
Humorous Description Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Does anyone else have allergies? I feel as though an entire field of dandelions just decided to line up and flatulate right in my eyeball."
"Smart food is like the exact opposite [of cheese balls]; your hands actually become more powder than skin, and yet, you gotta love it."
"The Vampire Bat will actually go towards you and suicide bomb you kind of, I guess he doesn't explode, but it will take some of your health."
"Napoleon Total War game on crack. On crack cocaine, baby!"
"This section killed me quite a few times overall, but what really sucked is that even after being stuck in a cocoon for all that time, I still came out of it the same chicken-legged dweeb I was before."
"He's already dressed for the beach, dog. That's what he lost his way out. He's out taking the belt to the beach, I don't care."
"He's got a Lego nose. He's got a Lego piece on his nose."
"All of spacetime across the pulsar network, and probably across the universe, is a bit wibbly wobbly."
"In our friendship group, it is a known secret that Chippo would win just off of pure crackhead energy."
"I just picture a big pink Kilowog right big pink Kilowog little emerald green speedo and how does walking in on him and going what what is and Kilowog being like this is what they wear was what they used to wear on my planet."
"It's like you're hanging off the seat belts like you're a muppet. It's crazy fun."
"With 53 votes we have Takami you know take me has always been a fan favorite like dog goth doctor MILF hello."
"Riley's always had a smile that only his girlfriend could love."
"He had a plate full of crepes, enough to fill even the big guy's green ample belly."
"Why is it called that? Because El Oscuro lays eggs. He lays eggs! El Oscuro lays eggs!"
"It wasn't running with its arms all willy-nilly like some people have observed, but pumping its arms like a large human in hot pursuit of a bacon cheeseburger."
"I barely knew you. You're not a piss baby or piss goblin."
"This weapon mod it would even have E.T. rubbing his tiny alien nipples with his weird giant fingers."
"Rapid rabbit toilet, rabid, huh? Rabid rabbit toilet, 11 million health. Excuse me, uh, sell, that's gotta be the boss."
"Whether it be perversion or power, Master Roshi is coming out on top."
"Plaster is basically a sticky mixture that starts wet and hardens when you spread it on something. Sounds kind of hot."
"His singing voice is like the Pringles of singing voices."
"She protect, she attack, but mostly she just does both."
"Everything is on fire... you are now being stabbed on account of being very very dead."
"He's like if Loki and Satan did a Fusion Dance."
"Let me tell you something my dudes who it is stanky up in here man damn I mean we got cow poop pig poop sheep poop and cacti poop all in the same place absolutely disgusting."
"Kirito this point has been in potato mode for a good long time."
"He's like a badass grandpa kind of energy, you know?"
"The White House now sounds like the world's fanciest nursing home."
"It tastes like a kid's purple cough syrup tequila and I love it."
"Unbelievably incredible, yes! Slippers on that have claws on denote those aren't slippers she's in a full onesie and then has a Jersey ogre you."
"Legendary, the only bug that swats back and hard."
"It's real uplifting when a ragtag bunch of kids got to stop this nut sack chin from outer space."
"Oh, come on! Is this not it? It's a cat, but it's a fluffy wuffy kitty weenie. Unless it is planning on destroying the world with evil adorableness, then once again it has failed."
"This stirred up real quick into little mashed potatoes or whatever that is: potato goop."
"That's gross oh yeah wow well done good new addition oh yeah look look see I was right it doesn't have the naughty ones inside it's teeth she's got teeth here and teeth here and they're all sharp and did you okay."
"Including the rest of the photo, the rest of our bodies in that photo, that's our legs are attached to the sides of our testicles. Yes, and our we got the string little arms and the stick torso. That's true."
"This team is stacked like a chick with seven double D's."
"No I smell like a baby after he shed his a rest moment...we'll work this out by next Halloween."
"His chair must smell like death and his room must smell like Hot Fritos but keep grinding bro cause first Legend can really change your life."
"I still have this imagery vivid imagery of him is McGonagall with that shirt riding up he pulled it up and I was like who put the hair on the hand the bike do you think his stomach could see the Sun at some point in his life."
"Now it's time to go back to the future before it was the Vomitron 3000, we mean Mission Space."
"Nobody wants to punch a guy that's curled up in a ball peeing on himself."
"He's friendly, when he's angry he sprouts tentacles."
"Sometimes you take a [__], it comes out like silently, delicately, it gets cups into the water and it's like a perfect 10 at an Olympic dive, no splash."
"He's also sickness resistant... he can put Sims in a flirty mood with just one look."
"Skara Brae was less 'the arse end of nowhere' than it was 'suburb of Neolithic Paris'."
"He's always sitting there with his hairy chest and whatever, you know, his bathrobe."
"I think I'm a pretzel weirdo, like a soft pretzel guy, but also the pretzel logs... eating the spit that was already inside of my own mouth, disgusting, get over it."
"Let me get this straight this guy dude a ginger pompadour on to his head then waited until he was wooing a lady to werewolf his ass."
"This tastes like if you made out with a cigar-smoking walrus."
"Brett is Ryan Reynolds and John Krasinski's love child."
"Lorelei, that's gonna be an A tier. Hot dummy mommy, that's gonna be an A tier."
"This is massive it weighed basically a ton and this yeah whoa mike that's like a wedding cake."
"You get a little bit of a peacock booty."
"He looked like a piece of Swiss cheese."
"He is like a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a vest."
"I fixed all those issues for free, and I had a car that accelerated like a stabbed rat, handled like a fly, and sounded like a divine fart."
"What a relief," the centaur said. "I'd been so cooped up in there for so long, my fetlocks had fallen asleep."