
Non-discrimination Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"Whether we like it or not, we're all in this together. The virus doesn't discriminate; the rules don't discriminate."
"The one who sees all beings in one's own self and oneself in all beings, for him there is no hatred."
"The best way of going forward is not to discriminate, period."
"Humanitarian assistance be supplied to the population in need without discrimination or hindrance."
"Employers should not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity because those honestly, for the most part, have nothing to do with whether or not you can do a job."
"No one has a right to discriminate against anyone, anyone. No one has that right."
"Members of the university community must be supported to work and study in an environment free of discrimination and harassment."
"Your vote...you have a right to your vote being counted and that your method of voting shouldn't lead to discriminatory, differential, disparate treatment of you."
"This topic is a very contentious one. It raises a lot of emotions. It is potentially possible to stoke the fans of hatred, the flames of anger between Sunnis and Shia. Therefore, I want to state for the record very clearly that I am completely and totally opposed to stirring any bigotry, any hatred against any group."
"The goal is to create a desirable service that is politically neutral, non-discriminatory."
"I don't think people should be treated differently based on their skin color."
"Equality means the greatest candidate for the job, and it is not excluding men because you're not going to make progress that way."
"Anyone could be his next victim. He had no preference in terms of age or gender."
"God bless them with some great genetics they shouldn't be punished for that."
"Let's be fair to everyone. I Don't Care What ethnicity Johnny Depp is or Amber Heard or her gender or who she goes to bed with I don't care my thing is be good to people."
"Everywhere in your everyday life, in your home, in the grocery store, and especially in the comment section down below, please do not show hate to anybody."
"My respect is not less for those who aren't."
"There's no room for hatred, there's no room for selfishness, we're all god."
"This is about protecting lives; the virus does not discriminate between political party affiliation."
"Women can be criminals too - okay, don't discriminate."
"Trans rights are human rights and that no one should be discriminated on the basis of sex."
"In life, you go through changes. Not all of them are welcome, but they're going to happen whether you're ready or not. Just gotta roll with the punches."
"Let's not ever, ever close the door to anyone because of dress or the way he looks."
"Do not treat someone differently because they're not a Muslim."
"It does not matter what the color of skin is or what their sexual preference is, it just matters not."
"We don't hate on each other here, we are the Sargent's, we love each other, we are united and we are one."
"There is no place in our city for any hate, no discrimination."
"God picked a group of people because they were a group of people, not because of their pigmentation."
"Everyone should be treated as an individual, no discrimination in person or constitutionally or legally."
"Nothing about conservatism... espouses either a race-based view of the world or the idea that you should be able to go out and hurt people whom you dislike particularly on the basis of race."
"The disease of alcoholism and addiction does not discriminate, and neither does recovery."
"Don't defend or support racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic views on your platform."
"If you don't want to be called racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, then don't defend or support those views."
"Gravity is not trying to shame anybody, gravity is just [ __ ] gravity." - Alan Robertson
"Judge Luke by his character, not by who he loves."
"Pharma's pharmacy did not discriminate against commoners or nobles, rich or poor."
"Competence, intelligence is not a function of sexuality. It's a function of the value you have added to yourself."
"The color of someone's skin should make absolutely no difference."
"This is not okay, whether you're a man, woman, gender doesn't matter."
"Disney's embrace of our community has never smacked of political correctness to me."
"I refuse to judge you based on the color of your skin. Period. End of story."
"There is no religion, there's no tribe, there's no cult. I look at values, that's it."
"I think masked interviews should be the way then there's no discrimination."
"We are all brothers and sisters, and no one is superior, no one is inferior."
"They're not asking for special treatment they're not asking for anything outrageous they're just asking for a safe supportive non-discriminatory learning environment for their children."
"The idea of attacking people's gender or identity is horrific."
"It's not about the breed; it's about the human."
"If you're not putting someone else down via your preferences, then your preferences are valid."
"Individuals you should never discriminate against."
"The law of love and liberty obligates us to treat everyone equally without partiality."
"Nobody should be getting harmed, discriminated against, or killed because of who they are."
"The furry community is the best community; we don't think badly of people because of race or sexuality or anything of this sort."
"Scavenging and building vehicles and weapons."
"I don't think we should discriminate against anybody on the basis of their gender or origin or religion or anything like that, so long as you can do the job."
"That bill won by an overwhelming majority in the house of 342 to 57. That was not a political easy vote."
"We believe in all of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We don't get particular. We will zealously represent anyone's rights under the law."
"Equal justice under law, not treat people differently because you don't like the way they talk or their politics."
"We don't do any racism, sexism, or homophobia here on this channel. That's the only thing that's going to get you blocked."
"I can't stand for people to be left out. I can't stand for people to be treated differently."
"People credit for having the wherewithal to not make it about race. Give people some credit to make it about your attitude, your character is what it needs to be about."
"We will never accept or tolerate social media attacks of any of our employees simply for being who they are."
"Let's judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, not their sexualities."
"Nobody is denied an opportunity because of race, creed, or color."
"I say we treat everyone the same and not give them special treatment."
"A world where people just want to live their lives, where people are judged by the content of their character."
"We don't care about people's religion or race."
"He doesn't view me as a deaf person. He looks at my skills and capabilities instead."
"Schools should not discriminate against their students."
"I don't hate non-binary people. I don't hate anyone actually who doesn't do harm to animals, children, or people in general."
"Regardless of what ethnicity you were born into and had no say in, you're just born. It's not like anybody asked to be born Korean, it's just like 'oh this is who I am.' That's why you can't really hate anybody."
"I judge based on individual actions and beliefs, not group affiliations."
"It felt really important to make sure that people realized that we were not invalidating anyone's experiences on this show and they were not passing out um hurtful or harmful ideology about trans people."
"Capitalism does not discriminate, it exploits you no matter who you are."
"Anyone can be Spider-Man. Race, gender, corporeal reality—we don’t judge."
"No age discrimination. No gender discrimination."
"I like all of them, you don't discriminate."
"Bullets do not discriminate, it doesn't matter what party you're in, it will still come for you when the time comes."
"It really doesn't matter what the person looks like listen it does not discriminate not discriminate it definitely does it."
"We don't discriminate on age as long as you can get to a legal contract."
"I don't want special treatment, I want to be treated like everybody else."
"We conceived of a principle... we do not discriminate."
"I'm also going to use the whites cuz I don't discriminate."
"The ruling makes clear that non-discrimination laws remain firmly in place and that the government has never needed to compel speech to ensure access to goods and services."
"As far as we are concerned whether a white man dies or a black man dies in circumstances that lend themselves to a charge the charge must be the same."
"These things do not discriminate, you know. It's not a certain social circle because it can happen to anybody."
"Real estate brokers should not accept the listing where such discrimination is attempted."
"I wasn't really interested and that's what's crazy, addiction doesn't discriminate like this could happen to anybody."
"Let not the hatred of a people make you do wrong or commit injustice against them."
"In the meantime, we shouldn't discriminate. Just try to learn and understand."
"As humans, we're all human beings. We shouldn't discriminate or judge someone based on their identity."
"It's a law that prohibits lenders from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, and more."
"Hardship is not exclusive to any group of people. Everyone goes through it on different levels, and some unfortunately go through more than others, but it's not discriminatory. Hardship comes after everybody."
"Equality is crucial because it teaches us things like you shouldn't judge on the basis of somebody's skin color."
"He treats all people equally without discrimination, and besides, foreigners are good people too."
"I want to have a society where nobody's discriminated against."
"When manas is transformed, it becomes the wisdom of non-discrimination."
"Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use facilities that best align with their sincere self-reported gender identity."
"There shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services…without regard to race, color, religion or national origin."
"I don't care about a person's educational background."
"That's the biggest piece of advice I can give you guys: do not discriminate between how much money you make."
"Why should we go around separating each other and saying this is good and this is bad when actually the destination is all the same?"
"Under the Commerce Clause, what Congress has done is to enact reforms of the insurance market... that preclude discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, that require guaranteed issue and community rating."
"...you can't disrupt anyone else from being on a platform because they have equal right to be there just as much as you, as long as they're not spreading hate."
"We don't ask them identifying questions. We just ask them where does it hurt and how can we help you."
"If you're going to open your businesses to the public, you can't discriminate based on race."
"Don't judge a person based on their skin color; judge them based on the content of their character."
"Treat everyone that comes in. I've taken care of murderers, prisoners... you treat them the same way."
"Let's stop judging people by the color of their skin or the place where they worship and start considering them for what they do."
"Let's judge our neighbors by the character of their lives alone, and not on the basis of their religion or origin."
"You should not discriminate against someone because of their immutable characteristics."
"The code of practice for international recruitment states that managers or recruiters are not supposed to discriminate because of where you are from."
"You shouldn't be scared of them and you shouldn't judge them just based on the color of their skin."
"No race, gender, or species has rights over another."
"We want a nation where men and women are judged on the basis of the content of their character and the ability, not their ethnicity."
"I am totally without prejudice against women in business, Angela."
"We don't judge a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
"We do not condone hatred or discrimination carried out in the name of our religion."
"Remember, disability doesn't discriminate. Anybody can be made disabled at any age and at any time in their life within a blink of an eye."
"You should not evaluate someone based on their age or demographic."
"The United States Constitution does not forbid a state to control the use of its own property for its own lawful non-discriminatory purpose."
"The thing that makes radical compassion radical is that by definition you can't be selective about it."
"This video is simply to educate you, not hate on anyone."
"She welcomed everybody, and she truly believed in that, and it didn't matter what race or color or your stature, she welcomed everyone."
"The choice of citizenship should not be based on the color, the race, the gender, or ethnicity but the choice have to be only regarding to the right to choose."
"We certainly don't want to demonize some of the most vulnerable people that are coming to our country."
"Roland vowed to provide a safe haven where the witches could roam the streets without fear of discrimination."
"There will be no discrimination based upon race in housing selection throughout the city of Seattle."
"I do not measure people based on their level of education."
"To me, you're no different than anyone else."
"If it means me agreeing to that gay people can have their rights not being prosecuted, then I would say yes."
"God has no favorites and one cannot discriminate in the name of God."
"The whole point of color blind is that you judge people based on who they are and not the color of their skin."
"At the same time, we have to be willing to give people a chance and not generalize the actions of many in a group against everyone in that group."
"Everyone is welcome here, we don't discriminate."
"Don't judge someone by their skin color, judge them by the content of their character."
"Just because she is obese doesn't mean that she will not bring Rocky to the dog park where she lives."
"People should not be discriminated against in their employment on the basis of their sexual identity."
"The goal of fair housing again is to make sure that lenders and sellers and brokers don't look at someone's race, creed, religion, familial status or any other protected class and assume that they do or don't qualify."
"Don't judge someone by the color of their skin but the content of their character."
"I don't care about color at this point. I just listen, character."
"Go do your own research, form your own opinion, just don't show hate to anybody anywhere."
"There's no difference in white and black, no difference in Arab and non-Arab; it's only taqwa that makes the highest individual."
"I don't care about color at this point, I just listen to character."
"You cannot discriminate on the basis of race in the United States for any reason."
"Employers really do not like to discriminate within the workplace because it breeds bad blood and ultimately can lower productivity."
"We do not discriminate based off of breed, medical history, or age, so every dog has a chance to find their forever home through our rescue."
"I made it a point of mine that if ever I was in the company of somebody who was HIV positive... I would not ostracize them."
"You cannot discriminate against people because of where they are from."
"It is hereby declared that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin."
"We should not distinguish people by their race or gender or anything."
"He treats all people equally without discrimination."
"A Ghostbuster doesn't hate; a Ghostbuster doesn't discriminate."
"The right to education is legally guaranteed for all without any discrimination, and States have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfil the right to education."
"It's the right to determinism, the right to freedom, the right to not be discriminated against, the right to live your life, the right to not be beaten or abused."
"We do not discriminate between anyone."
"There's no sexism here; men and women both with a common task."
"I don't discriminate; age, discriminate nothing."
"Our motto is, ‘Love for All, Hatred for None.’"
"Everyone must be given equal access to education and that any form of discrimination must be eliminated."
"I never judged anyone based on their skin color."
"You are going to grow your amazing, beautiful, incredible self out of not wanting to persecute anybody and not wanting to be persecuted."
"You shouldn't judge anybody on the color of their skin, the beliefs, the sexual orientations; you judge people on the content of what the character is."
"No Arab is preferred over a non-Arab; no black is preferred over a white."
"Civilians should never be indiscriminately targeted."
"This just took everybody. It didn't discriminate by any means."
"Providing them with care, training, and supervision that they require and judging them by their actions and not their DNA or their physical appearance is the best way to ensure that dogs and people continue to share safe and happy lives together."
"I don't see color, I see caliber."
"It is beautiful to not be judged by the color of your skin."
"We are relieved and grateful the Biden Administration has affirmed that religion is not a license to discriminate."
"No one should be discriminated against based on factors like race, gender, religion, or social status."
"Cancer is the great equalizer; it doesn't discriminate between rich, poor, race, or class."
"I don't care what anybody says, you shouldn't dislike or like or be cautious of anybody because of the color of their skin."
"We shouldn't be looking at the color of people's skins; we should be looking at their characters."
"While abhorring segregation, we shall love the segregationist. This is the only way to create the Beloved Community."
"I don't think anyone is born bad, evil, or born to discriminate."
"We are never to discriminate against anybody because of their race or their religion."
"With correct knowledge, do not discriminate against those who are fighting the disease."
"It's about saying it doesn't matter what you do or how you choose to live your life, you are still a man and you should not be hated on, discriminated against, or oppressed just because you have a penis."
"The disease of addiction does not discriminate; it doesn't care who you are, how much money you have, where you come from, what gender you are, what your religious background is, it does not matter."
"It's incorrect and it's improper to be discriminatory toward anyone for any reason."
"If we lived in a world where with our children from day one we didn't teach them to judge."
"It just shows they don't have that in them just to hate for no reason."
"When we live in this way, you can't hate anybody; you practice love, love, and more love."
"We don't want the show to be its own little club; the show has to be open for everybody to watch, no discrimination whatsoever."
"The things that separate us in the outside world do not matter in NA; the disease does not discriminate, and neither should we."
"Let us unite with those who advocate non-discrimination to seek a culture and laws that respect the rights of all to the equal protection of the law and the right to the free exercise of religion."
"Our value should dictate that individual humans should not be discriminated against because of their humanity."
"Being gay has no bearing on my job performance in business, in the military, or in my current role as mayor."
"Our company does not tolerate discrimination of any kind."
"You shouldn't be discriminating against anybody at all, for any reason, ever."
"He who sees all beings in the self and the self in all beings, feels no hatred by virtue of that realization."
"I couldn't hate people just based on who they are."
"We believe that our underwriting practices are applied equally regardless of race."
"Consumers have the right to be treated with dignity and respect without discrimination."
"We don't judge people by the color of their skin, and we haven't. We think it's a principle in a society dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
"You should never refuse to tattoo someone because of their body shape or who they are."
"There'll be no discrimination based on gender, religion, skin color, nationality, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, your age."
"Skin color doesn't determine somebody's character."
"I don't discriminate against any group over here on my channel."
"I don't hate anybody based upon factors about themselves that they can't change."