
Consequentialism Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"We always have to determine what is good and what is not based on the effects that it has, the consequences they have."
"You don't pursue love for the sake of love; rather, you live your life well and meaningfully, and love, as with happiness, happens to you."
"For purely consequentialist reasons you might still think that the best way to safeguard against that kind of appeal is to limit the amount of power that anybody has over anybody else."
"Divorced from all these questions of unborn-ness and bodily autonomy the actual question kill the moon asks us to consider is: is it moral to end one life to save billions?"
"I just think, 'if I didn't do this, this website would still be making a million dollars.'"
"In a morally just world, he would get exactly what he's given to others."
"The ends never justify the means, and we should always strive to do no harm and save the world."
"Fear is the road to civilization. The ends justify the means."
"You don't have to be a good person at heart if you're doing good things. Your actions speak louder than what you are as a person."
"I've said in the past that I care much more about the consequences of a person's actions than I do the thoughts or beliefs that motivate them."
"Morality is in the consequences you bring about."
"There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good."
"Deliberately killing innocent people for the supposed greater good is more often than not the wrong thing to do."
"The morally right action is always the one that produces the most good." - Narrator
"It's the consequences that matter after all."
"These sacrifices will save millions if not billions. The ends justify the means as always."
"We shouldn't look to the consequences; we should look to the principle that allows the consequences to exist."
"Utilitarianism is a subset of a larger family of theories called consequentialism where the outcome of an action decides its worthiness."
"What you did was unacceptable. What point is there in a greater good if you have to do horrible things to obtain it?"
"In normal circumstances we shouldn't do this, you know, we're brought up to follow rather simpler moral rules that don't require a lot of very complex consequentialist reasoning."
"Consequentialism is the idea that what you do is based on the consequences."
"...my argument... is consequentialist... I'm concerned about the consequences for the well-being of conscious creatures."
"If we are lucky retributivism will give way to consequentialist thinking thus radically Transforming Our approach to criminal justice."
"I think it also plays a huge role in if killing is made good or bad. Like if you see a fascist and you kill them, remove them from power, it does directly stop the suffering of people, then absolutely that should be what is considered a morally good murder."
"Consequentialism holds that it's the consequences that matter."
"What makes something right or wrong is not necessarily the act itself but the consequences that act produces."
"Lying may typically be wrong to the consequentialist, but the ends justify the means."
"To a consequentialist, even if they typically wouldn't advocate lying in most situations, it's morally justifiable to lie to the soldiers in this situation."
"...that murder in this very specific case would be morally justifiable, interesting."
"...human life will be lost. If you're a consequentialist, how do you make your decision?"
"...while consequentialism is really good in that it allows for a lot of flexibility where deontology doesn't, it also comes with a lot of problems itself."
"I'm a consequentialist; I care about consequences in terms of suffering."
"The consequentialist tends to see value as being realized by goods in the world such as friendship, knowledge, beauty, and so on."
"A consequentialist system would be a system where the value, the moral value of an action, is predictable entirely in terms of its utility."
"What is morally good is down to the action, it's down to duty, not the end result."
"The best argument for consequentialism is that it does a better job than its rivals of matching and tying together our moral convictions."
"Utilitarianism is the idea that the rightness or wrongness of an act is determined by the consequences of the act for everyone."
"You base your decisions and... your moral opinions on evidence and the consequences of actions."
"The morality of an action is solely judged on its consequences."
"Sherman's willingness to push the rules of war speaks to a consequentialist ethics."
"Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory of ethics."
"If you argue that the ends justify the means, you're also arguing that you can accomplish your goal by any means necessary."
"Utilitarianism is what's called a consequentialist theory in that all that matters for judging if an action is correct or incorrect is its consequences."