
Legal Advice Quotes

There are 644 quotes

"The best time to get a lawyer, or a passport, or a locksmith, or a gun is before you need that lawyer, that passport, that locksmith, or that gun."
"You're getting this offer; it's not going to get better."
"If you can't reach an agreement, this is how screwed you both are."
"It's a reminder to everybody: don't ever volunteer information to the police."
"Choose the outfits based on what the jurors are going to see the night that they get back to the hotel after the first day of trial."
"I think have a good lawyer or lawyers who know like IP or entertainment law... I think is more important than having like agents or managers."
"The least that you talk to law enforcement, the better."
"If I were a parent who had allegations against me for smoking weed in Kansas, what would you advise someone like that to do? Run. Get the hell away from Kansas as fast as you can."
"Why do I need an attorney if I'm telling the truth? God is on my side."
"Do not talk to the police. I cannot say this forcefully enough."
"That's very bad advice from her attorneys because they're telling her that she has to connect with the jury and look at them at any moment she can."
"It is all over social media as a legal strategy. It would be smarter for you to go to court so you can actually prove once and for all that never happened."
"If the company makes a good offer I would definitely seek advice from an attorney that does the oil and gas rights type of law."
"Legal requirements to wear masks are generally legal, but regardless of whether it's legal or mandated, people, use common sense, wear a frickin' mask."
"Yes, yes we can. So um, question: what if you can't pay the lawyer? The lawyer can make a motion to remove themselves from the case."
"The first thing with our people we got to understand unless you got your documents in order you got a hobby you ain't got a business."
"Usually when people are innocent the reason why you don't want to talk to the cops is because what happens is especially if you're innocent you want to talk to the cops because you know you didn't do anything wrong."
"Stop it, get some help. If you don't, the feds are gonna eventually stop you anyways."
"Maybe if you can prove that you're not the father you don't have to pay child support for a child that isn't yours. Just maybe."
"Go to court before your license is hanging by a thread."
"Possession of a good lawyer is 9/10 of the law."
"You have to aggressively enforce your copyright. If you don't, not only will you lose your right to do so in the future, but you'll also be showing the authoritarian woke left an effective attack vector."
"Whether you're guilty or innocent the second you sit down with law enforcement you need to ask for a lawyer without exception."
"She went on to say I had a clear case for a lawsuit and moreover I would win it."
"A decent person, a decent father, a decent man would stop this. You could stop filing motions, you could stop fighting, turn over the discovery, stop seeking abusive discovery, and just knock it the [__] off."
"You are under zero obligation to tell the police you are committing a crime. You have the right to remain silent. Use that right in your favor."
"You're innocent, you haven't done anything wrong so act like you haven't done anything wrong."
"You don't let someone pick your lawyer for you, that's insane. Your life is in this lawyer's hands."
"My guidance to you if you want to avoid the risk of a criminal prosecution and a fine levied against you which could be an unlimited fine on level five then you ought to comply with the warrant."
"It's not illegal to make a mistake while you're driving it is though if you're driving while intoxicated."
"Trump's team of lawyers should stop their client from posting such things as he is quickly becoming his own worst enemy."
"As your lawyer, I'm advising you to keep doing this [__] nothing polarizes people against the far right quite as much as seeing Nazis marching down Main Street."
"You don't say anything, you just say 'lawyer, that's it.'"
"Just stay away from that stuff even if you think you can make money in the short term with it a it's probably illegal and B you are open to massive risk if there's an exit scam so just stay away from anything that looks like a Ponzi."
"Always remember, for anybody who wants to pick up a camera and start doing this, this is very important: you don't have to go to jail and get arrested to affect change. Remember that."
"Political Criminals are more dangerous than violent criminals." - New York City politician, 2023
"When you're involved in anything it's always helpful if you have a lawyer trust your lawyer if you don't trust your lawyer have another lawyer there's plenty of us to go around."
"Conflict-free counsel is critically important."
"It's immediately desirable to tell the truth, regardless of what your client said."
"Never talk to the police without first consulting your attorney."
"One piece of advice, never talk to the police."
"The attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client."
"There's no reason to tell a citizen who's possibly not breaking the law to remind them not to break the law. That's redundant."
"At the end of the day, pay your taxes, you know, pay your taxes and you know go on and live a good life. Stay off that federalist [__] as our guy Pop Smoke would say."
"I think one thing you need to do in this case is talk to a labor lawyer because I think you have a really good case of constructive dismissal."
"But if you have a problem with it, amend the constitution. No, seriously, amend the constitution."
"When I engaged in meeting lawyers... that was an opportunity to develop a relationship to develop a rapport."
"Are you going to take any legal action against someone? Skip that."
"Do not ever just sign anything without reading it fully."
"It's ridiculous to ask somebody to go in front of a grand jury without a lawyer though to go without in front of a grand jury without a lawyer."
"Crime tip: if you're going to do a crime don't text anyone about the crime that you're doing. Are you stupid? That will be used against you in the investigation."
"He who represents himself in court has a fool for a client."
"You have to be careful. If I were the lawyer, I'd be very unlikely to look at Twitter."
"Enough of lying, enough of trying to mislead investigators... You have to be honest with them." - Philip Klein
"Judge Michael Luttig gave Pence the legal cover to defy Donald Trump and refuse to overturn the election."
"Donald Trump must exercise self-control to continue enjoying the privilege of being a free man." - Jessica Denson
"It's better to have 10 lawyers, 10 is more than five."
"Just don't commit crimes. What kind of advice is that?"
"The very first step to starting an Airbnb business is to simply form a business. Go online and file a single-member LLC."
"A man who represents himself has a fool as a client."
"Literally commit a murder, as long as there's no DNA of you on that murder and you don't say anything and there's no eyewitnesses, you're getting away with murder."
"There's not a single lawyer in the world that would write up a guarantee that clients of a scammy investment program will make 12 percent returns."
"Call the lawyer asap. Get ahead of it. Stop being nice, stop it."
"Every single business needs a lawyer; they need someone who writes their legal documents, somebody who does all that legal, logistical work."
"Get a second passport... do yourself a favor for crying out loud if you have any chance of getting a second passport."
"To reiterate if you have information or were involved in one of these rug pulls report it if you're a victim of this report it to the authorities it does work."
"A man who represents himself has a fool for a client."
"A man who represents himself has a fool for a client." (Repeating this one because it's such a classic!)
"There is no shortage of ways to start making deals. Do the paperwork."
"Don't even think about it. Just contact Nintendo."
"If you're ever arrested for a crime, call your lawyer and say nothing to the cops."
"If you receive a letter like the one that I've received, this will be guidance for you. So this whole video is guidance as to how to deal with these letters."
"Hopefully that'll be of use to you, but don't just panic because most people panic. So one of the things I aim to achieve on this channel is to stop people from panicking when they have anything to do with law."
"So ultimately, the easiest way around this that's good for everyone is just ask for permission."
"I think it was a very good idea for the defense to put this type of evidence and reconstruction and demonstrative in front of the jury."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"Donald Trump relied on John Eastman and Giuliani and other lawyers who told him that this was not a crime."
"The lesson is, if you get sued, you should actually participate in the legal process and not obstruct like Alex Jones."
"If abuse is happening, you need to be reported to a trusted friend, counsel, and the police."
"Contracts can and in many cases should be negotiated."
"If you don't like that legal situation, I fully encourage you to take some proactive steps to change it."
"Don't pay the tax, don't register it, and have fun. But don't do that."
"Do not incite death, do not commit crimes, do not threaten anyone violence, even if they do fly the Antifa flag. That is absurd, plain and simple."
"Whether you're innocent or not, get the [expletive] lawyer."
"Lock your door close your window close your blinds open your blinds and if you see guys like these [ __ ] on your lawn don't be afraid to use a firearm why because they'll use it on you I'm from queens."
"I lay out the law that Thomas should be required to recuse, and there is a glimmer of hope."
"Stephanie would be wise to the fact that her best option would be to request legal counsel right away and end the procedure immediately."
"If something like this ever happens to you, make sure to check your laws."
"A pervert is a pervert is a pervert. Do your stuff privately in your own home, don't record people in public."
"Screenshot everything. Record as much as possible."
"You're fine, you can go outside and fly that drone totally fine."
"I avoid advocate choosing a state that they don't ask and of course you're next No exactly where you're going and it's a very valid point."
"Let the insurance company and the police officers deal with who was right and who was wrong. It's not worth a life."
"Incorporating a business gives you liability protection and lower corporate tax rates, leading to significant tax savings."
"The advice given here... say nothing... and call Saul Goodman."
"Don't mess around with your taxes. The IRS is absolutely hip to crypto, and you better be hip to doing your taxes and telling them that you have it."
"If any Creator wants you to sign an NDA... absolutely not."
"Always make sure you know your rights and always record the police."
"Now one way to protect yourself content creator is make sure you use the term allegedly."
"Remember if it's not in writing it didn't happen."
"That's just not true. You can file a restraining order privately."
"And for all that sacred and holy, if she is still bugging you after 10 months, coming up on a year, I think it's high time to get a restraining order."
"Stick with the Constitution, and you're going to wind up on the right side."
"Be your own fucking manager cuz you really just need you and your fucking lawyer if you want to be technical."
"The first reason why you want to form your LLC is not for the business, it's for you to protect your assets from business creditors."
"I hope that sexual assault victims will come forward, call an attorney, find out what your rights are."
"Be attentive to the testimony and evidence presented."
"NDAs do not cover criminal activity, illegal activity, or things that are already out there in the public domain."
"Always fully understand what you're signing."
"If you're innocent, just cooperate, show the evidence, and the whole world will say you're innocent."
"Appointing a special counsel in this matter is the best way to go forward to give everyone confidence in the fairness of our tax system."
"Until next time, remember, it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by six."
"It's very telling that Justin doesn't know that talking to the police in this specific situation is only going to hurt him."
"Always film the police, it is your first amendment right."
"You got to bring the state claims in state court."
"You want to have something to put in the trust before you start because that's what actually makes it honorable from like a judge's point of view is that there's actually something in it."
"Sorry to be the buzzkill, but stop doing illegal things."
"Is your attorney's representation satisfactory to you?"
"If anyone out there did get a Content ID claim from - Media Group - tech tips any of its affiliated whatever unless you're actually just reloading our videos which you're not supposed to do, I would say just dispute it."
"Revenge porn is illegal. If you're in high school or in a situation with somebody threatening to leak your nudes, file a report and sue that motherfucker."
"It's illegal to give us good advice that will work for them over the Long Haul."
"Every single entrepreneur should have a trust absolutely because it's just a means to pass something off to your beneficiaries."
"You don't need a good attorney, you need to believe you can do it."
"If you're talking to the police, get legal representation."
"Tell us your side of the story so we can help you."
"Rule number one of all litigation: don't piss off the judge."
"Once the threat's been neutralized, you're privileged to stop using force."
"You're hard to kill, but make sure you're hard to convict."
"Decide this case on the facts rather than the emotion."
"Tell them if you're going to charge me, charge me; otherwise, I don't talk to cops."
"He should have immediately shut the [ __ ] up and got a lawyer."
"Every family needs lawyers, CPAs, and estate planning."
"I would say close friends or you can have it just written out and legalized, notarized."
"Make sure you have a good attorney from the early stages of the deal."
"Don't ever talk to the police... if the police say can I ask you a couple of questions you say no."
"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone, but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That is Americanism."
"No one's gonna step in for you. You want to file a defamation suit, go for it."
"He who represents himself has a fool for a client." - Abraham Lincoln
"Nobody can officially agree with each other on what's happening."
"I had no idea that scientologists being visited by CPS was such a problem that people in the community have become Specialists on how to keep CPS at bay. Go Britney!"
"Judge Hawkins called those arguments excuses navigating this sort of proceeding is really quite simple tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth"
"If you find [Amber Heard] lied to you during this trial about one thing, you are within your rights to conclude she lied to you about everything."
"You want him to keep on talking because you could use all of that. That evidence can and will be used against you in a court of law, right?"
"Please pay close attention to any contracts that you're given because anything you sign now even if you've been doing what you do for a long time it will be nullified."
"In the unlikely event that you are falsely accused remember that will be much easier for you to overcome false allegations than it will be for actual victims to overcome the trauma of harassment or assault."
"Make sure you've got a will, make sure you talk to your family about your will."
"The law won't say that. You make the decisions for yourself."
"Obey the law, and you won't have to deal with the law."
"If Betsy wanted her daughters to have the money... she would have made them the insurance policy beneficiaries."
"Don't lie to a client. You should not lie to a client and defraud them."
"Shut up. Don't answer questions. Don't talk to the police."
"The advice is look, you need to have a long and very truthful and serious conversation with an attorney before you're making any statements on the record to anyone about what happened in that situation."
"Establishing paternity when a child is young is the best course of action."
"A will is not about you... it's about your loved ones."
"Legal advice is speech and it's protected by the First Amendment."
"Discharge any presumed liability if you've been given or find no remedy or recourse."
"Just apply the law to the facts. Don't make up anything. We don't need to go looking for things to make up or people to target."
"Do business without professional advice or a lawyer, you get what you get."
"I know that it's not Financial advice from him, me or anyone else and I don't know but what I do know is that this case is about to have a ruling any day now."
"Do not talk to them. The millisecond your lawyer enters that room, you are going home. Do not speak to them because if you do speak to them and you tell them a lie, oh, you're screwed."
"They really try to follow the law and do what's in the best interest of the kid."
"Document everything, video record if state allows. Remove emotions and don't fall for bait to get pulled into emotional fight."
"In depositions, you want to keep your questions short and concise for this very reason."
"You want everybody to be safe. If a cop wants to arrest you, just don't fight it. The best thing you can do is fighting in court because we have that case an alternative driver which affirms that you do have the First Amendment right to record."
"And if there's any takeaways from this, it's probably that when your co-counsel warns you not to shoot yourself, you should probably take that advice."
"You don't just appeal something because you don't like the verdict you have to find a basis for it right."
"Legal matters and court situations will benefit you greatly."
"Happy New Year, guys! Buy some fireworks if that's legal in your area and have some fun."
"Stay strong in your power, protect yourself, especially for those in a legal situation."
"If you're doing anything illegal, definitely don't do it on the phone and don't do anything on social media either."
"Legal advice by super chat is only a door to a disaster."
"Be very careful with lethal force. Only use it when your life is at stake, and seek legal advice to expand your understanding of self-defense."
"If they're coming to evict you in New York City, do not leave."
"Read the fine print, have lawyers read documents before you agree or sign on any dotted line of anything important."
"The man who defends himself has a fool for a client."
"Don't cooperate if you don't have to, don't volunteer information, don't volunteer your presence, don't volunteer information that wasn't asking you if you don't want to end up in jail."
"Did you have your attorney look at it? Your attorney in DC, did they look at it?"
"Be very careful what you sign and to read it five times if possible."
"Get a business manager and a lawyer very early."
"Having a will can ensure that your wishes are carried out after you pass away and may provide peace of mind for both you and your loved ones."
"Retaining counsel is fine; it's the running away that's a problem."
"If you've got enough to make the case, to persuade yourself that he's guilty, present it to the jury and let them decide."
"This is a good example of why you'll often hear people say, 'My lawyer told me not to talk about it.'"
"We urge you not to wait to be told by the courts that this is an abuse of state sovereignty."
"You can't provoke the problem and then claim self-defense." - Robert Hirschhorn, Jury Trial Consultant
"Remember, guys, always film the police because you never know what they're gonna say, you never know what they're gonna do. At the end of the day, it's your right."
"For many cases, the FBI can prefer a raid over having a subpoena issued in order to keep the element of surprise."
"If you can't do four days of solo baby care, you're not gonna contact a lawyer, drag this guy to court for what?"
"You never want to do that. Okay, okay, XRP the 110 hours, use a private trust under common law. We'll make it a 501c3 nonprofit, any money that goes into the trust is considered a grant and not income and therefore no taxes."
"Get a freaking will and tell everybody about it that is in it or not in it so they don't have to fight about it later."
"Don't sue the hand that feeds you, remember I said that."
"It's just breaking the laws, never a good idea."
"Know your worth, girl, and get a good lawyer. Know the contracts that you're signing. That's a huge thing."
"Take advantage of tax deductions and tax credits to reduce your taxes legally."
"A defendant who represents himself... is an idiot for a client."
"The best way to survive any police encounter is to say as little as possible, do as little as possible, and be as polite as possible."
"Wait till you get an arraignment or call your local criminal court in a few days."
"That's a glaring example. Just don't represent yourself."
"Shut up! If you're going to jail, don't be nude."
"Don't run from the police just don't don't do it doesn't always work out it's Superman right in front of a car."