
Public Discussion Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"We need lots more open-ended, clear discussion...educate yourself a little bit, people need to get more clear on actually in general how safe and clean nuclear power is."
"We haven't really been allowed to discuss this excess mortality...it's like every time you want to discuss it publicly, mainstream media just keeps it down."
"We're not negotiating a new contract with Bruno Fernandes, so I don't know why it's even a conversation."
"Certainly, some people believe there's a correlation between excess deaths and certain medications, which I can talk about more freely over on Rumble."
"I think it's sort of my job as a K-pop fan to use a platform that I've built to speak on it and present it in a way that some may not have been able to see it."
"If we can reduce the amount of force that any officer uses, it was worth having this discussion."
"We have to start talking about what we believe and why we believe it." - Andrew Klavan
"Is Joe Rogan's show a beacon of inquiry and wisdom?"
"You do have evidence. Hunter talked about it. Tony Bobolinski talked about it. Devin Archer talked about it. Like, what are you talking about?"
"This is nuts. A lot of people have been talking about this free Britney Spears movement."
"Obama plans obviously on letting more than seventy thousand in a year otherwise that number wouldn't have went from seventy thousand to a hundred thousand."
"I don't think people that have ethical concerns about vaccines are crazy like there are legitimate questions to be raised and concerns to be raised."
"None of the experts that he brings in commented on any of the things that I specifically said in that series. None of them."
"He believes in in snapshots of with some numbers across their chest yeah we need to lock them up yeah no doubt about it quick last thought from you really high level conversation happening there in Vero Beach Florida."
"So, if it can happen to me, I know it can happen and it has happened to so many others and it needs to be talked about."
"So, those are my thoughts on 'gender agenda.' As always, I would like to know what you think."
"Trump is screwed that nobody's really talking about."
"You do not need to panic... a lot of our discussion tonight will be on hope."
"It's a validation point... if people are talking about you on Reddit."
"The issue of aging is not one that the White House wants to be talking about."
"Talking about my health is my prerogative and belongs to me and is nobody else's business."
"I met with Congress I met with I was out of meeting of all 50 governors and talked about just a AI danger and I talked to everyone I could no one seemed to realize where this was going."
"The more we can share about our experiences with schizophrenia without shame, the better we're going to be able to shirk this negative stigma."
"This led Shannon to begin giving her perspective on a number of controversies including the health of Eugena Cooney the video is so upsetting to watch because it feels like an inappropriate joke."
"Not enough people are talking about what's right for the consumers."
"The great reset is not a conspiracy theory, it's literally on the World Economic Forum website."
"The fact that that has been marginalized, I literally listed on Twitter spaces sometimes."
"Let's be very clear about what's going on here."
"People who've encountered UFOs shouldn't be afraid to speak up and speak out."
"This is an important topic that needs to be talked about more."
"I don't see a problem with him putting light on it."
"Let's just call that thing a thing and be honest about both."
"I appreciate the invitation to come on and talk a little bit more about it because I do think that the substance of some of what we were discussing is really important."
"So what do you think is important about the messages? So I've had Rollo on here a bunch of times..."
"Some background for anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about."
"We can only hope that he accepts the invite extended by Joe Rogan and spills more tea on the shady underbelly of the comedy industry."
"The ultimate win is when they're talking about you in the future."
"That's mental health. Like, we, we, you know, we don't really address that stuff, you know what I'm saying?"
"Don't call it a horse dewormer guys, you all sound dumb."
"Now is not the time to talk about, you know, the Gabby Potato case. Now's the time to let this family mourn."
"That's one of the coolest things about baseball... you don't gotta be strong, you don't gotta look like you athletic."
"More Russian videos are coming, going over other stuff people aren't talking about right now."
"Absolutely incredible he's interrupted twice over the exact same issue"
"Kanye West and Donald Glover had Charlemagne the God really, really confused."
"Every time we talk about Tony as of lately, that's not good."
"I really appreciate that she talks about normalizing discussions around mental health."
"He created the space for us to have this conversation we just had today."
"The current war to accept fatness minimize the health effects of obesity minimize the real cost of drug and alcohol use and then mock discussion of testosterone it's a war on biology and on well-being itself."
"Megan has gone ahead and talked about the racist stuff she had to put out with."
"Little Nas X isn't that talented, but he's trying to get people to talk about this."
"I have every reason to believe that Islam is one of the main points that were argued today."
"Nobody wants to have this conversation, y'all want a bunch of fluff."
"Your voice can be heard, so let's talk about this."
"Let's talk about AI, you recently said in an interview with Piers Morgan in fact that the threat to humanity from the current iteration of AI is largely overstated."
"I was dealing a lot with my depression which I've talked pretty openly about my sort of mental health journey on my channel."
"Blows my mind. Woke Hollywood talking about things every woman goes through."
"America's got a problem and we have to stop talking about this like this is just a specialty issue."
"I'm burnt out, I've talked about this a little bit... But lately, a lot of YouTubers have kind of been speaking out about their experiences as an online content creator..."
"Let's get Tucker, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck all in the same spot."
"We're going to talk about Libby Dunn and also talk about how you confuse strong and sexy or like sporty and feminine."
"From the moment it premiered, 'Fatal Attraction' was a lightning rod - people couldn't stop talking about it."
"It's a very specific political problem and I just want to come on is about I'm gonna be about time for the debate soon I just want to come on for a little while because I want us to start to think about what that means."
"It just baffles me sometimes that there's a huge debate about an issue that should really be a non-issue."
"You can't stop this from being talked about."
"The surrounding discussion about his crimes and others like it partly inspired the rise of the #metoo movement."
"Maybe the FAA is going to hear this out and suddenly make a million..."
"It really just is a beginning of what needs to be a much larger discussion regarding George Soros."
"He can talk about me for the next six years. There's nothing else, like, what else?"
"We really need that public discussion much more."
"No one talks about the mental health implications of waiting."
"My favorite part was him talking about his issues with substance abuse."
"You know who else got called out for blackfishing? Rita Ora."
"Having these conversations is tough, especially in the public eye."
"Nothing but respect for him, man. Thank you, Dana."
"This conversation covers an incredibly wide range of topics, from everything he's doing with his company, metaphysics in the world of deep fakes and Hollywood, his partnership with Emma Chamberlain, and his history of going viral on the internet."
"Thanks to all the viewers for joining us on this conversation. Feel free to keep sharing thoughts and comments, this is democracy."
"We all know how great Damian Lillard is; we just don't talk about it enough."
"I'm not discussing this because I want there to be any hate to come his way."
"People like Colin Kaepernick, Kanye, and Kyrie spark conversations."
"There is nothing more liberating than being able to say... I have a lot of opinions about like cancel culture and [ __ ] like that that when I was younger I definitely guarded and didn't want to talk about."
"You don't have to be an expert. You can talk about your confusion, what you're worried about." - Encouragement for political engagement.
"Some comebacks will be talked about for years to come."
"Everyone's talking about monthly stimulus checks, all the Democrats are talking about it."
"I think it's going to be one of the main ones for 2024, don't you guys?"
"Do you think this video was taken out of context or do you think that I hit the nail on the head?"
"And I feel very strongly, and that's why I believe in public discussion. Let's have the discussion on the table from different points of view but trust the people to make up their own mind."
"A violent murder in southern China: two dead and three injured in a family massacre. The fugitive killer story is stirring discussion online."
"Good we can bring that up in presidential debates I hope you guys are ready for this."
"Let's not pretend like what Kevin is talking about right now was not a large part of Whitney Houston's issue."
"By making the biblical text available to those who could read in English, the text could be shared, discussed, and interpreted in homes, taverns, maybe even in brothels."
"I think it's really important to keep talking about it and keep kind of shedding light on it."
"To shine the light of attention and acceptance on our darkest moments brings us closer to wholeness."
"Talking about the wrongs and injustices isn't driving people apart; it's helping us look at the problems and try to figure out solutions."
"Loneliness is an epidemic, and we need to talk more about it."
"We're having all these conversations about mental health." - Andre Iguodala
"Let's fix the schools, and then you guys can battle it out, whatever you want. But we need our children safe."
"We are now going to get into talking about Andrew Tate."
"It seems so dumb for them to continue to talk about this. They're just digging themselves in a very, very serious hole here."
"It's really important when people speak out from these companies."
"I'm happy that more surrogates are speaking out."
"I thought it was a good start... They're talking about it, man, to see Ben Carson at the end he just said we're here talking about UAPs and UFOs."
"We're having the conversations that everyone else is having that they're not hearing on the mainstream media because you're not allowed to." - Calvin Robinson
"They blurred the line so much that it created such a buzz."
"I know a lot of people keep on bringing it up... it is tragic what happened."
"Most people are going to be talking about Kevin Samuels for years to come."
"Only in America can someone like me who survived a mass shooting... find yourself in that kind of a situation."
"When is the time to talk about it, if not now?"
"BTS, whether they're going to be able to get exempted from their military service or not, has been on the docket and a matter of serious government debate and public debate for years."
"It's amazing though talking about mental health and that kind of thing how many people struggle with it."
"Out of the dirt is also Rising a few different roses, and I think this currently trending number four on the YouTube homepage conversation with Stephen A Smith on Shannon Sharp is one of those Roses."
"They've now banned public discussions of mobilization."
"How many times have the Clintons got away with criminal activity? I don't think we're talking about a repeat, a three-peat or even a four-peat. That's right, we're talking a minimum eight-peat. Absolutely."
"It's really critical that this is discussed at large with society and everybody and the general public."
"I think it's so important for people like me and Riley to be talking about this because if we are the young people that are going through this ourselves and we can't even speak out about it um then what's the point right?"
"Identity lags Reality by one to two years, so I'm still just catching up to me moving out to Texas and feeling oh."
"Communities need to become more open about talking about these topics."
"I find it mad that more are not talking about it on a higher level. Absolutely crazy."
"It's de-stressing and at the end of the day I think these are things that need to be talked about in the community."
"Debates... put everything... out on front street... no hiding... all the lies... will be put out there."
"We're not disputing the science, just looking at both risks and benefits."
"Importance of mental health is everybody talks about... you need to make sure that your mind is healthy too." - 1
"He's getting us to talk about it, he's a genius."
"Well, you have to because it's been such a talking point."
"Let's talk about Transportation rage... the number of articles that were about air rage, road rage, customer service rage..."
"The finale... got people's attention and guaranteed that people will be talking about this for months."
"I still didn't finish Dave's um thing, but I think the point that Dave was making was that you can be racist against black people."
"But that's not what you initially said that's not what you're under Fire for that's not what garnered the controversy"
"It's good to start off by saying, I think Vosh made a good point."
"I wanted to slow it down and have a discussion about coronavirus city by city."
"I didn't want to be controlled by them and Kanye and this may be the Clipper he talks about I think we got one or two more Clips to play uh where he talks about who he really wants to answer to."
"I want to speak about it and I want to share my thoughts and opinions on it with you all."
"Why would I talk about idubbbz when I only have an issue with his girlfriend?"
"The more people that talk about confidence in tattoos the better, in my opinion."
"So far, I feel like Vulcan hasn't really said anything substantial."
"I guess the CDC knows we're live. The CDC done crushed us, Don. They knew that we were going to talk about some crazy stuff tonight."
"We don't have time for anything but a lot more active public discussion, public deliberation, and public education on these issues."
"The hammer forum is a monthly series of public discussions about current social and political issues."
"Public discussion is effective in translating a problem into it recognition and remedia and secondly it also allows us to discuss what is it that we should emphasize."
"...just the topics, the tough topics that they covered. Stuff that maybe idols can't talk about, you know?"
"Infertility is so very seldomly talked about in society, but yet one in eight couples go through it."
"There continues to be a need to discuss this and encourage more public contemplation of how we take appropriate stewardship of this technology going forward."
"It's important that that's actually talked about."
"Our philosophy here is innocent till proven guilty in a court of law, but that does not mean we can't talk about it."
"They were even invited to go on Oprah Winfrey together to discuss their daughters' disappearances."
"Every year I gotta say, I love when people love when we get into the debate stuff."