
Content Management Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"If you can't manage the amount of live content that you have and you're constantly unknowingly and let's be honest, knowingly hosting child porn, then I don't think that you should be able to do that. Flat out."
"The reality of social media is that you need to put the individuals in control of what they see."
"Headless CMS's are different because it's just the data part... You can build your front-end with whatever you want."
"What was the result of that? Cancelled by Amazon, Google, and Apple."
"A content calendar helps you plan ahead and automate publishing."
"If investigated faster would have improved the chances of retaining my entire library of content."
"Malik Ducard described inappropriate videos as 'extreme needle in the haystack.'"
"Content credentials is the thing that is probably going to change the future of how we look at content."
"YouTube's actual demonetization here or ultimate suspension here is totally valid and worthwhile."
"Now, I'm just going to say that video is 12 minutes long since then Youtube has reversed the strike."
"Wow, they're actually removing the content that's bad."
"Video chapters or timestamps allow viewers to find what they need and leave them satisfied, building trust and loyalty."
"All you need to do is get your content in and then Sway will take care of making sure that you have a design that looks amazing."
"I'm back here on the Sway homepage, and here I see the Sway that I just created shows up under the edited pivot."
"You will go and build up some posts on your page that make it look more trustworthy."
"And they will hopefully allow us to come to a different place where the algorithm isn't just about click-through rate and watch time."
"What he did was malicious and I hope YouTube removes his channel because he has no business having a YouTube channel when he uses his YouTube subscribers to bash demoralize and demean small indie game studios."
"I might even pin that as well. It might unpin the terrible bingo board, so I think this is a little bit more important honestly."
"When it comes to the best time to actually be uploading on YouTube, there are two best times right now: 11 a.m. and 3 p.m."
"You don't have to level up through years of older content."
"If you fail to take down the YouTube video or spread further content in relation thereto or take adverse actions against our client on the basis of your receipt of this letter we will advise our client to report your misconduct."
"It's not tied to any content tier and it shouldn't be. Quality of life is not tied to a server's age."
"Anything that interferes with or compromises that will be excluded because you need to be a priority."
"Strategies for maintaining audience engagement and managing content."
"I think we're gonna see content droughts. Yeah, that's a double-edged sword."
"Section 230 avoids what has been called the moderators dilemma ensuring that websites are free to remove objectionable content without increasing their legal risk."
"Content categorization saves time and boosts creativity."
"YouTube policy violations were commonplace and YouTube allowed channels like Trevor Colt MC to operate unchecked for over 11 years."
"Content vaulting has hurt the game maybe more than they even realize."
"Wonderful! How good is that? We've already filtered out all the videos..."
"Keep the memes here, keep the positivity there."
"YouTube's going to take the content that it deems as kids content and strip all that data away."
"Disney execs reportedly at odds over streaming more adult content on Disney Plus."
"If you've got thousands of titles that you need to optimize, where do you start? People have so many different favorites."
"In every streaming service or every radio or TV station, there's someone called a program manager. We aren't being entertained as much as we are being programmed."
"Development of a battle royale would no doubt have resulted in less content in other parts of the game."
"Another time saver we're introducing is the ability to actually share the same post in multiple teams and channels."
"One thing that everyone tends to overlook when they first start a streaming service is that you need a steady flow of content to make it work, to keep people hooked on the platform."
"The real danger and power and weakness of Facebook and YouTube and TikTok and Twitter is not that they host content, it's that they decide what content gets new eyeballs on it."
"One thing being extremely on the internet has taught me is never give your enemies content. 100."
"Hashtags actually categorize your content, telling Instagram more about your content and how they can categorize you."
"You have to be very, very particular about what you post, how you post it, when you post it, etc, etc."
"Living Season One had a ton covered, a lot of it had to just be cut though."
"Don't milk a series too hard, you know what I mean? Keep it fresh and always try to introduce things here and there."
"Audience retention is the thing you've got to focus on."
"Twitter failed to take action allowing the content to be viewed over 167,000 times."
"Nible was not just copy and pasting stuff, he really knew what should and should not be surfaced and that is a true skill."
"Your Yoast settings are at full optimal settings so at this point all you need to do is just work on your content."
"We want to lean towards being restrictive on the content that can be posted to prevent a negative associate experience."
"Just make the missions out of the content that's already on console because there is some on PC that they're on console when we have the heists give us the opportunity to play them it just makes sense."
"This might be worth considering doing this in phases, I think it's a good recipe to give everyone a healthy amount of content at a time."
"It's sad you know but there's a lot of crazy content on YouTube and I do think that sometimes YouTube does pick and choose who they want to punish because again."
"There's a digital table of contents so you can just jump through the most important parts."
"You guys need to be reposting your best pieces of content."
"Every year, the base content seems boring, and then they sell us a bunch of really cool and interesting stuff instead of putting it into the base game."
"The mods quickly got back to posting regularly high-quality content as always."
"YouTube finally went scorched Earth on this type of content."
"I always recommend people to go in and just add them to your library even if you're not interested in it right away you never know down the road you may be."
"You can't put that out. That can't be a thing."
"I run nine different YouTube channels and now I'm showing you how you can do the same."
"I'm not going to be the Arbiter of what goes on outside of my particular platforms."
"Then it takes the formula from the first Hyrule Warriors and refines it, polishes it, balances it, and provides an ample amount of content to enjoy without feeling completely overwhelming."
"Crunchyroll should look for works that are at least proven before wasting their subscribers' money and time."
"Our intention is not to block content, but to educate on the hazards of savage content."
"If Witcher 3 did its world like breath of the wild it would be like removing most of the side quests only leaving maybe 10 of them and then instead adding 50 more of the filler content caves."
"It's all about a steady stream of content and always having something to look forward to."
"Consistency is key... you cannot expect to post one video on YouTube and then not post for another 3 months and expect growth on your channel."
"Didn't have proper content support and was abandoned."
"Oh, my god, if I delete this one right now, I'd be very unfortunate."
"The way we build the software, the way we're doing play anywhere, it's all leading to an environment where I think your content stays with you."
"It's kind of like Facebook does... they will continue to pump out two titles..."
"Let me tell you something: we just fast forwarded like half of the thing last time because it was too much time to fit in a video."
"If white supremacist pages are reposting your content, you do have a duty to speak up about it."
"What's amazing about creators like Ryan is that they build these massive libraries of viral ideas."
"It's like we have computers now for searching and finding and playing back digital content."
"We've decided to do the following: one, rescind all of our React trademarks and applications; two, discontinue the React World program; three, release all past Content ID claims."
"If it's questionable at all, it's gonna go. We really have to keep our social media clean."
"Even when a JJ is 40 minutes I try to keep them under 40 for that reason..."
"We strongly believe in fair use and believe that this improvement to Content ID will make a real difference."
"Change the visibility from private to public or schedule it to go live automatically."
"Surely this is a misunderstanding. I've been on the platform for like 10 years, my whole catalog was up."
"If I come at her with a post in a story a week, that sounds a whole lot better than five IG stories, five posts, and a live."
"The ruling came in response to a lawsuit brought by republican-led States alleging that the White House went too far in its efforts to curb content."
"Now, the number one thing that I want to talk about before I dive into the actual tips and strategies of hiring your very first video editor is to answer the question that many people ask me."
"Life isn't supposed to be anything. Life is a sandbox game."
"You are asking for a random group of people to deal with content that's not really designed to be pugged."
"Content ownership is key, and Squarespace provides just that."
"I really need a good place to store all of the footage and content for this channel and I'd like it to also be fast enough that I could even edit off of it over the network."
"It's a horrible idea to not make your course in such a way that you can easily update things."
"Is there some kind of fund for heroes or did Stark pay you when he was around?"
"To buddy is the number one browser plug-in for managing and growing your YouTube channel."
"Nova makes most content in the game insanely easy..."
"This livestream is now being hidden away for good."
"We're actually chilling bro, keep that auto skip turned on."
"Clearly the archiving of destiny content is a great idea."
"Curation is going to be very important going forward."
"We could have gone on for an hour, but we kept it shorter for you."
"Have you noticed one thing I've noticed? The content ID bar is the most easy [__] thing to fool."
"Limiting accessibility reduces the impact of harmful content."
"Depending on the amount of made for kids content on your channel, you can set audience at the channel level or the video level."
"When we schedule our content ahead of time, our content goes out without us having to do anything."
"Headless content management systems... allow you to create content in a user interface similar to what you would do in a WordPress admin area."
"SharePoint is a cloud-based service that allows companies to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications in order to improve teamwork."
"If I take that [content] down, people wait a minute... it would be doing the page a disservice."
"What else could we put with the content system?"
"Content can look really charming when aligned to a radial grid, and if managed well, can have pleasing results."
"Make creation and management of content very easy, like dealing with Microsoft Excel."
"Facebook and Instagram have a lot of experience fighting abuse spam hateful content."
"So you can add in these dynamic content fields to really get out of this flow exactly the information you want to see."
"So if we're putting in different types of content that require different types of metadata and you end up having like 10 different types of content in one given document library, you will run out of views that you can create for that content."
"It's free and open-source content management system that makes it super intuitive to build your very own website."
"You can add as many pieces of content and elements as you want, just make sure you create the proper fields for them in your database."
"90% of organizations are struggling to manage content through the entire end-to-end content lifecycle."
"This website, it's probably a Wordpress login or something like that."
"You can update posts, pages, you can change what you say on the home page, you can update posts, you can delete posts if they don't work."
"We need big tech companies to take responsibility for the content they spread and the algorithms they use."
"If you have a lot of information that's repetitive that you'll need to display in some way, the content manager might be your best bet."
"WordPress is one of the most powerful content management systems available."
"If I want to let my client easily create and update site content, the CMS is a great solution for that."
"You can create an asset library where you can upload, organize, and access all your content from one place."
"Look after your mental health; if the story isn't for you, please use the timestamps to skip or shut down the video."
"Ferro Buster... has the ability to pause a content discovery scan and edit it while it's paused."
"There's just so much content in med school, so this just helps me keep track of it."
"It's a great way to organize all of your content."
"You need a Content Management System in order to show your content to the world."
"How customizable is your content management system?"
"If you don't have a strategy yet, definitely go and check out that video; it's going to make planning your content inside of Notion so much easier."
"WordPress is your CMS, your content management system, and we're going to be managing all content on your website through WordPress."
"This is the most kind of neat way of organizing your content calendar."
"Having a content calendar is the best way to actually have your content neatly organized."
"Why use layers when I can use VMix overlay channels for adding content to my scene? Well, if your content is typically only needed for a specific scene, you can save up using those overlay channels and use layers instead."
"We can group content that already exists together into larger groups that's going to help us manipulate content on a larger scale."
"With the loop Builder, you guys can actually create loops with posts, projects, or even products."
"Embedding refers to the integration of links, images, videos, gifs, any other content that is external from your website."
"They're going to be able to write a new article, edit an existing article, and delete an article that they're working on or have published in the past."
"This is going to be the main home page where everybody will be able to see a list of posts, a list of articles, a list of content."
"That's how you build a custom management system CMS with Flutter Flow."
"It never gets stagnant... as long as the primary editors... are editing and updating that information, it's going to continue to always be up-to-date."
"Utilize role-based groups for authenticating content with Google Sites; this will ensure that the content is both accessible and only editable by the right staff members."
"The key thing to remember here is that any actual content with titles, texts, buttons, keep it within the safe area."
"Choose an appropriate content management system."
"Now, we just created a new level, and this new level is located in our content browser under the folder 'My Stuff'."
"So what this allows the server to do is to tell a web browser what types of content can be loaded in the page it's sending back, and also where that content should come from."
"A better way to approach web design is to take full advantage of WordPress's content management features."
"Custom post types give you an organized system for managing your content."
"Most professionals organize their content in custom post types for scalability and maintainability."
"This was dynamic data management inside of WordPress with custom post types, custom fields, custom taxonomies, query loops, dynamic data—very, very powerful stuff."
"The clear difference you've experienced since switching to this dynamic method of content management in WordPress."
"Taking it from inefficiency and disorganization over to absolute sanity when it comes to managing content."
"WordPress is the number one content management system out there."
"Are you looking for an awesome place to store your media, your videos, and your images, and do transformations and optimizations? Well, look no further."
"WordPress just lets my clients update and manage the content without them having to send me an email request to update or change something."
"We need to actually reinforce the workflow of incoming content, idea distillation, produced output."
"Censorgram was an application that would help content creators manage their comments."
"You just take your awesome content, pop it into their beautiful templates, and you're off and running; you have built a website."
"We've got all the skills to edit pages, make sections, copy sections, we can set up our blog, we can set up our posts."
"We're going to be using Strappy to manage our content and create some sort of interface that basically displays sports cards."
"It makes it a much more intuitive interface to work with when you're dealing with any kind of content or creator your custom post types."
"Meta fields help you manage unique content for each product or collection without needing to change your online store design."
"The system should be designed to handle a large number of users and a high volume of content."
"If you want me to show you how I use it for my Facebook groups and how I take control of what I'm posting in there, for my blog content and blog development, anything like that, please just let me know in the comments below."
"This is just a foundation for your content backend; take this, customize it, make it yours, add your content, query using GROQ or GraphQL."
"Sanity is where you store your content, where you and your team work together to publish new content and express it in any digital experience."
"The best way to make content reusable and redistributable with Ansible is to include a submodule or another file in your playbook."
"It's not easy to come up with a good plan, but it's important for a long-term healthy content center."
"Sections is a way that you can create an outlet for some content on one component that can then get filled in by another component."
"WordPress is just a content management system, typically to create websites."
"Content is how we use markdown and other things inside of our project."
"You have kind of like a template that you want to reuse but you want to put different data in it."
"This Highgraph will provide a very efficient way to handle our content management."
"It goes to show the enormous challenge that we have."
"Custom post types and custom fields allow us to programmatically relate different content together in really compelling ways."
"Does this browser have geolocation? Yes, cool. In that case, can we actually load the local content if it's successful, or can we load the fallback content if it's not successful? That works now, in every case, we have content. So this is good."
"Tags can be incredibly powerful and they can really open up a ton of possibilities on how you organize and structure your content."
"Playlists are what we care more about; we can put multiple contents together and do different automation and other things at the same time, making our lives super easy."
"Anything that makes managing content easier is a welcome addition."
"Content Editing and Productions Manager, hell yeah."
"Avoid orphans. You should never have a category that has only one post in it."
"How to move and merge and mix and match categories and tags without causing any errors or interruptions and without losing link juice."
"I will show you how to put your recent blog posts inside of your home page."
"Content gets bloated, making sure that we're able to go through and really streamline and simplify what we have there."
"Internationalization refers to serving up content in your users' preferred language."
"NextJS supports static site generation, which is great for content-heavy websites and can offer even better performance and SEO benefits."
"You're able to upload your content from that browser as well, you build your playlists, you save it, and the channel runs after you've disconnected."
"This is where structured content comes in clutch."
"WordPress is great because it allows your clients to update their own content."
"It's a great benefit of using WordPress in general, that you can have such a large library of posts and really manage them so easily."
"Whenever consent is retracted, posts are removed."
"Custom post types, custom fields, custom taxonomies, bi-directional relationships—that's content management."
"I'm glad Instagram has an archive button instead of deleting pictures."
"We're really taking the best of the SharePoint content management system and putting it in Microsoft Teams."
"The content management side, the admin side of WordPress is not easy but it's intuitive."
"Contentful is a content management platform that lets you create, manage, and publish your content for any digital channel."
"You'll even learn how to add in the Sanity.io content platform CMS."
"With both, you can define block types and paragraph types, and this gives you lots of flexibility."
"We have to come back to the fact that we're using Drupal, which is a content management system that's really good at managing structured content."
"Whatever tool you pick, content editors just love the media library."
"I think of layout building as being like templating for my content."
"You actually have the power to make content editors much happier by customizing whatever page building tools you give them."
"Think of a template as a structure that basically indicates what content will be displayed on a particular page and also how that content will be displayed."