
Greetings Quotes

There are 1253 quotes

"This one is a little bit casual, in case you couldn't tell, used for close friends, maybe family members if you have kind of a silly relationship with them. Just quick, short, easy to do in a sentence: 'Yo, how's it going?'"
"Nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you too."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening from wherever you are."
"I hope all of you are having an awesome fantastic day."
"Good afternoon, good evening, or good morning, depending on where you are in the world."
"Good afternoon, because it's not yet the evening, and it's not the morning."
"We'll just jump right in then. Hello everyone, how is how are you all doing today? I miss you guys."
"Hi guys, I hope we're all doing great today."
"Hello from Manchester, Tennessee. Love your content. Positive vibes."
"Well, in case I don't see you: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"Good morning world and good morning to your faces."
"Good morning everybody! Good morning, good morning. I don't know what is going on."
"I hope you are having a fantastic day wherever you are."
"It's been an honor to meet you guys. Please be safe out there."
"Hope you're all having a wonderful day. Bye-bye."
"Did you know that Aloha doesn't just mean Hello or goodbye 'it's a greeting or a farewell but the meaning is deeper.'"
"It's been a while, yes, I was on vacations, glad to see everyone here."
"These are some quick responses that you can practice to these common greetings. I hope that it was helpful for you."
"Happy holidays was a welcome addition to Merry Christmas."
"Beautiful morning to y'all. How are you guys all doing? Hope you guys are good, all chilling, having a blessing."
"Bright Suns" and "Til the Spire": Greetings and farewells on Batuu.
"Home is where the heart is, absolutely. Hola familia, saludos."
"Thank you once again, Abhijeet, and Namaskar."
"Hiya! I think it's cute. I love it. I do it all the time now. That's my go-to greeting."
"Sending you all so much love. Good morning, good night, wherever you are."
"I'm sending all my love. I'm sending all my festive spirit. And I shall see you next year. Bye everyone. Merry Christmas!"
"Hello Kevin has become a part of my routine... it makes me smile every time."
"I stopped buying like birthday greeting cards and stuff like that. People just gonna throw this away anyway. Absolutely. You might as well just give the electronic one."
"Learn the delightful phrase: Guys, gals, and non-binary pals."
"Happy holidays, or dare I say merry Christmas."
"I hope you have a good day and I hope you have a good week."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I hope you guys are having a lovely morning off so you know evening whenever you're on the world and I can't wait to speak to you soon."
"Greetings from California, love your channel."
"Happy fourth of July to everyone out there, happy fourth of July everybody."
"Good morning, hope you're having an amazing day." - Mark Wiens
"How's it going is the king of opening liners."
"I hope you're having an absolutely fantastic day today."
"Hope you enjoyed the video hope you're having an amazing day you're gonna have an amazing weekend and and that's all I got bye guys."
"I appreciate the love, how's everyone doing this Saturday?"
"Every time I take it out the ground, all right, you have a good day."
"Good night to those they're gonna sleep and have a great day for those in daytime right now."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening everyone."
"Stay kind, stay beautiful, stay safe, stay spooky, and I will see you very, very soon."
"I hope you all have a lovely Christmas if you celebrate it, and if you don't celebrate it, I hope you have a lovely day!"
"Good morning, good afternoon, good night from the 85 South Show."
"We're gonna be talking about a lot, so happy holidays if you guys are watching this within the next few days."
"Goodnight Indonesia or good morning from Jakarta, god bless."
"What's good Fizz Fam, welcome back to the channel."
"Good evening everyone... I love it I love it I love it."
"Hope you're having a fantastic holiday and you are just like that woman said, Happy New Year guys!"
"Hello Mary, you didn't think I would forget about you, did you? Have a seat."
"Hi, Queen Anna. How are you? Great, actually, never been better."
"I saw every single video macing hello my love's and welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you are new hi hello."
"Good morning all! Love the birthday picture. Happy early birthday to Prince Louis!"
"Hope you are having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, and welcome back to another video."
"What's up Canada, hey Michigan, Oklahoma, Tennessee!"
"Happy holidays! We'll see you guys next week! Bye guys!"
"Let's hope everyone's having an amazing day wherever you are whoever you are."
"What's going on everyone? Welcome back to the verses."
"Are you done saying hello?" "And now at the end of your long journey, you go to reunite with one who is dear."
"Well done and happy holidays, Buster and Robin!"
"Yay! Have a wonderful day or night or evening or afternoon or whatever time it is for you!"
"Very merry Christmas, happy holidays, whatever you celebrate."
"Wow, how long I've been waiting for this. Hello, hello! Is your name JJ? Congratulations!"
"Top of the morning to you, top of the muffin!"
"Good morning, Voltsie, you're looking sharp."
"Oh my gosh, that's wild! What's up, Kayla Miller? How you doing?"
"Hope everyone's having a great weekend or great week depending on when you watch this."
"Happy holidays I hope you have an amazing one much love thrill."
"So, whether or not your world has a day-night cycle — good morning, good afternoon, and get yourself home already!"
"I'm with my family with Mimi and my parents in the back. Hello! Say hi, Dad!"
"Everybody in the comment section, tell Tim and Leilani happy birthday."
"Let's make it over there, oh, Merry Christmas."
"It starts like this yo, what's up, and ends like this peace."
"Hey, good evening everybody. I hope you're having a beautiful evening."
"Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a wonderful day."
"I certainly do hope that you guys are having a fantastic day!"
"I hope you guys are having a lovely morning obviously not evening whatever you're out of the world and I can't wait to speak to you soon."
"Good morning, good evening, afternoon, how's everyone doing?"
"Hey, good morning everybody! Hope you're having a beautiful morning."
"Greetings! A cheerful way to say hello to everybody, though it sounds a little old-fashioned."
"Nice to see you again! Polite and friendly, with a cheerful tone."
"I hope you're having a wonderful day wherever you are."
"Good morning, good day, good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"To those of you catching on replay, good morning, good day, good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you."
"You are so Kelly! Welcome Kelly. Hey, thanks Stephanie. You are so positive."
"I hope you guys are having a lovely day or night wherever you are in the world."
"Good morning everybody, fantastic to see you all again!"
"Hope you guys are all having a fantastic freaking day."
"He just wants to say hi to the camera, look at him smile!"
"Hey guys, I'm gonna leave this pot right here, I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon or evening whatever you're on world and I will speak to you soon."
"Stay happy, stay healthy. I'll see you next time and to all of you, a secular pranam."
"Thank you so much everybody, hello to everybody who is in the chat."
"I wish you a happy holiday and warm season's greetings."
"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas everyone, happy holidays."
"Merry Christmas to you guys, how is everybody's Christmas so far?"
"Hi, how are you feeling today? Yeah? You're good? Good, I'm glad."
"I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and I hope you all have a great New Year's too."
"I'm having a great time, good round, hopefully you all are having a great day."
"Merry Christmas, happy Kwanzaa, and a Happy Hanukkah!"
"Good morning everyone and good evening or afternoon wherever you are from."
"Have a great day and I'll talk to you later."
"I hope you guys are having a good one, whatever you are doing."
"Popcorn connoisseur, and Happy Easter. Happy Passover. Happy Holy Week."
"I hope you're all well out there, staying healthy and having a good time all the time."
"Hope you have a great rest of your day and hope you have a good morning."
"Have a great day you guys, and I'll see you later."
"Have an amazing morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you are."
"Wishing you more health, wealth, and happiness."
"Hey, I hope your day is going well."
"Merry Christmas to your family from ours."
"I hope that you guys are enjoying your holiday season."
"Have an absolutely wonderful day, a happy holidays, a Merry Christmas, a happy festive season, a wonderful December, happy New Year, all that stuff."
"Hope everybody's having a blessed Sunday, enjoy your weekend and enjoy the rest of your night."
"Hopefully you're having a fantastic day."
"I hope you had a Merry Christmas."
"Have yourself a wonderful holiday season."
"I hope you're all having an incredible day."
"It's nice to meet you, my name is Josh."
"Hope you guys are having a great day today."
"Tina said hey Scott can you tell Terry and Steve I said hello."
"Good morning and may it please the court."
"I hope you're all having a fantastic day. I'm still mostly okay and we'll catch you all later."
"Merry Christmas whatever is Happy Hanukkah whatever it is Cate anything Festivus whatever you want to get into you do you happy that and merry that and all that stuff."
"Before I show off this utterly magnificent model, I'd like to say a Merry Christmas to everyone."
"I hope that you guys had a blessed holiday."
"Hope you guys are all happy, healthy, and safe, and yeah, let's get right into it."
"Love your family, by the way. You've got to tell your parents that we said hello."
"Hope everybody out there is fighting fit and well."
"Happy Halloween Michael and Jessica! Hope you had a great week. Love you guys."
"Your sister church here in Babylon sends you greetings."
"I hope you guys have a beautiful and blessed day."
"We hope that y'all have a wonderful week we love y'all and I'll see you really soon with a brand new video."
"Merry Christmas to all happy holiday from all of us at Nick's garage"
"Hey, but I hope you have a good day."
"Hope you're having an amazing new day, an amazing week, an amazing spooky season."
"Hope everybody's having a good week."
"Oh, say hi to Uncle so-and-so, hi Uncle."
"Good morning Merry Christmas everybody, happy Christmas."
"Happy Halloween, boys and girls! Happy Halloween!"
"Merry Christmas guys we'll see you in our next video take care bye"
"Well I hope that you had a wonderful New Year."
"Happy birthday, Kendall. Happy birthday, Sydney. Love all the way from Minnesota."
"Wish you a happy New Year to all of you."
"Mike McIntyre aka Mack Dog in the booth, dogger how are we doing today?"
"Happy New Year to the entire OTS family, especially JD, Jesse, Drew, from Calandra and Raven, their dog."
"Happy New Year, Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, and Merry everybody."
"Happy New Year you idiots," he gave me a casual Psyduck first and then ruffled Daniel's fluffy head of hair.
"Merry Christmas from our family to yours!"
"Nice day, everybody. Enjoy your day."
"Happy wholesaling and I'll talk to you soon."
"Cheers from Ohio first time catching the stream live love you guys."
"I hope you have a great day tomorrow!"
"Merry Merry Christmas, all of you guys. Love you all."
"This is going to drop on Valentine's Day, so obviously Happy Valentine's Day to everyone celebrating!"
"Good morning, morning! How are you doing?"
"When you hear certain people and it's and be nice, it's okay. It's not, you don't always got to be negative. Like, I don't know why it's so hard to be nice sometime. You say good morning to a person, you know, it can offset them."
"Hope you have a wonderful weekend."
"Have a wonderful night, have a wonderful day."
"Greetings from the bathtub is this weird is this slightly weird the like underneath this angle I'm completely entirely naked like you can't see anything so I guess it's not weird but I'm now in the bath oh my gosh it is so nice."
"I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and I will see you very soon in my next video."
"So let's start off by saying Happy New Year!"
"What's good, let's get everybody we are."
"Happy Holidays, happy New Year all that stuff."
"I hope you are having a really wonderful and beautiful day."
"...Merry Christmas to everyone if you celebrate if not I hope you're having a fabulous weekend or day or whenever you see this take care my friends."
"I hope that you have a great day today."
"A Merry Christmas to everybody! Happy New Year to all the world!"
"Big Mike, it's the Big Guy Ryback saying hello. Wanted to personally wish you a happy Australia Day and good luck on your biology!"
"Have a beautiful day wherever you are in the world."
"Happy birthday, Bonzo. Congratulations. Merry Christmas and Finn. Keep killing it, my friend."
"Have a very merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas."
"Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, week, whenever you're watching this."
"Good morning, good evening, good afternoon wherever you are in this world."
"I hope you all are doing amazing and enjoying the fall."
"Wherever you are, whenever you watch this, hope you're having a great day. Peace."
"Happy holidays to everyone who celebrates, and we will see you when we come back in three weeks. Take care."
"Happy New Year! All the kisses, damn!"
"Merry Christmas, John. Your putt's well."
"Mary, merry Christmas, happy holiday, you know what I'm saying? All that good stuff."
"We do handshakes out here different."
"Thank you for coming in. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. We'll chat more. All right. All right. Bye."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night, wherever you are in the world."
"We hope you had a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year."
"Hope you're having a great day and enjoy your weekends!"
"Good morning, good afternoon, a ball game like this."
"I think it's kind of weird to hug when you first meet somebody, unless it's like introducing a significant other to family members or friends. But like a stranger, I don't think so. I think that'd be kind of strange."
"Hello there, Gavin. Um, how was swim today? Was it a great breakfast for you? Thank you. You're welcome. Great job!"
"Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year."
"Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to both of you."
"Good morning, good evening, or good night."
"Have a beautiful and blessed day or evening wherever you are in the world."
"We send blessings to you today wherever you may be logging in from and we say that you are blessed."
"We hope you all have a good day or night depending on where you are."
"Let the festivities begin! Merry Christmas my friends!"
"I just want to say happy new years to all of y'all."
"I hope your day is starting off fantastic."