
Personal Appeal Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"It's on every single Victorian and that's why I'm asking you not just as the premier but as a dad, from my family to yours, we have to follow these rules."
"Matt, it's my deepest prayer that you consider what I've said today because my motive isn't to win a debate, it's to win you because I love you and I care about you."
"I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
"Your vote means everything to me. It means everything to making a change in this country."
"I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."
"I beg you with everything in me, do not stop."
"Help the planet and help me continue making great content for you all."
"President Trump is like the president of the people."
"Apologies, let me know your thoughts in the comments below and like this video and subscribe to black feminine EDTV for more content."
"There is something compelling about you, Shepard."
"If Wallace you give me another chance I'll show them to you."
"My wish for this entire family and for you Mr. Stokes is for peace."
"What makes him charismatic to some makes him unappealing to others, not his policies."
"There was something about Brenda, a twinkle in her eye or her big perfect pearly smile, she had charisma."
"People find you attractive because they can tell that you are destined to go places."
"So, thanks again for listening. Please consider giving up a cup of Starbucks or that pack of energy drinks and help this old storyteller with his dream."
"I would like the judges to acknowledge my existence."
"I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be interested in me."
"Money talks, it's just a million dollars. Anyone want to offer? I will happily sign the contract. Please offer me a million dollars."
"Is there anyone who will stand for my Jesus?"
"Your aura, your vibe, it's what draws people in."
"Before we go, Alistair, if you're watching, I'm asking for your forgiveness."
"I definitely understand why it appeals to lots of people."
"I want you on the team, yeah I would love to."
"Did you know if you drop a like and subscribe in the next five seconds, nothing will happen but it will put a giant smile on my face?"
"People are naturally drawn and attracted to me."
"Something really unique about you, gravitating attention."
"People don't vote for parties, they vote for people. It's that Cult of Personality thing."
"You're incredibly sexy, magnetic, charming, and alluring."
"I think I would go for Charisma because not only one, you are very pretty, but two, I also really like your answers."
"I'm for real, I want you to be like, 'Yeah, like that's for me.'"
"Damn, this person's awesome. I love your hair."
"Look deep into yourself, look deep into these eyes, look deep into these piercing blue eyes and tell me that I don't look like a good guy."
"They want to watch you because you're genuine, you're just a real dude."
"I'm just a guy standing in front of a lost dog."
"I also feel like you're going through this healing phase, okay? They find you very attractive, absolutely."
"I am once again asking you to help me get my refund. I need your support now more than ever."
"You're going to be glowing, and that's what's going to attract a lot of offers and opportunities to you guys the month of May."
"I love you Stella and I want to mend our relationship."
"Your person sees you as a snack, delicious no matter what."
"There's basically no difference between the Democrats on policy, so obviously voters are gonna look at personal story."
"I hope you'll at least subscribe and if you like the show and you like me interviewing people, then hopefully you'll tune in and subscribe."
"They work I've seen in work I don't know why they work but probably appeals to me most is that they're as mysterious as the cause themself."
"You make it by appealing to an audience. Being yourself works if yourself is appealing."
"People are attracted to what you're doing; they want to be around you."
"You should hear her voice, Italian girls, man."
"Smiling is one of the best ways to look more attractive."
"Imperative that you hit that ravishing like button because honestly I can't handle all that ravishing miss myself."
"Light-colored eyes can make the eyes stand out more and are seen as more interesting appealing vibrant."
"Listen, do me a favor, alright? Go to buyraycon.com/raygun to get 15% off your order. Links in the description so check it out, please. Uh, please please, I've been surviving on ramen and corn pops for the last 50 days, I'm not well, please help."
"Let me tell you boo boo, this is a reminder that you are sexy, you are amazing."
"The last thing you want is to have something derail you." - Commentator
"I think this movie might be Oscar bait, but it's also a movie that's tailor-made for me."
"If you are to be loved, remember that it can be accomplished by making constructive use of that something within you which attracts love."
"Your race doesn't determine if you're attractive or not. If someone's attractive, they're attractive."
"Please don't ignore Ariane, please for God's sake do not ignore Ariane."
"Trump knew to play for the cheap seeds... he actually worked to get people to like him."
"There's something about those miserable cold conditions that really appeals to me."
"I actually love the Debbie Harry vibes, like the Blondie vibes. I just think you're so beautiful and like I really love your makeup. Like, I would love for you to do my makeup."
"Sometimes it makes sense to buy the budget, sometimes the mid-tier, sometimes the high end; it really just depends on you and what you value."
"He's intelligent, cool, and has that bit of Darkness to him, and it's great."
"Go and listen to Paris, Texas, I implore you now."
"Thank you so much for hearing me out and considering helping us at this life-changing goal."
"Good things can happen when you just get off your ass and try something."
"I spent all my time on the church and now my house has fallen into ruins."
"We belong together. So you tell me. You know it."
"I want to make sure I present Terry to you in such a way that you can fully understand his appeal."
"Be immersed in the strange, dark, and mysterious with me in the flesh."
"How much grace is it going to take to bring you back to me?" - Kevin Wilson
"I just saw a sign that says, 'Can I have your shirt please, Cole Palmer?'"
"It's rave, it's first place. Day one ranking number one. I honestly think everyone is just in love with me." - Rave
"And again, don't give them any money. If you want to, you can send it to me instead. I accept cash, checks, PayPal."
"Elon, bro, sign up for a different social media platform."
"It really is that authenticity I think that so many people are drawn to."
"What would it take to make you stay?" - Andrew
"He wants you to open your eyes, Shelby. He wants you to open."
"You tickle the boxes for them, as what I'm hearing from spirit. So, yeah, there's so much that they find inspiring about you and attractive."
"Given his looks, his likeable persona, his natural talent, and the fact his family has show business in their genes, Robert Downey Jr.'s path to stardom was inevitable."
"I think that's kind of cool, I hope you guys also think that's kind of cool."
"Who wouldn't want to be with you? That is the truth."
"I loved your just down to earth approach... I gravitated toward and loved."
"There can be no progress without understanding. Can you open up to Stephen?"
"Queen of wands just says you are very attractive at this time."
"There's nothing like her charm and elegance."
"It's not rocket science to know that if you're not interesting, if you don't have a story, then it's not just your job."
"Can't trust anyone these days, oh yes, focus on my eyes, my eyes beautiful, my eyes."
"How can anyone not fall in love with his steel blue eyes?"
"Even after all of that, they still think highly of you. This person, whoever it is, we have the mother of Pentacles."
"I want you to tell me one good quality about myself that you find very appealing."
"She was multi-dimensional and I think that's the reason why I really liked her."
"People are gonna like me, people are gonna not like me... but I just wanted to squash them so that, you know, maybe somebody can come around to the other side and just hear me out."
"Your courage, your fearlessness, is attractive to them."
"If you're a black man, you hear the sound of my voice, if you are into logic, if you're into reason and you're not driven by emotion, that must make sense to you. It has to make sense because it's logic, it's fact, and it's real."
"Attraction does not equal the way someone looks. Attraction is just that, attraction."
"When you open up to appreciate the good, it changes you. People find something lovely in you and they are drawn to you."
"The whole appeal comes from being real and raw and genuine."
"I think the raw authenticity... is very appealing."
"I just wanted you to build the cloaker, my friend. That's all I wanted, man." - Host
"You need to be good enough... people just have to like working with you."
"I think he's got more appeal than other people realize."
"I'm just asking, would you date a good-looking, funny, multi-millionaire?"
"Please, pay me a lot of money because I'm gonna need it."
"Just please be nice, just please be nice like this was very hard for me to record."
"People are interested in you, Sagittarius. We like this."
"If you like more content from me, you should support this rather than just be like 'yo he's not talking about Drake right now'."
"Look at how cute, let's see, look it isn't she cute, look what a little model. She's a Leo - there it is."
"I think that lace bra let's are so sexy and they can add such an awesome touch to your outfit."
"It's easier to persuade people when they are attracted to you already, when they're asking you for advice or when they're coming to you for advice."
"Farming is my life, please don't take it away from me."
"Only an audience will decide. I like this person. I want to see this person. True."
"That's exactly what you and I would be doing. Please don't do that with your tongue, I appreciate it, I fold it."
"Make sure you are a member, I am so close to 10,000 people."
"There's a lot of attractiveness, magnetic attractiveness that we are actually going to have."
"I think the guy checks a lot of boxes, he is very fun to watch, he's a handsome guy, he's young, he can do it all."
"Just hit that like button for just no reason just just cuz it would make me so happy and i really appreciate you."
"They like the way you look, the way you take care of yourself."
"It's the exact opposite. It is what makes you different that makes you popular or memorable."
"People are drawn to confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness."
"They have a very mature energy, very mature and it's so attractive. Like to me personally, I think group number four you guys got the best because this person just feels like intoxicating."
"Whatever you contribute will mean a lot to me."
"You have fashion, you have style, you have a certain source that your person is just super attracted to."
"They think you have a real sexiness about you, liking to see you in tight clothes."
"Please pray for me, please support if you can, and may God bless you for everything you're doing to help me to get out there and be the light in this dark world."
"People feel this sort of buyer-seller dynamic, they want to be a part of your vibe."
"Be kind to Demi in the comments, she's a beautiful woman."
"There's something very compelling about people who are comfortable in their own skin; managers, politicians, someone who's very comfortable as an is, people just are drawn to that, aren't they?"
"What is it about you that people want to watch you over somebody else?"
"Personally, I'd always found something appealing in him."
"I'm talking to the typhoon gods, brother."
"Who wouldn't find someone more attractive because they're so good at something?"
"The most important thing you can accomplish in the two minutes is to get people to like you."
"The idea of being both a doctor and a scientist together sounded much better and much more appealing to me than just being a scientist on its own."
"It is beautiful and to me it's just a very sexy chocolate scent."
"They like the way you tell stories; they like you."
"It appealed to me on a molecular level."
"Why does Bob Newhart's humor work so well? Whether at the office or at home."
"Ruskin's immediate and personal appeal to readers means that he inspires in those who look at him carefully a sense of connection and loyalty."
"Please, Jeff, I'm sorry. It's me. I'm so grateful you're here to help me."
"If it appeals to me, it's probably going to appeal to a lot of other people too because I'm hard to please."
"Thank you so much for watching, and please, if you don't want to do it for somebody else, just do it as a personal favor to me."
"It actually makes you look a lot more appealing."
"You very much draw people to you; you're also very spiritual."
"I attempt to mostly write characters and scenes and stories that appeal to me on a deep level in every part of the story, because if I don't like what I'm writing why am I writing it and why would someone want to read it?"
"I'm James Vanguard. I want you to know me, to accept me even though I don't deserve it."
"For love's sake, I rather appeal to you."
"You need to have an appeal to you that helps your influence."
"The more obscure a town I visit, the greater appeal it has for me."
"...the most appealing attribute to me is its ability to engage and immerse me in the music that I'm listening to."
"Please, Julian, don't miss this opportunity."
"He is adorable and fierce and attractive."
"Just go to the movies when it comes up, just go see this thing, alright? Do it for me."
"People like people that are very confident."
"My name is Dennis Majors. Please, think of me."
"Dude, no joke, please Altoids bring these back, these were my childhood, I love these things so much."
"Please forgive me, please, Ryan, forgive me."
"All that matters is that wrestling appeals to you and that's it."
"People want to know what's your secret because you are looking very highly attractive right now to a lot of people."
"He had a gift of winning people’s hearts. You couldn’t help liking him."