
Allergies Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Does anyone else have allergies? I feel as though an entire field of dandelions just decided to line up and flatulate right in my eyeball."
"If you want to think of allergies as partly about a climate crisis, you wouldn't be wrong."
"30 to 40 percent of the global population have some form of allergic disease."
"Allergies really say something quite profound about us as humans and our ability to live in harmony or disharmony with our environment."
"Allergies exist on a continuum. Some people it's unpleasant at certain times of year, yet other people like your father end up dying from allergies."
"Allergy sufferers can never ignore that because they're in a constant conversation with the world around them."
"Allergies are the canaries in the coal mine of climate change effects on our biology."
"Our chance of developing a severe food allergy is directly related to the diversity of food we eat as children."
"Just release a version of your product without fragrance so it's accessible to people who have fragrance allergy."
"How can you tell the difference between skin irritation and an allergic reaction? The terms really shouldn't be used interchangeably."
"I mean I've had to abandon my shopping cart at grocery stores because of this, I've had to bail on DoorDash orders, I've ruined dates by not being able to eat inside restaurants."
"Things are scary, help with allergies. Early exposure helps with allergies."
"Combat allergies naturally with anti-inflammatory foods, vitamin C, probiotics, and Omega-3s."
"This garlic sauce is delicious! With that, we're deadly allergic to garlic."
"All restaurants have allergy-friendly options - no need to worry."
"You can be confident in your order before you even make it to the parks by doing a little extra allergy friendly research ahead of time."
"Richmond is the worst city in the United States for seasonal allergies."
"I have never met someone who is not allergic to peanuts that was not all in on peanut butter."
"If you don't eat peanuts since you're a baby... could it be possible that you develop an allergy to peanuts?"
"Typically, if you got one allergy, you've got a lot."
"50,000 subscribers! I just... I can't believe it."
"Scientists find a natural protein that stops allergies and autoimmune conditions."
"I'm no longer allergic to dogs in fact if you guys follow me on my youtube channel or on my instagram."
"Navigating food allergies and special diets when dining out can be hard, but Disney World truly does make it easy."
"The best alternative... is to feed what we call hypoallergenic cow-based formula."
"If you have any sort of food allergies or food sensitivities you probably have leaky gut."
"Despite voice acting a carrot-loving fiend, Mel Blanc was allergic to the vegetable."
"I feel like I'm allergic, probably allergic to a lot of things."
"No, I have allergies 24/7. They're just never gone, they stay forever."
"I think that if you mandate peanut butter for all the children in the world some of them will die."
"My allergies have been acting up, so it's only this, like, I usually dose it if it's really bad."
"In some studies, drinking unpasteurized milk has been associated with a decrease in allergies."
"Imagine being allergic to peanuts and never enjoying the delight that is peanut butter."
"Allergies are when your body is just overreacting to something that is normally safe."
"Dairy is a more common allergen than gluten is yep and then it's it's one of those foods that doesn't register satiety like other ones are not so they're similar you can just it's easy to overdo them."
"Water helps cure allergies, just believe it and drink it."
"You can have life-threatening allergies and live a very fulfilling life. I am the example of that."
"Rule number one: you can't get healthy eating food that's not. Rule number two: don't eat what you're reacting to. Rule number three: don't eat foods that you're allergic to."
"Jesus, it's so [ __ ] good that it is the one thing on Earth that if you were allergic to it, we're not gonna say you have a cheese allergy. No, you're lactose intolerant."
"It's kind of crazy when I eat food, my nose starts clogging. It's kind of crazy."
"Food sensitivities are more common than food allergies, and they can cause delayed symptoms."
"Introduction of peanut products early on is now recommended, especially in kids with eczema and other hints that they might go on to develop a peanut allergy."
"I fear that my allergies have turned into a bit of a cold."
"You guys have never known hay fever until you get James's hay fever."
"I feel like my timing maybe could be better, can you hear in my voice that I'm dealing with allergies?"
"I know I'm not allergic to like dogs and cats and strawberries and things like that, but that's so Random."
"It's on you to always check with your server about allergies before you order anything and on them to list full ingredients."
"Mold exposure can trigger mast cells."
"Mycotoxins will poison you. It's kind of like this: Mycotoxins are poison to everyone, but not everybody's mold allergic."
"Just eat things that don't contain what you have an allergy or intolerance to. It's kind of revolutionary."
"People will breathe in the spores and if your immune system overreacts to them you have an allergic reaction that can make you sick."
"Many people are allergic to cats."
"Probiotics are important and effective in reducing the incidence and severity of allergies."
"Men's antiperspirants seem to have endless fragrance variations, which might not cater to those with fragrance allergies."
"I apologize if I sound a little bit nasally today, my allergies are acting up like crazy."
"It's liquid amber if you have allergies and you're sensitive I suggest you enclose your wood as well."
"I am allergic to most animals apart from one."
"Drugstore makeup in general, because of my sensitivities and because of my allergies."
"I'm on a special diet. Turns out I'm allergic to gluten-free food. It's not easy killing free-range gluten in the wild. You got to club him to death. Any hunters here with us tonight? What do you hunt, sir? Everything."
"Do we believe all allergic reactions are real? Yes."
"I've always been allergic so it's always been kind of like a pipe dream."
"But then there's this other side that is doing like heavy emollients, it's natural, non-toxic, plant-based, and there's a lot of coconut in topical products for the face, and I break out like that from coconut."
"Disney Cruise Line takes allergies very seriously."
"They try to keep these new allergy menus they're rolling out where it doesn't matter if you're only allergic to one thing, it will try to cover if you're allergic to all those eight things."
"If I knew that security dog number four had an allergic reaction to Forest from Bath and Body Works I wouldn't have spritzed it on."
"I've noticed this time of year, the time that when the golden rod turns golden, there is some allergen that is in the air that is not rona."
"We tried to go top nine allergen free for one week. Here's what happened."
"An increase in eosinophils or an eosinophilia is often seen with animals that have really bad allergies or a hypersensitivity reaction."
"If you are actually allergic to something to where, 'Oh, please yes, you get swelling or hives or you turn red, please tell your medical professionals."
"You always want to buy honey that's as local as can be, ideally, if you want to help with allergies, you'll eat honey that's produced as locally as possible."
"There are some very scary things in my own bedroom: the spider in the corner, that thing in my closet, the absolute mountain of used crusty tissues between the wall and my bed. I, uh, I have allergies."
"Puppies are so universally loved that even people that will die from being in the same room as them still adore them."
"This is what I signed up for. I didn't sign up for allergies though."
"Food allergies can be more than just an inconvenience."
"This is your sign to get flowers for people. Anyone appreciates flowers unless they're allergic."
"We wanted to build a home that would be good for Mary's allergy conditions."
"Raw local honey... is known to help with inflammation and other problems that cause allergies."
"Sending love to all of our friends with seasonal allergies out there."
"An allergy is obviously not the same thing as food poisoning, and allergies are an autoimmune disease where your body is overreacting to something."
"I wish they had a baking book for my specific allergies because I am dairy, egg, and nuts, and they do, they do, I can confirm."
"Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to seafood, as these insects share a family relation to shrimp and lobsters."
"Would you rather be allergic to sunlight or be allergic to moonlight?"
"Eosinophils... are a lot of times associated with allergies and allergic diseases."
"Disney takes allergies very seriously."
"For future notice to any allergy sufferers that have EpiPens, if anyone tries to take your EpiPen and play hero, kick them in the shin and do it yourself."
"The reality is all the things we've been telling people for a long time, like having the peanut avoidance and don't give it till two, was probably causing a lot of the peanut allergy."
"On average, two children in every class have a food allergy and allergic reactions take place more in school than in any other setting outside the home."
"Babies play on the carpet and that's how they pick up a lot of allergies or sometimes asthma."
"They are hypoallergenic, so if you have allergies, I promise you will sleep so much better."
"I used to meditate with the Sun during sunset, not Sunrise. It makes me sneeze."
"If you have a really severe allergy... if you get a parasitic infection, your allergy pretty much goes away."
"I have my own humidifier to help with my allergies."
"Benefits of having proper levels of AM is it improves allergies, asthma, eczema, helps with autism."
"Why are cats allowed? Yes, dogs are also permitted in the cabin. Yet twice as many people are allergic to cats as to dogs."
"Snakes are completely furless which means if you're allergic to dogs or cats or any other types of fur, a snake is a great option since they are hypoallergenic."
"Do you understand how dangerous allergies are? They can be fatal."
"German cockroaches are the number one cause of allergies and asthma in inner city children."
"Quick ingredient filters: Great for vegetarians and people with allergies."
"It's so weird, I don't have any allergies in Utah, but whenever I go back to Washington DC, I have crazy allergies."
"That sounds great, but my husband is allergic to feathers."
"Up to 78% of asthma patients will also experience allergic rhinitis."
"Allergic disorders tend to follow in families."
"Local honey helps fight hay fever."
"Always, always, always check your allergies."
"Always learn your second line just in case you had a question where there was an allergy or intolerance to a penicillin."
"One in 13 children have a food allergy, so even if your own child doesn't have a food allergy, it's really important that we spread awareness about this."
"The early introduction of peanut protein can prevent allergies by 80 percent."
"Goat's milk soap is very good for those with skin allergies, eczema, you know, just sensitive skin in general, dry skin."
"Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, fruits, and grains are the most common causes of anaphylaxis."
"Having mint in your daily diet might just give your body the gentle boost it needs to combat those allergic invaders."
"Allergies seem like they could have evolved to be the last line of defense."
"These are great if you have allergies; you can't have real flowers at your wedding."
"I feel like a failure of a human being because I'm allergic to fall grass and sunlight."
"Everybody's allergic to something."
"Nitrile gloves are going to be hypoallergenic for people that are allergic to latex."
"Allergies are the mark of a healthy body reacting to poison in the air."
"Allergies don't have to be scary. Spray Flonase daily and stop your body from overreacting to allergens."
"Mast cells and IgE are mainly a nuisance; it's mainly the cause of all these allergies and even more threatening conditions like asthma and anaphylaxis."
"Evidence suggests this food plan may also help with eczema, asthma, and hay fever."
"You really have to be careful when it comes to recommending products or just trying products on people because you don't know, or they might not even know, things that they're allergic to."
"Guys, don't make fun of her; she has food allergies."
"Allergy can really affect a person's quality of life."
"If symptoms resolve or improve with antihistamines, then that can point you towards allergy."
"I'm a big cat person. My wife is allergic, but you know what, [__] it, we're just gonna get a cat."
"You do know that horses can have severe allergic reactions to herbal remedies."
"The restaurants and the chefs are actually really good with allergies at Disney World."
"Your kids with allergies can still have Disney snacks which is really cool."
"An allergic reaction occurs when our immune system mistakes a benign substance for a toxic one and initiates a major defense against it."
"This is a fruit that tastes exactly like peanut butter. This is for those that have peanut allergies and cannot eat that."
"This gives you exceptionally clean exhaust air, so if you have any allergies or you just want to know that the air that comes out of the machine is as clean as it can be, then it is worth going for."
"Tis the season, the spring has spotted dust mites everywhere."
"Allergies are super common whether it's seasonal allergies or those poor dogs and cats with food allergies which are just extremely expensive to treat."
"She's as sweet as she can be, but I'm allergic to her."
"Every time I snuggle up with one, my eyes get all watery, my nose gets all stuffy, and I think, maybe this is what love feels like."
"Seven out of every ten homes suffer with some kind of allergy, sinus, or asthma issue just for what you're breathing in your own home."
"It's a huge advantage if you have allergies or asthma and you care about the health in your home."
"If you've got allergies, dust allergies, dust mite allergies, it might be something worth considering."
"If you've got dust mite allergies and you value clean bedding and upholstery, it might be something to go for."
"It's just part of being a chat nerd, you're gonna have allergies."
"He got completely rid of all of my allergies."
"You can come here and get local honey. It's good for allergies."
"The extra rinse can be really good if you've got somebody in the household with sensitive skin or allergies."
"It's especially good if there's anybody in the household that suffers with things like allergies."
"I'm allergic to peanuts. Then why are you eating peanuts? These are cashews. Oh."
"We need to understand the differences between a poisonous timber and an allergic reaction to a timber."
"This is an adorable stamp set and that says a lot coming from somebody who is highly very highly allergic to cats."
"Improving our gut health helps us either avoid or better deal with allergies, a progression of aging, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, metabolic syndrome, liver disease, some cancers, and autoimmune disease."
"The allergies do tend to have a pretty big effect on the eyes."
"The air that comes out through the exhaust will actually be cleaner than the air going into the vacuum."
"If you suffer from allergies, we offer a couple of different filters to aid people that actually have a lot of allergies."
"It's ideal for allergy sufferers."
"I'm also allergic to milk. Later, you can only order Americano when you buy coffee for me."
"A HEPA filter is great if maybe you or someone in your household suffers from asthma or allergies."
"Allergies don't have to be scary."
"Allergy season is almost over, the light is at the end of the tunnel."
"I really like that it tells you what's in it as well because some people have allergies to certain things."
"Spring is a popular time for outdoor allergies to emerge because plants, trees, and grass are all growing, releasing pollen into the air."
"I've seen a big reduction in my allergies."
"The weather's beautiful, my allergies are killing me, but the weather's beautiful still."
"I've also noticed that my family is experiencing really bad allergies this year, so I wanted to take control of our air quality."
"This is the only thing I have found to be effective against insect bites, especially with skin as allergic as mine."
"It's really well known for helping with seasonal allergies as well as a kidney tonic and a diuretic."
"I'm allergic to the outside. If it's green, I'm allergic to it."