
Cultural Discussion Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"There definitely isn't at least a broad cultural problem of white people being oppressed or even bullied for drinking water out of milk jugs."
"Death Stranding is an instant classic that video game players, designers, writers, and thinkers will consider and discuss for the foreseeable future."
"The purpose of the Discord server is to have legitimate academic conversations on cultural issues, policy, and things that are impacting our world."
"There's no right answer; there's stuff that doesn't work, and you'll know when it doesn't work."
"On the Matt Wall Show we talk about the things that matter, real issues that affect you, your family, our country, not just politics but culture, faith, current events, all the fundamentals. If they matter to you, come check out the show."
"I'm not always going on about the Second Amendment, but Americans love to talk about the Second Amendment."
"Is that their fault? In another world, the humble Irish would be the ones making up such a disproportionate amount."
"There's a deep eucharization. He's talking about how Ukrainian Ukraine, I thought he talked about deuteronomization as well."
"There is a canceled culture... I believe there's a First Amendment."
"Let's talk about culture. I actually want to talk about things that we like in the culture right now."
"They know we exist but we can't tell anybody. So, again, is it anti-semitic to have the discussion? Yes."
"A Knight's Tale is a movie that has endured that people still talk about in a lot of different circles."
"The psychedelic thing is super important for our leaders to be talking about right now."
"I'm glad people are talking about the Matrix movies with a trans narrative."
"I think it's reasonable and healthy to think fictional characters are hot."
"This isn't about the culture battle, this is about supporting Gina."
"Time you tell me about cultural appropriation right there."
"At the end of the day, this movie can be a conversation starter."
"That's why we love talking about it, it's like escapism."
"It's about a basic liberty, the basic liberty to discuss ideas, to discuss very important ideas like blasphemy."
"Unfortunately for many of us, that means that all we end up talking about is the Roman half of that equation."
"Rey is a woman; she doesn't have to be and shouldn't be just defined that way, but it should be a part of her character in some respect."
"Does somebody need to have the Santa Claus discussion when that mantra has played something of a part in the manipulation of events?"
"This is not a video discussing identity politics."
"We're not playing the 'who's black' game on your terms either."
"Real issues that affect you, your family, our country. Not just politics but culture, faith, current events. All the fundamentals. If they matter to you, come check out the show."
"All conservatives have been doing for my entire lifetime is saying things that were true for all of human history with regard to the culture War."
"Mainstream media is going to make the conversation about DMX's life simple but you know that's not how we do this on the platform for intelligent black people."
"Let's talk about Celeste in the age-old argument over whether or not video games qualify as art."
"You're a hater. Malone exactly. But also, when you disagree with black people, they be like, 'No, you're Uncle Tom or sellout.'" - Charles Barkley
"You know, the Matt Walsh Show, it's not just another show about politics. I think there are enough of those already out there. We talk about culture because culture drives politics and it drives everything else."
"This movie is very interesting to me because of how polarizing it's been and how the conversation is going about it."
"Games are art," and Ed's like, "Games are art."
"This is a platform talking about the disparity of our culture and our community."
"We should not have to keep going back and forth about what Storm's complexion is. That's ridiculous in 2020."
"Whatever it is, we keep talking about this region for some reason and the reason is something real happened here."
"We relegated, we lessen it to simply dating choices, preferences, entertainment. It's a far bigger conversation which is why it is so frustrating when Kenya Barris turns it and makes it so he turns into this."
"I don't think we should talk about ska waves because it doesn't create an accurate picture."
"We never talk about quality of work, we never talk about art, the beauty of art, we never talk about good stories anymore, all we talk about is race."
"Disney should be held accountable for really destroying international relations between the two countries but also should be thanked for bringing up a very necessary conversation about human rights atrocities within China."
"I think art should challenge what we currently believe, not just regurgitate and reinforce what we already believe."
"Art should start people talking, even if the only conversation is about art."
"Pop feminism offered us names for these phenomena and started conversations that revealed just how widespread they were."
"They might want to talk about venerating their ancestors, no, they're venerating their hatred."
"If you really want to normalize it just call them both Santa and leave it at that."
"People have opinions on Chappelle. I even talked about him publicly and got some uproar in my replies about it, but like I think the way he talks about stuff is just like this guy fully kind of gets it."
"Let's start using the phrase 'brahmophobia' to discuss this phenomenon."
"Chrono Trigger and the Bible: a controversial debate."
"What good is music if you can't enjoy it, discuss it, or even argue about it with others?"
"It's going to be good to hear from him again because he's been canceled and that's wrong."
"The French get a slew of other things... let's talk about that really quick."
"There's been a whole tradition of literature especially in the last 50 years or so talking about how self-acceptance and celebrating yourself as you are is radical."
"Those are the reasons that this is why we're talking about this manipulation of flat Blackness."
"A book becomes more resonant, more profound when we share it with another, when we talk it through, when we think aloud or we think on paper."
"There are many educated Caucasian folk who are talking to each other about it. They need to continue to do that, so that we can save our energy for survival and thriving."
"Flags are fun to talk about and learn from, don't you think?"
"It is becoming distressingly common in this day and age that discussions about culture are hijacked by politicians in the media."
"We're trying to create a space for the most honest conversation about what's going on in american culture we're pulling it off right here."
"I actually think we're winning. This is one of the social issues we're winning."
"People like Colin Kaepernick, Kanye, and Kyrie spark conversations."
"Artists bring attention to issues that we don't talk about."
"Art has a strange way of manipulating us... opinions that reinforce my own is cool and all but it's hearing from those of you that go in a completely different direction that's truly interesting."
"Because, when it comes to Italy, we can talk a lot… like, A Lot a lot."
"I think it's a great time to talk about the American Dream."
"I love that system. I also love this. You ever see this? I love talking about Death Wish when this came out."
"I feel like there's always this debate about whether hot dogs are sandwiches or not. Is it a sandwich? I feel like a Chicago hot dog is more of a real sandwich."
"Each week Emmy award-winning host Jason Concepcion and two-time WNBA champion and Atlanta Dream co-owner Renee Montgomery will host a fast, funny, smart, thoughtful conversation about sports, culture, politics, and all the ways they intersect."
"I think that's kind of the point he's trying to make, a statement and say like, 'No, let's... we've gotten so far, this whole apologizing thing and just let's be real for a little bit.'"
"Women sexually respond to masculinity. That's not going to change because that's not some cultural invention."
"Until we really have a discussion about not just tolerating and not just accepting but like actually celebrating."
"We need to generate good and genuine conversations about the state of our culture."
"Cultural appropriation is a very good thing. All culture has to be appropriated."
"Denzel's courage in speaking out has opened a much-needed dialogue about the industry's practices."
"It's a culture thing, and we gotta start having these conversations."
"Not that we shouldn't be talking about these issues that affect us, but that I want more artists to talk about very specific things that concern them."
"This whole idea that you can't acknowledge race or that you can't see race is ridiculous."
"Indian tradition was about satsang and about shastraath right where people with different views came together and talked and argued."
"I kind of disagree with this, a remake brings it back in the mainstream discussion."
"It is absolutely ridiculous to think that you can have a conversation about place, culture, and language without getting into the social construction of race."
"Its themes of racial injustice and relationships widely debated and discussed."
"Transracialism seems to boil things down to what you've experienced and what you act like and talk like."
"This is nothing personal, we're talking about the culture."
"Since we're talking about Ramadan, how do we feel about croissants?"
"Nothing in the world is more discussed across all cultural lines than dreams."
"Join me as we try to unravel whether skateboarding is art, comedy, or a heady mix of both."
"What is this race thing that we keep reifying and defining ourselves totally in terms of it?"
"Superman Man of Steel, five years later, still talked about."
"But people are still discovering the film, still giving a chance, or revisiting it to see if opinions have changed, and still discussed passionately to this day."
"We are going to be a bunch of Jews talking about the Palestinian story in a very self-validating way."
"Even with its flaws it's a great show to continue the discussion of what we see in black culture and the important history that never gets talked about in schools."
"We did some slam dunking on Zeitgeist, but we were gonna bring it back and let's make everybody happy, make all the astrotheologists happy, and let's talk about some good, some real astrotheology."
"We hit all the hard-hitting topics: cancel culture, the baby, Kraft Dinner, and getting it out the mud."
"...history and old classical stories are not taboos anymore..."
"...this is what Hollywood needed, this is what the industry needed - two popular movies, two movies that people like, you add in this whole cultural discussion and it just has really been a fun weekend."
"Are there any other underrepresented deities that we should talk about this year besides Egyptian mythology?"
"I'm excited; you're talking about black people right here."
"Share all your opinions about this piece of American mythology in the comments section below."
"If Mike had the internet, we wouldn't even be having this conversation."
"Welcome back to the Black Table on the Black Star Network. This is our hour, our weekly hour devoted to exploring ideas and subjects of special importance to people of African descent and others fighting to build a better society."
"I love the discussions of culture."
"I had a great time talking about the American perspective of the Philippines, what it's like being in a multicultural relationship, Filipino Cuisine, and so much more."
"These shows are able to create heartfelt stories that not only address societal and cultural issues but also provide a platform for nuanced discussion on topics such as racism, discrimination, and identity."
"We need to have more conversations, more films, more books that actually talk about these issues."
"This discussion is actually very widespread and it's very common in the Arabic speaking world and in other languages."
"Usul is the central word behind our discussion today; it denotes the codified sets of systems that regulate the usage of rhythm within these traditions."
"Why don't we talk about black beauty? Why don't we uphold black woman's beauty and why do we do the opposite?"