
Weekly Routine Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"That's the sound of the weekend, the last show of the week, and I couldn't be more grateful."
"I'm going to take that aftermarket part every single day of the week."
"If you can do something kind for somebody else this weekend and Sarah and I will see you next week."
"You cannot forget to end your week by checking out the Andrew Klavan Show."
"So I did, and I went every Friday evening, just listened, and then I was introduced to the Quran."
"Happy Friday! It's Friday night, you guys know what that means."
"What's keeping them from going back into the world and doing the same things that they did on Saturday night before they came in on Sunday morning?"
"My incredibly talented cast... this show is one of my favorite things to do every week."
"Happy Monday! Alright listen, I want everyone to get it out of their system right now... Monday sucks."
"It's always nice to have a laugh tal especially on a Monday."
"This show right here helps me to stick around, enjoy Mondays, something to look forward to."
"It's such a foreign feeling to enjoy it every week now really is the best."
"Every Friday morning, we open up cases just like your customers."
"Typically these reactions will be going out on Mondays instead of Tuesdays."
"Incorporating a Sabbath day... just resting and recharging."
"I hope that you have a beautiful week ahead. I look forward so much to our Tuesdays together."
"Sharpen the saw. Spend some time every week challenging yourself."
"Meal prepping on weekends sets up a successful week ahead."
"I always look forward to Thursdays because I can just...talk with all of you, smoke my cigar, and drink some scotch."
"House of Flying Ds every Sunday as soon as the show is over."
"We always have Taco Tuesday, they can always count on that and they really look forward to it."
"When it's Fridays, be safe knowing it's Fridays."
"For the first time in a long time, I look forward to Wednesdays."
"Thank god I have therapy... every friday like clockwork."
"This is always the highlight of my week."
"Is it Thursday yet? See you guys next week."
"Is there a better thing to look forward to during the week? I don't know."
"Thursday evening is my favorite evening of the week. So, you never know what's going to happen."
"Sabbath is the center of your week not something you tack on the end of it's a reorientation of the way we live."
"This is the best hour for us every week."
"I think all I can really do is try to make things right next Sunday which is when I always do the holy Gambit grills on Twitch."
"I'll see y'all next week, take care."
"Unwind and recharge, making sure I'm ready to tackle the week ahead."
"Thanks for watching, grab that jam, you guys, we'll see you next week. Bye."
"It's Monday, that means it's the motivational check-in."
"I've appreciated every single week we've done these."
"It's Friday, I've been waiting for this all week."
"I cook over the weekend and... have food to eat throughout the week."
"I'm going to remember to say it this time: Is it Thursday yet?"
"On Sundays, we try and chill out as much as possible because we've got a super busy week ahead."
"It's good to know that we have three fab meals a week."
"Every Sunday at 4 P.M. the Sunday Street Market is happening."
"We're here in Spain, it is Wednesday, which means we're right in the middle of training week for this weekend's Iberian Masters."
"Tomorrow is Monday, start of the new week, and we're gonna try all this stuff again."
"I love Sundays, a bit of a reset in all aspects."
"Happy Monday! Well, it's Monday for me, which means it's Tuesday for you guys."
"Thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you next Sunday."
"Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays."
"Other than that, have a great week."
"I think once a week for now, I will probably try to cook something out of the Mediterranean cookbook we got."
"We do what we need to do during the week and come out and put a show on the weekend."
"Set yourself up for a new week every single week; reset."
"They quickly became my favorite part of the week, and it's nice to know that I'm not alone."
"I still have a weekly intention to try and move my body four to five times a week."
"It's Tuesday, my friends, and we are into another week already."
"Wake up, enjoy the week, get spooked with some unsolved mysteries from the internet and beyond."
"Have a wonderful week, and I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"Sunday should be the best, happiest day of the whole week."
"There's no better way to start off my week than uploading a video for you guys."
"It's been a real treat to tune in each week."
"It was a funny drama, it had a great message, and every week without it being preachy."
"Your show makes me smile every week."
"We're back because it's Sunday, our favorite day of the week."
"It's Monday, it's the beginning of the new week."
"Hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week, and we'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"That should help all of us find a little respite at least every Sunday morning while we work through the impacts that Corona is having on our lives."
"It's Monday, so it's time to start up another week."
"I shall catch you all in the week."
"How often do you do date night or spend quality time together? Every week."
"It's always so good to share another Wednesday practice with y'all."
"Mug Shot Monday, Lit Term Tuesday, Words on Wednesday, take a break on Thursday, and just get stuff done."
"It feels so much better every single Sunday to climb into bed and have clean sheets."
"Don't the weeks fly by? Welcome to Family Fortunes."
"Have a lovely gardening week, see you Wednesday guys."
"It's Tuesday, Logan. Do you know what that means? We're going camping tomorrow."
"An hour a week out in the garden might not be a bad thing to do."
"Stay safe, stay hydrated, stay healthy, and I will see you all next week."
"This is a great way to start off my week."
"This is my kind of reboot for this week, and how I'm getting back into the swing of things, health-style."
"It's a really good way to go into your week, just unwind."
"It's a headphone that I find myself using quite a bit throughout the week."
"You already know what time it is, it's Friday story time."
"It's like a little gift once a week."
"The thing I look forward to the most during the week, so it's soul-crushing when you guys skip a week."
"I like to treat myself to going to a coffee shop on Wednesday."
"I feel like Mondays have turned into my mom days."
"Hello and welcome to part 36, this is my favorite time of the week."
"I genuinely love starting my week with you guys."
"It's about 300 minutes per week that helps with at least weight maintenance and may prevent weight regain."
"It's hair wash day; usually on Sundays, I like to get everything prepped for the week, including my hair, my skincare, my everything."
"So if you're ready for your weekly dose of beachy goodness, let's go to the beach."
"Happy Monday everyone, we had a pretty chill Sunday."
"I'm officially done for the week."
"The upper lower split is actually a very versatile split and it works for four or five and six days per week."
"Practice this out of your imagination on a weekly basis."
"I like to eat healthy all during the week when we are home."
"Good morning guys, happy Sunday, it's my favorite day of the week."
"It's a strong Taco Tuesday, baby, don't forget."
"It's a good way to start your week, an easy way to start the week, a good meal to share for your family and friends."
"Enjoy the rest of your week and we look forward to seeing you next week."
"Hope you're having a good one, we're starting up a new week here."
"I don't miss doing non-Shabbat things on Saturday because Shabbat is the best day of the week."
"It's Tuesday, enjoy the rest of your week, I will see you Friday, Cheers, bye."
"Good morning, everybody. It's been a long week."
"I personally love a Monday work in because it gets my day going, gives my blood flowing, wakes me up, and it sets the tone for the rest of my week."
"We do Sunday reflections every Sunday together."
"Your family vlogs are something looked forward to each week."
"I could do like weekly vlogs, you know, where I compile everything together into one video and then post it once a week."
"I hope you are having a great Sunday, and I will see you all right back here next week."
"Thank God It's Friday, yes you made it through another week."
"On Fridays, we have soup with fish."
"Each week we watch something different."
"This is my favorite part of every week."
"Until next Sunday everyone, have a wonderful week."
"I'll see you guys all next Sunday. Bye."
"I love starting off the week with a fresh food shop."
"It's such a great fun little thing to kind of break up the week."
"Take care, I'll see you guys next Monday."
"Enjoy your Fridays, I'm JD, and I'll see you guys right back here for Off the Script."
"I try not to plan anything on Mondays... I want to start off the week calm."
"Figure out what is the best way to start your week because that's gonna play into the rest of the week."
"Have a fantastic healthy week and we shall see you the same time next week."