
Abortion Debate Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Abortion is a hard issue. It demands the best from all of us, not a judgment by just a few of us."
"Viability is a principled line, your honor, because it logically looks at the fetus' ability to survive separately."
"This does not necessarily make me pro-abortion; this just means I say a woman does have a right to choose."
"Row versus Wade is the enabling of killing babies; overturning it is to stop the enabling of killing babies and to save lives."
"No one has a right to choose this; that's a baby. You don't get to kill it just because it's convenient to you."
"The court says some believe fervently that a human person comes into being at conception and that abortion ends an innocent life."
"The pro-life issue does not have to be a partisan issue."
"There's no such thing as pro-choice after you have sex."
"If women have the absolute right to end a pregnancy because it's their body then there is no legal argument for the man having any responsibility at all."
"Donald Trump made the move of trying to take the abortion issue off the table at least for federal elections."
"In recent months, the Democrat Party has also been aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion."
"The federal government needs to answer the question of whether or not The Unborn have god-given and guaranteed rights."
"I think we need to talk directly and aggressively and a lot about abortion as both in and of itself and also illustrative of what Republican governance can be."
"Roe v Wade is the slavery issue of our time the 1857 supreme court decision dred scott v ferguson and the 1973 roe v wade decision both rendered people as property."
"I just don't see a path forward for my position... because the left is psychotic and wants unrestrained abortion and the right wants to ban it outright."
"Abortion is going to continue... there's a difference between a country where evil is done and a country that establishes that evil as a right."
"This took an important issue like abortion out of the hands of nine unelected justices and put it back in the hands of elected officials at the state level."
"Abortion sometimes should be allowed under certain circumstances but it shouldn't be something that you should be proud of."
"Virtually every Democrat candidate has declared their unlimited support for extreme late-term abortion."
"In sum, the Constitution is neutral on the issue of abortion and allows the people and their elected representatives to address the issue through the democratic process."
"My body my choice is it's a loser of an argument."
"How do they get to where the American people are on abortion, which is basically the acknowledgement of a constitutional right?"
"If men could get pregnant, we wouldn't even be debating abortion."
"If unborn children are dead, why do you need the abortion? The abortion is procured precisely to cause the living child to become a dead child."
"Everybody who is for abortion has already been born, it's almost like they have already gone up the ladder and they're happy to kick the ladder out for someone else."
"The entire left-wing position rests on the complete dehumanization of a pre-born child."
"Abortion is so sacred to them it is such a sacrosanct issue to them that they are literally willing to say that it is better for a baby to be killed in the womb than to be given up to a happy family for adoption."
"Abortion is gray, there are so many different factors."
"The abortion debate is very important because what underpins it is not the legalese of the thing right whether it's constitutionally legal not who gives a [__] that's not the question being asked."
"Please, when advocating for abortion rights, be mindful of your language and try to remember that trans people exist too."
"Viability is a dog [__] argument for abortion too."
"Six-week abortion ban... one of the most politically toxic things I can imagine him doing."
"This has been the long game and only now half a century later are we possibly seeing roe v wade overturned."
"People that get abortions aren't literally trying to have children. You're just... You're forcing them to have children."
"On abortion I think that rather than crafting legislation to somehow codify Roe, Congress should devote its energy to it has complaining the power to regulate interstate commerce."
"The basic Jewish position is that abortion is the taking of a human life and is unjustifiable except in cases in which the mother's life is in danger."
"I would say it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human life. Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human life. Therefore abortion is wrong."
"You're deceiving yourself if you say you can kill your baby and it'd be good for you. That's just deception. That's not true. It doesn't register with reality."
"If someone believes a 32-week-old baby that's being aborted in Colorado, can you acknowledge that to them, that's more pressing than a 1.6-degree increase in the next 100 years?"
"There is nothing in the constitution that says that a woman has a right to take the life of her baby."
"Could you please share with me what due process was given to the unborn child?"
"There's no such thing as a safe abortion. It is inherently unsafe."
"The idea that a mother has the right to abort her baby for any reason whatsoever is plainly insane."
"Would Jesus abort a child? I can't see him doing that."
"My choice was to keep her alive or kill her." - Sherry
"I saw justice coming concerning the issue of abortion in America."
"We're going to see the overturning of abortion."
"Rape doesn't change that it's a heinous act, but I'm not forcing a woman to do anything. I'm merely not answering a tremendous evil with an even greater act of evil."
"Making a woman carry a fetus to term is the very opposite of freedom if she doesn't want to do it."
"Abortion really makes me uncomfortable because it really feels like we just killed a baby, and they seem to want to kill black babies the most."
"A parasite is a certain thing unborn children of course don't qualify... having a more child in your womb was not the same as having tapeworms in your intestines."
"The whole reason you have an abortion is because you're pregnant. Well, why don't we prevent people from getting pregnant?"
"There are two victims in every abortion: the obvious victim of the child, and often, the birth mother, who is really a victim herself."
"It's not about whether abortion is right or wrong it's about whether or not women shall have control over their bodies."
"It's the attempt to draw lines at all. Now, like, I think it's fine for the law to say in general, you know, late-term abortions should be in relatively rare circumstances."
"The pro-abortion left sees it as a necessary good."
"The majority of the pro-abortion left comprises these groups."
"You have to think that the approach that we have here is that both lives matter in this situation."
"Abortion is the preeminent human rights challenge of our age."
"Brett Kavanaugh may be the very turning point of this nation that will stop the killing."
"If an abortion happens but the baby survives, can you kill it? And he already said no."
"For most people who consider themselves pro-life, abortion is abstract. But for me, abortion is real."
"People see the reality of what abortion is and they just don't like it."
"There's a healthy percentage, if not 50%, who disagree strongly with her perspective on the so-called right to terminate her pregnancy."
"Abortion is murder, killing a human being that was created in the image of God."
"How do we have less abortions happen if we had more Christian men and women?"
"Abortion is not about whether or not this person who is too young to have a baby or there's options adoption."
"People will die and people will be mutilated, people will suffer because this isn't going to stop abortions, this isn't going to stop women trying to take control of their lives."
"Surely we can all agree that you know regardless of your pro-choice pro-life that's not acceptable at least in my opinion."
"Abortion needs to be eliminated one way or another."
"Roe v Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life."
"Abortion is the most evil thing we've been conditioned to believe as a good thing."
"I just can't fathom wanting to kill my own unborn child."
"The baby is not a parasite, the baby is a human life."
"Money or inconvenience would move you to snuff out your own child's life."
"Lots and lots of people profoundly and earnestly disagree with the pro-life side."
"Once it's delivered, you carry. Okay, first of all, nobody really wants to abort a child at eight months. It happens all the time, for many reasons."
"Abortion is important because I have special needs siblings and family members."
"If we are going to Advocate an end to abortion using the states or government then we have to be there to make sure that every single child is taken care of through charity through churches and through resources necessary."
"Abortion kills babies and that is the truth."
"If it's wrong to kill an innocent life, it is wrong to kill that life if it was conceived in rape too."
"I actually appreciate the lack of subversion because what pisses me off the most about the abortion debate is that they're trying to reframe abortion as it's not murder."
"Thank God, okay, so you're okay with aborting a child at 36 weeks?"
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"Any elected representative who wants to undermine the right that women have to bodily autonomy, especially via abortion, there should obviously be outrage."
"I believe that God has a plan to use those that have had abortions, been involved in abortions, both men and women, to bring an army about that can really have a voice against abortion like no other."
"The left has basically convinced black people, you know what, you're better off killing that baby because you can't properly raise it, you don't have the family structure, you don't have the finances, your life would be better without a child."
"If you put a bill on my desk and said you can right now today get rid of 99% of abortions, yeah, of course I would do it."
"This isn't about stopping abortion, it's about power."
"Abortion is about an individual's autonomy and sovereignty saying I'm going to terminate this pregnancy what happens to the fetus is a separate question."
"If we're going to talk about the best and safest most effective way of reducing abortion, abortion bans are simply not the answer."
"For people of faith, abortion is not a political issue, it's a moral one, a spiritual one."
"Nobody wants an abortion. No woman wants one and no man who has thought about the issue wants any woman he cares about to be in a position in which she feels compelled to have one."
"Evil to support abortion, evil ideology, evil party, absolutely."
"Pro-lifers see this as a child being killed."
"The vast majority of abortions... involve dismembering the body of what we know to be a living being... because abortion involves killing one's child."
"It's not about her body... it is about murdering the baby plain and simple."
"We begin with the standard as described in Casey: 'We recognize the state has legitimate interest in seeing to it that abortion like any other medical procedure is performed under circumstance that ensure maximum safety for the patient.'"
"The decision about abortion should be made by the woman and her physician."
"Your faith or religion or lack thereof does not change the fact that abortion kills and a living human being who is growing inside a woman's body."
"This is about a lot MORE THAN ABORTION." - President Biden
"Abortion seems like a very, very clear issue, abundantly clear issue. This is actually murder that's happening on a large scale." - Addressing the gravity of the abortion issue.
"These people don't give a [__] about these babies once they're out of the vagina."
"No one should be forced to carry a pregnancy that they don't want. Period."
"Abortion is the murder of an innocent child."
"Abortion is the emotional one but I think like the idea that you have to think something... I mean how do we police it?"
"It's not just about banning abortions, it's about clamping down on the most insane radical versions of all of this."
"Both sides predicted the fight over abortion would continue."
"People who abuse the privilege of abortion are pushing me towards being pro-life."
"Abortion is the ultimate expression of hypergamy, and women, the sisterhood, will fight tooth and nail to ensure that fail-safe remains safe."
"The abortion fight is a fight nonetheless and we should continue to talk about it and fight for it because it is costing lives, innocent lives."
"It's beyond dispute that Roe has had that demographic effect. A highly disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are black."
"The unfortunate reality is Republicans have just abandoned the abortion issue and they don't have faith that they can convince voters that abortion is wrong."
"It's wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being, therefore abortion is wrong."
"This is truly a big momentous decision, and a lot of the future of abortion debate... is going to be hinging on what these justices do." - Political Science Professor Adam Carrington
"There's no difference between a 19 and a half week baby and a 20-week baby."
"Abortion is a leading cause of death in the U.S and the world, it's crazy since Roe versus weighed over 63 million babies aborted here in the U.S."
"If we really had a culture of choice, abortion would be very rare."
"Finally, if you're going to argue about what should be legal with abortion, please send the best woman to do the arguing."
"I don't understand why people pretend that abortion is something that it's not. It is the murder of a human being."
"There is no constitutional right to killing a baby."
"Abortion is not just a social issue, it's an economic issue, a demographic issue, and a legal issue."
"You don't owe an answer to the left on that. The left kills million babies a year."
"A lot of the, what pro-life people would consider hostile pro-choice comments and things like that are a response to hostile pro-life people."
"Roe v Wade I think will fall I think that at least the court will do damage to it it was unjust it was illogical um it's created huge devastation over 63 million children have been killed since uh roe v wade became the law of the land in 1973."
"I'm happy to say abortion ends a life."
"However you feel about the abortion thing, I understand your perspective and I understand why you're so passionate about it."
"The issue isn't controlling the female fetus. It's whether or not the human fetus has any rights."
"...she doesn't really bring anything to the table in the book that wasn't already online besides a few Choice things like oh you had an abortion who gives a [ __ ] everybody gets abortions it's not even interesting."
"It's all just sort of I guess but when you put it in the terms of okay should a woman who gets an abortion be killed or thrown in jail for years."
"I don't know what an unborn child is. I know what a fetus is."
"Under ordinary circumstances, abortion is not a legitimate biblical or ethical choice and constitutes sin. However, abortion is considered a legitimate biblical choice by the church when a mother's life is at stake."
"We've seen a huge uptick in violence against pro-life facilities, not just abortion clinics and so forth."
"If Roe v. Wade is struck down, I want to see the church advocating for compassionate responses that have been proven to reduce the number of women pursuing abortions."