
Chronic Illness Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"You've got to start with the gut. Whether it's migraines, depression, diabetes, or obesity, most of our chronic illnesses start in the gut."
"Your day job is about a subject that is really close to my heart, immunology...I don't think people realize that, pretty much every chronic long-term health complaint, condition that we have, in many ways the immune system plays a central role."
"Someone with severe eczema... they just want to feel normal."
"By watching, you are helping me reach my goal of spreading awareness for chronic illnesses and service dogs alike."
"I can definitely help people with mild depression, anxiety, or burnout, but I'm treating patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, people who are chronically disabled."
"If you're struggling with chronic illness, I do encourage everyone to work with a doctor and have a relationship with a doctor."
"Getting long COVID and doing a lot about it opened my eyes to the suffering of people with other chronic illnesses... very much under-researched, poorly understood for decades."
"We're all worthy of love and worthy of joy and worthy of connection, and that doesn't stop with a dementia diagnosis or with a chronic illness."
"Yar Alekov: Living with Ellers-Danlos, embracing life."
"Chronic illness is any symptom or condition that isn't helping you, that is hurting you in some way."
"Knowing that someone with Hidradenitis Suppurativa you are at risk for depression, anxiety, mood disorders, please make sure that you are at least aware tapped into the mental health services in your area."
"if you can restore blood flow or maintain blood flow then you know a lot of times you don't get this chronic dysfunction that leads to chronic disease"
"For decades the causes of this peculiar chronic illness baffled and divided scientists."
"Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent illness."
"Berries are essential for healing neurological diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure."
"My life does not end with this diagnosis. No, and I will not be stigmatized."
"Some of the biggest COVID-19 risk factors are obesity, heart disease, asthma, and other chronic illness."
"Whether you're dealing with fibro or another chronic disease that you are not alone there are so many people that you may see online that you think live such normal lives and don't deal with things behind the camera but they do."
"I hope that whatever you're going through that you can find some sort of comfort and even if you don't find immediate comfort that you know that you are not alone in that the more you talk about it."
"It is still possible to lead a meaningful life while I'm having these side effects of the medications."
"This has been the 10 years struggle with Lyme disease boom compacted into three months."
"Chronic disease occurs when you don't have enough voltage to make new cells."
"I connected the dots and realized I could reverse high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity by eating differently."
"In 1625 James dies. He's been ailing for quite a long time, he chronically unwell because of the way in which he serve wastes away."
"Type 2 diabetes is chronic and progressive... It's gone."
"A disease that can be put into reverse, that's what we should be doing."
"Chronic illness is growing at an all-time high. Science and research can't keep up with it."
"Humanity's problems are 90% chronic. We need to look for the root cause."
"Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes - all can be reversed."
"Levongo is a telehealth company that helps people with chronic illnesses, primarily diabetes and hypertension."
"Once these blood vessel branches are produced, they cannot go away."
"Joint pain would be handled by it, this cycle of inflammation and chronic disease would be broken in general by it, so I think it is interesting to consider LDN after every COVID or in the beginning of any chronic disease."
"Autoimmune disease is a tough thing and it's becoming more and more frequent."
"There's no cure for it and you don't end up taking the right units of insulin today, tomorrow you're not waking up."
"Before I leave this family, I want to shed some information that allows them to accept that diabetes is a medical condition that they will live alongside."
"Acceptance is the key when you are going through a dreadful disease."
"In many cases the symptoms could be persistent and extremely debilitating."
"Reduce negativity of thought. You can live a full life with osteoporosis."
"Her body was failing but her eyes were like reminding like this is my wife."
"Living with long covid in America is lonely, devastating, and still resilient."
"A world with a cure or treatment for EB would mean I wouldn't have to worry about wound care supplies and I would be able to walk on my feet pain-free."
"Long Covid, a lot of people contact me and say we feel abandoned."
"It's always so inspiring to hear how someone can turn something so terrible, which is chronic illness into a life's work."
"Treatment of chronic diseases with diet and lifestyle medicine cannot possibly fail."
"Treatments can alleviate symptoms, but no cure yet."
"People with thyroid cancer sometimes live forever, dealing with the cancer but not dying from it."
"Everyone has it. It's an awful thing that I wouldn't wish on anyone."
"I don't want Crohn's disease anymore. I thought it was just you shed a little bit and eat lots of nachos."
"I like to just vintage mainly because it makes me happy. I'm chronically ill and I work from home so I stay home a lot but dressing up makes me happy and gives me energy."
"I am sick every day, whether it be super sick or a little sick. I don't feel 100 every day."
"Chronic illness, fibromyalgia, pain, blindness, deafness, come out now in the name of Jesus!"
"Chronic infections of HBV and HCV can lead to fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma."
"This disease has completely consumed my life; I can’t brush my hair or my teeth, eat, sleep, stand in the wind, or touch my face without feeling like I’m being electrocuted across my face."
"I think that we have to keep an open mind about treating the disease of obesity just like we look at other chronic diseases."
"Extend Grace to yourself to understand that this is a disease."
"The medicalization of chronic disease has been an utter failure."
"You have to plan for there never being a cure."
"JJ never wants anyone to think that cystic fibrosis absolutely defines him."
"Life expectancy stalled since 2010, chronic diseases on the rise."
"Between six to nine million patients may be suffering from long covet in the U.S. right now."
"Severe patients: 87.4 percent still had some sort of symptoms after 60.3 days to more than two months."
"If it turns out that mast cells are chronically active in long COVID, it’s possible that therapies aiming to bring them back under control could reduce or even eliminate long COVID symptoms."
"But if the parallels to CFS/ME and fibro hold, it could be that long COVID might finally help bring an end to the stigma around these diagnoses."
"All the diseases of chronic illness are really related to inflammation."
"In chronic fatiguing illnesses...a toxin can cause replacement or elimination."
"Improving kidney function is like driving with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator."
"Autoimmune disease also does not happen overnight. It is a process. It's the end stage on a Continuum."
"Teenage girls have invisible illnesses and call themselves 'spoonies'."
"And the relative lack of options once you actually have one of these chronic diseases that has set in."
"Untreated bipolar disorder gets worse over time. I can't remember a single time where quitting meds made my life any better."
"The whole idea of type 2 diabetes is that it's a dietary disease."
"The most significant dynamic emotionally in healing chronic physical illness is reconnecting with yourself and gaining agency."
"May is Lyme disease awareness month and I'm going to get choked up because this is year 10 of me having it."
"Autoimmune disease is the number one cause of chronic disease."
"A parent's love knows no bounds, especially when a child is diagnosed with a deadly disease."
"That's when I started really looking into weight loss obesity type 2 diabetes and really realizing that a lot of what we get taught is not actually true."
"The Gerson Therapy cures cancer as well as almost every other chronic degenerative disease."
"If ever you have a cat with chronic kidney disease... find something they will eat."
"People think that your depression or your bipolar is just a phase and that it will go away or that it can be cured, even though you've explained so many times that this is a chronic illness."
"Autoimmune disease is an equal opportunity Destroyer."
"Please, you can have long covid, you can have chronic Lyme, you can have mononucleosis... but what nobody acknowledges in all of these disease processes is the psychological, perhaps a spiritual trauma."
"It takes about 30 days to heal ulcerative colitis, about 30 days to reverse diabetes type 2."
"If you're struggling with chronic illness, you don't have a bad gene, you have a bad doctor."
"Fire your medical doctor... they've got nothing for you when it comes to chronic disease."
"Ulcerative colitis is brutal... you don't know what it's like to be sick unless you've been there."
"Addiction is a primary chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry."
"Being chronically ill resolutions and goals are hard."
"The spoon theory is a shorthand term for limited energy or increased difficulty that comes with certain tasks that come with a disability or chronic illness."
"Diabetes and cancer and heart disease and autoimmunity..."
"Stress is a killer... causes a whole range of chronic health problems."
"When I hear that word diabetes, it is a scary word."
"Depression isn't temporary, there is no cure."
"Interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, and NF Capa B contribute to chronic inflammation and tissue damage observed in autoimmune diseases."
"One of the things that we've done in modern medicine is we've gotten very good at keeping people alive with one two three four age-related diseases but living that way is very different than living without any age-related diseases."
"This is a rare complication of Crohn's. Most people don't have this complication, but unfortunately it was the perfect storm."
"Understanding the later stages of the disease also helps when planning for lifestyle changes, new equipment, and other items that may be needed."
"Obesity is linked to more than 60 chronic diseases, and it's becoming an epidemic worldwide."
"Something's wrong with how we're treating these chronic... health conditions."
"Well, she still has asthma with her as asthma didn't die to Hedonist Can and now my Duke can help take care of his daughter so that's good for, I guess, both."
"When you collaborate, you get national pharmacare, you get the ability to say to those that have diabetes that you've got your back."
"Aspirin is also a really good indication for individuals with chronic coronary artery disease."
"I do have an appreciation for how important some of the little things in life can be, especially when you have a chronic illness."
"Dry eye disease... becomes more than just an initial episode, this becomes a chronic problem something that's lasting weeks, months, years, and beyond."
"It takes about two years for you to feel comfortable in your own skin with this disease."
"IBS is often lifelong. This is not something that you can just cure with antibiotics or something like that, but it's something that you can manage."
"MS is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system."
"It's 24 hours since I saw you last. I've not been well over the last 24 hours; my chronic fatigue syndrome has come back with a bit of a bang."
"It is a real condition that affects so many people and it's so hard to live with."
"The struggle of not being believed, fibromyalgia and many other chronic illnesses are invisible illnesses."
"Live life, even with a chronic health condition. You're allowed to have fun and laugh."
"Spoon theory helps you visualize the energy you have for a particular day."
"If you are struggling with chronic illness disability, I don't think the world knows how tough these folks are."
"Paul Garner's favorite: positive thinking. It's very easy to get stuck in negative feedback loops when you're suffering with chronic illness."
"We shouldn't take any one person as the rule of how one lives with chronic illness, right? We're all individuals."
"GERD is both an interesting condition with some real conundrums in terms of treatment and an example of how we tend to treat chronic disease."
"So how aware is the medical community and the patience about chronic Lyme? Is this a disease and the symptoms that usually get missed or misdiagnosed? Yeah, absolutely."
"In the end, the tortoise always wins, and that's how I see myself going through life with RA."
"I'm Hannah and I am celebrating ten years of living with a chronic blood cancer."
"I know that this is yellow and it's chronic, so I'm not confused about the fact that I might get a two or three year remission out of this. I don't confuse that with a cure."
"Chronic illness is something that is just now a part of my life but I want to end this on a positive note."
"I think we all kind of learn this with ME/CFS, like we can't be perfectionists, right? Like, some of us, I mean, I was lucky if I could just take a shower some days."
"No matter how sick you are no matter where you are in chronic illness that you can actually find root cause healing and you can heal."
"Chronic illness, while somebody can appear healthy and great and just doing awesome things, there is a serious side to it."
"We need the stigma of when you go to a doctor and they don't know what's wrong with you we need that to be gone we need like the phys the future doctors medical students now to be taught about this illness."
"POTS is an invisible disability that impacts every area of life."
"You're not doing anything wrong. You're doing a lot more than you probably should be doing as someone dealing with the chronic health conditions you are."
"A smart goal is realistic. Making a goal to slash your monthly medication bill when you're managing severe chronic illnesses is asking for failure."
"I think being a patient, especially with a chronic illness, something you'll have the rest of your life, you really have to be realistic."
"Diabetes isn't something I will ever get a break from. It is a 24/7 job that I'm going to have to manage and deal with constantly."
"Pacing offers a person with chronic illness an opportunity to control the effects of their illness."
"If you're dealing with similar issues and you have chronic eczema, I really want you to take hope from this video."
"As someone else with chronic illness I'm always really inspired when someone openly makes a choice to take care of themselves and give others permission to do the same."
"It's very disheartening to give up, it's such a — it's like who gets up first, you or the chronic illness?"
"Don't give up because chronic illness sucks."
"Dealing with chronic illness? You're a warrior, but for PIP, you need to be blunt about how your life is impacted."
"Chronically ill people downplay their illnesses so much."
"What's fascinating is there is a population of our community that actually struggles from chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic inflammatory response syndrome."
"You know how it is with autoimmune disorders you know I stay I stay in pain but you know I keep dealing with it doctor told me he said you look better in person than you do on paper well thank you I appreciate it."
"Telling someone that the way they're dealing with a chronic illness is wrong is deeply problematic."
"We have to treat addiction as a chronic illness. Just like diabetes, you wouldn't deny medication to someone with uncontrolled diabetes, so why would we treat an addiction patient differently?"
"Living with chronic cancer is like the feeling of just being so desperately in love with the world and not wanting to miss it."
"Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body."
"Like when you are dealing with something chronically and constantly, if you have a good day, you're going to notice."
"Epilepsy, a brain disorder that causes chronic seizures."
"Parents of chronically ill children are dogged advocates for extensive diagnostic tests."
"People with HIV can also get everything else that anybody else can get - so the same illnesses that cause disease in HIV uninfected can also cause disease in HIV infected people."
"Symptoms can include long term pain, chronic fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, and digestive disorders."
"Giving patients a chance to feel better sooner by approving carvi usage rather than waiting until after four lines of therapy, this is a difficult disease to battle and giving patients a chance to stop treatment sooner rather than later would mean a better quality of life."
"You're not only saving your heart, but you're eliminating chronic illness."
"Multiple sclerosis is now a companion that I get to take care of."
"It's the emotional aspect of dealing with the disease, there's no cure, so you have to battle it and the battle is um wearing and difficult and at times harrowing."
"This is really important going forward... we have entered the era of treatable neurodegenerative illness and treatable chronic illness."
"Living with a chronic condition is so hard and overwhelming."
"Living with type 1 diabetes is one of the most challenging things I've ever had to face."
"Chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and colitis."
"I do light-hearted content all about my life with chronic illness and disability."
"This is a disease you'll have to live with... but it's important that you continue living your life and not letting the disease rule your life."
"It's chronic inflammation that can lead to long-term health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and even obesity."
"Eating a healthy diet is very important for any chronic diseases."
"We respond to substance use like we respond to other chronic diseases."
"We've changed HIV from a death sentence into a chronic condition."
"Medication to help patients with chronic diseases should be prioritized."
"Let's get into this first case, a reason for visit: six-month follow-up visit for coronary artery disease."
"People with lifelong illnesses should not be subject to regular reviews for eligibility."
"It's a huge positive that can be managed."
"There is support to make sure that your lifestyle isn't terrible."
"I also have thyroid disease, I also have a chronic Epstein-Barr infection that has been active for like six years, it's ongoing, it's bad."
"We can treat a whole host of chronic diseases that are in origin inflammatory, including all the brain diseases."
"Living life with fibromyalgia would be like constantly having the flu."
"I am the founder of Chronic Creatives, a platform dedicated to supporting artists who are chronically ill or disabled."
"Processed foods are probably the major driver of chronic illness in humans."
"Most of us agree that 'processed foods' are probably the major driver of chronic illness in humans."
"I am living a perfectly delightful life, and my health is as great as it can be given my incurable genetic conditions."
"The problem with healthcare is that 95% of costs are interventions on people that are sick."
"Planes, Trains, and Autoimmune Disease."
"For anybody who's actively struggling with lupus or chronic illness who needs financial help, my nonprofit NeverStop will be in the description below."
"Eating well in chronic kidney disease is very important for many reasons."
"Mental health was a big factor for me... dealing with a chronic illness can really get to you and staying positive and hopeful really has a great effect on your healing overall."
"You want to control the cause, the diabetes, the hypertension."
"You would think that these people with this horrendous disease would just give up, but they learn how to live with it, not how to die from it."
"Afib is a progressive disease; it requires an integrative holistic approach."
"Chronic illness is a pretty big umbrella, and it would be impossible to list them all."
"There are a lot of chronic illnesses that are unlikely to take your life but incredibly likely to take you away from the life you love."
"The most powerful thing that you can do for a patient who might be chronically ill is to believe them."
"How do you plan for a chronically ill child?"
"Once type 1 diabetes has arisen, it never goes away; people have got it for life."
"The benefits that people get when being healthy to being chronically ill is just amazing."
"It's how people and their partners and other people in their world cope, deal with, respond, and live with a chronic disease like diabetes."
"Uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes are the major risk factors for chronic kidney disease."
"Gastroparesis is generally marked by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, GERD or acid reflux, feeling full after only a few bites, bloating, distension, and sometimes excruciating stomach and abdominal pain."
"ME/CFS is an illness that dramatically impairs people's ability to function."
"The key to management of ME/CFS is to understand these limitations and learn to effectively pace all activity."
"This avalanche of toxins entering our bodies can be a cause for a lot of chronic diseases."
"Living with Type 1, every day you're learning something new, you're troubleshooting, it's always like a constant figuring things out."
"Children with toxic stress in early life become adults with double the burden of chronic illness or more; that's nature's rule."
"Palliative care is a treatment to manage pain, symptoms, and side effects of chronic illness."
"Dementia is generally chronic or progressive in nature and entails a deterioration of cognitive function beyond normal aging."
"Frank's battle with Crohn's disease became an integral subplot, offering viewers a window into the challenges faced by those with chronic conditions."
"Autoimmune disease is one of the top cost drivers because the medications are so expensive."
"Let's not make this a disease of isolation simply because of what I have left."