likable and relatable, with a cast that feels fresh and interesting. And yes, Makoto and Futaba spark conflicting emotions!"
"You feel like you can be very victorious with this person here it's just what weighs so heavily at the back of your mind that's causing you so much doubt."
"Turmoil of Chuck's lusting after Sarah is one of the show's core emotional through lines."
"Your heart versus mind, if you leave that for the heart, who's the better pick on paper?"
"It's a love-hate relationship, how can you love someone who stabbed you so much in the back?"
"You're a [] child. Do me a favor, you selfish little [], you're sitting there and you're gonna give me [] for leaving 'cause I gotta go? Go [] yourself!"
"I can't live with you but I can't live without you."
"They got feelings for you, water sign, fire sign, I don't want nobody to know, but they got 'em all right."
"Most conflicts in marriages are not between a wife and a husband, it's between each person and their emotions."
"I'm feeling very homesick even though I have thoroughly enjoyed being here."
"One of the only Empires I ever feel really bad about destroying."
"I liked this movie but also hated it with every part of my being at the same time."
"The thing that's most interesting about this, sure there's villains, you know, there's always a villain or something like that in series, but I think I've never been so emotionally conflicted during one of these shows."
"You can see it all over my face. I'm very conflicted in the pick."
"Destroying an Infinity Stone and holding off Thanos with 5 other Infinity Stones at the same time, while dealing with the emotions of killing the love of her life."
"What if you've hired a load of people who hate what they were condemned to die the day I realize you weren't a man of your word."
"I'm enjoying him a lot way more than I probably should."
"The poem's main theme is of undying devotion, the narrator conflicted between wanting to forget Lenore and a desire to remember her."
"She's funny, she's terrifying, you wanna hate her but you can't."
"As he's attempting to escape them and take Reba with him, Francis was made to experience yet another moment where he perceived someone he loved betraying him."
"I just knew he was going to be [ __ ], but I just like him."
"It was all about connection and finally meeting someone but you can't have them."
"Love is blinding you to the cold hard reality of what's really going on."
"The drama is the hatred is the jealousy and those things then lead to actions that will challenge duality to the max and that is when lives are taken over."
"Every time I win it feels like a [ __ ] loss."
"There's a thin line between love and hate because there's some truth to that when it comes to these toxic, dysfunctional, domestically violent relationships."
"That all that deliciousness that can't be for me."
"Like she doesn't have a father anymore. She doesn't care about me. It's all Uncle Pete. I love it, I love seeing it, but sometimes I get jealous. That's how."
"If your head and your heart are telling you two different things, one of them is wrong."
"Unrequited love... makes me so sad and so freaking frustrated but I can never stop reading them."
"Something's wrong with me but the beat is not bad."
"They're trying to let you go, but it's killing them."
"You know they haven't walked away from you but you wonder why they don't put you as a priority. Like, you know that they have these deep emotions but you also wonder."
"When something's too good, you're like, 'I don't deserve to be this happy.'"
"Not the [ __ ]. I would tell them you aren't stealing from Jessica. It was a gift from the guy she cheated on."
"My heart feels great when I'm with Emma, but my heart feels like it's gonna beat out of my chest when I'm with Julia. It's just got me [ __ ] up."
"Even if the characters become enemies the bonds of love that bind them are unbreakable which frustrates the hell out of them."
"You have to forgive. So let's see, yeah, you guys are still at this crossroad."
"Their heart wants what it wants, despite practicalities."
"The clash between attachment and authenticity is ground zero for trauma."
"I wanted her to cry, I wanted her to burn because of what she was doing."
"I mean, come on, Jaina, you should care about Anduin more than you hate Sylvanas."
"I love when emotional conflicts end up being resolved because all the best conflicts in stories are emotional conflicts at their core."
"They feel like they've lost you... they long for you..."
"I knew in my heart of hearts that I couldn't really keep him."
"They want to manifest something serious but they feel like you may be emotionally manipulating them."
"I just want to let go, but on the same token with the emperor card energy, I want to be in charge."
"Honestly, I can't even really stay mad at the things that I don't like about them."
"Drumstick is great. It's a love-hate relationship, you know. He loves to hate me, and I hate that I love him."
"This person is absolutely in love with you, so do not doubt it."
"The conflicting emotions of not wanting to let go but knowing it's the right thing."
"But just so I've got this straight, you're saying you gave birth to me and raised me just so that I could take care of you when you're older?"
"How can you let yourself want things that are not an option for you?"
"I love you Johnny, but I don't feel safe with you anymore."
"Nora's done. She was my mother and she died because of you."
"ReNera is Daddy. She's so strong and badass. She's pretty damn great, teenage problems and all, and the emotional struggling. She's a..." - Matthew Medina
"Harry saw Draco's face up close now. Draco's expression was full of reluctance, even fear."
"Unfortunately, it didn't feel good to throw it away, but right now we just gotta do what we gotta do."
"Hector may have been able to preserve Clara’s life, but he couldn’t preserve his conscience."
"Love is always offensive to people who come from a place of hate."
"I realized that but I came back when I saw what he was doing to you."
"The only thing that's worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself." - George R. R. Martin
"That dissonance between emotions and rationality very often paralyzes people."
"My heart truly wants to believe that this entire case was some cruel hoax that was blown way out of proportion."
"Now you have empathy for the family but also like you're kind of like screaming with this guy and you understand him going crazy but like you also feel bad for Mark and it's like you don't."
"These two are completely messed up as a result."
"I settled for second best, but you fascinate me."
"It was all right for you to leave us, but was it all right for me to leave you?"
"There is a desire for love that doesn’t cause trouble, and there is a desire that causes trouble."
"Led by the craving, torn apart by the greedy."
"Anxiety and gratitude refuse to share the same heart."
"Your heart has been nudging you forward for some time now but the cautious mind has kept you at bay."
"It's okay to miss someone even if you know they're not good for you."
"Love and fear cannot live in the heart at the same time... Embrace the cross."
"He lives in the tipping point between rage and serenity."
"I just can't get it out. Loved her and you killed her."
"It's like you're angry because you miss your person and you feel like you may have lost your person."
"I love being scared, but also hate nightmares."
"Your person is torn apart... torn between reaching out to you or going away."
"Don't Gaslight me, accidents happen, I didn't do it on purpose or anything."
"Who can eat at a time like this? Are missing people selfish?"
"I can feel this Queen just like, what do you want me to do? Like, I can't not, I can't not, I can't not." - Capturing the internal conflict and emotional struggle faced by the Queen.
"Deep down both of you don't actually want to walk away from this."
"Why are you doing that when you don't want me like that?"
"Wanda, you have to take it down. No, don't make me hurt you."
"It would just be so much easier to run back into his arms and forgive him for all this shit, but I would feel like a fraud."
"I only feel bad that he feels bad because he's still a human being no matter what."
"I have everything I've ever dreamed for, and I'm here crying over a man. It's ridiculous."
"I think you're sad that you did what you did, I think you feel bad that you hurt her, but I also think that you probably equally feel bad for yourself."
"At an unknown point in time, Maria forfeited her beloved weapon, tossing it down a well when she could no longer stomach it."
"They're trying to let go, but it's only intensifying their feelings."
"Hans death will impact the film, Kylo Ren's still wrestling with what he did."
"You're battling between your past wounds and being in a forgiving place."
"Disappointed Carolina did something bad really bad and thus you're disappointed in her but you're still willing to like her."
"We’re at this peculiar stage where you’re highly optimistic, at the same time highly pessimistic."
"When you look at the cross, are you pleased by what Jesus did for you? Does it bring you joy? It hurts you, but it brings you joy to see what Christ did to save you."
"You know, I'm fighting so hard for this relationship."
"I've never been in that situation where I've been like, 'Wait for me' and then I see another girl that I really click with."
"This person is in a relationship with somebody else... they're not over you at all."
"Her pet chicken got blown up, that's still kinda hilarious and sad."
"She often averts her gaze, but even the shadow cast by her long eyelashes on the cheek is beautiful."
"She torments me unaware of the turmoil in my heart, the sister who has always been with me slipping away."
"Sometimes what we are so very, very attracted to can scare the out of us at the same time."
"You feel like it's one-sided here, or you know, they may feel like they want this more than you wanted, or something like that."
"What have I created? What have I done? I love it but it's also completely horrible."
"They're willing to risk your wrath so that they can apologize to you. They want forgiveness because they know they did you wrong."
"Shuri's path to wrestling with her anger, making a decision of Mercy."
"What you feel and what you know still stands, however, some conflict, the pain, or betrayal is coming back to the surface."
"You deserve better. I am fighting this connection because I do not want to be wrong."
"I personally wanted them to go up, but as I was watching the game, I felt kind of bad for Huddersfield, and hence why I'm gonna do this rebuild."
"Biologically they're capable of falling in love with a man who kills her husband and sexually assaults."
"Men always underestimate the pain their ex-wife wants to inflict the faster you realize you're in a war the better you will fare."
"Life is short, and I don't want to go to... I got no future with this man then why do I feel for him so much even so even... even though he showed me his true colors."
"This war... it feels like he's gonna hurt him more than it's gonna hurt me."
"What's missing is somebody in your life that you deeply care about but at the same time, you don't really feel like it was justified for them to cut you off."
"I do feel a lot of guilt with rehoming them but I do it in the best interest of them."
"The love triangle is all about Kate. It is about Kate being torn between her love for her sister and her love for Anthony."
"It's a thin line between love and hate, Ariel."
"Without internal conflict, your plot is meaningless."
"Blair always punch down. I know the euphoria you get in between the fucking crying sessions because you know you'll never be a real woman in your worldview makes it all valid."
"Sorry, sorry, sorry, afraid, afraid, afraid, afraid to be sorry, sorry to be afraid."
"Guys, I love boxing. I feel that I need to make that clear every now and again because every time I speak about boxing I do nothing but dismiss it, disrespect it, and point out all of its faults. But I love it."
"Accepted disgrace in the place of honor and hatred in the place of love."
"I ruined my life for her, and yet I still love her."
"There comes a point where you get sick and tired of not being able to trust up."
"I want you to make up with your dad, but I don't want you to leave either."
"I still say a part of you wishes to renew. I don't think it fully closed."
"I've denied my feelings for you for a long time."
"If their love for each other was indeed true, then she would have considered his feelings."
"Someone wants commitment but at the same time, they're confused about their own manifestation."
"This is you wanting some sort of passionate affair with them and right now you're not happy in your situation."
"Why am I so angry about it? I mean, it's a huge accomplishment, right?"
"Tom had an outburst where he accused the vati of being jealous."
"Sasuke being unable to bear the thought of losing his family once again, Sasuke ends up using this jutsu."
"I would like to forgive her, but I am still extremely hurt."
"I was supposed not to care, but I really did care."
"Fear and love doesn't belong in the same place so don't let fear get in the way of love."