
Financial Commitment Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"You will never be able to afford to tithe until you start tithing."
"But I have talked to many Disney Brides who say they wouldn't change anything and they're so glad they spent the money on their big day."
"Pay for it...having that money taken out of my bank account."
"It's so exciting to see people that are so excited about preserving history, you know they're about a bar from 150 years ago so I just want to say thank you all so so much for following on this journey."
"Buffett has long been invested in the company [American Express]."
"I haven't sold any Tesla stock at any point ever. I've been buying since early 2016, more than half a decade of relentless buying, zero selling."
"Take all that money and put drop it into one sure deal."
"You can't put out a half-assed thing and people have their money tied up."
"If Jadon Sancho's available, pay the bloody money."
"If you really love the club, you will pay what it takes."
"For me to put 70,000 into a brand new stock in this short of an amount of time, it has to be an extraordinary opportunity."
"Exactly what I would do with Tesla... I bought heavier and heavier."
"Elon Musk is willing to do what only he can do. He's putting a substantial chunk of his vast fortune on the line to save free speech in America."
"be patient wait for the perfect pitch then and only then do you swing and swing hard"
"The tour is probably spending 30 to 50 million a year right now just on just on this case Alone."
"These type of businesses, you have to put money into them."
"Poland is committed to putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to defense."
"That's wild how it's not only so much money up front and then a continued investment, but then also it's just like in such a short time they get you believing all of this stuff."
"Overspend if you really wanna take that next step and take that leap or make that change that is required to get things over the line."
"You've got to make the investment but you've also got to take on the learning."
"Dude, you're not just dating a chick when you slap a $50,000 ring on her."
"I'm announcing the United States is prepared to commit more than one billion dollars in humanitarian assistance to help get relief to millions of Ukrainians affected by the war."
"Eventually, you need to commit to being intentional with your trading so you don't lose money."
"I pay the down payment, I'll be able to move into my home tomorrow. That is exciting!"
"The lack of commitment to honor the financial obligations soon turned into ongoing pressure."
"I'm into the company right now for about 125,000. I'm tempted after this video post to potentially put in a little bit more, we'll see."
"You're not in it for the short term, you're in it for the long term."
"Big companies started to read the tea leaves and see that something was coming... they invested a ton of money into it... they're in too deep."
"I've got enough money for three cracks at it."
"To show he means business, Jamie Dimon goes all in, virtually putting all of his fortune in Bank One stocks, worth over $50 million dollars."
"If you're going to spend 600, 700, three-quarters million pounds, whatever it is, [expletive], you've got to become individual."
"I would go all in on keeping some bits with the football club if it is the 25 million."
"Okay, okay, I'll do it man, that's a big loan."
"This year, in addition to all the donations we expect to receive, our company Ballin Studios, which is a separate entity, is going to be giving one million dollars to the Mr Ballin foundation..."
"He's willing to pay three billion dollars in order to buy all four of these things which is a huge sum of cash."
"Hopefully, that is insightful to you and you like this. This means I've put somewhere around close to about a million dollars into the market."
"Long-term investors get separated from people who think they're long-term investors."
"I'm the kind of person that will happily pay $60 for a game that I despise if it gives me something to talk about."
"Apple is to pay 50 million dollars annually to sponsor the Super Bowl halftime show."
"It certainly helps me to stay up to date with all this because it makes me feel a lot more willing to be a diamond hander."
"I will do anything and I will pay any amount of money to not feel the way I'm feeling right now."
"Put your money where your mouth is and join the Scroll Luminati today."
"I pay 325 a month for my monthly payment on this Ferrari F12."
"I told them yesterday that I'd be very unhappy if they didn't up their commitments very substantially because the United States has been paying a tremendous amount, probably 90% of the cost of NATO."
"The entire attraction had a budget of 130 million dollars and it was well worth it."
"It's gonna lead to a commitment, it's going to, like, even if it's a financial commitment but this is something that is gainful, gainful employment."
"I'm going to continue to add to my AMC position... I will keep you guys up to date."
"Diamond hands—that is when you're holding strong even though the price is high."
"Every dime is going towards helping refugees... every dime."
"We're more than happy to take on 'overrated' Jadon Sancho for 80 million or whatever it costs. I'm over the moon," says Mark.
"If the net spend is under 100 million quid, this club ain't serious."
"We chose to spend significant amounts of money on hland. I was happy with that. We are a progressive team, we are a work in progress."
"If you absolutely just do not have the time, then just go ahead and pull the trigger and buy something you believe in."
"I'm 100% in crypto and I've been that way since like 2017."
"I think Tesla's in the best position to capture that upside, and I'm invested in that. So for me, that's the win."
"It's so great to see Coinbase putting their money where their mouth is and investing it into the crypto market."
"You will never be able to afford to tithe until you tithe."
"A billion dollars pledged to combat climate change."
"The Bid Biden Harris Administration announced this in September: state-run land-grant HBCUs are owed more than $13 billion." - Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilat.
"He paid 3 million US Dollars, like, of his personal, he's out of his, he cracked open the piggy bank with which they all had back then."
"Young people when you buy a home you're spending more for that home than you ever thought you would."
"I think that that's really important is that I put my money where my mouth is and I'm in the boat with the audience."
"Tesla's spending about one and a half to two and a half billion dollars annually on R&D over the last five years."
"I, Mudahar, am willing to put up ten thousand dollars... in fact, I think I might up it to a hundred thousand US dollars."
"If you don't love Bitcoin at 15K, you don't deserve it at 100K."
"Spare no expense." - A nod to extravagance in the face of danger.
"That's literally the definition of putting your money where your mouth is, making that sacrificial, that's that sacrificial love is what that is for your kid."
"The smart money gets it. The smart money wants to allocate to it hard, and they will."
"Wow, any of those possible permutations, sign me up. Take my money right now." - Ben Duffy
"It's nice to see them actually put some of their money where their mouth is."
"I am not willing to sacrifice that amount of time and money on her decision to become a parent unexpectedly."
"Do I actually want to have a mortgage? Do I want to owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to somebody?"
"There's a difference between promising the money and paying the money, right?"
"Invest big in yourself uh I personally spent thousands and thousands of dollars on my own education courses traveling events seminars speaking engagements easily hundreds of thousands of dollars."
"We were sold a dream to move into this stadium. We've paid the highest prices in Europe for years on end. It's just like we've gone through all of that, and we've gone through all of that."
"Cruise lines have spent countless amounts of money to mitigate."
"Not only will I not be selling a single share of NEO anytime soon, but I actually plan on doubling my position."
"It's not a question of whether I can or can't afford to, I have to do it, not only because I feel and I think a lot of people out there feel that this bag represents the class and the absolute beauty of Chanel."
"We pay him too much wages put him on a long contract."
"Writing a check separates a commitment from a conversation." - Warren Buffett
"I spent upwards of $50 of my own money on this game."
"Invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into myself."
"We're providing the leadership necessary to get aid flowing to fight for the respect of international humanitarian law and we're putting our money where our mouth is."
"Imagine a United States that committed that kind of money to a sustained hunt for an anti-COVID 19 vaccine that would be made available to the whole world."
"Find a girl who makes them all not matter and give her the keys to all your money and your kids."
"Everybody just says yes. I say just do it. Whatever the price is, I'll pay it."
"It's time to apply that Faith, it's time to be disciplined about it and to actually, you put your money where your mouth is."
"Of my financial net worth, pretty much all of it is in innovation."
"Condos aboard would start at $425,000 with a $1,000 monthly maintenance fee."
"...you're also paying for a monthly contract from your cellular provider which could end up costing you a lot over time."
"I'm gonna make every penny available."
"Despite the setbacks, Florida saw enough. They signed Bur to a 5-year $47.5 million deal with a potential six-year option."
"So my goal in compounding money effectively and quickly is simply finding companies that meet these attributes as close as possible and investing in them heavily."
"Johnny put his money where his mouth was."
"$700 million into a stadium especially a college stadium is no joke that is a huge investment."
"In the last eight years, the global citizen festival was founded, and more than $48 billion has been announced on global citizen festival stages around the world."
"California has made the largest financial commitment to earthquake risk reduction in the country."
"I'm willing to pay for all expenses to transplant the tree."
"We're putting our money where our mouth is."
"What do you believe? Because that's what's going to keep you invested."
"Every dime that we're spending at your flight school is worth it."
"It's one thing to like the car when you drive it off the lot, but will you like it in a year or two or three years when you're making that car payment every month?"
"I'm deploying insane amounts of money across the board."
"A single life is so treasured that the government does not mind expending $200,000 to save one human being whose life is in jeopardy."
"If you're committed to financial freedom, you need to understand that's not about income, it's not about rich either, it's about creating wealth."
"I fund a lot of it out of my own pocket, so if I'm going to work for the money and then invest it into a car, I want it to be exactly what I want."
"Dividends are like getting married... BuyBacks are like hooking up."
"We are basically putting together an almost two billion dollar investment in education."
"When a team has the second-highest payroll, don't tell me they ain't trying to win."
"Long-term investment comes into the place where you just invest into the company you believe in and forget about it."
"I will be a buyer of PayPal stock, week in and week out."
"You're going to have to invest more money, period."
"It's been the subject of a serious amount of investment."
"Rather than listen to what you say, I'm going to look at what you pay."
"You've got to put the money up, that is literally what business is."
"When I'm making car payments, I want to put a big smile on my face when I get in my car every day."
"We get comfortable with these small payments and not taking into consideration the fact that you have to pay this for the next 48 months."