
Personal Judgment Quotes

There are 782 quotes

"Always use your own judgment and intuition regardless of what we get."
"I'm going to trust my own eyes and my own heart to distinguish the truth from the lies."
"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."
"When somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
"The hardest decision in my life...was my decision to consider what I think of me more important than what others think of me."
"When people show you who they are, believe them."
"Just make up your own mind about everything you're about to hear and who knows, maybe you'll come to a completely different conclusion."
"I care about what I think, and at the end of the day, I'm going to be harder on myself than the outside world because I know more things about me than anybody else does."
"My first impression was, 'He's really on his stuff.'"
"Inner beauty: I guess you can tell if someone's beautiful or not from the inside."
"People say all sorts of stuff, and it's on each person individually to take down responsibility and use their brain and think for themselves."
"People make up their minds for themselves about what to take seriously. The question is what we should take seriously."
"Shadowron considered him a perfect boyfriend for her. He must be good."
"I don't trust reviews. I got to form my own opinion."
"I feel great. It was totally Sean's call to call the cops. I think it was a great call."
"Trust your initial gut feelings about this person and not what people say about this person. That's important."
"I'm only gonna go by what I see, not what you want me to see."
"It's a little bit too literal, but I don't know, maybe they'd get the message."
"Don't believe everything I say, do your own evaluation of these people."
"He is a petty tyrant who refuses to listen to the legions of people more capable than him in every regard."
"It's not how you were born that bothers me, it's everything you've done since then."
"Do you really believe that you should really evaluate others judge others by their identity category rather than by their character and their ability?"
"I don't think spoctor is an irredeemable [__] like CreepShaw, Prizmate, Luke, Kai, Omnia, Junkie, and a few others."
"Cole has afforded himself the benefit of the doubt that most people have not."
"Don't worry about chapel veils or being judged. If someone judges you for not wearing a veil, that's their problem, not yours."
"If you didn't like it, then yeah, you're a [__] idiot."
"The MAGA hat carries a certain connotation that provokes a conditioned reaction. I blame that kid."
"Don't believe what she says, believe what she does."
"My final thoughts on this... allow Olivia to show that she's being a better person."
"If you are unhappy with your actions, then by all means, think less of yourself."
"You may choose not to like him, but you can't deny the guy's absolutely fascinating."
"I judge people by what they've done, not by what they say."
"I suppose it's only a scam if you fall for it."
"I don't know, you just gotta feel it. You just gotta vibe with it. If it feels right, it probably is."
"If thou art pained by any external thing, it is not this that disturbs thee, but thy own judgment about it. And it is in thy power to wipe out this judgment now."
"Tiffany, making financial mistakes is not an indictment of your character. Making financial mistakes does not mean you're a terrible person."
"People's first impressions of you are usually wrong."
"It confirms nearly everything I've believed about Chance the Rapper for years."
"If you don't know in the first like 3 weeks that this is someone that I mean obviously granted there are exceptions to that but a lot of the times you can be right if you just know off the rip."
"Trust your gut, trust your feelings about situations and people."
"As long as the relationship itself is not toxic I believe that you should keep it around."
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
"Your gut will tell you. You'll know when it's right and wrong. Don't go against your intuition."
"I think life is a test on your morality and you will be judged based on your behaviors."
"We can't do that, I gotta be honest. You can learn more about someone based on their shoes than their skin color. And that's, that's, that's a fact."
"I don't know about his personal life and I don't know about his character, just because you see one or two good things, but I'll tell you this, I don't know you, I'm gonna assume in a more positive direction."
"Just because someone has lots of money doesn't mean they took it away from somebody else."
"It's actually so disgusting to see how James treats his daughter."
"If someone shows you who they are, believe them."
"It's not necessarily all believing in Bruce, it's believing in yourself."
"Dropping the kind of cynicism and kind of opening yourself up to the spirit of other people is exactly what you need in the kind of modern worlds that we live in. Superbly disarming."
"He's an awful person. He's a very, very bad man."
"I think what you've done in this aspect is despicable, but you don't seem like a bad guy by any means. However, your response was reactionary, quick, and undereducated."
"How many bodies is too many bodies for a girl? One."
"I think they're pretty much all insecure losers."
"What Destiny did last night was [] up. That's my take. He's a piece of [] for that."
"It's insane how the best of people can turn out to be massive snakes quoted from no stop okay stop okay continuing on"
"I think rushing into titles... is really important... trying to stick to the one label because you're worried about being judged for changing or that you're worried about not being true to who you think you want to be in BDSM."
"It's not what people say, it's what they do. It's people's behavior."
"Deciding if it's worth it... can be challenging."
"It's bad, it's actually in my mind I actually think worse than what I had originally said."
"Even if it was something positive about gray but comparing to Nelly I would just shut it down."
"I've always had a good gauge on like people's intentions."
"If you're roughly sane these days, you're good in my book."
"Regardless of how you feel about the game, I think it's important to always say, 'You know, play a game and judge it for yourself.'"
"He had done some messed up stuff. I have zero evidence of this other than he just gave off those vibes."
"If I knew him, he'd probably be an [__], you know, and he'd probably like just have a weird like off presence."
"I don't need an analyst to tell me that. I can just look around and look at that. That analyst is only going to support my argument."
"If you don't think Kamala Harris is qualified, you need to go qualify your heart."
"This is who they are. When they show you who they are, believe them."
"I do feel like someone's career and their experiences gives you a little bit of insight into who they might be as a person."
"I'm not trying to say this was the right move, I fucked up."
"Believe what you see, believe who people tell you they are."
"Lisa Rinna is such an opportunistic dirt bag. There's something very dirty and skeevy in the way she's fine with her daughter dating a 42-year-old man."
"If someone is saying that they're nice and you look at their actions and they're clearly not, you don't have the ability to play stupid."
"Don't judge the person based on what you think it means to have that label slapped on their chest."
"My first spot goes to Ace because I totally misjudged you coming into this house."
"Trust, investigate it for yourself before you form a conception."
"The more someone tries to convince you of something, the less I believe them."
"I think if it feels right, it feels healthy, and you feel in your gut that things are going well and there's no major red flags then I would say pursue it."
"Your intuition is telling you things are fine, just follow your gut."
"Your homies can say whatever they say, but you gotta find out for yourself, man."
"I think he's a very good dude and I think his record of achievement speaks for itself."
"Even though people do something good for you, it doesn't mean they're good for you."
"I want to be super clear about something okay look uh so as I understand that I'm assuming he's not lying about this he lies about pretty much everything but I'm going to assume that this is truthful okay."
"I think the people who disagree with me on this, this is what designates the line between people who think of artistic communication and art as spectacle and entertainment, and I really do think less of the people in the latter category."
"Don't listen to other people, listen to yourself."
"Recognize just because I like them or just because they're seemingly smart or cool, it doesn't mean their opinion is more valid than anybody else's."
"Looks like I made the biggest mistake of my entire life..."
"When somebody tells me they don't like pizza, I don't trust them."
"Just because someone at some point in your life had credibility doesn't mean they have credibility on that topic."
"Now I know some of you watching this video probably think Scott's a royal jerk because he, well, left me alone to hike to a treacherous spot in the mountains."
"I think he's probably one of the lowest forms of life you could ever meet."
"In some weird way, I can make excuses for the other men that I've taken a look at. Corey, for example, crosses the line between idiotic and selfish to lacking humanity."
"He's a spineless individual that's why he says the things he says right because any man who could go out there and vehemently criticize trump the way that he did and now he cowers like a little lap dog right because he's pathetic he's pathetic."
"Part of the difficult lesson of the #MeToo era is not that every accusation is true and everything should be believed on its face, but that you do have to fight yourself when you feel that impulse."
"You are judged off your deeds and if I feel like you ain't solid with me, god damn it, I could be with you forever. You'll never get that number one slot up there."
"If you see it but it doesn't feel right, don't fool with it."
"Stop trying to convert people when they show you who they are, decide where they fit and move along."
"This isn't even like subjectivity half the time, this is straight-up objectivity for most of these people."
"Honestly, you can't stop stupid. Your brother is making a huge, stupid mistake."
"He definitely finds the mom attractive, so that's a red flag."
"The best thing you can do is try hopefully to be nice while understanding that it's very possible you might be wrong."
"You should always trust your own judgment and heart above the opinions and advice of all others."
"I'm not here to tell nobody what they deserve what they you know none of that because I really don't know what the hell they got going on."
"Only you know if this is a healthy relationship, only you know if it's perfect."
"My gut does not lie to me, I don't think I've ever had an opinion on someone that didn't age perfectly."
"Your dad is not a good man, not to the world and especially not to you."
"Don't be a sheep, this guy's a [ __ ] snake."
"I mean, it is what it is. I don't care what a person tells me about a person. People told me [expletive] about Nene, okay? Oh, you was a lap dog. You were. So what?" - Marlo
"When people show you who they are, you better believe them."
"I have the right to be skeptical until I actually see the gameplay."
"Nobody should look down on you for trying to fix the things that'll make you personally feel better."
"Regardless of what you think of him... he's made his Mark in this world."
"Everybody just said, 'Oh, if that was you, if that been me, I would have done this.' You don't know what you would have done until you've been put in that situation."
"If you don't like a person because they're a piece of [ __ ] then you don't like the person because they're a piece of [ __ ]."
"People don't like Dei, for example, her own family... flush it because why? Because she's a piece of [__]."
"He's lying... I think it's an indication that he says he's thinking like."
"Your woman's intuition is going ding, ding, ding..."
"Did you lose respect for Will Smith? Yes, I did."
"Keep your judgment to yourself, like don't put it out there in the world."
"Attacking someone for like one there was no ill intent I think you should always look at someone's intent."
"I don't know that I trust people to tell me what it is."
"I recognized the Judgment of others simply stems from their own insecurities."
"They just don't care... They showed who they were, believe them."
"It honestly felt like this is the wrong time to do it."
"Get in your element, make a judgment, make a call, make a decision."
"Follow your intuition. If you feel like a vibe is off, don't keep following it."
"It is not events that disturb people, it's their judgment about things."
"Let's trust our own eyes, our own ears, and our own guts rather than the mainstream media."
"A hoe is a person that's in denial about what the hell they be doing, man."
"He kind of glances over and sizes up Larue, her son, and he's a bigger man."
"Judge people by the consistency of their character."
"Always use your own intuition as your guide."
"A man's circle is always an indication of his level."
"Ultimately you'll find out whether they're true or not like Alexis Sanchez."
"But always trust that feeling in your stomach when it comes to vehicles."
"So, I'm just gonna go with it because I think it also might kind of inform his decision here."
"Trust your gut always red flags and trust your gut so you don't end up in a city."
"All that really matters is how you feel about them."
"Just because a woman has a tattoo does not make her a bad person or ill-equipped to be a good wife or mother."
"He's not a saint, but nor is he the sinner that people would like him to be."
"Trust your instincts, don't outsource your judgment."
"Hey, Mike, I don't respect you anymore... You're a bit of a snake."
"I just knew it didn't make sense what they were saying."
"Some of you are going to know intuitively who to deal with and who not to."
"Just because you like somebody doesn't mean you can believe in everything in opposition to them."
"A person's danger sense is called that for a reason."
"There's unfinished business here, whether you feel that way or not, that's your call."
"I think I recognize truth when I hear it or see it."
"It was clear from the start that this soldier is bad news."
"Someone like you comes along and thinks they know what's best."
"There's a lot of good stuff in here and it doesn't necessarily offer a ton of value for me."
"You have to ask yourself would I want this person to be changed or do I secretly want them to stay what I deem is wrong so I can point to them as [ __ ] up and myself as right?"
"But Ruth, you are as a person one big bad decision after the other."
"No one in this world can tell you with absolute certainty which is which. You have to use your mind. This is the burden of being human, of being free."
"He's making me feel a little stupid for doubting him because he's on a great run with Daniel Jones."
"It's always good to have the knowledge it's always good to know what other people are thinking because then you can make your assessment do your own analysis and decide whether or not you agree with those strategies."
"The most important truths often are, but you must learn to discern for yourself."
"This mistake should not encapsulate his whole identity."
"You're miserable, yeah you're a rat, you're bogus definitely."
"Look at what John Marvin does not what he says. Does he think that his family's special? Absolutely he does."
"Why judge ourselves by impossible standards?"
"If something doesn't feel right, smell right, look right, it's probably never going to."
"Don't listen to anybody I mean it's you know I'm gonna listen simple awesome sometimes a doctor's I mean your mom putting a pretty big asterisk."
"Tim is an evil individual, very calculating in his actions."
"There's something wrong with you if you hyper focus on people's genitals."
"When you meet somebody right and legit like you could tell that they're a good person... there was no type of like baton is your own."
"Tommy, don't fall for it. Don't be a gullible fool."
"The internet provides you the chance to go, 'I don't like that part of them.'"
"Don't judge a book by its cover... I've been right every time."
"That is not a man who has ever seriously attended a black Protestant Church."
"Even if I didn't have my own issues with Shannon, I would believe Emily over her in a heartbeat."
"I completely agree. I actually hold in very low regard people who have religious justifications for not doing bad things."
"At the end of the day, it's all about if your intentions are right."
"It's just wrong and it's kind of off-putting."
"When a person shows you who they are, believe them."
"Jaclyn just wasn't given the benefit of the doubt."
"You might not like someone, but you recognize that they've achieved something."
"Who am I to judge, right? Needless to say, I was sad that I had already lost my first dragon."
"I mean, he is astoundingly stupid, unimaginably stupid."
"If someone thinks I'm stupid, I'm like alright cool, you're one less person I have to talk to."
"Sometimes you just gotta know when to call it."
"One of the worst things in life is to help the wrong person."
"Pat McAfee is an investment, Max Kellerman is an expense. Goodbye Max, hey Pat, welcome to the family."
"Trust yourself instead of trusting the mass media."
"I just didn't think that that was appropriate."
"He's like, 'I don't know if she can or not, but her confidence is crazy.'"
"I found this and it just, I have one. It's right here. This is it. It's like you know when you're doing the wrong thing, whether it's a job or you're with the wrong person."
"I call them unreliables, because I think that is the distinctive quality."
"The reputation is he gives you a second chance."
"Money talks, and you have to follow the money. You follow the money, and you will be surprised of what you can find."
"Are we still being lied to? Is this the answer we were never told? The judgment falls to you."
"If you are problematic and you apologize right your wrongs, who am I to judge?"
"Erica, today you deserve the same compassion that you gave none. You are a vicious, cold-hearted, cold-blooded killer."
"The quickest tell that somebody's a loser is complaining."
"Take what everybody says, but come down to your own judgments with what works best for you."
"It has to be like a Monumental [ __ ] up to like because it's not just yeah it's vanity it's yeah it's everything."
"I felt it was alright at that point to disclose it."