
Technical Advice Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"The community is a great sounding board to solve any technical problems."
"Neatness with wiring and with cabling really counts a lot."
"Get it on the green. Forget the pin. We want middle of the green."
"Using the right gauge wire with the right size circuit breaker and making everything close and measuring and cutting wires accordingly."
"You want to make sure you go up to a pretty much any light bulb... You should not see any ambient light at all."
"Optimize the quality of the photos you take."
"There is nothing passive about blocking damage and striking back if you choose to never fight an enemy then you aren't really playing at all."
"You definitely need the washer, if you don't put the washer in there you get too much friction and it doesn't turn."
"This is the proper way to assign a port to your node applications."
"Monitors perform best when run at as high of a refresh rate as possible."
"If you're having any framerate issues in DotA, it's very important that your frames stay high."
"The higher your resolution, the sharper and crisper your footage is going to look."
"The ideal angle for a solar panel installation is somewhere between 30 degrees and 45 degrees."
"Record at 4K in APS-C mode for that extra reach."
"Leave wind noise reduction off because your audio will sound like crap if you have it on."
"Try messing with your shutter speed... sometimes that can be a really quick easy fix for you."
"Optimizing your critical CSS can be a bit of a time investment but is something that can just make sure that your page is getting styled as soon as possible."
"Just storing data is really easy. You just throw it in a file or something."
"For those of you who want to create separate home and root partitions... I have recommended 25 gigabytes for your root."
"You don't have to use emissive meshes. You could just go straight off the direct light. Put the values in that you want, it'll generate bounce light straight off the sunlight."
"PC building is very modular but there are compatibility issues... make sure that your socket type is compatible with the CPU."
"That's all you have to do to build a system... pretty easy at the end of the day."
"Screen direction and movement are as every bit important as actually learning how to edit in transitions in post."
"Helping you achieve the very best FPS possible, regardless of your system specs."
"Enable the ultimate performance power plan for reduced input lag and stuttering."
"Keep your GPU drivers up-to-date for optimal performance."
"For Intel-based systems, use the high performance or ultimate performance power plan."
"So this is the right CSS selector to enter into my Google Tag Manager account."
"For reducing input latency and boosting performance on practically any PC... we are able to achieve some massive gains if we actually de-bloat our GPU driver."
"Increase the subsurface... the more detail you're actually going to see."
"Would we tell superman not to stop a bullet or a doctor not to save a life? Would you tell a nut don't even go there?"
"Every guitar is different, every player is different... set it up for the player."
"You can do high detail on an FDM machine if you have the right printing settings."
"You don't need a dual extrusion 3D printer to do it, you can actually just tell the slicer when you want to change color."
"Coolers are only as good as their contact... with the device being cooled."
"Remember, the setup hasn't changed, centerline is still exactly the same."
"Balance your props, it'll cost you a lot of problems later."
"My goal is for this to be a one-shot, just send your friends to this if they have any questions at all about how they should mount their AIO."
"Throughout any kind of system build it's important to think about cable management if you want to have a chance of having it look tidy when you get to the end."
"Simple, remember the five things: LAN, NAT, DNS, route, way to get out."
"Shortest recommended barrel length for 5.56: 10.3, proven with testing."
"Adjust NVIDIA settings, set low latency mode, prefer maximum performance."
"Just remember if you're new to this camera, it's an extremely fast camera. You have to be very conservative with it."
"There are some great performance wins with optimized settings in this game."
"I recommend playing the game at original settings but creating a custom 50Hz 1080p resolution to play the game at 50fps."
"For the best results possible, I'd recommend going ahead and actually double clicking on high priority."
"The animation techniques that you use are vastly more important than your frame rate."
"If your page loads synchronously, your entire web page will hang. But if it loads asynchronously, other elements can load while waiting on a slow response."
"Precise focusing is immensely useful in landscape and macro photography."
"Make sure you have enough RAM, especially when it comes to DDR5, you'll be okay."
"So this is our AMD rising processor a couple things about when you open this up first thing you definitely don't want to touch the top try and touch the sides."
"Watt seconds don't equate to power, so you can't compare one brand to another just based on that."
"View Distance changes how far this threshold is, and the lower view distance the less intensive it is on your computer since the game doesn’t need to keep checking what all the other players around you are actually doing."
"It is extremely important to remember when you're sketching inside of Fusion or inside of any 3D CAD modeling system."
"If you've made it this far, I have faith in you. All you have to do is shuffle around some files and run them on the Vita."
"With that set up we have our OSD our frame rate now we can see the effect because every game is going to be a little bit different."
"I think those benefits offset the sort of, I guess, clarity differences from optimizing for the lower refresh rate configuration."
"Accessing different camera modes and settings."
"As long as your computer still works, you can restore your computer way back all the way to the factory default."
"Remember, patience is key with this glitch. It might take some time to get it right, but you'll get there eventually."
"I've done this glitch since November, and it hasn't failed me yet. Trust the process."
"If you want to make a switch to 300 blackout when you have a bunch of ARs 9 5 5 6 laying around, so really easy to just swap the barrel onto it and boom you have a 300 blackout."
"To categorize these different levels of smart home control, I would say using her or him as your hub is the easiest for a non-technical user."
"There's also this DirectX toggle, and I would recommend you do play on DirectX 11."
"There's a lot of benefit to doing this especially for gaming you're gonna see higher FPS."
"Power delivery can be a problem even without overclocking, and the issue usually seems to come down to the cable you're using."
"Just because you can install something a certain way doesn't mean that it should be installed that way."
"They just made them too short. If you see anywhere it's close to rubbing, check that first, and then you'll see probably the white black wires come apart. It was a design flaw."
"So, if you're going to be using columns just make sure you use that dollar sign syntax in order to do that."
"One of the most important things you're going to want to do is add some adjustments."
"Know your cap, pick a transfer that applies at a lower temperature and pressure."
"Gun screws should be tight but as I said with the MP18, these are not head bolt screws on a Chevrolet 350."
"Turning down [volumetric fog] is a nice way to increase performance without much visual sacrifice."
"Hopefully to use the Cobras at other sound levels rather than others to use the Cobras."
"Keep the shutter speed at your frame rate or higher."
"Long exposure noise reduction can be very effective at reducing or even eliminating undesirable artifacts."
"Switch off stabilization to avoid compensating for shakes."
"You can even slice external g-code and use their slicer."
"If you're clipping your master bus, the fix is not bringing the master fader down; the fix is bringing all your individual channels down relatively."
"If you have a CPU like the Core i3-10100 or Ryzen 5 2600X, then upgrading to a Radeon GPU will, without question, ensure greater performance in the more CPU-demanding games."
"Choosing the right line output converter is the key to your success and your happiness."
"You're gonna always want to try to find the best full range speaker in the car that you can before you use any loc."
"Any variations in porosity or texture in the steel barrel will be filled in by copper, effectively smoothing the barrel out and making it more friction resistant."
"That's the way you do it, you just give the transistors less voltage."
"You're not removing the program, all you're doing is preventing it from starting up."
"Drop the maximum light bounces to one... it will typically cut your render times in half."
"Adding pagination support to any and all listing or results templates is crucial when creating a theme."
"Deleting Sims from the bin causes corruption... People have been saying that this is not going to break your game as early as 2006."
"You can do this as many times as you need to dial it in."
"Now before we begin our experiments, I want to give you a few tips for working with the nRF24L01 because although these modules are very reliable and dependable, they can be a bit difficult to get them working at times."
"If you are the kind of person who wants to dive in and construct string lines in intricate detail one by one, this is a very good choice."
"It's the best way to make a semi-automatic pistol."
"Now, I want to wrap this in a container so that the contents are pushed over. So if we go to our header file, we're going to put a div at the bottom here and give it a class of container."
"We want to watch the voltages all the way across the board."
"There are a lot of correct ways to test the device."
"A good rule of thumb when changing your ISO is this: Keep it low, the lower the ISO, the cleaner your photo will look."
"Find a good balance between magnification and field of view."
"If you want to go beyond 300 hp, you're going to need a larger aftermarket turbocharger."
"There's no right or wrong, this isn't a raw versus JPEG argument whatsoever."
"Compression helps keep constant presence on something and enhances low-level detail." - Bob Power
"This is really important, this will ensure that the lines between your polygonal shapes will remain nice and smooth and seamless."
"For average day-to-day usage, keep it on 5500 or 6000 Kelvin."
"Every time there's a kernel upgrade, I need to run this command here, which is emerge --ask @module-rebuild to rebuild the kernel modules."
"I recommend everyone go with normal installation - gives you a full suite of software."
"Make sure this is set to whatever the refresh rate of your monitor is."
"Even if it's a stored procedure with output parameters, you can still use SP_help_text."
"The most important setting on the limiter is to make sure that you don't have the ceiling any higher than minus 1 DB."
"The key is proximity to the mic so as long as I'm like half a meter away from this mic, it's going to work fairly well."
"Make sure when you're editing, if you're on columns, you'll try to edit something and you won't be able to get into it. It's because of that."
"If accuracy matters to you a lot, then you're going to seriously want to consider slugs."
"Highly recommend that you use these in this load order in this order."
"Focus on the things that really make the sound quality better."
"For a lot of game systems, pinning the critical thread to the prime core might be a good idea."
"You have to fix whatever caused the overheat condition which is normally what causes this type of thing that we're going to see."
"That's rule number one, is that generally the ripple and noise is going to be higher at higher load."
"Disabling high precision event timer in the OS is essential for smoother gaming."
"Force off high precision event timer for smoother gameplay and better response."
"You gotta figure out how to do the best work on our hardware."
"It really is very very important to make sure you're optimizing your cylinder head for the engine you're building."
"Just go to the stream, I do have the mods I ended up using in there."
"If you're doing FPGAs these days, you should be using VHDL or Verilog. They're not going to go anywhere."
"You could shoot this at ISO 800 and still be fine."
"We will find more watts through tire pressure optimization than you will get with like a full bike ceramic bearing upgrade."
"It's important to remember that a de-esser is just a cousin to a compressor."
"Once you find that golden setting, you'll know it."
"Speaking of which, here's a really good tip right now: your PS5 out of the box comes with roughly 667 gigabytes of SSD storage."
"The game is still in this situation where its stability and performance is in a far better state."
"Thank you so much, you might want to switch your little microphone muff and everything else."
"Remember - we want a reliable frequency response when mixing."
"Make sure that your 3D object is sitting on the ground plane for accurate lighting and shadows."
"Use momentum with your glider... and then the momentum will take you way further than you normally could go."
"YouTube has been having some issues with notifying people of new videos, apparently you have to click the bell."
"You'll find that VLOOKUP will have some limitations that you will want to bypass by using other alternatives."
"When you're gaming, you want the GPU to be the bottleneck not the CPU."
"Field of view makes a absolutely massive difference... definitely would recommend taking the time to make sure that your field of view is set correctly... it is absolutely vital that you set your field of view correctly."
"Performance matters, it can sometimes feel like a secret discovering where to start optimizing."
"What mods do I use in interstellar quest and how do you set them all up to work? Because it is not a trivial process."
"If you counted seven standoffs you've got to figure out where the missing standoff is."
"Everything I've done up to this point is done correctly, this is going to save you so much diagnostic time if things don't work."
"Those little details do matter if speed performance and reliability matter to you."
"The best graphic settings to reduce lag are gonna be graphic quality at low and frame rate at high."
"No two songs need the exact same settings specifically gain amount of gain reduction and release time."
"Bandwidth matters more than memory on the web."
"Lighting is the first step in color correction. Get the lighting right, you don't have to worry about any of this."
"Sorry about the wonky video, but you need to remove your finger from the forward key, then press the shift, then the forward key again, and then remove your thumb from the shift."
"The trick with that is you've got to get it connected before you let the adhesive stick."
"If you build your rig on a carpet, you have a high chance of discharging static that can fry some of your parts."
"If you're really looking for a browser that is pretty light on memory usage, I would recommend Chameleon."
"You wanna be in complete manual mode... any little tiny movement of the camera will ruin the shot."
"A good machine makes all the difference in the world."
"It is always a good idea to isolate the source of a problem before trying to desolder chips."
"Gas welding will help you in all other forms of welding."
"Upgrade router firmware for smooth operation—it's often that simple."
"If you like video that's more crisp and sharp then you might want to go with 60 frames per second."
"Technically I don't just have my footage stored in one place it's technically stored in two places on the same computer hard drive failure is a real thing and it's an absolute pain to try and get that video footage off of a failing Drive."
"Hopefully this test has laid to rest entirely the idea that you might not need to use a chain loop at all."
"If you're someone that wants to increase the efficiency of the game and get a massive FPS Improvement in nearly all cases I'd recommend enabling dlss."
"Now you know how to perform a wheel bearing grease repack on both standard trailer axles as well as those equipped with ez lube grease fittings."
"Hot air does a good job of moving the material. You want to be random in your movements."
"This is the actual most important step of making Windows run faster."
"An upgrade pathway might include something like a 5600 XT... or the 2070 super, which is more universally an improvement, bumping to 72 FPS average."
"Always best to size your solar charge controller larger than you need."
"Your outer present, your outer component, the Christmas present reference I was making before, that is the only one that's going to use ReactDOM.render you."
"Create a clear path between yourself and the microphone to reduce unwanted noise."
"The lower it is the better input like the lower it is the faster input delay feels so it feels more responsive."
"Not to over mix it because if the glass fiber gets over mixed you break down the fiber can filamer ties and birds nests causing workability in placement problems but more dangerously failure of the glass over long there's strength issues over time."
"Restart Steam if you haven't seen the download."
"Shoot in 24 for short films to look cinematic."
"When we are speaking about the gap between two tracks, I would like to point out a very important situation."
"You should always limit the key value size to 1 megabyte."
"If you actually back it way off and you change the probabilities to say once every 10 seconds or once every 30 seconds 90% of the time if you screw around with those probabilities you're going to end up with a more believable prank."
"All coolers are different. You need to refer to your manual and make sure that you're doing it right."
"Having a solid mounting solution for your pedals is absolutely essential."
"You mean orthogonal view? Yes, Mohammed. Yeah, you've got to go to orthographic view sometimes. Sure. And you definitely got to go when you're doing measurements."
"If you're photographing faint objects, the first most important one is aperture."
"If video is an important factor for you, I would probably look at a camera that has better autofocus and the ability to plug in an external microphone."
"Just make sure anything you're deforming has plenty of subdivisions and you can't go wrong."
"Instead of Wasabi, use Samurai Whirlpool for coin joints... instead of Trezor, use a Blockstream Jade or a Coldcard Hardware wallet."
"Maybe if you can't make something look good with the color correction then maybe got adjust the lighting in your scene."
"You want them to be pretty close together, otherwise it starts to look kind of blocky."
"The short filament path will give us precise control, particularly on modern direct drive extruders."
"...I must also add though it is preferable to have the battery voltage sensing wires connected right here..."
"If you're curious if a bump site can run a 37 stock it technically can but I would not do it if you had nice paint and you cared about it."
"However, if you have it set to U.2 with an M.2 NVMe, you're going to unfortunately provide 12 volts that that NVMe SSD is not expecting."
"So and also in shallow water we want to turn that transducer one to two clicks up usually less than ten feet of water."
"If you notice one of your containers is outside of the canvas, just toggle the flexible width on and off."
"So, as a general guide for the Shimano teeth, you're looking at for most people I guess your safe go no-go mark is about that 9.8 mil mark."
"So you have a DJI mic for your camera or your phone. It's way too loud right, so what we need to do is bring the volume down a little."
"Assign your camera numbers first before you try to do syncpin."
"Tightening up the plug gap is good. It's less of a detonation thing than it is of making life easier on your ignition system and making sure that it fires."
"Personally, I would prefer lower profile memory that makes that clearance and a bigger radiator like a 280 millimeter radiator over a 240."
"...you want to switch this over to raw, and alpha is luminance already comes pre-checked for you, so you're fine for that one."
"Now for larger quads, ramp-up power can be typically reduced from default. So for a 7-inch quad or even a 5-inch quad, you could reduce it a bit to maybe around fifteen to twenty percent for a 7-inch and maybe twenty-five to thirty percent for a 5-inch."
"...if you stick out too far or if you're crooked the input shafts not gonna want to go in there."
"Coils need to be dialed in as coils."
"When you're recording audio with a microphone, keeping in mind that you probably might need to add a little bit of EQ and things like voice isolation."
"You might come in here and pull 2 degrees across the positive areas, subtract that out, maybe even go 4 degrees, or you can leave this as is and then just adjust your base timing and leave that as a protection."
"The right way to do this is to use the contact plane boundary option with a negative tolerance value set."
"In most situations, when using the EFCS with a wide aperture, the easy solution is to keep your shutter speed below a certain threshold, usually not faster than 1/500 of a second."