
Religious Message Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"I did not come to earth to be served but to serve and to give my life for many."
"Preach Jesus to find some way this week to spread that good news about Him."
"In May of 1917, Lucia, Francesco, and Jacinta, the three children at Fatima, were given a message from Mary."
"Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright; for unto thee am I now sent."
"The Lord sent me here to tell you, you're going to have to trust Him."
"Without Jesus, the Prince of Peace, there can be no peace." - Life is Spiritual Presents
"It's nothing personal; just wanted to say that message of love that God is really trying to extend that to all people."
"Look and live! One look will set the captive free."
"Listen, hear what the Spirit is saying," proclaimed God's voice.
"Repent now and call upon the Lord," urged the speaker.
"We cannot trade the message of divinity for the rhetoric of humanity."
"Knowing what you're saved from, this is the good news."
"When Jesus came into the world, he didn't have the truncated gospel that many Evangelicals have today. That wasn't the sum and substance of Jesus' message."
"The church is about keeping alive the message of Jesus Christ which is one of love of God and mercy of God and also giving hope and meaning to people."
"He didn't come for the righteous, He came for the sinners."
"Why is that, viewers? Because this is the message that's given the devil pain. That's right."
"Holiness was the central message of the Second Vatican Council 50 years ago."
"If God lets Judas put you in the grave, it's because God plans on bringing you out."
"God's ultimate desire is for all people to come to repentance and experience his redeeming love."
"In every Marian apparition, Mary gives a message. What was her message? Evangelize, spread the word of my Son."
"Verily, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Alamin, it is for me to say nothing concerning Allah but the truth."
"Believers need to hear this message right now."
"The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the dragon."
"You're only going to get one sign from me and that's the sign of Jonah."
"Somebody here is going to be changed by the grace of God."
"Jesus died for you, Jesus loves you, Jesus is coming again for you."
"Salvation is not for beasts but Brethren. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, come out of the darkness and into the light."
"God bless you! You know you've really come to be known as sort of this, this messenger of this kingdom message of the courts of heaven."
"The truth for this time is to be proclaimed in all parts of the world."
"Jesus spiritually being gay wouldn't have altered his message."
"God loves you immensely, and that's what I hope you will hear."
"If I may take a topic for today, it would be superpower Spirit of the living God, we welcome your presence into this room."
"We're the light of the world, let there be light."
"If you're listening to my voice right now and you have not yet fully surrendered to Jesus, beloved, now is the time."
"Jesus Christ is the only way to the kingdom of heaven."
"Blessings on this Saturday evening! All glory be to God."
"He didn't come to condemn the world but to help us."
"Your identity in Messiah has been hidden from you."
"To truly live out God's call is to be people of love, people of light."
"Jesus is God's way of saying 'I want to know you and I will make the way for that to happen even though you failed.'"
"The message of Christ, the message of life, this is on God's heart, it's God's heartbeat."
"The purpose of Truth unites my YouTube channel is Gospel Assurance."
"God loves you even if you're not even if you're not a Christian bro."
"Jesus was very clear when He said that He came to bring a sword, not peace."
"If you're watching this right now live or on playback God said this today is the day of salvation."
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."
"The digital world is not an enemy. It is the new possibility that God gave to us to cover the globe with a message of salvation."
"I am a small man with a big message, and the message is that Jesus is coming soon."
"Revelations overarching message... living for God in a dangerous world."
"Remember our Lord Jesus Christ, that you're the light of the world and the salt of the earth."
"Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ said that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty."
"The gospel is a message of salvation from sin; Christ didn't come to save society, He came to save sinners."
"Love your neighbors as yourself... and we'll get back together next week. God bless you everybody."
"The most exciting news the world has ever heard came out of a cemetery: He's risen!"
"Glad Tidings of great joy to all people... Heaven is sending a message."
"Look up because Jesus is coming soon. See you in the next video."
"The verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved!"
"Christmastime provides a wonderful opportunity to tell others about the true gospel, about God's plan of redemption, and the real purpose for Jesus Christ entering the world."
"He said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'"
"Very simple message. Here's what Jesus did, here's what we'll do."
"They're roaring 'cause I'm turning the hearts of the father to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers."
"The power of the blood, a message America must hear."
"The grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people."
"The Lord said begin to pray for North Carolina and so father we thank you North Carolina."
"The gospel has two sides: the message that saves and the ideology that transforms society."
"If you practice sin, you're a child of the devil. If you don't like what I said, then get saved, man. It ain't complicated."
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, and that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8 [Applause]
"We preach to you the good news of the promise made to the fathers, that God has fulfilled this promise to our children, and that he raised up Jesus as it is also written in the second Psalm, 'You are my son, today I have begotten you.'"
"The gospel itself tells people that they are sinners and they need to repent, and it's not a popular message... but it must be given. People need to be saved."
"As we reflect on Jesus's message of love and compassion..."
"So today what are you telling us Pastor Mike that this grace message is the undeserved unmerited unearned favor and kindness of God."
"Allah has given you a beautiful reminder for yourselves."
"God has prepared a way for us, and God sent His Son Jesus Christ."
"There may be no hope for this nation, but there is hope for you in Christ Jesus."
"The man God is talking about the word he said he's dealing with him right now."
"Jesus Christ is our hope...even in the midst of injustices, we cannot forget the dignity of every person." - Cardinal Gerhard Mueller
"My God is saying there's a better way. You can have peace and contentment, joy and fulfillment in everything that you do."
"God is able, he is mighty, vengeance is his, and he is the righteous judge. And so, we just need to remember that during this time. God bless everyone, we love you, see you in Miami."
"God's not saying I don't want you to have joy, I don't want you to go after success, he wants you to enjoy life, he's not saying I don't want you to enjoy the finer things of life."
"The beautiful message of the Cross: free forgiveness through Christ."
"For God so loved the world that He didn't loan His Son to you, He gave His Son to you."
"God loves the whole world, but He loves you!"
"Jesus came for all races, destroy those lies."
"God's order brings functionality, peace, trust, and love."
"The father is waiting for some folk to come home, please don't miss this, don't miss this, don't miss this."
"Jesus died for you as though you were the only one for whom he died."
"God loves us and wants to bless his children."
"It only requires one thing on our part: repentance."
"Thanks, Isaiah, I love the healing message power in the name of Jesus." - Jason Gabroski
"Jesus came to bring hope, life, and good news."
"Jesus came to sacrifice his life on the cross for our sins... 'the Son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.'"
"Jesus loves you so much, he's forgiven everything."
"I'm nothing more than an instrument used for a period of time to arouse the awareness of the human family that God may open my mouth to call your attention to the principles of God."
"God made you special, and he loves you very much."
"Satan is out to kill, steal, and destroy, but Jesus said, 'I've come to give you life.'" - Paul Begley
"Good news and great joy. That's what God wants you to experience this Christmas."
"The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe."
"Our heavenly father, that's why Christ came in this world. He came and he died on that cross to give us that hope and that joy and that peace that we need."
"What should the message be? Preach Christ and Him crucified."
"This Angel proclaims loudly for the hour of his judgment has come and this message of judgment will be heard by many across the world."
"Jesus Christ is the greatest, he came to set the captives free."
"God wants to flow through you. God wants to use you. And he's fighting for me."
"God wants to restore us back to Him and back to His original intent for our lives."
"Jesus loves you, God loves you, we love you."
"Most people rejected his message. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"God gives us hope of a new era, an era of peace."
"Colonel Fisher would pass away on the 16th of August 2014 at the age of 87 as one of the most decorated pilots of all time."
"May the peace and truth of Almighty God and Jesus Christ be with you all."
"The message of the Gospel is not that people should clean themselves up and come to God; it's that Jesus has paid the price and offers forgiveness of sins."
"The Hebrew prophets foresaw that when Messiah came, he would be a light to the Gentiles."
"The gospel is the only beam of light shining in this dark world."
"He promises us, 'Come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I'll give you rest.'"
"Often in Scripture... when you see God calling someone's name... they, in the natural realm, didn't seem to be very important."
"Arise and shine people of God arise and shine."
"He wants you to be healed in every single way." - Brother
"Good evangelical preaching leads people to repentance."
"For everybody hearing the sound of my voice right now if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ rest in that peace."
"This is a message for the last days. May God help you, may God keep you, may God preserve you."
"Finish with favor. That's my message today. Finish with favor."
"It's time to get that. God bless you and go in His shalom."
"If you don't take anything else away from these videos, God is certainly in control. God's grace is greater and God does love you." - Craig
"Jesus stole our stains. He stole them. The Bible tells us that He defeated death, hell, and the grave."
"The message of Islam is one God and His messenger."
"He committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth."
"God Himself... did the nicest thing for you... He shed his blood so your sins could be forgiven."
"If somebody doesn't come on a channel... they need to be talking about Jesus Christ and Him crucified for your sins, past, present, and future, and the security you have and that blessed assurance and that amazing grace."
"The tomb is empty, He is not here for He is risen."
"The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto your salvation."
"The power of the occult is strong but it is far weaker than God's power."
"Black men in America, God is talking to you."
"The first Adam may have messed you up but the last Adam can pick you up."
"One day Jesus is coming... God grant that you will be ready when he makes his personal appearance. Get ready, get ready."
"God turns bad things for good, did you know that? Romans 8:28 says, 'And we know, say we know, all things work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to his purpose.'"
"Paul's message required a radical transformation, something that shook him out of his previous view of Jesus."
"It's not about what we do at all or our goodness everything that was required of you to be made right with god was already done by jesus alone on the cross only he meets god's standard this is the very essence of the gospel."
"The gospel of grace is about a person, Jesus who is love."
"Let them move from Darkness to light let them move from Death to life let them move from sin to righteousness let them move from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The gospel message is not there for your self-esteem or self-glorification. It is there to deliver you from the power of sin."
"The message of Islam is the message of Peace."
"God loves you bro, God wants your heart bro."
"God didn't send a son to die so that I could just barely live."
"If you come to Christ and accept his death as your personal substitute, he will forgive all of your sins and he will grant you eternal life."
"The message of holiness is the sound of God."
"This is your chance now to hear the words of Jesus from the cross. He's not speaking them to anyone, he's speaking them to you."
"The gospel that you and I have in our lives is the only message of hope for the world."
"When a nation loses God, it loses itself" - highlighting the consequences of a nation turning away from God.
"The empty tomb says... there's a new story. The world doesn't get the last word. God gets the last word."
"It's never too late to do the right thing, that's the beauty of the message of Jesus Christ."
"God said, 'I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name's sake.'"
"It's about you, God loves you, God sent his son to die for you on the cross, God cares about you and God wants to transform and change you."
"We're looking at a message that we've titled having the best in the Book of Hebrews."
"Salvation has come to this home today. Salvation has a name, people. If he's speaking Hebrew which he did he'll say Yeshua came to this home today, and with him came salvation, healing."
"The essence of the biblical message is that there is one God, one ethic for all human beings."
"I encourage every Jew here to go home and read Isaiah 53 and see what that speaks about."
"Why Jesus is your greatest Hope on Earth and in eternity."
"The good news of Christ Jesus forgiveness is available. You can start again. Praise the Lord everybody! Hallelujah!"
"Let's call upon the name of the one that can set you free today. Amen." - Fernando Perez
"The tomb is empty. He's not there. He is risen."
"What Jesus did on the cross is the greatest news that's ever been."
"I'm thankful for a church that's made it really easy to say, 'All people, let them come in.'"
"The gospel is about love, it's about God loving us and you and I returning his love, amen."
"This is the greatest message that is in the earth today."
"The greatest miracle is still our greatest need: that we can point people to the hope of forgiveness."
"In a world filled with bad news, we have good news that Jesus Christ is risen, He is our Savior."
"God bless you everyone and we'll see you next time on faith and reason."
"That's why we should be telling people about the love of God and about salvation in Christ."
"The urgency of this message has had an impact culturally for Catholics in the world, probably more so than any other apparition."
"It's time that you know the truth, that Jesus loves you."
"God didn't call you to be Superman, that's why He made Jesus."
"The only way he feels at this point to bring us back to center to bring us back to where we need to be is through chastisement through tribulation."
"Jesus loves you and he's getting ready to come back for you."
"It is Christ who unites, so let's begin in His name."
"God choose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise."
"God has appointed a day to judge this world and everyone in it both the living and the dead."
"The only answer for our world today is Jesus."
"Hey kipper kipper, kipper kipper what are you doing? It's time for the gospel, man."
"The message of our king is that all of you, all of mankind, ought to trust in God."
"I think people are falling into sin, you know, so it's a good message inshallah."
"...thank you so much for watching today's message, we pray that it blessed your life."
"God really loves us brothers and sisters if I can't press anything more to your heart this morning I want you to go home knowing that if nobody in Houston knows your name God loves you."
"There's actually a deeply religious message to this film that is easy to overlook."
"...there's something that needs to be recovered that Ellen White said is a message for this time."
"This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted savior."
"My prayer is that the Holy Spirit of God has used the message today to speak to your heart."
"Jesus is coming soon, are you ready?"
"Jesus Took My Place. That's What Christmas Means."
"Share the word of god that lifts all of our hearts and points us toward the savior."
"'Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above...'"
"When the word of God goes out, it reaches out to the sinner, reclaims the backslider, and strengthens the saints."
"The most important part of church is not the music... it is the message."
"Allah sent Muhammad to all mankind."
"We love you guys and remember, Jesus loves you more. God bless. Bye."
"Two of the words that summarize the message of Jesus are these: come and go."
"Paul's gospel is the message of salvation for today."
"Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost and to heal the sick."
"The message was all about the Messiah."
"To set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
"You don't have to change the story of the gospel depending on the audience."
"He's so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave us of our sins."
"Gospel is the good news of Jesus."