
Starting Anew Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"You're not starting from scratch; you're starting from experience."
"Life is too short to not start that relationship."
"Starting from the ground up never hurt anyone."
"The only way is up, even if we're back to square one."
"What you gotta do is get to square one and soften your heart."
"Starting over completely with no trace is very, very hard to pull off."
"Just starting over like that is so me. If it's not going great we're just gonna start it over and pretend like it never happened."
"Start today, don't think that it's too late because it's not too late."
"You're going to create something for you from nothing."
"Rock Bottom is a great place to begin rebuilding your life."
"You can't start over every time you get smeared."
"It's a long process, it's probably gonna take about half a year to a year if you're starting fresh."
"You start today; you don't have to be different tomorrow."
"It doesn't matter how many times we've failed in the past, what matters is that we're getting back today and we're starting again."
"Your past is behind you... allow for your starting point to define where you want to end up."
"This world is full of stories of GREATNESS from NOTHING. It is never too late for YOU to start your own story."
"Starting from scratch can be difficult, so as a bonus I'll be giving away my template for free."
"There has never been a better time to start living the American Dream."
"Age is just a number, it's never too late to get started."
"I like to start from scratch in most of my projects."
"There's kind of a satisfaction in being able to start from scratch and re-experience the game."
"You fear the unknown, you fear starting over, you fear people laughing at your failure, you fear not meeting someone else."
"Sometimes the best plan is just to start from scratch."
"There is no reform or transformation that can fix this. We have to start over."
"I managed to restart my life, start a family, and embarked on a cross-country speaking tour called never quit to motivate others."
"Adversity is a tool... It breaks the old habits that led to this failure and wipes the slate clean to start new habits."
"Maybe I should start somewhere else but I know from my own experiences."
"Life can hit the reset button and start all over again."
"Don't be afraid to start stuff from scratch."
"So she's okay. Madison Bell's found. She hasn't returned to her family. She doesn't want to know her location. She... she just wants to start a new life."
"It's like you're starting over again healing you know past um healing from what you thought needed to be or what was always going to be but wasn't meant to be."
"Everyone starts their life from zero, that should have a profound effect on your mentality."
"Starting over is harder than starting up." - Bennett Foddy
"So we got a referral from our fertility doctor to an IVF clinic in Toronto, and we started again with the analysis and the tests."
"Don't be afraid to edit yourself or try something new or start from scratch."
"Live like you're broke, live like you want it so bad, live like you haven't done anything, you're just starting."
"I'm going to get my own server running and I'm going to have to start from scratch."
"How can I even start again and create more lucrative opportunities in the future."
"It's all about a brand new prospect, brand new start, brand new beginning, brand new perspective."
"We need to normalize being single in your 30s and restarting later on in life."
"Should I wait for this man I'm in love with or should I go start all over again?"
"Creating something from absolutely nothing like a blank piece of paper."
"Feeling free, feeling like I get to start over again."
"It's very hard to start a new relationship, to start new money sources when you still have old hang-ups that need to be resolved."
"It's a one step at a time, it's important to start the relationship at the beginning and work its way the right way up."
"Don't be afraid of experimenting when you're first starting out in that world no matter how old you may be."
"It's never too late to start and definitely way too early to quit."
"Each and every journey begins with the all-important first step when this card presents itself in your reading it's confirming that it's time for you to take a brave leap of faith."
"It was a rough night, so we're just going to start the day."
"It's never too late to start and over time you will see improvement."
"Let's say like we start from a clean page, you and I, and I just have my trust at the beginning."
"It would be nice to just be able to create it from scratch instead of tear it down first."
"Let's get started with the day and see what happens."
"Wipe the slate clean and recognize that you deserve better."
"Forgive, but then start a new relationship with each other."
"Now that we moved here to Florida I'm literally starting a nursery from scratch."
"You may feel like it's too late, but it is never too late to begin exploring."
"Release your past and start a new journey."
"Don't be afraid to start from zero. Letting go and starting anew holds unlimited possibilities."
"The past does not need to be involved in a reconciliation here. There needs to be a new beginning."
"Anything is possible. It's never too late to dream big, to start a new, or to just start."
"Is it too late to start gymnastics? I was like well is it too late to start exercising?"
"It's never too late if you haven't used sunscreen or you're not being as diligent as you should it's never too late to start."
"I'm literally just getting started."
"When I started in 2012, I thought I was too late. It seemed like blogs and newsletters had already peaked. It's not too late. Someone is starting the next 1 million person email list right now. If you're thinking about starting, do it."
"This is why I started this channel."
"Game changer for me has been starting up from the bottom up."
"Cheryl Blossom burnt down the family house because she was like, 'I'm starting again, mother. It's a clean slate.'"
"Beginnings don't have to start on page one. You can chop anything that led to this moment. It's okay to create a beginning as you stand here today."
"You just jump in there and you start learning."
"Do not be afraid to start things from scratch. You are definitely on the right road for yourself. Go with it because the sun is definitely shining for you."
"First of all, welcome. You should be proud you've taken that initial step to where you are now. Whatever you've done in the past, it doesn't count here. Everything is wiped clean."
"We'd like to move forward and hopefully put this whole ordeal behind us. Could we start with a clean slate? Sure, yes, hoorah, yay, thank you everyone. I'm happy to be back."
"Maybe it was time for me to start another business."
"Starting from scratch is extremely difficult."
"I love being inspired by people who started later in the game because it really shows that it's never too late."
"Sometimes it's best to just start again, and that's what I did because I had this other idea."
"You too can do it. It's never too late to start."
"If all you ever think about is one day, make today day one."
"Bill's girlfriend, now his wife, lived in Atlanta, so he said, 'I want to go to Atlanta, we should go down there and start something new.'"
"But sometimes you gotta have a clean slate, you gotta get rid of stuff."
"It's never too late to start this practice, and it continues to give health benefits."
"I don't think there's any time in your life where it's too late to start this practice."
"Let's go home and start tomorrow."
"Start where you are. You can only be you."
"We are all back at Ground Zero in some way, shape or form."
"Check your ego and adjust your expectations to set wherever you are now as your new starting place."
"Sometimes rock bottom is the best place to start."
"It's incredible how someone can migrate and start from scratch and reach so high."
"I start with a blank sheet every time, so I never know what I'm going to do."
"Don't ever feel like you've taken a step back in your exercise or your strength; that's what surgery does, we have to start and build a foundation again."
"So let's be brave and just start like start completely from scratch."
"Let's do one properly from scratch."
"You're never too old starting the dating world."
"Every day you are starting from the starting line, you are not starting from the Finish Line, you're not starting from halfway, every day you wake up you're starting from the start line."
"Like a lost sheep that has gone astray, I went back in the fold and I'm back here to start."
"The easiest way to create a watertight roof is to start from scratch."
"You can be a founder, you can start building something new right now."
"Creating from a clean slate, a blank sheet is usually the hardest thing."
"We beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start."
"My message for all the people, you know what I'm saying, you can start from zero."
"Greatness only really begins once you decide to heal the pain and trauma of the past."
"You walk through the door. That's it. You start light, you pick up, you don't pick up where you left off, you go in and meet yourself where you're at today."
"Starting today, that's what you and I are going to do -- together."
"They stripped everything out and then started from scratch."
"Rock Bottom sucks, but it is definitely a great starting point to figure out who you want to be and where you want to go from there."
"That's life, that's what radical aliveness is; you start all over again, and that means love is reborn."
"If tomorrow morning I'm prepared to come back and start from scratch from the very beginning again... I never did it for the results... I did it out of love."
"Everybody starts from zero. So if you want to jump into my business, you're welcome to do so, but you're going to start and go through the same challenges as I went through."
"It's far easier to start from scratch than to modify an existing system."
"Remember, we all start with nothing, but you can always create something."
"Now we have effectively a blank slate to work with."
"I always do better with a blank slate."
"Anytime we take a break, to start anything again will take some bit of inertia to overcome."
"It's never too late to like start over and rebuild."
"It was tough and disappointing, but it taught me about the importance of resetting. It taught me how to get back up and begin again."
"If you're starting from scratch, I'm starting from scratch; we're going to be able to do this together."
"You must not worry about money or finances, all you're going to need to do is just start the process, be optimistic and most importantly be open-minded."
"I'm not starting from zero anymore; I'm starting from experience."
"You cannot rebuild on a broken foundation; you have to tear down and build from scratch."
"Taking the experiences and starting over from scratch."