
Financial Preparedness Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Having access to revolving credit you can use when COVID hit... that's the key to success, the key to that peace of mind."
"An emergency fund of three to five months of expenses... is kind of like having some sort of padding when you're going into a sports game. It just makes all of the punches hurt less."
"If you're really trying to be prepared for some financial collapse...get out of debt, pay off your house, build wealth. That'll help you be prepared for anything."
"Fewer than half of Americans can afford a $1,000 emergency."
"An economic collapse is not confined to a small area; it is a global crisis."
"All these things create opportunities for those who are financially educated and prepared."
"So, when this house of cards will come crashing down, I think it's really important, you know, bottom line, to protect your family outside of the system."
"Gold is a match made in heaven to preparedness and self-reliance."
"Imagine having turned 18, getting a student loan contract and already understanding how student loans work."
"One of the first steps to taking control of your money is to have an emergency savings."
"You want to know how well your plan would survive when you hit turmoil and chaos."
"Would you like to be prepared before everyone else is or would you like to be prepared when no one else is and the Crash comes and you're able to pick up things for pennies on the dollar."
"By the time you get in your late 30s and definitely by 40 you should be already set financially."
"There will be a bear market and history has shown that bear market will be very bad."
"You are going to need every penny you can get your hands on in this period to come."
"Smart investors are already preparing for what's coming."
"The best thing is to have cash on the side so that you can take advantage."
"Knowing what it is and its implications will help you be better prepared for some surprising market moves."
"Market downturns steal from the unprepared and give to the prepared."
"Make your family proud of you where they don't have to pass the hat around to bury you."
"If education is free, the money is still yours. If education is not free, aren't you glad we have got the money saved up?"
"Buckle up don't be swimming naked get that swimsuit on and get ready because at least in the UK you saw what happened when this pivot took place."
"Financial preparedness: the economic collapse in the US and Argentina demonstrate the importance of having an emergency fund, investments in tangible assets like gold and silver, and reducing reliance on banks."
"When the real estate crash happened in 2008, I was a little bit prepared... but if you can start building that financial preparedness when times are okay, that gives you the opportunity to seize the opportunities when times are not okay."
"Preparedness will be key. Being prepared, getting your finances in line."
"Inflation is raring, and many don't have the income to prepare anymore."
"If this indeed does happen, what steps can I take today to make myself maybe a little bit less vulnerable?"
"I fully acknowledge the privilege and the blessing that we have in this situation of even being able to buy extra."
"I'd much rather have a little bit of cash on hand right now."
"If you have maintained sufficient liquidity, you can take advantage of that circumstance rather than being taken advantage of by that circumstance."
"A reminder you should keep some cash on hand in case your bank goes down."
"You have to be prepared that whatever income stream you have coming right now could just end."
"If you can afford it, be prepared just in case."
"Just have a good diversified portfolio, hold the good altcoins, hold Bitcoin, and you're set in all situations."
"You want reserve capital to take advantage of awesome opportunities."
"Use that money for preparation, this is not going away."
"The key here is to be prepared when times are okay that we can take advantage of opportunities when times are not okay."
"Cash, gold, and crypto. Make sure you're prepared."
"Germany is preparing for a total banking blackout. They are worried that there's going to be a run on banks."
"Do you have cash in your emergency reserves? What if the power goes out? Your digital currency doesn't work anymore."
"Make sure you have cash put away in case something happens like this."
"Think about right now if you or a spouse lost a job, what would you do?"
"Those that were able to prepare because you had the financial means will be able to bless all of those around them."
"Always have a plan going into trading before you make a position."
"It's better to have money and not need it than not having it."
"Keep some cash in your house, find a place to put it because if the system goes down, your card ain't gonna work."
"You should not be penniless for several days in case of an emergency like an overwhelming yearn for a latte."
"You do need to build up cash in your account to take advantage of these lower prices when we do get them."
"It really does not matter what happens to the hex chart it does not matter as long as you're prepared for a multi-month multi-year time scale."
"I like to put in like a little contingency plan, I like to save, I like to squirrel away money for a rainy day."
"Have three to four months rent ready or have one person with all of that ready."
"Financial things that happen or job loss or you never know what could force you to have to just rely on what you have stored and doing these challenges voluntarily at times just makes us better prepared in the future."
"Being able to do things of that nature, save for a rainy day in the right way."
"Being good with money means that you are brutally honest with yourself about all of these unexpected expenses in your life and preparing your finances in advance to meet them."
"Being truly financially prepared is about covering all aspects of our life, not just the bills."
"Only one in seven middle class households have at least six months of emergency savings."
"Always a good idea to have at least $60 cash hidden somewhere in your vehicle."
"Eventually, you will be faced with the reality of accounting, and it's best that you're prepared for it now so you don't suffer the consequences later."
"I love being a whole month ahead of my expenses."
"When you embrace your true expenses, you anticipate less frequent bills so when they come, the money is already there for you."
"There's nothing worse than seeing a massive discount on something you wanted to buy and then not having the capital to buy it."
"If you have a three to six month emergency fund stored up, you know when disaster strikes, you've got three to six months and that is a game changer."
"They recognized that one of the things that can derail you is not being prepared for the unknown unknowns."
"I put up enough cash for a rainy day."
"The Canadian banks are bracing for impact."
"Save for a vacation that's not planned because once it starts to be planned, you'll be so glad you had money set aside for it."
"...we have a rainy day fund, we have a snow day fund, we have a no day fund..."
"Have an emergency fund that is for emergencies and the other savings do not exist."