
Methods Quotes

There are 873 quotes

"We train dogs not just for obedience but to make the training process enjoyable and engaging for them."
"Jesus told Saint Faustina there's three ways to do mercy: word, deed, and prayer."
"As dumb as it sounds, there is some evidence showing that you can help your language learning by listening to tapes while you sleep."
"Those who do things in a certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich."
"Can police methods be improved? Of course, they can."
"We don't have to do it the same way; you can do it different ways."
"You don't teach somebody something by doing the same thing they're doing."
"I think that there's a trope in politics that actually isn't true which is that all of us sort of want the same endpoint we just have different ways of getting there."
"Neither objective nor projective measures are flawless or fully supported by psychologists."
"You have a lot of police officers here, but things could be handled differently."
"Civilization was founded. It seems like even establishment archaeologists are taking a look at the methods that they're using for dating antediluvian cultures and realizing that their math simply doesn't add up."
"God never appeals to us through force or coercion, but only through truth and love."
"Taking notes by hand is superior than on the computer."
"There are three methods to calculate GDP: output method, income method, and expenditure method."
"Push method adds a new value onto the array."
"Pop method takes off the end value of the array."
"We all have the same end goal, we just have two different ways to get there."
"It's not about the what, it's about the how."
"You can define functions or methods inside of your class in exactly the same way as you do outside."
"Scramble eggs immediately, anything else after I link it halfway through."
"The critical part about methods in Java... has to do with a notion we think of as information hiding."
"Methods are used to break down programs into smaller pieces that you can reuse... that's critical."
"You want to think about methods... in a way that's general, that they can be used over and over again."
"Their medicine was completely insane... it was a throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks approach."
"It's not about doing it non-traditionally, it's about doing it in a way that's truly healthy."
"There's only three ways you can be successful in this world: you can do things better than anyone else can do it, you can do something no one else can do, or you can do things that no one else wants to do."
"It would have been less impactful if he did this any other way."
"Violence is a valid means of demanding action."
"This [method] works, okay? This is a successful method."
"If we want results, this is the way to do it."
"Composition perspective color theory etc. ways to learn to face a complicated subject and make it seem much more doable and much more fun."
"Sometimes the simplest method is the most effective one."
"Len, lower/upper, and str are pretty cool methods you can use in Python."
"In life there are often multiple ways to get to the same goal, different paths that lead to the same destination."
"There's going to be a lot of Shenanigans in today's video and methods that no one else has ever used in the game because once again we're on such a unique and specific account."
"Let them live with your turtle... that's how I cull."
"Sometimes the simplest methods are the best."
"No method Works a hundred percent of the time."
"There isn't one way to do it right; it's the spot."
"Mindset, motivation, and methods are the three intersecting circles."
"I never used line paper underneath but I will always have in my hand when I'm making notes a ruler."
"We need to find a better way of having that conversation."
"These political conversations with Educators 'as facilitators' through consientization or political literacy or de-codification lessons are the vehicle to do it."
"We're gonna show you the two ways that we're gonna do it today."
"Generation 7 contains in my opinion the best shiny hunting method."
"The lack of unity is not around ideological agenda, it's around means."
"Extracting fields vertically instead of horizontally."
"Winning is Everything, so if they had to win with a fist, with a knife, with a gun, with a Fiber Wire, with a Sucker Punch, whatever it was, a w is a w."
"They tend not to like to get their hands too dirty, so they don't actually do any kind of close-up, bloody types of killings."
"There's not one way to preserve food that is the ultimate only way that it should be done."
"You do not have to use culture's methods to get God's blessings."
"Should you wax by hand or machine? Doesn't matter. You do what you want."
"It's one of the easiest ways I've found to do this."
"Three different options for filing your tax return."
"Studying doesn't necessarily mean sitting with a textbook and conjugating verbs."
"There are three main ways this could happen: Inspiration, competition and experimentation."
"Electoral politics is important but it is not a means to an end."
"This method is more flexible than the method I showed you five years ago."
"We just disagree with the method in which they engage in the culture."
"There's a right way to do it and a right time to do it."
"Civil rights activists used legal challenges, non-violence, and direct action."
"When accuracy is paramount, you don't measure empirically, you measure comparatively."
"National boundaries are drawn in one of two ways: with pens or with guns."
"There are multiple ways to do just about everything I am about to show you."
"Female instinct is to do things their own way."
"What they wanted to achieve was more important than how they went about it."
"Don't underestimate the voice message or the phone call."
"There's no wrong way as long as the results are the same."
"It's all about trying to find different ways to engage the audience."
"We will do the same amount of effort, we just might do it differently."
"There's not only one way to do this anymore."
"Intermittent fasting isn't just this one thing... it's this one thing and then there's a bunch of different ways to do it."
"Use linearity, use the CDFs, the things like that and not do a lot of integrals."
"Some of your artwork has white paper over them. Why is that? Just to protect them."
"This is not the only or best way to do it; there's plenty of people out there who do things differently, and that might work better for you, and that's okay."
"Much more important than whether we exactly meet our targets is what means we choose."
"There's probably a better way to do anything that you're setting out to do."
"The Math class has a number of useful methods for performing mathematical operations."
"We're chaining multiple methods together."
"This is what we call method chaining."
"We have nextByte for reading a byte, we have nextLine for reading a line, we have nextBoolean for reading a boolean, and so on."
"The implications of Silva and Zeno's teaching methods are interesting."
"I really like using this dot object notation on my methods, screw the haters."
"Instead of calling each method individually what we are going to do is inside of our player class we are going to define an update method."
"You're gonna get a much more productive, beautiful, delicious, amazing garden when you plant my way."
"If you have a process that works, use it"
"It's not about who gets there first, but how they got there in the first place."
"I use different methods to make decisions, including card spreads to see potential outcomes."
"And one very simple but powerful method is query translation or planning."
"Every method is a trap, and every method can be useful, and the important thing is you don't sit around and judge the method with your intellect."
"You don't learn a language simply by watching TV shows in your target language. In fact, it's totally useless for beginners."
"Our methods are different, our motives are the same."
"It's a million different ways to skin a cat."
"Know the various methods and tools to be able to confidently apply what works best for you, your team, and the end goal."
"...if I had this entire bed covered in straw it'd be very difficult to plant through the straw with a direct sewing method but with a transplant all you have to do is push everything apart and then pop your transplant in and you're good to go."
"You can do intermittent or continuous climbing as with any of these other methods."
"This method works, and in fact, this is something we generally use all the time in general programming without even thinking much about it."
"If you don't happen to have a lighter handy, there are other ways to get a fire going."
"Oh yeah, ladies and gentlemen, do you know what's better than overloaded methods? The params keyword."
"Everybody declutters in their own way."
"That's the beauty of methods, we basically extract some functionality, give it a name, and we can reuse it numerous times."
"There's no one standard way to do it...there's no one standard way to do it."
"I think it's safe to say that all three of these methods worked really good today and that's why it's important to have a little Trio of methods when you go out to the lake."
"When you are applying too many methods, you are taking your hand off of the thing that you originally working on."
"This was such an easy little trick and I'm going to be doing it this way from here on out."
"...a different level using different language different methods and different kinds of evidence."
"Often times it's really these simplistic approaches that seem to work."
"Healing remedies: meditation, contemplation, nature connection, music, arts, creativity, facing fears."
"Be very generous in your opening to methods because if you bring to them a pure heart and a yearning to be free, they will serve you in that way."
"Access control methods include mandatory, discretionary, non-discretionary, and role-based."
"Multi-factor authentication combines something you know, have, or are."
"Mindset is your head, motivation is your heart, methods are your hands."
"Everyone's got their own ways of working... Everyone's got to find out for themselves what method suits them best."
"There's a million different ways to do it."
"Records offer you a Constructor, a tostring method, an equals method, a hash code method, along with the Getters."
"You can zoom in and out using different methods."
"Anyone who has tried to learn a language knows that there are a million different learning systems and methods out there."
"There's always different techniques or different patterns that you might do that might work better for you."
"There are different ways that you can work with data here."
"Just like anything in 3D, there's more than one way to skin a cat."
"There are at least six different methods of prayer. They all have a particular set of rules that govern the play."
"French method and Italian method are most frequently used on average."
"Sometimes I might mix and match them. So I might start with the inspiration outline and then from there I might try to use the save the cat method."
"A lot of ways you can accomplish this."
"So that's what methods are, and we use methods all the time on the job."
"With the Wagyu brisket, I found that the results of the long hold method versus the all the way up to 203 normal method were pretty comparable."
"There's no right way to do things."
"I think all writers discover their own kind of methods by definition." - Wade Davis
"My methods may be tough, but the results are real."
"These are methods that I have used for many many years, they are time proven and they just work."
"Learning occurs in many ways: reading, writing, observing, and doing."
"...well my mind has been changed i have found that there is a method that is just as safe yields the same results but takes half the time as compared to a two bucket rinseless system that method being the one bucket system with onr and a big red sponge..."
"For that, we have something called getters."
"Politics can't just be a one-off event; we need better methods of engagement."
"Philosophy ought to imitate the successful sciences in its methods."
"If you've got shared goals but different methods, that's something you can work with."
"Everybody's got their own method."
"It is the victory that brings the glory, not the methods of achieving it."
"Now I can go ahead and I can make it public static possible extensions class if I wanted to and like I said I want a public static method here that returns generic T called pause."
"There are many forms of activism, and not all of them are loud and in public."
"There are three methods to getting sounds in Ableton: samples, MIDI, and recording."
"Utilize different methods based on your needs."
"Dependency injection: it's all about making methods for behaviors."
"...how do you like how I combined all the different methods?"
"Before we talk details, I do want to say that this is just the method that I have found works best for me."
"There's a right and a wrong way to do everything."
"There are countless ways to cook turkey."
"There are many ways to perform the same activity, implying no one right way."
"Sales is 80% attitude and just 20% methods."
"There are many ways to start off with product research."
"The 'clear' method will clear out the list."
"We want miracles with no judgment, we want apostolic results with charismatic methods."
"If you did methods that we did in this video, you could 100% survive on this island."
"The reverse sear method... we get a really nice edge to edge medium rare and then finish it off by blasting it with extremely high heat to develop that crust."
"It's always just been body weight, you know what I mean? And the trainer that I have right now, he doesn't do it that way."
"There's so many different methods to develop right now and I think all of them are valuable. I wouldn't put all my stock in any one thing."
"There's the right way and there's tons of wrong ways to do it."
"There's a million ways to skin a cat. There's a million ways to sear a steak."
"There's really a million ways to make one thing work."
"These methods can help you build faster, more efficiently, and with fewer delays."
"The four main ways that people raise meat rabbits are in cages, hutches, tractors, or colonies."
"You can perform a decorated composition to compose different decorators to achieve a wider change in behavior of your method."
"People find nefarious ways to get what they want."
"...this is one of the main methods when I was a kid."
"We can also remove a particular key value pair with the pop method."
"Different vanishing methods work for different things."
"A Batman vs Superman fight is about two heroes fighting on the same side but doing it under different methods."
"There's never just one way to accomplish something; there's a lot of different tools that will do something similar."
"Two ways to get to the same answer."
"Can we achieve the same thing two ways?"
"I really don't understand why sellers are still printing ese orders with a thermal printer and then fixing that label onto the pwe when you can print them and it's a lot cheaper and it's a lot quicker doing that method."
"One thing from C++ that I discovered is methods, where you have the object that method notation. It's a bit nicer, not as verbose."
"All things which are used to tell the future: stars, numbers, palms, palmistry, and reading tea leaves."
"It's not the best way to figure out why addiction is happening."
"You can do it right over your gas flame, outdoors better."
"Not everybody has to do the same thing to get to the same result."
"Everything that we've talked about in this video today are all really great and really effective methods."
"Both of these methods are going to work out perfectly... but either way, you got a winner."
"I don't have the best way, but I have my favorite way."
"We asked ourselves one big question: Why use the same old method on a new innovation?"
"His methods were unapologetically savage."
"Now that we've covered how to track website conversions, we're going to look at the other ways you can track conversions in Google Ads."
"The method and the pellet feeder are often seen as throwaway methods."
"It doesn't matter how you got there."
"Allegation calculations can be solved using the ratio method or the tic-tac-toe method. Use the one that makes the most sense for you."
"There's no one right way to do watercolor or probably anything else."
"There is no one right way to do anything. There are many different methods to get to the same result."
"List.append in rock receives its first argument from the previous pipe."
"Remember, there's a lot of different ways to skin a cat, as they say, so if you see other videos, it's not that they're necessarily wrong, it's just that everybody has their own way of working."
"The big task of these methods is to describe or to identify the uniquely correct counterfactual because if you can't identify the uniquely correct counterfactual you cannot sustain an unimpeachable causal Claim about the world that we do inhabit."
"Here are the more expensive methods which is the sigma metolytics this is about 800 device right there."
"You just gotta find the method that works best for you."
"Authentication is key. There are three methods: basic HTTP, token, and OAuth. OAuth is becoming more standardized."
"There's not just one way to do something, there's lots of ways."
"So there's a different several different ways that you can actually go about doing that."
"Lots of ways of doing the exact same thing. It's about finding what works for you."
"Delegates are like function pointers. It is a reference data type that holds the reference of a method."
"Everybody's got their own way of doing things and I'm a huge advocate that there's a million ways to skin the cat."
"Utilizing methods within classes simplifies the creation of custom widgets."
"There is not one way, there are so many different ways."