
Quantum Physics Quotes

There are 606 quotes

"The most valid science on this planet, quantum physics, says consciousness is creating our life experiences."
"Our work can gain general acceptance through understanding quantum physics."
"If you know where an electron is, then you suddenly have no way of knowing which way it's going. That's what Heisenberg is saying to you."
"Particles aren't really what matters at all; it's fields... electrons, quarks, everything are just little ripples moving through these cosmic energy fields."
"Consciousness is creating our life experiences... We are creators. That's quantum physics."
"The true nature of the universe is indeed digital."
"Our world is pixelated and only assumes definite form when observed."
"Physicists don't like things not making sense, and so the interpretations of quantum physics are an attempt by many different physicists to come up with ways of making quantum physics make sense."
"The many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics takes the wavefunction to be physically real and says, if the Schrödinger equation is just a description of reality, what does reality look like?"
"Although we may be suffering for a little while, God is promising us that He will transform our lives into a life of glory that shines brightly."
"Quantum objects can affect one another instantly over huge distances, often called spooky action at a distance."
"Underlying it all is a profound question: Do we live in Einstein's universe of common-sense laws, or a bizarre quantum reality that allows spooky connections across space and time?"
"It's like there's a curtain between us and the quantum world, and behind it, there is no solid reality, just the potential for reality."
"One exciting possibility is that we could somehow artificially manufacture in a lab some strongly interacting quantum system that might have one of these emergent gravity universes."
"String theory and work in quantum gravity more generally is suggesting that spacetime itself is not a fundamental ingredient in the nature of reality."
"So, back in the ‘70s, Jacob Bekenstein, and also Stephen Hawking. They began to apply quantum ideas to black holes, and found a surprising result."
"Entanglement more than anything else is what makes the quantum world different from the classical world."
"Quantum entanglement...particles...still somehow know about each other's existence."
"Quantum tunneling...a quantum entity can somehow punch its way through a barrier."
"For the first time, it has been shown that from nothing but pure quantum fluctuations, one can actually create... macroscopic behavior that we are used to."
"With my studies of quantum physics and my spiritual journey, I realized 95% of our brain's thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, perceptions, and more function like an automatic unconscious computer program."
"Your creative ability is so crucial to those who understand quantum physics because when you begin to create, God has to create or God dies."
"The entire human body exists in the quantum medium."
"The quantum vacuum is a sea of roiling energy having a rich physical structure and governed by physical laws. It is most emphatically not nothing."
"The mystery of what happens when we go from a superposition to a definite state is known as the Measurement Problem, and it’s arguably the most mysterious outstanding problem in physics."
"This is super beautiful solution to the quantum measurement problem and... you can mathematically prove that this works in any case."
"Understanding about quantum information and the universe might help us apply it in some real things that are good for us all."
"So what does it leave? Well, it leaves, since we said there were two possibilities, one was that the photons were communicating with one another instantaneously, and the other is that they had embedded DNA. If we rule out the idea that they have embedded DNA or hidden variables, we are left with the only other conclusion which is that somehow these two particles are in constant communication instantaneously, thus violating the principle of special relativity."
"Newtonian physics is fundamentally unstable... How do we stabilize them? Well, in the quantum principle, we stabilize them in a way that blows people's minds away."
"String theory...manages to join the quantum with space-time."
"Welcome to a new and very strange world of nature; it's been taken over by the weird subatomic particles of quantum physics."
"Even our senses are tuning in to strange quantum vibrations."
"Real quantum effects are going on in nature all the time."
"Quantum physics is all about how we are living in a sea, in a wave of infinite potentialities. At every single moment, you can change your life."
"Quantum physics is the ultimate theory of empathy."
"String theory is... the only thing that so far we found that actually consistently brings the quantum world together with the world of gravity."
"Even the evolution by natural selection and quantum field theory could be interfaces into something that doesn't look anything like we expected."
"Quantum entanglement... means an entangled particle will reflect information about the other particle they're linked with and any action done to these particles will have an immediate effect on the other particles in the entangled system."
"Albert Einstein famously called this effect 'spooky action at a distance,' and it's fair to say that remote viewing is a bit spooky."
"Quantum physics makes some of the most precise estimations we've ever had in science."
"When two qubits become entangled, they no longer have individual independent states. They become two components of one composite irreducible superposition."
"We're now using entanglement as an information resource, a resource that we can use to build computers."
"What if that Photon or particle is making an actual conscious choice because everything is conscious?"
"Quantum physics tells us that on some levels, subjective mind has an effect on the objective world."
"Quantum physics... if you think you understand quantum physics, you don't understand quantum physics."
"The atoms in this table, the electrons, the quarks, the protons – these are all vibrations in fields."
"Reality then is a projection. When you study matter, it's not matter that's emitting a field, it's actually those complex patterns that are creating matter."
"The best way to illustrate quantum coherence is with the good ol’ double-slit experiment."
"From a quantum point of view, we vibrate with a very unique energetic frequency."
"Entanglement means that what happens to one person is reflected in another, regardless of space or time."
"It’s the prediction that Einstein refused to accept - the idea that two quantum systems can be entangled - bound to each other such that they can influence each other instantaneously over any distance."
"Until a Quantum particle is measured, it has no definite values, it only exists in the statistical probability."
"In the quantum world, particles act as statistical probabilities until measured."
"According to the interaction theory, parallel universes overlap and influence our reality, resulting in strange occurrences and miracles."
"The most valid scientist on planet Earth is called quantum physics."
"When there's a vibrational match between your energy and that potential that exists in the quantum field, it's going to find you."
"I'm sure that to you, 'quantum calculations' sound like vewy big words."
"Particles can exist in multiple States simultaneously until they are observed or measured."
"You exist within a Quantum field and as the Observer, you directly affect the way this field behaves."
"The quantum vacuum, despite its name, is not an empty void but rather a dynamic entity in its own right."
"The famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle captures this fundamental uncertainty."
"Superposition refers to the ability of particles to exist in multiple States simultaneously."
"They're using technologies that are interfacing with Quantum thought."
"Anything is possible with quantum manifestation."
"The properties of the quantum vacuum are even more complicated again string theory seems to be the way to approach this."
"If the gravitational field is quantized, then it should be made up of Quant gravity should be mediated by its own Force-carrying particle."
"Detection of the graviton would allow us to confirm gravity's Quantum nature."
"Perhaps the most direct evidence of quantum gravity would be the observation of a graviton."
"Everything that surrounds us ourselves included can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations vibrations and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields Mata is confined energy bound within fields Frozen in a Quantum time."
"Quantum entanglement lies at the heart of quantum computing and enables the development of powerful computational capabilities."
"The observer effect shows when an observer is observing the experiment the behavior of a physical particle changes."
"Nobody has thought of quantum physics as being able to reveal to us how we should live."
"Quantum field theory is the best description of the universe of reality at a deep level that we currently have."
"The universe playing out all these different quantum choices... a whole planet working with Law of Attraction."
"So our Venus, all the planets, all of them are inhabited but they are in the realm of dark matter and dark energy which our quantum physicists are finally learning about."
"Quantum physics and spirituality are on the same level."
"Trust the universe, trust the cause of quantum physics. It will happen."
"With plot twists involving time travel and quantum physics, this supernatural romance drama tells a beautiful story about the lengths to which one can go for love."
"Telepathy, psychic ability, intuition - all traceable to the quantum world."
"In quantum field theory, intuition is built through examples."
"The difficulty in quantum field theory is more at a conceptual level."
"So what I'm proposing that we do is start thinking of quantum stuff not in the way that we usually do within physics but rather expressing it to ourselves and thinking about it in terms of object-oriented programming techniques."
"You cannot walk through the door into the quantum field as a somebody; you must enter as a nobody."
"Quantum effects in electrical metrology: The quantum Hall effect."
"Using quantum properties like superposition and entanglement for new applications."
"Each time a subatomic particle goes through an interaction, a new parallel universe may form."
"Everything is quantum, so everything is a quantum computer."
"The wave function of two electrons is a single function in a higher dimensional space."
"One of the hallmarks of quantum transmissions is that they are exceedingly difficult to eavesdrop on."
"Are all these events connected? Do they hint towards something spiritual or within the realm of quantum physics?"
"Quantum physics be easier than playing Isaac sometimes."
"Quantum entanglement, if I described it to you and didn't tell you it was called quantum entanglement, you'd think I'm talking about voodoo."
"The wave function gets at the probability density, the likelihood that you'll find an electron at a certain location."
"Not everyone's probably aware of Bohm because he's not one of the most famous scientists like Einstein, but he was a very important and influential quantum physicist."
"A quantum world exists whether we look at it or not."
"The answers to these questions lie in the complex behavior of quarks and gluons via the rules of quantum chromodynamics."
"I think souls are like pieces of quantum energy."
"The universe that we know as matter and the quantum field and the consciousness behind it, the two are inseparable."
"His quantum hypothesis would signal the birth of an entire new branch of physics."
"Trump is like a quantum particle in superposition, like Schroedinger's cat."
"The biggest hole in our understanding of reality right now is quantum mechanics."
"Quantum entanglement allows us to carry out teleportation."
"He is recognized as the father of quantum physics."
"The world is not deterministic; we've learned because of quantum mechanics."
"I will tell you what's not a theory... quantum physics... these evil ones think they can avoid Judgment Day..."
"Alternative to Big Pharma based on quantum physics."
"Particles only exist in probability states...understood by super advanced math."
"Biocentrism is the only humanly comprehensible way to explain quantum phenomena."
"The more we understand quantum mechanics, the more we realize we know so little about the universe."
"Instead of the fundamental constituents being little dot particles as we have long thought of them, the new idea is that they're actually little tiny filaments of vibrating energy."
"The results show that while quantum jumps are discrete, they can also be continuous and possess a degree of predictability."
"Quantum mechanics explores the very core of the world in which we live and has the astonishing potential for real-life applications."
"If you want to see fear in a quantum physicist's eyes, just mention the words 'the measurement problem.' The act of measurement or observation creates the entire universe."
"Quantum mechanics is real and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is real."
"Quantum physics is slowly dragging the world of rational science kicking and screaming to the realization that staunch materialism is untenable."
"Every single subatomic particle, photon, and beyond, there is the possibility that everything in this universe is entangled."
"They've actually been able to get a three-way quantum entanglement worked out in the lab."
"Our conscious observation has a direct impact on the universe around us."
"How can we keep having the same circumstances in our life if quantum law works?"
"There's emerging research to suggest that the virtual particles that pop in and out of existence are connected, they're Quantum entangled."
"Our bodies can do amazing things when you think about the quantum weirdness of the universe."
"What quantum physics is basically saying is that your energy or matter, we're all these different things, and it depends on how we're consciously perceiving it."
"15-minute manifestation is based on research from London College University in addition to well established quantum physics facts."
"Should you send the message through empty space, or through a barrier? Can quantum tunneling really speed up the transmission of the information contained in that message?"
"Reality we discover is non-local—every particle in the universe is somehow connected."
"Particles at one end of the universe can communicate with particles at the other end of the universe instantaneously without any signal passing between them."
"We create the reality around us through our conscious observation and the double-slit experiment and quantum physics will back me up on this."
"In the new physics, it's a world filled with relationship and we must remember ourselves in the role we play in constituting reality."
"She's like Schrodinger's cat right now, in a quantum superposition of shooting and not shooting."
"In the quantum realm, when you set up an experiment, you're participating with what's out there."
"It is as if the ancient Eastern concept of Oneness was recognized by our forefathers long before the Arcane physics of quantum mechanics demonstrated its reality."
"The upgrades should give the LHC greater precision and allow for more discovery about particles and Quantum field Theory."
"We are left with both this wonderfully accurate calculational device of quantum diagram diagrams and this somewhat unnatural formalism of quantum field theory."
"I'm sure the answer is quantum physics, and that's what it's going to look like if we could understand it."
"Our frequency defines everything. We can only Quantum entangle with the best possible timeline going forwards."
"Quantum physics shows us a universe that is far more dynamic and interconnected than we could ever imagine."
"Our thoughts and perceptions shape our reality, not just metaphorically but literally in the quantum field."
"If you can control over your wave function, there's a phenomenon called quantum mechanical tunneling that would enable you to go from one position to another instantaneously."
"Gravity induced wave function collapse is giving rise to the building blocks of Consciousness."
"I'm very spiritual so to speak... I see things a little different... I just love quantum physics and how the universe and how matter and everything creates."
"Time isn't linear, so we know time is multi-dimensional... everything's happening right now according to quantum physics and according to our subconscious mind."
"If two particles are entangled, they will act like one particle no matter where they are in the universe."
"The frost ring is in a superposition if you observe it or not."
"Entanglement really forces our entire departure from classical lines of thought."
"The secrets of quantum physics which talks about the story of how scientists tried to build the better light bulb and ended up learning about the secrets of the universe."
"Quantum entanglement is an inseparable combination of two quanta that can exchange information with each other faster than light despite the distance."
"Quantum entanglement occurs when two microscopic particles come together and act as one particle, subject to whatever others or even the universe does around us."
"The most valid science is quantum physics, and principle number one is you're the creator of your life experiences."
"Quantum physics shows that our thoughts and words have a real impact on the world around us."
"Our thoughts and awareness seem to shape this Quantum energy making it turn into things we see and experience in the world around us."
"We're shifting to the solar age where it's possible to think about what's out there, what are the resources in the world of molecules and energy and atoms and quantum physics."
"Practical Quantum living invites us to live in harmony with the quantum field, recognizing that we are expressions of a dynamic interconnected Universe."
"Reality is made of information; the quantum world expresses information which is non-reproducible, therefore knowable only from the inside."
"Some of the recent advancements in quantum physics is exactly what the Eastern Mystics have been saying for thousands of years."
"The more powerful your energy system, the higher the likelihood that you can make that quantum jump."
"Miracles are quantum energy leaps that change coalesced timelines."
"A miracle is literally a quantum leap from this coalesced timeline."
"Miracles are quantum energy leaps."
"When we're truly in the present moment, all possibilities in the quantum field exist in the eternal now."
"But I'm sorry Einstein called entanglement spooky action a distance."
"Quantum jumps are possible through connecting with our higher self and surrendering to receive."
"Entanglement may drive the next technological revolution."
"Sometimes people say but physicists have been looking for this for decades. Well, biology has had millions of years."
"What the frog, the robin, the fruit fly and the tree have shown us is that real quantum effects are going on in nature all the time."
"In quantum physics, one of the tenets is you can never know precisely where anything is. I believe I read that that is quantum physics. You can never know anything about anything."
"I believe that quantum physics could hold many of life's secrets."
"Quantum physics and spirituality are the same because spirituality is in that woo area."
"Now that we're evolving and going into the future, quantum physics is a very good thing to start learning."
"So then in that quantum field, everything's connected, everything's energy, everything's frequency, everything's vibration, everything's consciousness, everything's information."
"The world is actually different, it's quantized."
"What's in front of you is a gift of the quantum field."
"Entanglement is not just interaction, it's a certain kind of interaction where different parts of the quantum wave function of one system interact differently with parts of the quantum wave function of another system."
"When we create in the field in the matrix, either consciously or subconsciously, what we think of as making something happen is better described as us choosing an outcome that already exists in the field of many possible outcomes."
"The nature of the Observer and the nature of what constitutes observation are central, and I believe that general relativity and quantum physics have only touched lightly upon what it means to observe."
"The calculational complexity of following the quantum equations becomes very, very difficult."
"Energy plays a pivotal role in the birth of particles, acting as the catalyst that transforms the potential within quantum fluctuations into the material constituents of the cosmos."
"This process of particle creation from the vacuum, facilitated by the Uncertainty Principle, highlights the principle's crucial role in the dynamics of the quantum world and the fabric of the cosmos."
"Nobody understands quantum physics, then even affirming and celebrating the absurdity of nature."
"The universe could have emerged from a quantum vacuum state."
"Virtual particles embody the idea that the vacuum is filled with potential."
"When something is observed by a conscious observer, it actually turns into a particle."
"Reality comes from bits. It's all bits and fidgets. Quantum bits, yeah."
"Quantum entanglement allows for seemingly instantaneous correlation between particles regardless of the distance between them. While mysterious, it does not violate the laws of nature or causality."
"In the answer, we don't know what time it is. It seems to be coming from quantum entanglement ultimately, but I'll leave it there because that seems to be where we've been pointed by black holes. It's something to do with quantum information."
"Now, we have a quantum system that houses a three-tiered chandelier, held within a cryostat, maintaining a near-perfect vacuum at temperatures colder than deep space."
"It takes almost 100 years from some of the earliest concepts of quantum physics to actually use it for computing."
"It is possible for something to be very spread out before it's measured and then when it is measured, it collapses to a single spot."
"Turns out black holes have an interesting quantum phenomenon going on at the very edge of a black hole's Event Horizon."
"Our discussions are filled with excitement and wonder as we delve into the realm of quantum physics, multi-dimensional realities, and the interconnectedness of all things."
"Our minds exist in a Quantum Universe, a multi-dimensional matrix far beyond the simple zeros and ones of the AI world."
"Both the secret for manifesting what you desire into your life and the mysteries of quantum physics are partially revealed."
"But according to the quantum reality, it's not that you can't change the future, it's that you will change the course of the future according to how you vibrate."
"To Quantum jump is to choose to teleport your Consciousness into a new state of being."
"So, why is it that on the quantum level, information seems to be doing just this?"
"The universe is structurally like a language unconscious the universe is structurally like a language so I quote you and I quote some Quantum physicists."
"When things get small, things get weird, and if you’re looking for a creative and interactive way to learn about the topic, there’s an excellent course on Quantum Objects over at Brilliant."
"It's like Schroedinger's cat, you know? It's not alive or dead, but it's some state in between."
"Quantum statistics treats elementary particles of the same kind as indiscernible and essentially fused within a larger system."
"Is the Quantum vacuum where everything begins? Maybe. And there are scientists and Consciousness studies who believe that. But we wanted to know, is there another possibility here?"
"In the quantum World subatomic particles are allowed to exist in any number of possible states of location velocity and spin or superpositions."