
National Defense Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"France is one of the rare few nations that can design and build engines for its own fighter aircraft."
"And while maintaining that capability may come at the cost of tens of billions of euros every single year, so far that seems like a price the French are more than willing to pay."
"How can nations better defend themselves against threats that straddle the boundaries between war and peace?"
"The secretary stated very clearly his number one priority is to defend this nation against all threats and challenges."
"Sweden has a world-class air force, a world-class submarine fleet, highly advanced anti-tank missiles, perhaps the best anti-ship missiles in the world."
"Singapore must become a poisonous shrimp. If you eat them, you'll get digestive upsets." - Lee Kuan Yew
"In a world where the big fish eats small fish and the small fish eat shrimp, Singapore must become a poisonous shrimp." - Lee Kuan Yew
"The success of the operation underlined Ukraine's determination to protect its citizens and territorial integrity."
"The courage of a nation, embodied in the flight of the Rafael."
"Israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself."
"Regardless of what's in the news, we want the strongest possible military to defend our nation."
"Ukrainians are not fighting just to protect their country; they are fighting to preserve democracy for themselves and the rest of the world."
"To protect Americans from the threat of hypersonic missiles and nuclear weapons, I will build state-of-the-art Next Generation missile defense shields."
"People started to defend their country and fight to prevent Russia from going any further."
"the Biden policies leave us defenseless and vulnerable in ways that I would have thought were unimaginable"
"India will rise and pummel you to the ground whenever the bigots of Pakistan oppress the peace-loving people."
"Defending the industries necessary to defend the country is more important than luxury goods."
"Germany's military was found to be one of the weakest on the continent"
"It's more than a national defense issue, even though it certainly is that. It's a scientific issue. It's an issue that offers us the opportunity potentially to find answers to questions that are of the deepest and most profound nature."
"It's a fight for Russia, it's a defensive War... but it's also a war of liberation not just for the Russian people but arguably for the whole world."
"The Israelis have now called back 300,000 reservists defense minister Gant asked the government to call up 300,000 IDF reservists preparing for a potential large scale war in Lebanon."
"India is already a major military power, and one whose capabilities are likely to expand alongside the Indian economy."
"Finland and Sweden are the most difficult countries in the world to invade."
"If Mexico started firing 150 rockets into the middle of San Diego, do you think the United States would let that regime stand?"
"I shall never tire of repeating the declaration that I made from the first day that I took office: I will not allow any attempt by any foreign power to take even one square inch of our sovereign territory."
"First and foremost, we want to deter any attackers. We want to show them that the Polish Army is strong and equipped with modern weapons."
"It's been America first and America first all starts with the national defense."
"We will defend and protect the sacred rights of all Americans."
"Keep your hands off of Taiwan. We're here. We're going to do what it takes to defend democracy in Taiwan."
"Regardless of the political stance or not, you have to respect them for being fighters who are still defending their country."
"Let's dispense with the drama, do our jobs, and move on with defending this beautiful country."
"They put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people."
"I'm a hardcore libertarian that doesn't matter if the American experiment itself is on the line I am more than happy to go team up with a Bernie Sanders you know Democrat that's the antithesis of my world view if it means protecting our country."
"This is a matter of national defense and national security, yes it is."
"Ukraine’s surprising ability to contest its airspace was also partly what allowed it to go on the offensive late last year."
"The successful operation underscored Ukraine's determination to retake its territory and showcased its growing capabilities in modern warfare."
"The Polish Army will become the strongest in all of Europe."
"If we cannot defend our borders, America has no future."
"Ukraine has every right to fight for every inch of his territory."
"America from this point on has to be prepared to fight a nuclear war against any adversary."
"The Constitution and the Bill of Rights... that's why this country is worth defending."
"Russia is ready to defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and our people with all weapon systems we have."
"We need to allow Ukraine to stand up for their country."
"Even with odds against them, don't underestimate Taiwan's ability to defend itself with devastating losses."
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in the streets, and on the hills. We shall never surrender."
"Cyber protection for transportation infrastructure... just as important as having missile defense systems."
"We created the sixth branch of the American armed forces, the Space Force."
"I will protect America, I will defend us from every attack, seen and unseen."
"I just want personally to protect this country, protect the freedoms that we have in this country."
"Fermilab isn't going to help you defend the country, but it makes the country worth defending."
"Maybe the problem isn't that America isn't worth defending... maybe the problem is that lots of people today are entitled whiners who have no perspective."
"If the territorial Integrity of our country is threatened, we will use all the means that we have and I'm not bluffing."
"Ready or not, the ADF now faces major challenges."
"This submarine acquisition is described as the single biggest leap ever in Australia's defense capabilities."
"The military is the one institution where people come together, work together, live together, and unfortunately for them but fortunately for our culture and our country, fight together."
"And it's time the men who died who gave that right to me, and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still love this today, God bless, next to you, and defend her still today."
"They cannot beat Ukraine on the battlefield, so they've tried to break our people this way."
"It's time to get off the sidelines, get in the game, and stand up for our country."
"Americans must rise to denounce these lies and preserve their country."
"President Zelensky is the one who united the people of Ukraine... I need weapons to fight the Russians."
"In every decision, I will continue to proudly defend and protect the workers, families, and citizens of the United States of America."
"What really matters is whether the U.S can modernize and invest in new military technology."
"We invested 2.5 trillion dollars in the U.S. military, including funding to save Tyndale Air Force Base."
"Ukraine will be even more confident in turning the Russian Invaders into fertilizer, clearing its territory of these monsters step by step."
"The CCP has launched an orchestrated campaign across all of its many tentacles in Chinese government and society to exploit the openness of our institutions in order to destroy them."
"There's no weapon in our arsenal in the world that can match the free spirit of peoples fighting for their homelands."
"What we have in the United States is worth defending and it's worth defending around the world as well."
"Part of this is also being able to fight if it will be necessary just to, you know, protect our country."
"This is war, the war to save the American system, and it's time to take it seriously."
"There's a gun behind every blade of grass in the United States and that makes it impossible for foreign armies to actually invade."
"The Armed Forces need to have the support of the public."
"The military is the central organization of the entire country which is what allows it to be on record the second largest standing army in the entire world."
"We have now rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been."
"Israel has an inherent right to defend itself."
"Japan demonstrates rapid adaptability such as quickly deploying long-range missiles and easily transitioning to produce aircraft carriers."
"We fight for our soil, our land, and our people." - Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba
"It's a fight for Ukraine's existence, for us, for our homes. But it's also a fight for democracy and fight for freedom." - Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markharova
"The United States will take any necessary action to defend its people."
"The resistance of Ukraine to the Russian invasion has been nothing short of remarkable."
"The most important responsibilities of the federal government is to provide for the common defense."
"If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15."
"We sleep more peacefully in our beds tonight because Patriots like these stand ready to answer our nation's call and protect our way of life."
"The goal was to sell this as a complete package to a country looking to replace all of his bolt action rifles."
"We can do both: build our wall and continue support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan."
"A massive AI driven Chinese attack could overwhelm U.S defenses."
"Sweden is joining NATO... taking a new vow to whip some ass."
"I hope it's that we, too, have nuclear weapons, and we, too, are ready to defend ourselves, our allies, and our interests."
"We just created the sixth branch of the American armed forces the space force."
"Russian invasion meets fierce resistance as Ukrainian forces turn the tide of battle."
"Governments have to spend money. The American government spends money on defense, roads and bridges, Social Security checks... We can't be exporting around the world if we are not militarily making sure that nobody else is out competing us."
"Militaries exist to defend their people not defy them."
"We lost a fight with the people who wanted to tell a different story, which was the story of the wickedness of Western civilization."
"The defense of Taiwan is in our own hands and we are absolutely committed to that."
"Poland is committed to putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to defense."
"Ukraine will fight. We'll fight more than anyone else, but we just by ourselves left alone against Russia."
"The Ukrainians are doing so well because they're fighting for their survival."
"Ukraine's success in defending Kiev caused the Russians to shift their focus of their offensive."
"It is clear the Ukrainians are willing to give everything for their homeland, even their lives."
"Everyone has the right to self-defense, whether it be on the street or to the level of a country."
"Ukrainian army is not only strength and power but also wisdom and balance."
"America needs something like that to scare the crap out of everybody else out there."
"The United States is ready to defend our assets in space, to stand up for freedom of navigation in the shared domain."
"We will never submit to their threats, and we will never let them destroy our nation."
"We Salute those who paid the ultimate sacrifice into the defense of our freedoms."
"I envision an America with the National Defense unparalleled, undefeatable, and unencumbered by overseas nation-building."
"To protect our people from the unthinkable threat of nuclear weapons and Hypersonic missiles, the United States must also build a state-of-the-art Next Generation missile defense Shield."
"The purpose of the military is to protect and defend our nation against all enemies."
"I prefer to be remembered as the inventor who abolished war."
"We shall see that war in preparation for war is not a matter of national honor and national defense but a matter of profit for the few."
"No one will protect the motherland except us and youngsters."
"Together we will honor those who defend us, we will cherish those who protect us, and we will celebrate the amazing heroes who keep America safe and strong and proud and free."
"Let's rebuild the military... they stand on guard for us."
"Britain was able to take on this task because we have good Armed Forces properly funded."
"This war is an existential War for Ukraine so there is no way Ukraine can stop Retreats there is no other areas where they can Retreat it's they were to protect the not only Ukrainian borders but that's the borders of the EU."
"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on the sea and oceans, we shall defend our island whatever the cost may be, we shall never surrender."
"Richard the Lionheart was a High Point of the Monarchy."
"We are the party of fighters, we are the party of courageous people who will lay it all out on the field and fight for this nation because if we don't fight for it, who will?"
"Australia's defense industry must be driven by a mission of national significance and urgency."
"We have weakened our naval military strength, but we will be improving our trade power substantially."
"There had been previously points in the nation's history where violence was necessary to protect the Republic."
"Last night what we saw was the hands of God protecting Israel."
"As long as that dream lives, as long as we continue to defend it, America has a future and all mankind has reason to hope."
"They talk about making an EMP Pearl Harbor against the United States itself." - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
"What we do is provide support to Ukraine, an independent nation that has a right to defend itself."
"The Fierce and tenacious resistance of the Ukrainians."
"We've ended the war on energy and we've ended the war on clean coal."
"We've secured a record 700 billion dollars in the next year 716 billion dollars to bring our military to the highest level it has ever been."
"Ukraine is winning, Ukraine is doing a really [ __ ] good job defending itself."
"The Espionage Act says that anyone who has authorized possession of documents relating to the National Defense and then willfully transmits or delivers those documents to someone else who is not authorized to have them is guilty."
"Ukraine has a right to be able to defend itself against this."
"Any further actions that threaten the interests of our nation will be met with a resolute and consequential response."
"The Ukrainian Army is prepared to die for their cause."
"It's the embodiment of America's determination to defend the Republic." - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
"The amount of fervor in Ukraine is such that members of their army are willing to just go to such lengths, suicidal acts, literally suicidal, to defend their nation against Russia."
"Poland has repeatedly been one of few NATO countries willing to fulfill their obligations."
"Poland is attempting to warn The Wider World about the danger posed by Putin's Russia."
"Poland is doing its utmost to deter Russia by arming and equipping its armed forces."
"If China is going to launch a war against Taiwan, we will fight to the end, and that is our commitment."
"I will stand in this breach. I will defend this nation."
"And I'm proud to be an American, next to you, and defend her still today."
"You at least have to make clear to them that if they kill an American then we are going to blow their Navy off the map."
"What we have learned is that once they have the capability to slaughter us, eventually they will use this capability."
"We've rebuilt our military, we restored the arsenal of democracy, and we are finally giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard the support they deserve."
"The tower was critical to America's national defense."
"This is a very serious matter if you consider it from the perspective of national strategic defense, not as a monetary system, but of a global physical defense system."
"This recognition underscores the young generation's pivotal role in the ongoing narrative of the country's defense and prosperity."
"Under President Donald Trump, the United States once again will stand with our allies and stand up to our enemies."
"This is Ukraine's fight and Ukrainians want to fight it."
"The military might of the Ukrainian Army was once again demonstrated."
"We're preparing among other things some serious long-range stuff to make sure the occupiers feel the might of Ukraine."
"We must increase production facilities for everything needed for the Army and Navy for national defense."
"The second amendment wasn't just about hunt... it's about defending this country from enemies both foreign and domestic."
"Our choice is to remain optimistic, strong, and protect our land."
"America's innovation is America's strongest defense."
"Every single person in the Ukrainian military, man, woman, young, old, are all doing their part to defend the country."
"Our nuclear deterrence is not to attack other countries, including Australia. Our nuclear deterrence is to protect our selves from the nuclear threats from the US."
"This is the nation that we now fight to preserve."
"We're never going to allow anyone to destroy the greatest country in the history of the world."
"We're helping a free people to defend themselves." - Boris Johnson on supporting Ukraine's defense.
"The princess is bent on protecting the country with everything she has."
"The Ukrainian Army's ranks included common workers, business leaders, parents, children, teachers, theater performers, and fresh college grads."
"If you want to defend this republic, if you want to defend this country, if you want to defend the American way of life, you're going to have to put your shoulder to the wheel."
"The defense of Amharas and Ethiopia is critically important right now."
"If an invasion force can just walk across your borders and be like 'ours now,' then what do you have?"
"India wants peace but if provoked we are capable of giving an appropriate response."
"The core of the military cannot be inclusiveness or tolerance; it has to be defending the homeland and killing the enemy."
"The United States is working on not one, but two sixth generation aircraft- and unlike every other nation on this list, one of them has already been flying for two years."
"A thousand percent we need people who are willing to lose everything to protect this country."
"The Ukrainian Navy has emerged as the undeniable star of a fascinating show of Naval strength."
"Ukraine will not be afraid of foreign aggression by dramatically demonstrating their capabilities."
"This program is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces past present and future."
"If you really want to find out how effective a wall is, just ask Israel. 99.9% effective."
"Poland's premier main battle tank, the PT-91 Tavari, is a source of pride."
"I believe everyone has a commitment to contribute to the defense of their country."
"This is concerning and a possible threat to national security."
"We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic."
"Defending freedom will have cost for us as well." - President Biden
"It provides a clear plan to strengthen our Armed Forces and defend our country."
"The operation is a significant win for Ukraine demonstrating that it can counter Russian military movements within its borders."
"Russia's borders are three times the length of ours and they're trying to defend them with half the population."
"Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself and won't give up its freedom." - Ukrainian President Zelensky
"Aggression will be met with decisive action and the Ukrainian people will not give up their fight for freedom and sovereignty."
"To deter China, Taiwan must prepare for war now."
"Even if we didn't arm them they would still fight because they understand that this is an existential war."
"The juicer literally is designed to separate the juice from the fiber, and it’s the juice of the fiber that feeds you."
"The Polish Army will be the strongest land force in Europe."
"Taiwanese fighter jets landed on a makeshift runway on a highway strip today as annual drills reached their peak. They're practicing skills that would be needed in the event China attacks and targets Taiwan's vulnerable air bases."
"The UK armed forces are a superb armed forces and we've got a superb future ahead of us."
"We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans."
"The Battle of Britain began on July 10th, a crucial test for Fighter Command against the Luftwaffe's onslaught."
"The fact that the Ukrainians did not give in to the Russian missiles and face the attacks with their lives caused the Russian army to take a step back"
"A world-class military for deterrence and defense: Japan's ambitious goals."
"We are American citizens who refuse to let America be burned to the ground."
"We must defend our airspace, send a strong signal to the CCP that this behavior will not be tolerated."
"Ukrainians are fighting for our land, country, and for all of democracy."
"You put on the armor, you stood in the gap, you defended our freedom."
"Ukraine is fighting a war against Russia on behalf of the rest of the world."
"The ukrainians seem to be smart enough to go this is not going to happen forever; we should really work on our indigenous sort of Technologies."
"It's not something for farmers only, it's not something for rural communities. If you care about protecting the country, you better care about where your food comes from."
"They're using them so effectively to defend their country."