
Critical Race Theory Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Critical race theory believes... that race is largely socially constructed and that the reason that we constructed race in the first place was in order to do racism, particularly against blacks who would have been taken up into the Atlantic slave trade but also against other races that were non-white."
"The fundamental belief of critical race Theory begins with a set of ideas that are... correct: those ideas are that race is largely socially constructed... in order to justify colonialism and taking over their place in the world."
"Critical race theory correctly posits that race...was invented by white people in order to systematically oppress or do racism against black people and to create white supremacy."
"Critical race theory means race-centered thinking, which is the view that racism is baked into the system and inescapable."
"I support critical race theory. I think it is a legitimate academic study."
"The whole purpose of critical race theory is to provide Americans with a way to understand the legacy of racism."
"Keep calling every Republican and every American who opposes critical race theory racist, see how that works out for you."
"Teaching students about critical race theory takes away the fear factor and creates a safe space for conversation."
"Critical race theory argues that racism is not just a matter of personal prejudice or explicit legal discrimination, but can be found in everyday social practices and is embedded in our legal system."
"Critical race theory is not only concerned with understanding the ways in which our history of racist laws and social practices have created racial inequality and how white supremacy is maintained within our society and through our legal system but critical race theory is an intentional and explicit effort to change this dynamic."
"The fact is, that this reactionary backlash was not interested in a conversation about actual critical race theory. The goal was to label any effort to examine the impact of racism in our society as critical race theory, and make sure that when people heard that term, they had a negative association with it."
"Critical race theory has essentially become a stand-in for any discussion of racial inequality or the history of racism in America, which is why it is not at all surprising that Rufo's claims about critical race theory are either entirely misrepresentative or outright lies."
"The conflict over critical race theory in schools could be the defining battle that brings regular people into the culture war and turns the tide for the better."
"Critical race theory is just a body of scholarship investigating racist social systems and institutions."
"Critical race theory...believes that the ordinary state of affairs in our society is racism, that racism hides itself rather than gets better, has permanence to it."
"Critical race theory, at its foundation, seeks to demonstrate how embedded foundation and filters through which racist attitudes, behavior, policies, and structures have been rooted throughout the fabric of American life and systems."
"The crusade to make race more salient is almost directly out of critical race theory."
"Critical race theory as I best understand it is a movement... to interrogate the role that... white supremacy and oppression has had and still continues to have in American society."
"That's something that I'm thinking about doing, but speaking of that whole critical race theory and intersectionality..."
"Critical race theory has essentially taken control of key institutions, from corporations to federal agencies."
"We need to stop talking about critical race theory for a long time. I'm ready to stop talking about critical race theory."
"Critical race theory has become the boogeyman for all issues dealing with race and education."
"Why pass a statewide ban on critical race theory when it didn't even exist?"
"Critical race theory is then in a very real sense a counter-American revolution."
"Critical race theory suggests that all of America's core institutional tenets are lies."
"That is why I love this country and that is why I oppose critical race theory and anything that resembles it."
"Critical race theory is not anti-patriotic. In fact, it is more patriotic than those who are opposed to it."
"That aspect of critical race theory is appropriate and actually should be taught."
"Critical race Theory is a religion, and I take issue with any kind of indoctrination."
"I wonder if like the end goal of the critical race theory stuff is going to be racial segregation. I mean it's already happening."
"All agencies have been directed to identify and cancel contracts related to critical race theory."
"Critical race theory is state-sanctioned racism; it is anti-scientific; it is becoming prominent."
"Critical race theory is a like legal scholar approach to examining race beyond the way that like liberals understand it within our legal justice system in law."
"Instead you hear them call it diversity training or racial sensitivity training or anti-racism training but they very rarely will actually call it by its name critical race theory."
"So fighting critical race theory this hard and being this terrified of it is in my opinion a massive waste of everyone's time."
"Republicans have been on the offensive against concepts like critical race theory and white privilege concepts that they believe attack fundamental American values."
"Why are we supporting an organization that exterminates black lives?"
"Critical race theory is a decades-old academic concept arguing that racism is embedded in legal and societal structures."
"Critical race theory is simply saying as a legal philosophy let's think not individual but institution not particular persons but systems in terms of the force and function of inequality in America."
"Critical race theory is inherently discriminatory inherently violations of the constitution of almost every state and of every end of the united states government and of federal and state law."
"This is one of the best lawsuits to expose what critical race theory is all about."
"At this school, any disagreement with Critical Race Theory was carefully monitored and suppressed."
"Critical Race Theory is not the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat. It’s white people oppressing people of color."
"What critical race theory suggests is that American racism is not simply the product of individual biases but is actually embedded in the structure of American institutions."
"Racism is the ordinary state of affairs of society, according to critical race theory."
"Critical race theory is the study of systemic oppression."
"This is exactly right. The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the federal government."
"You've got a huge number of people anybody who's got any reason left to them at all is knows that something has to halt the march of critical race theory."
"Critical race theory says that racism is woven into the very fabric of American society."
"Critical race theory is not taught in elementary, middle, or high schools."
"Critical race theory makes you say hmm, I never thought about that before."
"Critical race theory is just that, it's a theory."
"Critical race theory is designed and has effectively achieved not to explain the history of racial injustice, not to reveal the truth about racial attitudes..."
"To perpetuate a sense of division, to instill this idea that we can be separated into oppressor and oppressed classes..."
"You're obviously damned if you do, damned if you don't with critical race theory."
"Critical race theory gives us the tools to examine our history in an open and honest way and to fix the parts of our educational system that aren't doing that."
"Blaming the problems of society on one set group like this whole critical race theory thing is doing."
"If critical race theory means making children in school fixate on race, I'm not for that."
"Critical race theory is the idea that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism all the time everywhere."
"Critical race theory is a worldview, it has central tenets, and everything that it does is seen through the lens of this worldview and these central tenets."
"Critical race theory is not going to prevail against the church."
"These ideas of critical race theory, the ideas of social justice and equity, these things are so dangerous, so infecting, destroying absolutely everything."
"Teaching critical race Theory by teaching an accurate representation of this country matters so much."
"Critical race theory should be voluntary, not compelled or coerced anywhere."
"Critical race theory actually de-emphasizes the individual racist person, so it cannot by structure and design teach that individual racist people are the problematic variable."
"Critical race theory builds on the insights of critical legal studies and radical feminism, drawing from European philosophers like Antonio Gramsci and Jacques Derrida."
"Your child is being taught through the lens of critical race theory, that's just a fact."
"The people who did this must be held accountable. There must be an investigation that is nonpartisan, sober, serious, that gets to the facts wherever they may lead."
"Critical race theory is an incredibly influential set of ideas."
"Critical race theory is obviously utter poison."
"Many of our children in public schools across the country are being indoctrinated and they're being pummeled with critical race theory... it should be opposed at all costs."
"Critical race theory teaches your children that America is inherently racist. It's divisive and it's basically an identity politics version of Marxism."
"Parents rising up around I'd say the country but actually just the entire western world because of how far critical race theory has just spread throughout our institutions."
"We should not attempt to cure what we don't understand, and attempting to cure critical race theory is an obligation of every person who wishes to remain free."
"Critical race theory is a marxian theory of race, a conflict theory of race."
"California school board bans schools from teaching critical race theory."
"Donald Trump has just nuked training based on critical race theory from orbit."
"As Christians, we believe that critical race theory is unbiblical and that it preaches a different gospel."
"Critical race theory is indoctrination disguised as education. It's literal brainwashing with the promises to examine social cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism."
"I can no longer work in an environment where dissenting from the new critical race theory orthodoxy is grounds for public humiliation."
"On day one, I will ban critical race theory from being in our schools."
"Nobody on the left was talking about critical race theory."
"Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory as fact or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views is breaking the law."
"Trump made some very good comments on critical race theory, saying we're losing sight of Martin Luther King's vision."
"Whiteness as a parasitic disease for which we must find a permanent cure."
"Critical race theory itself sounds scholarly and academic it gives off this this impression that it's smarter than it is rather than just complaining about race and racism all the time."
"The truth is that critical race theory affirms the most fundamental of American values."
"Critical race theory offers an important analytical lens in which we view the larger structures and cultural assumptions that guide American society."
"Critical race theory is horrible, it's really just being used as a tool to further divide us."
"Kbj katangi brown jackson is what your country looks like on critical race theory your children or grandchildren are going to have big orders from people like her and what's amazing is she kind of has an attitude too"
"Critical race theory needs to be done at a higher level, not forced into civics or social studies."
"Critical race theory is not divisive; not teaching history is."
"Is it going to change the way our schools approach critical race theory and all this crazy far-left indoctrination?"
"Critical race theory has never been an issue, brother, just think about it and it makes sense."
"CRT is racism. It's viewing people through a racial tribalistic lens."
"They're taking something like critical race theory ... and making it sound like being taught in America."
"The power of whiteness is in its invisibility. Racism and misogyny are twins from the same wound." - Dr. Greg Carr
"I see racism all the time, and it's coming from the Democrats. Critical race theory is racist."
"CRT is racist indoctrination, it elevates race as the most important aspect of a person's identity."
"We need to investigate not the notion of what critical race theory meant, but what they are popping in and stuffing into the title now."
"One of the five ten boundaries to dominant ideology, all of my professors that are huge proponents of crt they are really big on, you don't judge communities from this white point of view."
"The critical race theory only tells you you're a victim, but ultimately, it's going to kill your progress."
"Critical race theory emerged out of the ashes... it burned the thing to the ground and took it over."
"Everything regular courses, English literature, everything is completely full of this critical race theory racist philosophy."
"Color blindness and equal opportunity under the law is racism."
"Being woke is good. Critical race theory is awesome."
"I think all of the stuff around so-called critical race theory is really about just not wanting to deal with this"
"The debates around CRT and the 1619 project, for example, and the book banning have everything to do with this kind of real-time betrayal that I mentioned, but it's linked to the great replacement."
"The right's approach to censoring critical race theory is a project to maintain the sanctity of the American republic and suppress discussions of racism and imperialism."
"The whole point though of critical race theory is allegedly to help us to actually heal racial wounds and promote racial reconciliation."
"Critical race theory is concerned about making sure that we understand the implications of our racialized history."
"Critical race theory does not celebrate diversity. It weaponizes diversity."
"Critical race theory is a theory that Derek Bell and Kimberly Crenshaw and a bunch of former Harvard Law students came up with where they theorized that within certain American laws racism is just embedded."
"There's a reason that we went over Jarvis Williams as well and showed how in his theology of racial reconciliation every single one of Richard Delgado's seven principles for critical race theory is included."
"People like Christopher Rufo... have initiated an effort... to Define a body of knowledge known as critical race theory... as anti-American as Marxist as a threat to American civilization." - Khalil Jabran Muhammad
"To say it was inherent because of their skin is where I say that is critical race Theory."
"Critical race theory is a lie from the first word to the last, from start to finish. Racist."
"The aspect of our work CRT which most markedly distinguishes it from conventional liberal and conservative legal scholarship about race and inequality is a deep dissatisfaction with traditional civil rights discourse."
"So, I encourage you to learn more about critical race theory and I hope this video is a nice beginning."
"Critical race theory explains the opposition to critical race theory."
"We affirm that racism remains a problem in society and needs to be addressed, but then we deny that critical race theory and intersectionality provide the most useful tools to do so."
"The everything is racist category can have a tendency to say that if you disagree with any tenets of critical race theory then that proves that you're racist and you're benefiting from a system of privilege and entitlement."
"Christians should be careful not to slander a Christian brother by the careless use of pejorative labels like critical race theory."
"Christians should be so hesitant to slander a brother with pejorative labels that we go the extra mile to make sure we know whether his actions or statements are really owing to his infection with the lethal aspects of critical race theory or not."
"Christians should be careful, oh so careful, not to slander a Christian brother by the careless use of pejorative labels like critical race theory."
"Thank you, Pastor John. That was Critical Race Theory Part One: The Relationships. Part Two is coming up tomorrow titled Critical Race Theory Part Two: The Root Problem."
"Critical race theory is fundamentally about asking the United States to live up to justice, to live up to equality, to live up to liberty, to live up to its own aspirations."
"Critical race theory is actually a highly specific academic discipline and lens of analysis that's usually studied at a collegiate level."