
Pandemic Recovery Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"We will recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and we will be stronger as a people and as a country as a result."
"We're dealing with a transition. We're coming out of a pandemic, an economy that has really bounced back... We're in a transition period where we're going to be in a place where it's more stable and more steady."
"As campaign chairs of Vax Live, my husband and I believe it's critical that our recovery prioritizes the health, safety, and success of everyone, particularly women who have been disproportionately affected by this pandemic."
"We're trying to get as much of the economy as many of the workers across that bridge to the post-pandemic economy."
"Over a billion people, desperate for freedom and relaxation after 3 years of pandemic restrictions, experienced a tourism explosion."
"The share of the labor force experiencing long-term unemployment or involuntary part-time work has fallen dramatically in the pandemic recovery."
"But taking our masks off, hugging our friends, going back to concerts, yes."
"The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back, is to beat the virus."
"We all want lockdown to end, and we all want as many people as possible to take the vaccine."
"China's strong recovery from COVID-19 is often credited to its aggressive lockdowns at the beginning of the pandemic."
"Soon we're going to be able to sit at bars... that's exciting."
"We need to lay out openly what are the conditions under which we go back to normal."
"I think in 2024 we're going to have the post-pandemic period where I think we will return to normal with some persistent changes."
"As you do keto more and more, you won't like things as super sweet as you once did."
"It's nice to have something to look forward to again. I feel like if there was ever a sign they were finally almost out of the pandemic, this is it."
"This is the first summer in like two years we've been able to go outside and hang out with friends and see people again."
"The biggest good news of the week has come out of China where they reported no new domestic cases of coronavirus."
"As confidence builds... I expect that we will see a situation where more countries will open up."
"With your help, we will vanquish the virus, we will get our nation back to work, and we shall build our glorious future with American hands, American grit, and American pride."
"China is the first major country to return to normal."
"We need to provide stimulus until the end of this, until the majority of Americans are vaccinated."
"Coming out of this pandemic, we are going to see some real structural change across industries."
"It is really cool. I just want to say that it has been a very very very very very very long two years since we've all been able to congregate together."
"It's like all right it's a bloodbath yeah we can't afford that right we just came out of a pandemic."
"This night is going to be very, very special and it's a really big moment for boxing coming through the pandemic to return with nights like these." - Eddie Hearn
"We're rounding the turn, and the vaccines are coming."
"Silverstone isn't Silverstone without the fans and 140,000 of them. It's one of the biggest sporting events I think that's happened in England. It's just what we need right now, breaking out of the pandemic."
"The more people that have had the infection and survived and that's really how we get beyond this."
"I'm excited for it to go away enough that we can just live our lives again."
"They re-released it in China, and this could be indicative of what we're all about to experience post-COVID."
"AMC Theaters to reopen 98% of U.S. locations this weekend."
"More than 53 million Americans are expected to travel this week... a surge nearing pre-pandemic levels."
"A true recovery from covid-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were, we need to build back better."
"The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized... I will be authorizing each individual governor... to implement a reopening plan."
"The head of the International Air Transport Association says if there's no second wave, the worst is behind us."
"We will overcome this pandemic and continue building the brightest future."
"Lockdown restrictions are finally easing off and if you're anything like me you're seriously starting to consider getting up off your ass."
"But I'm gonna stay an optimist, and I'm gonna hope that we're gonna get over this pandemic."
"Do you think a lot of churches are not going to be able to recover from the pandemic?"
"We are emerging from this kicking, spluttering, and coughing a bit."
"We've faced an inflection point... as we put this pandemic behind us, rebuild our economy, root out systemic racism, and tackle climate change."
"Let's hope the world will be back to normal in 2021—peace."
"Out of the horrors of 2020, this is actually one of the greatest things that we didn't know we needed."
"Getting past the pandemic is the single most important thing we can do now."
"Hopefully we'll start to see some decline very shortly."
"I think everything will open back up, but it's going to be a slow roll. It's not just to flip the switch on and ever all the ports are open."
"Tonight America roaring back, the largest crowd since the pandemic began. 135,000 fans packing into the Indy 500."
"Our president wants to make a fundamental change in our economy, and he feels coming out of the pandemic is exactly the time to do that." - White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
"Let's celebrate our independence as a nation and our independence from this virus."
"It took the American people being warriors to get us to the point of reopening."
"Americans ages 12 and up, get vaccinated. And on July 4th, let's celebrate our independence as a nation and our independence from this virus."
"Revenge travel: people couldn't travel for two years during the pandemic, they're coming here now."
"Toilet paper returned to shelves, the balance was restoring, the sores were healing."
"I think it's so important today as we're looking into uh the pandemic recovery that we understand that cash position of anybody that you're lending funds to going forward here."
"...if we're going to get back to something resembling normal in our lives, it will be because we've made the progress that we need in areas of testing, treatments, and ultimately vaccines."
"I'm hoping that we can all get back to work soon and as a country, we can beat this pandemic."
"It just feels so good to be able to travel again after three years of that absolute hell that we've been through."
"Coming out of this very dark times of the pandemic to be able to see the arts coming back into our lives again live in person is especially something that I'm each time very moved by."
"We have youth unemployment at a record low, we have 420,000 more people in jobs now than there were before the pandemic began."
"The thing that will get us back to the world that we had before coronavirus is the vaccine and getting that out to all 7 billion people."
"It is so nice not to have a mask on now."
"Consumer and corporate balance sheets coming off of this pandemic crisis are incredibly strong."
"It's been great to record another video as we're starting to make our way out of lockdowns."
"This is a special team, it's felt like a special team all season long coming out of the pandemic."
"People are finding love, aren't they? Alone... I'm glad after the pandemic, after everything that's happening in the world, people need to find love."
"It's been amazing to get back to Spain after everything we've been through in this pandemic."
"Canada is now free from COVID-19 pandemic related issues."
"Hopefully in the near future, we'll have some good news, and we'll be out of a virus and we'll be able to hold hands and fly and visit each other the way it used to be."
"What we can do to recover from the pandemic and how do we build back better into the future."
"Spain has some crazy scholarships because they were devastated by the pandemic and they lost a lot of their workforce."
"We'll be through to the other side of this soon."
"The sooner it goes away, the sooner things get back to normal."
"I'm so happy to be on a no-mask trip after a long time."
"You need three things if you want to come out of this pandemic and truly change your life for the better: clarity, confidence, courage. That's all you need."
"It's a sign that we're getting past this pandemic, we're getting one step back closer to normalcy, and I'm here for it."
"The economy could recover from the pandemic and return to full employment by the beginning of next year if the Rescue Plan is enacted."