
Traditional Medicine Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"You don't have to just suffer; people just suffer needlessly when there are ways to heal these problems that are quite different from what you get in traditional medicine."
"And he managed to do it. Yu Chun finally recovered after Wuji treated him with an acupuncture therapy technique that even the healer had never seen before."
"Once this qi is activated, we all have amazing healing capabilities within ourselves."
"Stomach 36... if you stimulate and massage stomach 36 every day, you will live over a hundred years."
"Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of traditional Chinese medicine."
"The idea that there is a mushroom out there that has been used culturally for millennia and seems to be better at addressing some of these things than our modern pharmaceuticals is fascinating."
"The modern idea of holistic medicine considers not only a person's disease but his entire lifestyle... It comes in part from Ayurveda, which is essentially a science of wellness."
"Indigenous medicine men and women of the Americas combined herbology with spiritual care."
"Traditional Chinese medicine and also Ayurvedic approaches to skincare and health and body is also starting from the inside."
"They have a much more holistic approach that I'm a really big fan of."
"Traditional medicine doesn't really have a lot of great treatments except ones that are extremely expensive and often come with very significant side effects."
"We're bringing back the culture. Cannabis used to grow wild in Thailand and was valued in traditional medicine."
"The precious sap of the dragon's blood tree has been highly sought after for various purposes, known for its healing properties in treating a wide range of ailments."
"A maverick Japanese doctor recently leaked the secret ingredients of an ancient Japanese tonic that targets the root cause of belly fat and activates a powerful little-known fat-burning hormone inside you. It melts away all your stubborn body fat."
"Gua Sha is actually a scraping technique and the tools are actually called wash off Stones they've been around for thousands upon thousands of years."
"Cordyceps increases oxygen utilization by 50%."
"These seeds have a cure for everything except death."
"Garlic has been used for thousands of years because of its very broad medicinal properties."
"If one of the core principles is diagnosing somebody with a certain Dosha, it calls them to question any of his advice."
"The fruit of the morinda citrifolia tree, native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, is used to make noni juice."
"Our own herbal medicine... that might be very useful indeed."
"There is a relationship to plant medicine when it is entered through the door of the traditions."
"Chicken soup and ginger herbal tea, very good for you."
"Acupuncture began in China thousands of years ago."
"Traditional medicine is just like the tip of the iceberg."
"Triphala powder is one of India's most valued household herbs, believed to eliminate the root cause of many diseases."
"The term 'Triphala' literally means three fruits, comprising Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, each possessing unique properties."
"The slow steady burn of the witch doctor heels."
"Indigenous medicines... This is the future. People who are serious about health of all people are studying very hard."
"When you have good Chi circulation you'll be able to sleep deeply and soundly."
"Traditional medicine was a bridge to resurrect one back into the gods themselves."
"Honey also generally has the effect of reducing pain on burns and open wounds."
"I strongly believe that after this pandemic, the traditional Chinese medicine with the history of thousands of years will be accepted and recognized by more and more people around the world."
"Orion, Pleiades, the Big Dipper – all incorporated into our medicine orders, woven into our traditions."
"Food and these ancient remedies are still the best medicine."
"According to some traditional Eastern medicine practitioners the porcupine stomach has the ability to detoxify relieve pain and fortify one's stomach against digestive issues."
"Start learning herbalism with 'Folk Medicine: A Collection.'"
"Traditional medicine is like trying to diagnose what's wrong with your car by listening to the noises it makes instead of looking under the hood."
"Spices are an integral part of traditional medicine, rooted in ancient wisdom."
"It's got thousands of years of use in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and European medicine."
"When sickness befalls Louisiana's French-speaking Creoles, Cajuns, and Native Americans, they sometimes seek out a treater with a special power to heal."
"Every part of the world, traditional medicines have been the primary means of treating illnesses for thousands of years."
"Humans have been using honey to help cuts heal for thousands of years, and it works on turtles too."
"Ayurvedic treatment at that time was amazing. Even now you can find really good things."
"In the traditional medical system treatment for osteoporosis is myopic, it's very shortsighted."
"If a person suffers from Jinn possession or sehar, cupping (hijama) by a licensed health professional can help."
"Ayahuasca is a sacred brew. It has been used for millennia by the indigenous tribes of the Amazonian jungle during spiritual ceremonies and shamanic rituals."
"Even today it's used as a warming spice in Ayurvedic traditions and traditional Chinese medicine to balance imbalance in the body."
"Using castor oil before bed taps into an age-old remedy with roots in traditional medicine."
"Astragalus is a traditional Chinese medicine um it's a tonic this is one that you want to incorporate into your soups and stews in the winter time when you're making a broth put that astragalus in there"
"The wisdom keepers and the way these medicines have been delivered to man for tens of thousands of years have been through these ceremonies."
"According to ancient medicine, foods that are a certain color strengthen the immune system."
"I'm gonna live until I'm about 200 years old, you know, with modern technology and these Chinese medicinal herbs."
"Chinese medicine not only treats the problem, but also has the solution for prevention."
"The leaf itself is unique; it's bilobe, it's been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries."
"Traditional Chinese medicine is a convergence, a distillation, a collection of many different ideas, concepts, doctrines, clinical experience, and theories and practices."
"Chronic pain in the body is usually caused by Qi stagnation."
"Neem is said to be the oldest medicinal herb."
"I really do believe in Chinese medicine and I do really believe that it has a lot of amazing health benefits for us."
"Chi Gong remains a useful tool in the fight against illness."
"Qigong practice was that particular branch in Chinese medicine where you got to be your own best healer, your own best doctor."
"They've been used for hundreds of years across the world in traditional medicine and many people have reaped the benefits."
"I heard the zissi pill can nourish vitality and rapidly repair meridians, making it the top grade pill in the martial arts world."
"Chinese culture is profound; we should have confidence in traditional Chinese medicine."
"The Ayurveda system of medicine has a history of more than 5000 years."
"I think there's a tremendous value to Chinese medicine and natural health."
"The depth of thought in Chinese herbal medicine is refined all the way through to the Modern Age."
"Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest systems of medicine."
"Analysis of traditional snake oil showed that it contained a very high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Koji is anti-anxiety, it can be used in fatigue disorders, liver disorders, it has anti-allergy capabilities, it can be used to address hypertension."
"Fish glue is one of the eight treasures, known as the 'ocean ginseng'."
"In Chinese medicine, nutrition matters."
"Acupuncture is about balancing the Qi and energy."
"In Chinese medicine, we talk about there is a component of spirit, and it's always important to speak to spirit energy when you're putting together a treatment for a client."
"The characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine is that all of the diagnosis and treatment were based on an overhaul analysis of the illness and the patient's conditions, not only the specific symptoms or disease itself."
"Herbal medicine is still the most widely practiced system of healing."
"Herbalism was called the art of simpling long before it was called herbalism, simply mean common sense and simple, it was the people's medicine."
"According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are eight different kinds of methods of treatment."
"These are sweating, emesis, precipitation, harmonization, warming, clearing, dispersion, and supplementation."
"Essential oils have been used for really thousands of years. They were used by the Greeks, the Jews, probably first by the Egyptians, they were used in Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine."
"He Shu Wu... amazing for your hair, your skin, and your nails."
"If you are someone you care about has a health problem or issue, please call our office for a complimentary 15-minute consultation to see if traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture can help you."
"It's the number one herb for the immunity in Chinese medicine."
"Core to the concepts of Chinese medicine include the idea that there are observable, predictable, commonly shared patterns that guide nature in general."
"These three powerful natural home remedies have been used before each and every one of us on this live before we even born."
"Confidence and courage are the emotions of the metal element, the element that is predominant in the season of autumn."
"Stimulating these points helps to get rid of stagnant qi from the lungs and energize the lungs and immune system."
"Terpenes are organic compounds that are typically made by plants in nature and they've been used for a long time in traditional health and wellness applications."
"I found that studying Eastern medicine has been an excellent way for me to hold on to that principle of the body healing itself."
"The Earth is in danger... these medicines, he really when I asked him what Ayahuasca was he said this is..."
"Acupuncturists insert special needles under the skin to stimulate the body's own natural healing process."
"Gua sha has been proven to boost blood circulation by up to 400 percent."
"Chinese herbs have been shown to elevate mood and reduce cortisol in the body."
"Medicine comes from soup can be nourishing and strength one's body."
"Deer antler is a valuable medicinal ingredient that can support muscle strength, lower blood pressure, enhance cardiac contraction, promote mental well-being, and has many other effects."
"Panchakarma is five purification techniques according to Ayurveda."
"Tibetan medicine is one of the most ancient and traditional cultural heritages of Tibet."
"We are actually doing all those lifestyle regimens which were actually mentioned in the medical texts."
"The Tibetan medicine plays a very important role in the maintenance of the health."
"The theory of yin and yang is very fundamental to the practice of TCM."
"The kidneys control the lower orifices and open into the ear for better hearing."
"The ability to have good will depends on the kidneys."
"Ayahuasca is an Amazonian hallucinogen that is very intense and used for healing of the mind."
"Traditional Chinese medicine is a source of a lot of potential new molecules for research into treatments for diseases."
"We're focusing on energy, and that's the foundation of Chinese medicine."
"With Xiao Yao San, I love the name of this formula, and one of my favorite ways of translating it is the Free and Easy Wanderer."
"I took a sip of wolfberry tea, which can invigorate the kidney and strengthen Yang."
"Preventative medicine is what TCM is strong in."
"With yin excess, we are going to warm the person, but break the ice."
"While yang deficiency, we're going to warm up the person from the inside."
"These five poison sachets contain realgar and mugwort and a variety of scents. They can ward off insects and evil."
"Butter is sweet in Chinese medicine, which means it is building your blood and Qi."
"Willow bark has been used for centuries to soothe irritated skin."
"Chi is the most powerful medicine in our body, helping ourselves to heal, to balance."
"Happiness can help to heal the liver system... Joy can help to heal the heart... Peace can help to heal the spleen... Contentment can help to clear blockages in the lungs... Gratitude can help to strengthen your bone marrow."
"Roots, herbs, and bushes afforded the Barbadian people invocations for healing, a means of engaging in self-protection for themselves and their communities, and a method of cooling and healing."
"Stomach 40 helps in metabolizing and balancing blood sugar."
"Root work is what we call it, it's just simply the use of just what grows from the ground and natural things around us."
"Welcome back to Chinese Herbal Pantry, where we explore how to use food as medicine to enhance your overall well-being based on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine."
"The Art of kayakalpa, an ancient Indian system for total body Rejuvenation."
"Herbal medicine is the mother of all medicines."
"Ayurvedic hair care... uses various foods, herbs, and spices to treat various ailments and deficiencies of the hair."
"You don't believe this, but your mom took it, those two three pounds of ginseng you sent home for one year. One year later, you know her digestion problems gone, diabetic our problem is reduced, and arthritis also reduce could walk very normally now."
"Tea was considered a restorative and health-giving plant for a long time."
"Chinese traditional medicine... stop eating parts of endangered animals."
"Elk velvet antler has been used in Oriental medicine for centuries to strengthen bones and muscles, soothe joints, support the Yang energy of the kidney, build the blood, increase circulation and endurance, and as an overall body tonic."
"C points are good for rebellious qi... rebellious stomach qi, nausea, vomiting."
"All Chinese medical physiology, pathology, and treatment can eventually be reduced to Yin and Yang."
"When you have a buildup of heat in the body, the Shen cannot rest, the Shen is disturbed."
"Just medicine alone will take a long time. You need to also use mulberry, willow, lychee and peach after shedding the peel."
"Medical Investigator Zhang said His Majesty must meditate to heal and shouldn't be impatient."
"Concentrated Tiger Balm is fast, powerful relief for muscular soreness, backaches, and minor arthritis."
"People follow nature and live with nature in harmony. That is the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine."
"India's native medicinal systems are on the verge of extinction."