
Self-experimentation Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"If you eat no fried food for the next two weeks, and you look at your skin, and you look at how you feel when you wake up, and you look at your grip strength, and you look at every single metric about how good you're doing, you will improve."
"I am going to try this 30-day thing so thank you for being here and helping me find the courage to take a look at this."
"I think everyone needs to treat themselves like they are their own science experiment."
"We are each our own crucible, and we can do experiments on ourselves. If you're objective about it, you figure that out."
"Testing your body is about seeing what you can handle, what you can't, and how to improve. It's about being open-minded in your journey of self-betterment."
"Dr. Stapp couldn't bear the idea of someone being seriously injured or killed in experiments he was conducting, so whenever possible made himself the guinea pig instead."
"Do what works for you but also keep an open mind on things."
"I wanted to understand her more so I decided to live more like her...to build empathy and understanding and together make a better world."
"Everything that I do is experiment on myself."
"You have every reason to just put your toe in and try this first stage of healing which is to learn to re-regulate."
"Approach it as a science of the self... be open to experimenting throughout this entire process."
"I challenge you to take off a week or two in your life and just see what happens."
"I'm experimenting on myself...all of humanity is waiting on you here."
"I think experimenting and just looking at yourself in a more objective way helps."
"No animals were used in testing this product except for myself."
"Find your groove via trial and error and don't compare yourself to anybody else."
"Take it with a grain of salt, figure out what works for you and what doesn't work for you."
"Experiment with what works for you now in this moment."
"I've been pepper spraying myself a little bit every day for weeks to build up an immunity."
"Investigate and think about what habit you can establish. Report back in three or six months."
"Self-tattooing will actually help you learn the correct needle depth and the feel of that, you will actually feel when you are at the correct depth."
"I encourage everyone to try fasting even just for a day."
"Having that awareness that people are still gonna care no matter how much I mess up gives me the permission to go try something new and make mistakes."
"I inject snake venom into my body for over 30 years."
"We live in an age where you can run experiments on your own life that are the things you want to do."
"Whatever that GI problem is, I can fix it by eating nothing."
"Experiment on yourself, gather the knowledge, apply it to yourself and find out what works for you, that's the best thing you can do for yourself is find out what works for you and then do that thing."
"Of all the experiments that you've done on yourself, what do you believe has been the most impactful or gave you the greatest movement? Sleep."
"Use yourself as a guinea pig, become really intuitive as to what is working best for you."
"Self-experimentation is key... if you reach a plateau, you have to start pulling levers."
"I tested it on myself, looked at the literature, and then hired people far more qualified than myself."
"Self-experimentation defines what works."
"It's trying out different products for yourself."
"Just try it out to see how much sugar is in your drink at home."
"I would love to give myself up as a test subject; someone figure out what it is. Is there something unique about my physiology? Is it all mental? I don't know, but I would love to know."
"I didn't want to be in a campground. My goal was to subject myself to the experience and the experiment of isolation."
"Get curious not furious, you can always drink tomorrow, this can just be a one day experiment data collection."
"Don't just go on what you read; find out, investigate, try it on yourself and see how it works."
"Jonas Salk needed human subjects to test his polio vaccine... so he just experimented on himself."
"It's important to try things on yourself because some of those least harmful foods may be really negative for you."
"The best experiment is always the end of one, the experiment where you do your experiment on yourself."
"Trust yourself, and again, be your own guinea pig."
"The point of this week is to try and see if I can actually function as a human while eating pizza."
"Therapy is like a laboratory for testing out ways of operating in the world."
"She's been known to put herself in extreme physical and emotional states, testing the limits of what a body and mind could withstand."
"There is no belief system here; if you carry on the experiment on yourself through a very steady apparatus, you will arrive at these facts yourself, no question of belief."
"Try it with your own body and you will find that this makes a ton of sense."
"This makes so much sense as to why it would work and why should I not try it on myself."
"Just get a six-pack once in your life just to see how it feels."
"If you like to consume diet beverages, do an experiment on yourself for a week and see when you're hungry next and what you're reaching for."
"Women and their coaches really have to be their own best scientists and keep track of this."
"Have fun with this human design experiment and let me know in the comment section down below how it's going for you."
"I would recommend trying this especially if you do find yourself bloating often."
"Aren't you concerned you're messing with your brain? Oh no, buddy, I've been messing with my brain for a very long time."
"Choose seven consecutive days and go for it; see if you notice any difference in how you feel and what you think."
"We're not calling it a diet, it's really just an opportunity to figure out how you feel."