
Visual Storytelling Quotes

There are 668 quotes

"Who doesn't like a supreme court brief with pictures and an art project in it?"
"I love the out-of-focus stuff in the background because you can see the walkway, but our focus is right here on this person."
"And I think just culminating in that final shot, that wide shot of her hanging in the tree there, like that is so creepy and it'll always disturb me."
"You can compress some really complex things into short videos if you know how to do the visuals right."
"Every frame a painting" means that whenever you pause a movie, that paused frame should be visually impressive enough to be hung up on a wall as a painting.
"If any movie truly is worthy of the phrase 'every frame a painting', there's a good chance that it's this one."
"The real framing method that separates good visual movies from visual masterpieces is when you not only use the background to make your foreground shot look cooler but when you also use the background to boost the emotional impact that you want your foreground to evoke."
"The visual design of the game's cut scenes is extremely good, striking you actually want to see them continue to interact with one another."
"Greg Fraser's cinematography is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Shinji's character introduction to be one of the most visually iconic scenes within the entirety of the Bleach manga."
"His last look at Ichigo through dying eyes, drawn amazingly in the manga and adapted fantastically in the anime."
"Visual storytelling can help you feel grounded in an image."
"We arrange elements in a pleasing manner because we want to tell the viewer where to look."
"It's a nice bit of visual storytelling revealing how you always carry old loves in your heart."
"It's always overcast. The shots are so tight on the characters. There's never a wide shot."
"Kyoto Animation's method of visual storytelling gives its shows a level of realistic depth and characterization rarely seen but far more memorable."
"Every movie needs a beautiful, awe-inspiring scene of characters in love with each other, flying."
"Knowing how to use, combine, and compose various elements in an image should enable you to create a picture that tells a story with substance."
"Lens selection plays a key role in how you compose your photograph."
"The show has exceeded my wildest expectations; it's beautiful, the story is beautiful, it's visually just breathtaking."
"In visual storytelling, you are providing the plot that will allow your characters... to take this journey and demonstrate who they are."
"The first 10 minutes of this movie is some of the best visual storytelling ever brought to the screen."
"In Japanese Cinema, the visual tensions create a profound experience."
"Dramatic tension is spent in Silent Hill 1. There's no tension release, no noise, no moment of 'it's gone now.' It's always there."
"Portable Ops makes up for its gameplay faults with a compelling story and beautifully drawn Shinkawa-style comic book cutscenes."
"No matter what kind of cool external events and set pieces you add in, unless they've been established to advance what we're doing, it'll all just feel like pointless visual noise."
"The presentation of the story is absolutely spectacular."
"The animation team sure went out of their way to make this look amazing."
"Every scene is brimming with space-personality, mystery, colors, and that constant sense of momentum to the story."
"When you're physically engaging with whatever you're photographing, be conscious of what's going in the frame, because that's the information that winds up ultimately getting conveyed."
"Indiana Autumn though the Underground Railroad makes for a difficult watch it's not without its brief splashes of beauty and peace..."
"Quick flask shot and a glance at an overdue bill give you 80% of this character's backstory in one five-second shot."
"It's visually stunning, but not only. So we were also able to make the gameplay evolve with the AI, the story, the quests, etcetera." - Ubisoft Creative Director
"The split-screen montage towards the start of the Opie shows all of the nonsense going on in the park simultaneously."
"This more than like the action scenes also really establishes this really dark tone like we get a shot really quickly here of the red Rangers leg being totally cyborg."
"This battle had everything: amazing visuals, thematic depth, and a satisfying expansion of the series' biggest rivalry."
"The heartbroken expression on Wanda’s face could say just as much as a line of dialogue."
"These books, which are primarily visual, had the opportunity to show, rather than tell."
"Whether it's the sight of a skeletal bear or a man turned into a fungus, 'Annihilation' is a movie that sticks in your mind."
"Oblivion has some incredible visuals and a pretty decent story. Now, the story itself I felt like ended up falling a little bit flat. It wasn't quite as epic and grand as I was hoping."
"The Evangelion Rebuild films show us something harrowingly new: visual styles totally unknown to anime and a world that might not even register as part of Evangelion if those child characters weren't still running around within it."
"I start with the beginning and the end visually."
"That one shot... iconic shot from the comics... a thing of beauty."
"This show is a thrilling ride I enjoyed binging it so much it has a really intriguing mystery fantastic World building a great visual identity and most of all it has a really good protagonist."
"The Sprite work goes beyond just combat it's little things like details and cutscenes."
"Dragon fights, arrows, swords. It's cool for a little while, but it's become the crux of the show when the character development isn't working."
"Every single frame is redrawn... unbelievable animation quality."
"If you ran the movie without sound the clothes would tell you the story."
"Everything about his appearance embodies his environment and his role so well, it is a fantastic design."
"It leaves the mystery element intact and breaks up the visuals in a stimulating neon approach."
"The shoes showcase McQueen's paint job at the end of Cars 3, inspired by Doc Hudson, the legendary racer who trained McQueen."
"I'm deliberately writing words that force people to look at the pictures because if I write a story that makes sense just if you read the words then why would anyone look at the pictures?"
"Once it has begun, this kind of industry trend... can rapidly evolve into something unexpected and massively predatory."
"For the father in that moment to tell him to let it go, it was just so meaningful and also visually very well shot."
"It wows with its visuals, worlds, and concepts, entertains us with larger-than-life characters and thrilling action, while also giving us richer themes to analyze in our minds long after the film has finished."
"Throughout the series we see visuals all about earning money."
"Legend is unquestionably beautiful to watch, absolutely brimming with elegantly realized worlds, costumes, and creatures."
"The cutscenes in this game are gorgeous and tell a story of a losing battle."
"Climbing the tree using chakra is a really fun and visually interesting idea for the premise of a chapter."
"I kind of believe in the power of a sequence of photos even if one photo doesn't reveal all that much having a long sequence of similar photos again and again shows you kind of the arc of time."
"The imagery and just the bizarreness of this journey is perhaps not for everyone, but I did honestly really like it."
"No matter what the camera is focusing on in a Snyder movie, the subject is being glorified, demonized, or fetishized."
"Metro Exodus is a brilliant experience because it showcases fauré's ability to expand that world not just visually but mechanically and thematically."
"If it's important to this character that they're outgoing, you should show that through visual design."
"Try different poses and try different silhouettes."
"Reading web comics is like seeing the show in your head."
"Advent Rising’s story is, in a nutshell, the interstellar conflict and space magic of Mass Effect merged with the colorful animated look and heart of a Pixar movie."
"It's a story told in nuanced visual choices, mood, and subtle story details."
"I want it back, gotta where Ragnarok has got some of the most effective visual storytelling I've seen of late."
"They really seem to have nailed the setting of this really really well."
"The continued popularity of visual albums and longform music videos has resurrected the Best Longform Video category in the VMAs."
"The Disney Renaissance... became the visual storybook for the childhood of millions."
"In a panel that has both a foreground and a background, maintain visual clarity between the two."
"Visual conflict where the image itself pulls you into two competing directions."
"I feel like nearly all the shots in the movie kind of look like masterpieces in their own right."
"It feels like the most cinematic any of the Star Wars shows have been."
"The shots play into the uneasiness creating the sense of tension and paranoia."
"It's deep and complex but it's still gadgets and costumes..."
"Shots like this with Paddington backlit by the doorway behind him make this so much more than just a kids movie."
"Ultra Instinct was communicated visually in amazing ways."
"It's pretty easy to see why this fight has some breathtaking set pieces and phenomenal choreography."
"This game is looking like it's going to have pretty damn good cinematography."
"Mihoyo is outdoing themselves with these cutscenes."
"It was all powered by Stephen Gammell's ghastly illustrations, which were nightmarishly unforgettable."
"It was just an absolute treat to see something so well edited."
"This is wild just endless so well done i love that we're only just seeing brief glimpses that makes it even more terrifying."
"Strange's journey through the multiverse is a psychedelic acid trip."
"Set in the near future, Dislike is a visually stunning story of heroes that offers a smooth gameplay experience."
"The visuals captured the look and feel of the movie in every way."
"Show don't tell is a great rule of thumb when it comes to making movies."
"The real art of photography... is to learn composition and lighting and posing an expression storytelling."
"Every Frame a Masterpiece: Spider-Verse series deserves every ounce of praise. A visual marvel indeed!"
"I feel like a lot of the things that you're seeing, obviously because there's a lot of moments, there's a lot of constant moving."
"Visual storytelling is such an exciting part of environment art."
"In our history like Katherine are incredibly important as well as photos like these because they show when people were literally trying to drag her down she just kept on running."
"Some of the best cutscenes, depictions, and acting I've ever seen."
"This is the best realization of what it's like to read a comic book we've ever seen."
"In just one visual image, we get the sense that the Empire has a firm grip over the rebels."
"James Cameron knows when to show off visually."
"I love this homage to the Mario levels... so much familiar imagery and iconography."
"The cinematography in this film was unbelievable."
"The last hour plus of this thing is just so incredible... just breathtaking in scope."
"The cinematography was great... The Godfather was out on the street and he got killed I loved that whole visual of it."
"It's so visually atmospheric, haunting, with such gorgeous prose."
"Every little detail is setting up this character through a visual medium."
"Dripping with style, unpacked with blisteringly cool fight scenes..."
"Wanda appears to be in control as she simply says no and rewinds the footage to their previous moments at home, updating the entire show into glorious technicolor."
"Visually, this may be the greatest arc in one piece."
"Creatively, visually, stylistically, Hoecake Island was some of the best this series has to offer."
"Hirata Estate: The beautiful but depressing landscapes range from dark and gloomy to burning husks."
"I watch a teaser to be like okay this is the feel the tone right look the lighting there's a three sequential shots as one is they're all silhouettes is a red lit one a yellow lit one, blue lit one I was like thank you thank you I'm done I'm good."
"Every shot I love, all the scene transitions, just to describe one quick, and when they're on the battlefield and in transition to the scene with the first dragon fight, beautiful shot."
"One of the absolute most unique scenes in Aquaman was the trench."
"Both beauty and darkness exist within the story, and we are shown both of them so amazingly drawn by Miura."
"Elden Ring is so full of really visually striking and unique moments that are completely missable."
"The t'challa killmonger fight on the waterfall... literally a critical moment not just in the movie but in the MCU."
"The z-axis use in the scaffolding fight in Shang-Chi is absolutely genius."
"It's one thing to get a really cool pretty shot, but it's a whole 'nother thing to be able to get the shots required to create into a story."
"Persona 5 is a celebration of the series and its history. It's a powerful thing to convey visually and to experience as someone who played the games from start to finish."
"Studio Ghibli: Where every frame is a work of art."
"It's the little details that really start to stand out the most."
"Every frame of across the spider-verse was literally a painting."
"This is very imaginative and visually charged."
"Indeed, a big part of including wide and tall shots is in designing a world that is governed by a higher power, a constant reminder of our insignificance and lack of control."
"The cinematography is atmospheric and evocative, capturing moments of vulnerability and emotion to great effect."
"Despite these surreal visuals and catchy music, Claire's story is an all-too-familiar experience for many people... Opal is a tragic story about the reality of family trauma and escapism."
"I'm wrestling with this because as much as I feel like a lot of the flaws of Batman vs Superman Dule was Zack Snyder and how he directed the movie I still really like him as a visionary like what he visually puts on screen so much."
"There is a shot in this film that is so beautiful and immaculate it made everybody in my audience including myself gasp at its wonderment."
"When you complete all the objectives, see the beautiful detailed game world in the process, and you get this kind of final cutscene, it's the kind of sensation that no cliched Hollywood star movie clip can compare to."
"The character animation can be awkward and the scenes can move slowly,"
"That's true. Creepy or not, almost all of the narrative is done through visuals, and I'd really give an animation credit for that."
"Every single shot looks like one massive story."
"The cinematics is what really made these games."
"The movie itself is beautifully done... it's necessary to watch."
"A frame of film is often more than just the sum of the objects within it."
"A pretty effective visual feast for something that's not a finale."
"The actual camera work itself is really good, framing the action in an interesting way, much better than the usual rigid isometric camera."
"Storm Hawks does an amazing job at showing off the world they have built."
"I definitely feel like the scenes in cars have a bit more oomph and memorability to them."
"Establishing that internal struggle through external signs so quickly and relatably showcases the drama at the heart of Peter's story."
"The visuals should be inspired by the story."
"We wanted to have a variety of angles throughout that to suggest that she could be being watched from any corner of that space."
"The Northman is a Norse myth tale that is just full of rage and anger and yet it is gorgeous."
"John Wick Chapter 4 is an action masterpiece, discussing how particular scenes drive the storytelling through visual filmmaking."
"It's the best action movie since 2015's Mad Max Fury Road, telling its story and high-octane sequences through perfected visual cinematography."
"Close-ups are a very powerful tool and you must use them very selectively."
"Unreal's exceptional bokeh depth of field also works in tandem with the dynamic camera to create something rather impressive."
"This is what it's like seeing a genius visual Storyteller at work."
"Watch the original back to back with this new version to see how important the visual language of film is."
"When I think about this year's superhero movies, my mind flashes to that forest scene."
"Dude, this music is so good. I love it. This is a pretty good cutscene now, we'll give them that."
"From above, it's clear to see that there's a heart carved right into the spawn location."
"The reboot is brilliant with their transformations, they're beautifully animated and show the personality and abilities of the aliens through very visually creative means."
"The aesthetic of Ping Pong is really smart and brings everything to life a little bit more than other shows."
"Action without dramatic purpose is just visual noise."
"The Grand Budapest Hotel...it's hard not to have a good time with this movie it has a lot of colors a great cast of characters a really engaging plot beautiful set pieces basically it has it all."
"The shots told stories, they also made comments... they had purpose, they had beauty, they had a soul."
"Elevates visual reading to a completely different level."
"Stand out in the wild area, I guess I'm okay."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"This movie has spent its entire first 20 minutes on introducing characters with these insane montages."
"Nomadland's dawn and dusk lensing just accentuates everything on display and at the moment, this seems like a two-horse race between Nomadland and Mank."
"Matthew Vaughn, great director visually he's gonna be able to pull this off."
"It's not only what's in your frame but also what's not in your frame."
"The way that Rico's first encounter with the split jaw is presented is another example of the series' striking visual presentation."
"I thought that this show was absolutely stunning both in the writing and the filmmaking."
"This film captured that perfectly just like Frank Miller did in his Dark Knight books."
"I was on the edge of my seat I was smiling I was crying yes there I saw an article online Cindy Kevin Smith cried at last Jedi he did many times I was thrilled I had to lay back seat and I had to keep bringing a farm."
"Physical visual storytelling is important, Yukiyatsu's closed eyes signify peace."
"Creating a more cinematic look is about adding mood and drama."
"Under the Skin is weird and bizarre, but beautifully filmed; it's going in horrifyingly beautiful."
"It's called visual subtext, you know, in filmmaking terms."
"In the scene where Gwen Stacy is looking at the photographs of Kingpin and his allies."
"It's like the creation of nemesis, and it shows like this time lapse of making him. That'll be really cool!"
"I think this has the best in-game cinematics cutscenes one thousand percent sure it's film like right."
"It's almost more exciting than if they did the hero shot."
"It blends Nolan's best traits into one which are his ability to tell stories cinematically in a unique way and his way of creating a visually immersive experience."
"A fun collection of beautifully animated scenes."
"It's surprisingly heavy on atmosphere and even manages to get in a few laughs here and there."
"The 2012 movie trilogy, called the Golden Age arc trilogy, adapts the same arc from the 1997 anime."
"The animation is at a much higher budget and there were a lot of great moments and shots told through the story visually."
"The benefit of this verticality is that it allows you to see all the way into the distance. Look at that, it's beautiful, seeing Cortex's castle in the background creates a sense of continuity and adventure."
"It's a kind of filmmaker's language for a strong bow is being drawn."
"For me when I see a hyena weathered by life in the wild I think those scars are just their story."
"This movie looks incredible. Stanley Kubrick was able to bring things to life in a way that nobody else really was."
"This hellish vision is bookended by Oppenheimer's tormented stare..."
"You understand the character just by looking at him."
"That final space battle with all of the TIE fighters coming out and all of the Star Destroyer and the rebel fleet hitting them head-on."
"Straight out of a multi-million dollar movie."
"It looks a lot better in the anime when it does stuff like that."
"We're almost 10 minutes in and the show still hasn't given us a single line of dialogue, and yet the storytelling is compelling and strong."
"It's the pinnacle of mixing hype at storyline with S-tier animation."
"All four shots look like shots from a Scott movie."
"It's like a comic book kind of come to life but like put in the real world."
"The animation style becomes one of the show's greatest aspects."
"Octopath Traveler 2 is a fantastic JRPG, with the really compelling stories, the very interactable world, and the HD 2D graphics."
"Fall in love with this charming drama and its lyrical scenes."
"Shin Godzilla stands out as not only a great mainstream film but also one of the most meaningful, visually stunning, and well-directed entries in the series."
"This combination of visual mastery and storytelling makes Shin Godzilla a standout addition to the Godzilla franchise."
"He’s one of the more ominous-looking villains I’ve seen in recent times, simply designed and yet equally profound."