
Personal Issues Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"People don't really have a lot of relationship problems; actually, they have problems that they bring into their relationship."
"Maybe the reason why you value continuity is because you've had problems with your life's continuity."
"That 'I am' is causing every single problem in your life."
"What you don't do is take those bumps to somebody else to take care of. You stay at home and say, 'Look, I'm mad at you, I'm not happy with you, what are we gonna do about it?'"
"Somebody who becomes that religious is doing so because of a hole in them or because of some sort of sin they feel they need to cleanse."
"Most people don't have business problems; they have personal problems that are reflected in their business."
"It's not you, it's me. You see, it's not love or passion, there's something desperately wrong with me."
"People stop looking at themselves because they're completely focused on what's wrong and what's off."
"If somebody is intimidated by you, that's a them problem and not a you problem."
"The biggest problem we have here is the ego."
"According to Beyonce's former bodyguard Jay-Z supposedly becomes excessively paranoid fearing Beyonce might walk away from him"
"It seems like he's not making any excuses he's not trying to sugarcoat it he has a gambling addiction."
"How does that affect your relationship with your spouse? What's the problem there?"
"Marriage won't fix your lust issue; it's a heart issue."
"Johnny disappeared for a while saying that he had health issues."
"Is it just the girl who was butthurt that she got dumped or ghosted by a celebrity?"
"When I was doing heroin, I was really scared about people finding out about it."
"They couldn't receive love when it's clouded by insecurities and wounds."
"If I had any problems with him, the last thing I would do is take that [ __ ] to the internet, bro."
"This marriage has not been great for a while... there's clearly stuff going on here between all of these people."
"Love is unconditional. If it's conditions on it, it ain't love, it's a contract."
"You can't resolve what you don't reveal. Passive-aggressive people live with issues that are unresolved."
"Your plate should be clean when you walk into a relationship. Your plate should not be full with your problems with an expectation that your partner should clean your plate for you."
"He just projects a lot of things his insecurities onto you."
"He has a real big problem with accountability, you know what I'm saying?"
"The root of the issue is what's going on in your soul, what's going on in your emotions."
"What you've been suppressing, what you've been in denial about, it's coming out."
"The largest fine a single company has paid in U.S. history."
"He's come across as a quite an angry bloke that's got a lot of issues."
"Celebs aren't immune to drama. It's like they're just regular folks dealing with their own share of messiness."
"Being a vampire doesn't change 100% of who you are, you still deal with the same issues you dealt with as a human."
"I think the older you get the more you kind of discover from the issues that you have."
"People can only love to the extent that they've been taught and you can't expect somebody to love someone with all these issues when maybe they had completely different issues growing up or none at all."
"I do have two significant problems I would like to address. The first is I do not like absolute and utter lies being told about me."
"Someone's sobriety matters more than our dirty laundry."
"It's these topical and personal issues that create a stronger connection between music and the listener."
"I am truly and deeply sorry I brought my personal experience into the workplace."
"Your love life is being affected right now by your subconscious mind."
"This is something that has been weighing on you."
"Fix your problems so that you don't become miserable and start taking it out on other people."
"I'm so proud of you don't you have full B's and C's even a nerdy guy actually got really bad results cuz you're about family problems."
"The number one thing a hater hates is themselves. It's got to be something in them, somewhere in their head."
"My mom supports me obviously, this whole thing has upset her a lot as well, but other than that, no, my family know about me."
"Someone has some hang-ups in the bedroom about their body and performance."
"This person feels like they don't have control over the situation."
"Everybody's got their skeletons, everybody's got their issues."
"At least 80% of our issues are not our own, absorbed from others."
"It's so important to talk and be honest about if something's wrong."
"You cannot fix your problems if you cannot face your problems."
"It's my channel and I never want to lose grip of that."
"Can you do it off camera? Can you try and get the help that you need?"
"Justin Timberlake has put his wife Jessica Biel through hell from the beginning."
"All that glitters is not gold, a lot of people have a lot of issues going on."
"You don't take care of your appearance, and that's a part of the reason why you're having issues."
"They want to heal a marriage or heal a situation with you."
"We reached out to people that know him and they're like, 'He's kind of withdrawn right now.'"
"If you're socially awkward with men, that means it's an immense problem. This means it's a you problem."
"For those who'll be honest today, when I and the Holy Ghost has finished teaching the Word of God, all of you that right now have issues, they will be gone."
"Whatever abandonment or rejection that you felt from this person, they want you to know that it wasn't personal."
"Resentment has ruined more homes than drink and killed more people than war."
"The comfort of people who don't really know about your personal situation can be super patronizing."
"Take action towards the things that are still bothering you that need to be dealt with."
"I got a little bit more passionate than I usually prefer to but obviously this is very you know close to my heart and I do feel that there's a very dire situation."
"She's hiding character defects from you, we're all broken."
"Alimony drama" - the intersection of personal struggles and public scrutiny.
"Everyone, from an A-list celeb even, deals with these issues."
"It's deep as [__] when you dealing with Adam Deuce."
"This is going to cause him a lot of problems..."
"Despite my issues, I don't deserve being mistreated so badly."
"Was this some kind of mental health issue with all the stress at work, the recent breakup, then this new man in her life?"
"I'm sick and tired of you. She's literally harassing me."
"This person may be avoiding something personally within them, some form of healing or there's something here they need to heal within themselves."
"He's got some issues he's got some problems none of which are any of our business but they clearly need to have a resolution."
"But I think Cardi is simply insecure, and I don't think she's truly happy, so she's always gonna find a problem with something."
"Friday we start to explore our outer reality... cracks and issues in your outer reality that you just haven't been able to get to."
"It's like this is your reality... there's no one to talk about it... nobody needs to know... it's embarrassing."
"Life is short, but if there's some unresolved things or someone you need to call... you know, what I'm saying."
"It's like you're worrying about your neighbor's marriage while your marriage is falling apart."
"When you're more selfless, your problems become very minuscule."
"The only thing I would say is issues of patience and timing."
"There's an emptiness in me that Mom didn't fill; if things went right you would be a therapist with like a nice androgynous husband or wife."
"There's something here that's messing with your stability and it has something to do with something you need to heal."
"Insecurity is extremely dangerous and when combined with this obsession with personal victimization it becomes a sickness."
"What she felt was deeply personal, like her daddy issues."
"Your dad left because something was wrong with that dude, not you."
"You don't learn your way out of self-hate by other people telling you they love you."
"No man is bigger than another man. No man's problem is bigger than another man's problem."
"We come as we are, we enhance our beauty, we work with our issues."
"A lot of men feel that the deep core of their being, if they are unhappy, too bad. That's their issue."
"I am the one always living, the one messing in every relationship before it starts."
"I wouldn't switch my problems for nobody else's because I know what my problems are."
"The things you don't talk about, the things you resist, are gonna persist. The things you don't talk about, out of sight, out of mind."
"You both need to go into individual counseling and deal with your own issues of insecurity and fear before you're ready to take that step."
"That's why she's been avoiding her dad's calls and his scheduled birthday launch this day is the tough one for free says that her repeated lives has made her realize who she is I'm not a good person Carter."
"Fonny whatever she calls herself, she's got her own issues."
"You don't have trust issues with other people Pisces, you have trust issues with your own gut."
"That just means I don't want to bore you with my problems."
"If you're the type of person that is okay with writing up something on the internet, posting it that's negative about someone, you are just dealing with your own demons."
"Every marriage, every relationship, every person, has their own issues, and you know... You just know what you know."
"So Divorce December, it's everything in the spotlight."
"We can be in a relationship but is this [__] going to bother you?"
"Whether you are rich or not, happy or not, healthy or not, everybody has problems to deal with."
"Stealing money from clients and a narcotic addiction doesn't explain maybe all, well, killing your wife and son."
"Marriage reveals what's there, and if you bring dysfunction into marriage, it's not gonna heal you, it's going to reveal what's there."
"It's nice, yeah. We do, obviously, everybody with shows and comedians, you get the messages of like, you know, []. I've been going through this for whatever reason, family thing, loss, just whatever, and it does make you like, []."
"Some things are kind of rough discussing with your spouse or with anybody for that matter."
"What is Dave's finances, religion, in-laws, family, and infidelity, I think is what he says it's going to be the problem in your marriage."
"Recognize what's really going on with your person."
"I should just punch that [ __ ] in the face. I mean, sheesh, what did I do to you Dr. Beckley to deserve this kind of treatment?"
"Recognize that my problems matter, even if they're not as serious as others."
"Alexis was a social media queen. She's an influencer, she works from her phone."
"Never say never, right? We don't really know Nevaeh and Deshawn's situation right now."
"His actions as president appear to be informed through personal gripes and anger."
"This is for the beef that needs to be taken offline."
"Maybe you weren't aware that the pain was causing you to not feel attractive or confident."
"It's gonna clear up a lot of darkness that's been around a situation for a long time."
"I ghosted you because of my own insecurities."
"Whatever problem you have with someone can't be bigger than Yusuf (AS)'s problem with his brothers."
"Kurt Angle and Karen Angle had a lot of relationship problems in real life."
"Find out what the real issue is for you and why, without getting lost in surface happenings."
"My favorite part was him talking about his issues with substance abuse."
"For a lot of guys, that's the same reason why we're stuck in certain messes even in our own lives."
"I brainstorm like the government controlling it. Be careful when you're running down my baby mother, howling it."
"Be careful of that, that you don't get into no competition or competitive energies."
"It's like imagine if you worked in a corporate office and you had a breakup and every time you come in the office all your co-workers are just like bombarding you about your breakup."
"He was also arrested in 1996 for possessing an unloaded 357 magnum handgun while he was speeding down Sunset Boulevard."
"Now what I want you to do for me right now today is take a look at things that are bothering in your life... am I okay? Do I need help with this?"
"Those who don't like me, that's their issue. It is not my concern."
"I think Democrats believe that Hunter Biden is a very troubled person."
"None of this is okay, the situation is you put people and the things you've done like none of it. He needs help for sure."
"Love will solve your divorce, your corporate liquidation, your bankruptcy, and your fears."
"You don't really want to head into a relationship when you've got your own baggage."
"There's definitely something going on with this person. Um, and what you want is love in a positive relationship."
"One person with a headhunter in full magic fine gear, four people doing nothing just following them around and being rich..."
"No man sleeping around with a whole lot of women, a whole lot of baby daddies, unless he got a whole problem."
"He just couldn't keep his issues outside the game from influencing his decisions in-game."
"Why do you have such an issue with this guy who has nothing to do with any of the problems?"
"Just be open and honest about your sin issues."
"Big girl stunning and brave, an actor maybe he's battling some issue, maybe he's got problems or maybe he just likes jelly donuts and a lot of pizza."
"People will judge, but that's their own issue."
"I don't blame the record labels for dropping me. I dropped me too. I'm just a bald alcoholic."
"You leave your problems at home, that's called being adult and responsible."
"Money and fame don't exempt you from dysfunction."
"I just wanted to show that I'm real with real problems."
"I'm sorry I couldn't do better, but I got my own problems." - Lando Calrissian
"Don't take it personally because you don't know what's going on in their day, you don't know what's going on with their hormones."
"There's going to be some sort of relief when it comes to whatever it is that you're stressed about right now."
"Whether you need some kind of breakthrough financially, in your marriage, whatever it might be, receive that."
"She certainly has a history of running away from her problems."
"A lot of problems we have, they bring them upon ourselves."
"95% of the time, those little annoyances are a problem with me, not with someone else."
"That's why people don't like dating people with mommy issues, no offense."
"We have to talk about our issues, we have to have a conversation."
"They had self-esteem issues, they were worried that they weren't good enough."
"The real genesis of your problems is the belief system."
"Their second yoga studio quickly crashed and burned... ended up in over a hundred fifty thousand dollars worth of debt."
"Everyone's relationship with their dad, okay, that's the problem."
"If a guy is just a mess, his life is just in disarray, he just can't get it together, he most likely will not want to be in a relationship."
"He most famously went on Outside the Lines where he was visibly intoxicated."
"Women already have enough daddy issues we already got that okay yeah so a little bit closer it can be a gap."
"I'm gonna prove to you guys here tonight from my private investigators themselves, this guy is on [ __ ] pain meds all the time for his back."
"Taking the time to deal with your own stuff."
"Now is the time to deal with past roots or shadows."
"Feeling overlooked or judged triggers abandonment fears."
"He owned his issues, he was candid about his alcohol and drug issues."
"You are absolutely relying on the creator of the universe to come in and take your specific issues and deal with them."
"You are not the source of your wife's unhappiness."
"Your person was dealing with a lot, I mean a lot of abandonment issues, but things are transforming, they're letting go of those situations, they're letting go of those fears."
"Your wish is going to be fulfilled, and everything is okay at the bottom, so if you are having issues right now, it could be about a relationship, family issues, or finances."
"If anybody has ever had father issues in their life, you immediately connect with that song."
"The last straw: Jeffrey began displaying aggression towards her."
"Sometimes people are going through stuff and it has absolutely nothing to do with you."
"There's just too many examples she never had her clothes shipped over from Canada."
"Some people seek abuse because it's their comfort zone."
"Money is the smallest problem I've got right now."
"Delusions of grandeur are a problem with a lot of people."
"People got some crazy fucking shit going on in their head because they're focusing on the wrong thing."
"Anyone that is trying to tear you down, anyone that's trying to make you feel bad about yourself, they have issues that have nothing to do with you."
"I'm so sorry love, I had a family problem, won't be able to meet you, I love you, believe me," he finally replied.
"You got some serious problems you need to work out with yourself."
"They definitely do love you, but they are dealing with a whole baggage of personal issues."
"I got a lot going on in life bro I got [ __ ] on my ass on to I got a lot going on you think I give a [ __ ] about Li being gay enough to cry."
"He's got some real-life stuff that he's having to deal with."
"Nicole, um, is movie day. What's it about? Personal issues."
"So, when it gets to the level of a bunch of guys standing around who work office jobs wearing expensive watches that break, I think there is then an issue and it's on the responsibility of the watchmaking brand, even though it will always feel like a personal issue."
"Most of the people that are sowing discord have issues that they're not dealing with."
"Despite living her dream and becoming an international drag star, she was also simultaneously dealing with a lot of personal issues."
"He's got some issues to deal with right now, personal issues that I won't discuss."
"If someone genuinely does wish you bad, the chances are it's probably their issue."
"Almost everyone understands the Bible speaks to the personal issues of life."
"Sometimes, the best way to tackle these personal issues is by talking to a trained therapist."
"There are often personal issues that cause the business to go wrong."
"He had a terrible gambling habit. There's no evidence that I'm aware of that he actually had debts."
"Stronger" by Kanye West showcases top form, regardless of his personal troubles, earning an A-tier spot.
"I go to church because I'm tired of dealing with tired issues."
"If it's cheating, if it's Financial stability, if it's insecurity, if it's trust issues, everybody's baggage is different."
"That sounds like a personal problem," Mason retorted.
"Behind the masking names were people and their problems."
"Personal matters can't always be dealt with logically."
"Sometimes there's, it's nearly like 100 of the time, well maybe it's about 80 of time, there's something always going on in someone's life."