
Directive Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"You're not. Enough is enough. Go home and stay home." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"Don't drift when I tell you to talk about it, you talk about it."
"Standing firm in the Lord is not just advice, it's a directive."
"Obeying Allah and His messenger: a distinct command."
"Now go forth and make that unfriendly black hotties movie I asked you to make last year."
"Brexit was an instruction from the people to our government to turn around the ship of state by 180 degrees and start sailing in a different direction."
"Are you obeying Christ's last words to his church?"
"I said on the ground, what are you running at me for?"
"I think people were sending a very clear message, a simple message to both main parties: just get on and deliver Brexit."
"The show is starting, everyone stand back from the wall," Jon declares.
"Action! Literally shouts 'action' when you could start shooting."
"He sees the problem, he says he knows what needs to be done with that problem, and then he issues orders and guidance to get it done."
"Stop, yeah, take it, take it, traffic light."
"Communicate what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done."
"Isolate that signal. Master Chief, you mind telling me what you're doing?"
"Get out, nice. Horror movie love it, now seriously get out."
"Collect all 92. It doesn't ask you to, it tells you to."
"Why you walking so slow, man? Get to bed!"
"We got 10 minutes bro, we need to come on."
"Get off the bloody emu and get inside, mate."
"By order of the Peaky Blinders, leave your comments, share your thoughts, hit that like button."
"Rocky tells him that they must obey the order Tommy gave them."
"Winry, you stay at home and make a pie."
"Blue blasters is right there, you go shoot."
"No sleeping Cowman," John told the boys.
"Right, you better get down there as quick as you can, Bob."
"Everyone take a bucket and Spade off you go."
"Knowing with mathematical certainty how the dynasty she's compelled to serve would end... would that change her directive?"
"Did you direct it locally? The local U.S. attorney's office to investigate that claim."
"We have a long march ahead of us, Captain Lancet. Move them out."
"Listen, bro, you [ __ ] whale, get in the [ __ ] tre."
"I just want to say push the goddamn button and let Kelly go down the elevator. Let's move on."
"The grand high witch tells them they can all take off their shoes, then make sure the doors are locked."
"I am Cortana, my directive is to integrate fully with the Master Chief."
"'John, we have to go now,' the directive left no room for debate."
"Now shut the [ __ ] up and watch the movie."
"Primary directive is to protect biome ecostasis."
"Unfortunately, the CEO has ordered us to do downsizing."
"One last thing, your team is going into Artos," Guild Master said, then waved his hand, clearly dismissing the young adventurer.
"This is all he said: 'Stop wonking around, cameraman. This is a 5718 Zeta Crystal.'"
"We'll come here then," you ordered.
"Just make sure I host that [__], that's it."
"Take this top... we got to keep moving." - Margalin
"That's the kind of person you want but what motivates that directive he cares about the fact that people are not employed so he says you will not divert from this directive so go in there get jobs for our people."
"Do your job Congress, ban some stuff."
"You should tie him that's it people."
"Please remove thyself from the building."
"Get your grading hats on everybody."
"Drive it back to the pit. We ain't towing it."
"There was tears in his eyes and he basically was giving us a directive that you take care of everyone here."
"My first order was 'Watch your six. All resources go to finding out for any source that we have who could have done this.'"
"From the mouth of God himself... to destroy him without reason."
"Okay, everyone under the desk. That's my bag, bring me under the desk now."
"You must dance blindfolded. The boss wants to see you dance and make it entertaining. I want to be entertained!"
"Comment on today's video somewhere incorporate it in your comment use the word battalion."
"You're still here? The video's over, go home!"
"Let's get this food out really sort of hurry it along now."
"Mojo tell them goats to get back in their pin."
"Let's wrap things up with red light, green light."
"You have to do it too. Go wash your damn makeup brushes. It's time."
"Exploit the land. Make it your own."
"The only reason I let you live is because I want you to go to your home village."
"New prime directive: protect life at all costs. All life on Earth should be preserved, human, animal, insect. It works."
"Until then hit subscribe and Smeg off."
"The Omega Directive has to be real. It's the only way we can uncover the officers we need."
"Kelsier's goal is to protect Scadrial, and we're seeing the Ghostbloods acting to protect Scadrial directly. This is their prime directive."
"Forgiveness is a command, not a suggestion."
"Go ye therefore into all nations, go ye therefore, go it's a command no one exempted go."
"The Prime Directive is Starfleet's non-interference rule."
"When God tell you to do something, you listen."
"Listen to me, boy. You have to find your father."
"If you look somebody dead in the eye and go, 'You, call 9-1-1 right now,' they will."
"The Bible says that we should fill the earth."
"Tom Watson Jr. directed that all future IBM products be completely solid state."
"In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus."
"Joseph, go to Shechem and see how your brothers are doing."
"When the Lord says it, you do it."
"Tonight I am directing NASA to develop a permanently manned space station and to do it within a decade."
"Yeah, now get back in your car and do your job."
"Starlight, you need to get out of the office for the weekend, mind and all. Do I make myself clear?"
"We will faithfully seek to implement the congressional directive."
"It's not a negotiation. This is a mandate."
"This is why we are instructing people to stay at home, so we can protect our NHS and save lives."