
UBI Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Well yeah, that's why I support UBI, because I want the entrepreneurial, innovational culture to exist in America."
"UBI is...a very good idea but it can be a very bad idea as well."
"UBI, of course, isn't a silver bullet or an easy fix, but decades of data and experimentation show it has a lot of promise."
"Universal Basic Income is not a silver bullet that would solve all our problems, but it would raise the floor."
"It recognizes the shared wealth we create when we lift each other up...providing a level of dignity and a removal of social stigma that holds so many people back."
"The statistics show time and again that UBI would be beneficial for the segment of our country that needs it most."
"A UBI would give people more cushion to leave bad jobs."
"UBI proponents say it could lead to an explosion of new businesses, ideas, and innovation."
"A UBI might actually incentivize people to work."
"A universal basic income has a lot of interesting advantages."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income."
"Is it time for you and I to consider having universal basic income?"
"Universal basic income is the foundation of the floor, and then we have to build this glorious structure on top of it."
"I would support UBI and ranked-choice voting."
"Legislators need to start preparing our economy to be based on UBI now, not later."
"In the UBI world, we all actually win, no one's a loser."
"I can't make any definitive statements on if UBI's good or bad just because it's hard to carry these experiments on large scales."
"In order to deal with such an economic crisis, guaranteed basic income will become a national necessity, or society as we know it could collapse altogether."
"Some research indicates that an added $1,000 per month, per American, would help stimulate the American economy."
"The economic growth and resulting tax revenues would take time to catch up with the expense of UBI, but would eventually hit a tipping point where the economy has grown enough to pay for UBI."
"The UBI pilot programs have gone really well."
"Yang is the last one I want to hit. I think the guy is a decent guy. I think UBI is kind of interesting, not really my thing."
"You can have UBI with no inflation and a more productive economy in a richer economy and one where people are more productive."
"Rule number one of gun debates: if you don't know anything about guns, shut the fuck up."
"Universal Basic Income is a deeply American idea."
"UBI is a stopgap measure to a better system."
"People are choosing not to work, that's UBI for you."
"Yang has made support of universal basic income the keystone of his campaign."
"Imagine if you were given $1,000 and you're homeless, that is going to be a game changer for you."
"He wants to give citizens free money to combat the coming onslaught of automation."
"California just announced it would become the latest and largest city to pilot such a universal basic income."
"Universal basic income is being seen as a good thing, providing guaranteed income stability to people."
"You have normalized cash relief, you normalize universal basic income."
"Florida Democrat promises $1,000 monthly UBI checks."
"We've done sort of a temporary UBI in the course of this pandemic."
"I think UBI is a solution, especially with automation inevitably going to be more and more of a thing."
"...I think that as a means to get rid of welfare. So some people view UBI as a way to get rid of welfare, you know because it's like 'oh that's like the negative framing of it.'"
"I'm not a Centrist; I'm like a left-leaning moderate. I believe in Universal Basic Income."
"We can choose to do nothing and end up with a techno dystopia or begin to seriously consider seemingly radical ideas like UBI."
"UBI is one of the more fascinating proposals simply because it's so polarizing and there's not a clear ideological divide."
"Clearly it's cash relief and universal basic income."
"The solution to our problems is a UBI, Medicare for all, debt forgiveness, college debt forgiveness, and free college."
"Providing UBI is a basic role of the government which should be guaranteed to all citizens."
"Universal healthcare, stronger welfare, a UBI would be great."
"We need lots of people to be spending lots of time on creating social capital... and the universal basic income makes it a whole lot easier."
"Universal basic income will protect the poor against job losses and economic dislocation while protecting the rich from populist rage."
"I believe in Universal basic income."
"It's why like a concept like universal basic income is being taken more and more seriously."
"I really think ultimately we're going to have to have income supplementation, you know, like UBI or whatever else similar to that."
"UBI is something that is probably going to be necessary within the next 20 to 30 years in the United States."