
Nuclear Deterrence Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Our freedom of action and the protection of our fundamental interests are ensured first and foremost by the credibility of nuclear deterrence, the keystone of our defence strategy."
"Nuclear deterrence is the Department's highest priority Mission."
"NATO doesn't want to trigger Article 5 either because nobody really wants nuclear war."
"NATO should be very clear that there will be a response, that it will maintain the nuclear taboo in the event that Russia deploys... nuclear weapons."
"Mutually assured destruction: each side planning to cause the maximum number of casualties possible."
"In a world with nuclear deterrence, no rational leader starts a war they aren't absolutely certain they can win."
"Never promised to go to nuclear war for a country you can't find on a map."
"There are only downsides, there are zero upsides for them to use a nuclear weapon."
"China has said that anyone trying to infringe on their sovereignty or their territorial Integrity will face the damnation of the International Community and the Chinese people as well as nuclear weapons."
"Mutually assured destruction is pressing enter, not nukes flying."
"Hey, if you use a nuclear weapon, it's basically a suicide weapon."
"Nuclear weapons should never be used unless the others use them first."
"I hope it's that we, too, have nuclear weapons, and we, too, are ready to defend ourselves, our allies, and our interests."
"These days any truly determined country, even a very poor one like North Korea, can develop nuclear weapons to deter attacks."
"To protect our people from the unthinkable threat of nuclear weapons and Hypersonic missiles, the United States must also build a state-of-the-art Next Generation missile defense Shield."
"The idea of getting nuclear weapons is all about just using it as a deterrent."
"You don't corner somebody with nuclear weapons."
"The Russians say that they've now bringing their Poseidon nuclear-powered torpedo into production."
"It's the possibility of mutual Annihilation that ensures peace."
"The only way to deter any possible use of nuclear weapons is to make Putin believe the consequences of such use will be ruinous for Russia as a state and for him as its ruler."
"The United States is now finding itself in a position where it's making its decisions... to prevent a nuclear exchange with Russia."
"If Russia didn't have nuclear weapons, you could isolate them, but unfortunately, no."
"You know they used to not be the fear of nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviets because of mutually assured destruction."
"Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place."
"The prevailing notion that the atomic bomb would deter any future conflicts had been proven false."
"The presence of nuclear weapons makes aggression much less likely."
"Our nuclear deterrence is not to attack other countries, including Australia. Our nuclear deterrence is to protect our selves from the nuclear threats from the US."
"China has pledged to what they call No-first-use (NFU), meaning they say they will never launch nuclear weapons against any nuclear or non-nuclear nation."
"The only way you're going to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons is... crippling sanctions and... strong military option." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"Mutually assured destruction, of course, is this idea that when you have two nuclear armed States the potential of them to destroy each other is so great that it becomes not worth it to use your nuclear weapons on the other country."
"We have to avoid pushing a nuclear-powered state into a choice between humiliating retreat and using nuclear weapons for nuclear war."
"Attempts to punish a nuclear power such as Russia for their invasion of Ukraine endangers the whole of humanity."
"The minute man was perfectly capable of acting as a counter value deterrent."
"There is no military solution. The guy has nukes."
"I suggest you head to the naughty step and reconsider your plan of nuclear annihilation."
"The concept of MAD held off total global thermonuclear war."
"Biden is making it absolutely clear to Putin that this is not a chemical weapon red line from Syria, this is a nuclear red line."
"We cannot engage in a direct hot war with Russia because Russia is a nuclear-armed nation with the biggest nuclear stockpile on the planet."
"Let's not have a conflict with a nuclear power unless we can avoid it."
"Japan continued to rely on the United States for its larger protection, ironically under a nuclear umbrella."
"Because Russia has its strategic nuclear deterrent."
"The threat of nuclear annihilation prevented nuclear annihilation."
"We would all have an interest in trying to avoid escalation to all-out nuclear war which would, in fact, mean the end of at least a civilization as we know it."
"The Americans adopt a policy of nuclear deterrence, essentially where they sit there and wave a nuclear bomb in Stalin's face and say, 'Well do it if you want, but this is what's waiting for you.'"
"Nukes are what keeps peace cuz now like the next step of war is like you sure you want to do this bro."
"Nonproliferation survives because some states can be protected by other states with nuclear weapons."
"The only country in the world that can reduce United States to nuclear rubble is Russia."
"The alert culminated with nuclear-armed B52 bombers flying over northern Alaska for several days."
"Countries with nuclear weapons tend not to be invaded, and so it will be a huge incentive for countries to figure out how to go nuclear."
"The use of a nuclear weapon... will have very profound consequences for Russia."
"Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent against an attack, an invasion from the United States, or anyone else."
"When two great powers possess such new and hideous weapons of war in equal numbers, neither side is likely to employ those weapons."
"Four billion people depend on nuclear deterrence either directly or indirectly for their security."
"The United States decided to fight nuclear weapons with nuclear weapons, mounting small nuclear warheads on missiles for air defense."
"The nuclear deterrence will hopefully contribute to the maintenance of the peace for the foreseeable future."
"Throughout the Cold War, use of nuclear weapons was considered or threatened on many occasions, but deterrence and sanity prevailed."
"I don't think that we should allow a country to take territory just because they have nuclear weapons."
"Russia must understand that a nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought."
"Missile firing orders can come only from the President and will be acted upon only after absolute confirmation."
"What's the point of a doomsday machine if you don't tell anybody about it?"