
Legal Criticism Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"They have no basis in the Constitution and no home in our history or traditions."
"The highest court in the land should not be subject to the lowest ethical standards."
"This article is a pretty good criticism of the hate crime laws that are being introduced because again they just go so far."
"From the very beginning, we think it was an unjust situation."
"The bail system in this country has been widely regarded by experts as one of the most broken elements."
"What has taken place there is a travesty of justice."
"It's the weaponization of the justice system."
"To claim that this is a truly meritless and irresponsible lawsuit while seeing so many current and former employees speak out about their own experiences regarding harassment and abuse is simply unacceptable."
"I do not trust the state to decide what constitutes hate speech."
"When Britney said that her family should be in jail, I agreed. I agree 100."
"The legal system being weaponized against political opponents, un-American and unacceptable."
"This is their attempt to create law without actually having to ever write a law."
"The court disagrees, this judge is absolutely practicing law From the Bench."
"It's overwhelming how it was tilted in one side but they embraced one that had no evidence and they reject the other one that has all kinds of granular evidence. The dereliction is so patent and it matters, it does matter."
"The process for seeking a religious exemption is nothing more than theater. The Navy merely rubber stamps each denial." - U.S. Judge Reed O'Connor
"How can you expect the laws that oppressed you to liberate you?"
"Critical race theory is inherently discriminatory inherently violations of the constitution of almost every state and of every end of the united states government and of federal and state law."
"The press does not simply publish information about trials but guards against the miscarriage of justice by subjecting the police, prosecutors, and judicial process to extensive public scrutiny and criticism."
"The gag order violates the First Amendment because it is vague, overbroad, unduly restrictive, and not narrowly drawn."
"A verdict was a travesty. It's one of those situations where it really doesn't require a legal education to be able to read through that opinion and identify the problems with it."
"Making abortions illegal is simply a sanctimonious self-righteous form of violence against women."
"Anyone changing the law is indirectly saying that the law is not good and thus they make a mockery of the Sabbath seal."
"Our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre."
"Selective prosecution...the definition of bad law enforcement."
"This cannot be attributed to incompetent lawyering. It was a deliberate use of the judicial system to pursue a political agenda."
"Plaintiff's counsel Richard Leibowitz is a known copyright troll filing over five hundred cases in this district alone in the past 24 months."
"We don't care because this law just doesn't make any sense."
"The right is going to say, 'This is not even a legal system, it's just dudes with guns telling you to get on your knees.'"
"At a certain point, people on the right are going to say, 'This is not even a legal system. It's literally just dudes with guns.'"
"The Supreme Court has perverted the constitution."
"The judge ruled that the police's behavior in their pursuit of Colin Stagg was 'a substantial attempt to incriminate a suspect by positive and deceptive conduct of the grossest kind.'"
"The corruption of the American justice system is such that we now have increasing opportunities to see how prosecutors deliberately confound right and wrong in the courtroom."
"The punishment doesn't match the literal crime."
"How in the heck could they ever enforce this thing? It's a stupid law to begin with."
"It's kind of insane that it's even being allowed to continue, you know, that the judge is just allowing, you know, himself to gag people for commenting on his own misconduct. It's like what kind of a courtroom is this?"
"This trial was unfair because of the tick-tock storm."
"Britney has not had any protection at all. A total sham."
"It is literally human trafficking to force someone to work so that you can make money off of them."
"This is really a Soviet-style show trial because so much of the trial is not about the facts or the law."
"The lawsuit is a legally frivolous publicity stunt."
"This is frankly an attack on the First Amendment."
"There are two systems of Justice in the United States."
"The conservatorship is like stripping you of all your civil liberties."
"Unconstitutional and downright tyrannical." - Jimmy Dore
"There was probable cause in this case, and it wasn't done."
"To call this a miscarriage of justice is an understatement."
"This is the most disgraceful ruling I think I've ever read in my life."
"Just invent it out of whole cloths, what happened conservatives? I thought you hated activist judges."
"This is blatantly unconstitutional. They can't just monitor every bank account in America."
"How could you be surprised that a jury came to this conclusion and certainly how could you criticize the verdict."
"The Uganda law is horrific and wrong in any log criminalizing homosexuality or imposing a Destiny the death sentence is grotesque in an Abomination."
"When Congress is demonstrably contemptible, contempt of congress should not be a crime."
"Secret courts have no place in the United States of America."
"We can hate the laws only because we are detached from the situation."
"That's crazy man, it's completely [ __ ] crazy to have no knock warrants where officers can enter the premises without notifying residents."
"There hasn't been one arrest and now he's participating in an illegal, unconstitutional, and totally unnecessary lockdown of the American people."
"The charges are essentially we're going after somebody for being the victim of a blackmail attempt instead of the blackmailer."
"The justice system isn't always indicative of the truth."
"If anybody says that this indictment is anything other than a ludicrous steaming pile of judicial dog plop, they're idiots. Period."
"Every press freedom group in the West condemns this prosecution."
"The law is remembered for being a good try than actually making sense."
"A double standard of justice: one for the January six protesters, a totally different one for the left-wing riders."
"This blatantly racist decision is a travesty that sets a dangerous precedent."
"I definitely don't think there was enough to sentence Hanna Overton to life in prison for murder. I do not think she purposely killed Andrew bird."
"Lock somebody up and those who killed people are walking free."
"It was an execution. You had a man begging for his life and he was shot five times for what? For his elbow coming up too high, for being confused, for being compliant. Why did he deserve to die?"
"Trump didn't sign on to this case, but his cases against Twitter, YouTube, Google, and Facebook have a similar flaw in the lawyers being employed."
"This could be an example of prosecutorial overreach and misconduct."
"The decision to pursue innocent men... was ill-founded."
"The vast majority of what the SEC is claiming is nonsensical and offensive."
"They violated almost every evidentiary rule that you have. They managed to violate almost every evidentiary rule that you have."
"I find that the CJC process involving Justice Smith was unfair to the point that it is contrary to the interests of justice. It was an abuse of process." - Justice Zinn
"Those are some of the most worst laws that exist because they're anti-private property rights laws."
"Jeff Sessions should be ashamed of himself for allowing this total hoax to get started in the first place." - Donald Trump
"Barr acts not as the people's lawyer, but as someone who is always focused on protecting the President."
"It seems like an enormous abuse of the judicial process." - Ted Cruz
"Just because something is a law doesn't mean that it's okay. Some of the worst laws in history have been overturned by people openly defying them." - Misty
"This is a despicable, frivolous, vexatious, complete nonsense of a legal filing."
"People should be up, up and out loud... I bet they'll let him sit in there for a while." - Stu Scheller Sr.
"The danger here is if you have a statute that just says you know it's illegal to do bad things all the time, that's the law."
"Horrible laws don't determine morality, I agree with you there."
"It is brilliant to see what Conor McGregor did to set up a pay-per-view event for this exhibition."
"The problem is it's never gone to court, and so what Nintendo is doing is basically going around and bullying people."
"This indictment, if it comes this week, is absolutely outrageous, it is frivolous, it is baseless, it is a political persecution."
"Imagine a legal system where you were arrested without reason given, hauled into court and found guilty without the charge explained. Your punishment was partially secret."
"Once word of this got out, the Cleveland Press ran a story with the headline: 'Why isn't Sam Shepherd in jail?'"
"The government did regarding the emergencies Act was unjustified unreasonable and some people are saying unconstitutional."
"Amendments rush through parliament, the Human Rights Law Center criticizes that there are insufficient safeguards."
"The rule of law is undermined by efforts to advance political narratives through lawsuits without factual basis or any cognizable legal theory."
"Acquitted conduct sentencing is not only unjust but flagrantly unconstitutional."
"...bad lawyers make me mad and this isn't just careless, this is criminal."
"Civil asset forfeiture. It is un-American, legalized theft."
"I am definitely a critic of qualified immunity."