
Legal Argument Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Allowing a state to take control of a woman's body and force her to undergo the physical demands, risks, and life-altering consequences of pregnancy is a fundamental deprivation of her liberty."
"The state argued that Ashley was motivated to kill Doug to keep him out of her daughter's life."
"The state of Georgia has presented no evidence in support of the so-called public health emergency in this hearing."
"You have no evidence at all that her conservatorship should be extended and continued."
"Let's talk about the giant lie at the heart of this case: Ms. Heard's claim that Mr. Depp is an abusive monster." - Camille Vasquez
"Chauvin actually took precautionary measures to not cause excessive harm to George Floyd."
"The mere fact that Chauvin decided to use less force should be reasonable doubt."
"As much as Ms. Heard and her lawyers have tried to make this case about Mr. Depp's language, it is Ms. Heard that repeatedly admits to violence."
"If they prove she's a victim, ipso facto not defamation."
"The judge shut that down because it's a dumb argument."
"The First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees."
"Duggar poses no risk of flight or danger to the community."
"Having anxiety does not make you brutally murder an 11-year-old boy, okay?"
"The crux of this argument goes back to the Bush v Gore ruling: all votes must be treated equally."
"Staley argued that Epstein had served his sentence and paid his debt to society."
"Apple unlawfully maintains its monopoly in the iOS app distribution market."
"As long as that gun's on that line, it fits with what you're saying, your mathematics is saying."
"It argues that the president can forgive student debt thanks to a 2003 law called the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act for short."
"If somebody is running away from you and they have the means to kill you readily available, it's absolutely absurd to argue anything to the contrary."
"There is good cause to expedite this appeal for several reasons."
"And we feel that if you apply your reason and Common Sense I'm confident that you will return a verdict of guilty in this case."
"Your fear does not Trump the United States Constitution and my rights."
"All of the arguments that he's made about these records being personal records and executive privilege in many ways make the criminal case against him easier."
"Drone hobbyist John Taylor argued that the Federal Aviation Administration doesn't have jurisdiction over what the law classifies as model aircraft."
"If the whole case was how did the tail light get broken you've got Reasonable Doubt right there."
"It sounds like in the courtroom they were literally arguing."
"I haven't seen case law to support the claim that ethical violations warrant removal."
"The SEC is claiming because Ripple was instrumental in creating a secondary market for XRP, all XRP are therefore securities. If successful, the same thing could be argued versus Vitalik Buterin, Joseph Lubin, Consensus, etc." - John Deaton
"The Court should find a straightforward First Amendment violation under Bantam Books."
"I think the strongest argument actually in favor of gun ownership."
"So, if you believe that Ms. Heard did not act maliciously in writing her op-ed, then you must return."
"Depriving anybody of their constitutional rights is irreparable harm."
"As I see it, forcing businesses to affirmatively put up a sign that says concealed weapons welcome here or something like that would be compelled speech because..."
"They want you to ask, what did Amber believe, not would a reasonable person believe."
"It would be unconstitutional to imprison Trump because of a speech that had literally nothing to do with the criminal activity."
"In short, the accused feeble excuse earlier has been utterly destroyed."
"All that House Democrats have succeeded in proving is that the President did absolutely nothing wrong."
"I didn't sign the Declaration of Independence. I can't be held liable for crimes that were given to a guy with a social security number because I never authorized all those numbers."
"If you own a business and arsonists are attempting to burn down that business, I think you can make an argument for going out there and menacing them with a gun."
"The state has not proven its case, ladies and gentlemen."
"Absolutely yes, we could win solely on function of a trigger."
"The argument from the plaintiff just a forewarning argument for the plaintiff is that the hospital denied Maya the right to exercise her religion."
"There's no historical analog to justify preventing people from carrying guns."
"Reason and common sense guided the jury through Rob Wood's closing argument."
"The WWF argued before New Jersey state senate that professional wrestling was an entertainment product and not legitimate sport."
"It's the same charge, it's the same offense, it doesn't mean it's the same factual basis."
"So what he's saying exactly is look this provision that's the due process clause doesn't guarantee Liberty in all... you can take that home and put it in the bank."
"So closing argument, and you've heard a lot of testimony concerning the issues in this case. But what it boils down to is really the introduction in my trial brief."
"In an argument intended for the Supreme Court, the emphasis should have been more strongly on the First Amendment."
"That's all adds up to reasonable doubt."
"Clear and present danger is the argument that we have the right to forego First Amendment speech rights in certain circumstances."
"I present not a definitive case but a circumstantial case."
"Non-disclosure itself can often be the argument which underlines the first limb of abuse of process."
"If there is an objective proof of provable physical threat to the well-being of the child, physical not intellectual, then you could certainly make a case."
"Not one word is out of place, not one hair is out of place, and everything that he's saying he knows he can prove in a court of law."
"It is because acquitted conduct sentencing undermines the role of the jury, undermines constitutional protections, and is clearly unjust that we ask you to cast an affirmative ballot."
"Circumstantial evidence is good evidence."
"Your legal argument here is so bad."