
Job Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"It's a real shame if the job that you're doing is not something you actually want to be doing and something that you sort of feel indentured into because you have no other options."
"The greatest tragedy of capitalism is so many young people who are full of creativity and potential...they're stuck...in jobs that are not rewarding to them."
"87% of us are doing something we don't want to do most of our waking lives."
"The changes were expected but most of them were really unfair, cutting our sick days more than half, worse benefits, no options to become an owner leader in the company."
"The astounding thing is just how miserable so many people are, and the misery is compounded by the fact that they don't feel justified in being miserable."
"Personally for me that's hell that's my personal hell is working a menial job that contributes nothing towards higher things that I care about in life"
"I'd much rather be a YouTuber than back in the salon waxing people's vaginas for 9.50 an hour."
"It's simply not worth the soul sucking that it will do."
"A lot of people are fed up with starting at the bottom because there's nothing at the top for them."
"It felt like a personal call out for anyone who's ever worked a dead-end job."
"I've ended up leaving all three because of low pay, poor working conditions, being treated like I'm dispensable when I've been literally holding the bar together."
"If I invest in more years into option one, a job that pays the bills, I don't like, eventually... it won't bring me any more joy."
"If you don't like your job, make steps to change it."
"I don't want to be a regular, I don't want to sell donuts for the rest of my life."
"Don't tell ancestoria land too, don't just become a slave working eight to five, getting peanuts, and running on a hamster wheel and absolutely achieving zero."
"As humans, we can always find misery in any situation, no matter how good. You know, if you're a cashier or a sales guy or a banker or whatever, you can always find something that makes you depressed about your job."
"This series is me saying I resent the job that I have and I'm going to feed the algorithm while also giving it a middle finger."
"I think my I'm disgusting working for my friends told me that was like."
"If you're being made to feel like a failure in a job you've otherwise been very effective in, you probably need to think about an exit strategy."
"I disliked my job. I disliked the work I had to do. I disliked the things I had to fulfill for that investment."
"Passion projects provide what day jobs can't."
"Barry's job as a hitman is less exhilarating, more soul-sucking corporate gig."
"I don't want to go to work, that would be terrible."
"95% of Americans are considering leaving their jobs."
"If you work at McDonald's most people know that that's not the place for them so they have a hard time waking up and going to work every morning right."
"I just didn't like being an elf you know what I would love to hear in the comments is if you have ever had a job like that."
"Don't get caught up in this trap of working your nine to five and then being so upset by the fact that you have a job that doesn't fulfill you that you're spending the rest of your time trying to escape from reality."
"People are willing to give 40 years at a 9 to 5 sitting in a cubicle. If you love that job, awesome, but I didn't."
"Maybe working for money is overrated and bending 9 to 5? What was I thinking?"
"I hate seeing it all that I'd hate to have the job of being the one that comes in and destroys all this stuff."
"If you can't be yourself, for me, that's the reason why I left banking. It's very simple."
"Absolutely gorgeous... And that is why I don't work in an ice cream shop."
"It was less than 80 grand a year, and for what I was having to do, I don't feel like that was justified."
"You call what you're doing right now living? You call going to a job you don't like, coming home to a life you don't like, being a zombie through life with no energy and brain, you call that living?"
"If it's a shitty job, well then bye Felisha."
"Life's just not for me man. I got too much personality, it's kind of to be working behind the desk."
"Be clear on why you want to leave your job. Be clear about what your old job isn't giving you and what you're looking for in a new position."
"As much as Nick Dinsmore did what he was told to with the character, it was a job he should never have been given in the first place."
"I just wanted it to be over... this really just felt like a job."
"I thought the freelance hustle was bad enough, but when you break it down, it's all just unreal."
"Oh man, it was just... You ever work a job and been working it long enough to start hating it?"
"My Dad was forced to find other work, running through a string of jobs before settling for a sales position at some insurance company downtown. He hated it, and so did Mom."
"The gig economy of questing: 'The pay is bad, the work is demeaning.'"
"If you can't stand going to work, that is a pretty good sign that you should retire early."
"The most difficult thing of this time is to be contributing to something that you don't really stand behind."
"There is no pill for being in a struggle relationship for 20 years or sitting in a job that you hate."
"That moment when you realize your job is a total non-job. Wow."
"It's so relatable, wanting to toss everything out because the job you hate is slowly breaking your spirit."
"Working for free sounds awful, and you want to be proud of yourself, but the truth is..." - The reality of Lisa's compromised job.
"Seeing some of you get fed up with a job, maybe because of the pay."
"Move towards that. Stop doing what you absolutely hate just for a paycheck because that's why so many people are miserable in their jobs."
"Once I learned how to make money on my own terms, I could never go back to a job again."
"If you don't like your job, then don't. Just quit."
"The power to control time, immortality, destiny... well, let me tell you this job sucks."
"Life is more than just working for someone else's security."
"I was working as an accountant 80 hour weeks inside of my cubicle."
"The pandemic revealed how much we hate our jobs."
"The things about my job I don't like: fixing other people's problems."
"I can't work anymore with these rules. I'm sick of them. They have no basis, and I'm tired of trying."
"I think retirement became a concept when people worked assembly lines and said, 'I want to retire from this, this sucks.'"
"It's a wonderful eclipse for thinking, 'I'm not doing that anymore, I'm not working this job anymore, I'm not eating this anymore.'"
"Having a job you hate or doing something you hate just to pay for stuff, that's the worst of them all." - Gary
"Some of those jobs were dull and more than a little underpaid, but there's one place I would never ever work again: McDonald's."
"I'm overworked, underpaid, and completely unappreciated, but guess what? Best life in the corporate world, my friend."
"Audit the escapism culture that we're in. What's a nine to five you don't wanna escape?"
"I just laughed at her and told her she could take this as my notice and walked out."
"No one should be stuck in something that they absolutely dread every day."
"All aboard the firing train. I think we should quit."
"Never again will I work for a company that doesn't appreciate me."
"If the job is not working for you anymore... take it in a new direction."
"I cannot adequately express how little I'm looking forward to this job."
"This job is not going well already, what the heck!"
"People have jobs they hate and I'm like that's not capitalism."
"You're making trash, you have a job, and you decided to strike."
"It is with zero mixed emotion that I am writing to let you know today is my last day at your sorry ass firm."
"The first thing that makes them leave the country is that they don't want to work in a system that is controlled in a feudal manner."
"I was just kind of doing the job so I'm like, yeah, [__] it, let's move, move."
"Many hospital staff members are threatening to quit their jobs in the coming months."
"I'm not real fascinated with the work anymore, because I've just done it for so long."
"The job of a WWE writer has to be the worst job in the world."
"A tired, stressed, underpaid, unhappy employee... is not likely to put out their best work."
"This new job will be the death of me, I am literally going to be bored to death and it will be their fault."
"A 9 to 5 is just not that. I think it was also good to have a 9 to 5 that I didn't necessarily love because it gives me more motivation to try to make it on our own and not have to go back to living that way ever."
"He called that work shoveling coal for Satan."
"If you're doing something that you don't like doing, it's a job at that point."
"We better get paid more than 1500 bucks for this."
"Without a passion or a purpose for their work, they are often unsatisfied finding themselves becoming more and more a stranger in their own life."
"After two weeks of working there, I was like, 'Nah, I don't hate myself this much. I'm out. Deserve better.'"
"Hating your job can make you sick."
"Employees refuse to confirm work leading to unexpected consequences and a silent rebellion against unfair job changes."
"75% of individuals who moved for work in the last decade expressed dissatisfaction with their chosen country."
"I was burned out because I had been doing this vile job for too long."
"Yeah, it was weird and that's why I didn't like the job. I imagine it was super weird. I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. Um, good people, I just didn't like the job."
"Life is short, and people get that. They hate their job, and they don't want to do it anymore."
"People are understanding that they're not respected and taken care of in their corporate positions, and that makes them want to leave."
"If you live through the apocalypse only to stay stuck in the same lame arse job you hate, that’s 100% on you."
"I wanted to look for another job because I was pissed off."
"I'm tired as heck of this job. That's the only way I can spend time with my best friend."
"If you want to quit your job, I would highly recommend starting now with a side hustle."
"If I could pick one thing that I wished for the world, it would be that anybody who hates their job would be able to quit and start a business."
"You can take your job and shove it."
"What I enjoyed about this job is gone. People refuse to listen. They refuse to pay attention."
"...to think that my job, which at the time I had relished and enjoyed so much, was now a scene of horror and brutality every day, it felt like a nightmare."
"Don't nobody want your call center check."
"I realized that my job was causing a lot more stress than satisfaction, contentment, joy..."
"It sucks, 'cause that's just how I feel, really. Having to get this job, I feel trapped. I feel like I'm forced to do it and I don't want to do it."
"That’s your answer for everything lately, I didn’t have a choice, like this job was forced on you."
"A lot of people feel trapped in jobs they feel something is missing but don't easily find the courage to leave."
"It feels like a bit of a dead end career-wise at the moment."
"It's a human nature thing that you realize like oh I'm the same as the professor the Prof professor doesn't want to be here the professor doesn't want to do his job or her job they just want to clock in make tenure and just chill."
"If you find yourself in a job that you can't stand, and you hate, find a way to make your own money."
"The number one reason people quit their job is because they hate their boss."
"It's clear that people aren't satisfied and they want a better deal."
"Burnout can be broadly defined by three main factors: one, feeling negativity towards your job; two, feeling exhausted because of your job; and three, having reduced professional efficacy."
"Sylvia was tough as a rock, but this tough exterior would shatter like an eggshell every time she begrudgingly had to go to work."
"Life is going to end at any point, at any moment, and I'm wasting it doing something I hate."
"It's a kind of eternal theme; it's got appeal to anyone who's doing a job which they can't stand really."
"You don't know what I would give to get out of that job."
"If I had to do that all the time, I would just quit and open up a hot dog stand or something like that."
"I don't like working a nine-to-five job, they tell you what to do, it just fizzles out for me."
"I was so burnt out from my job working corporate... I was not really happy."
"I'm tired of working at Popeyes Chicken, I was getting paid $9 an hour, the job was absolutely terrible."
"I am not made to work a job that can tell me where to be."
"Feeling unfulfilled by the monotony of a job life, I decided I would try my hand at working from home."
"Yeah, I'm tired of struggling, tired of barely making ends meet with a job that means nothing."
"I was so miserable that I was honestly way more terrified of staying where I was than I was quitting my job."
"Life is too short to be regretting every single day and waking up with a job that you hate."
"Why doesn't the can crusher like his job? It's so depressing."