
Procedural Generation Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"It's all procedurally generated; it should be random, it should be dynamic, it should be varied."
"We actually use procedural tech extensively, but it's just one of many tools within the pipeline, and its primary purpose is to set up the background, the canvas upon which a more detailed and intricate picture is going to be handcrafted."
"Everything we did here, from the displacement to the sesame seeds to the materials, entirely procedural."
"Procedural generation is best used in procedural moderation."
"Procedural generation is fundamentally harnessing the properties of probability to generate interesting things."
"Using a seed based on the spatial location within the universe guarantees that the seed is different for every pixel on the screen."
"Procedural generation is fundamentally about controlling randomness."
"The possibilities are literally limitless, it just depends how much effort you are prepared to put into generating the detail required for your application."
"It's a fantastic twin-based shooter with 50 plus weapons to use, 60 unique enemies to battle, epic boss battles, a procedural universe, and much more."
"Star Citizen hopes to be the ultimate universe exploration sandbox with a mixture of procedurally generated planets."
"Space is just so large that it defeats their own randomly generated content cheats to fill large worlds with points of interest."
"Borderlands ties the procedural generation to the established lore whereby all generated loot is built by one of 12 different manufacturers."
"Borderlands is one of the best examples of how to design, apply, integrate, and subsequently market a procedural generation system in recent memory."
"Every player gets their own unique procedurally generated 64 square kilometer world with caves, underwater areas to check out, and you can share these worlds with others and travel between them."
"No Man's Sky really at its best in its later hours when the grind of those odd systems in the oddity of procedural generation are sort of forgotten within the travel."
"How is this level of detail and scale even possible in the first place?"
"The power of procedural generation in creating diverse ecosystems on one planet with dynamically responsive weather."
"The environment art team has been building some exciting prototypes for procedural cities."
"From a visual perspective, I think the procgen stuff fits in just fine."
"Procedural generation is a great thing but sometimes just building your own lands is even better."
"Procedural replay director... cuts your race replays to the sound of whatever song is playing."
"Dead Cells offers fast, fluid, and brutal combat, with procedurally generated levels and exquisite visual art."
"And that's it! We've now got a simple roguelike with procedurally generated levels."
"Part of the fun of this game is just how much procedural insanity is being thrown your way."
"It's so flippin' cool to be able to generate stuff procedurally."
"Every time you see a blade of grass in a video game, the level design didn't go in and just place everything, some grass. What they said was this area should have grass in it and then the computer jumps in."
"It's entirely procedural, all of the effects like the moss and the grass and the cracks, they're all automatically created based on the input shape."
"They didn't stop there 3.5 tripled cave variation 4.2 gave us dissonant world variation 4.2 gave us dissonant world."
"We're gonna go ahead and show you how the Robo Rumble maps are actually generated so that you know what to look for."
"Todd Howard confirmed that Starfield will use procedural generation to create these planets."
"Instead of having a human build up the world as a series of deliberate design choices, the world is instead created by an automated procedure."
"Purlin noise is incredibly flexible; it can be used to create worlds or procedural textures."
"All the planet data, their names, locations, government types, pricing, etc., it's all procedurally generated."
"As I approach a planet I want to start generating trees and such around it. I know you can explicitly call PCG to say hey rerun. I can't recall if you can run it from the perspective of like as I'm approaching the next quadrant start to generate ahead of me or not."
"There are three components to getting a procedurally generated map up and
"...it's really amazing how something so complex and beautiful can spawn out of such a simple concept."
"You can play around with the seed values and really change up the shape of the landscape."
"DNA nodes let you extract DNA from a structure or procedurally generate your own DNA."
"You can have a curve and from the curve you can generate DNA rather than basing it purely off a PDB structure."
"You can now procedurally generate on the fly."
"This is probably one of the most powerful things inside Houdini because it basically allows you to procedurally generate models."
"Detail to infinity and beyond: the Voronoi texture node has support for fractal noise, unlimited procedural detail in a single texture."
"Houdini's procedural approach is very good for character rigging."
"Sometimes we can do it very procedurally, and I think that's where BX is very strong."
"Procedural systems are methods for creating content algorithmically rather than manually."
"If you're a company and can generate an entire planet in the press of a button in moments, then it's so freeing."
"But this is procedural generation, this is how we generate top-down maps just like this."
"We're going to be making a completely procedural material."
"In order to have procedural generation, we're going to need something called noise."
"Creating a variety of types of wood procedurally in Blender gives you an understanding of how channel maps work."
"You can make rocks very easy in Houdini; you create a geometry, draw in the sphere, draw in a mountain node, and you can play with the parameters."
"Joen promises to give creators all of the tools they would need to create procedural real-time landscape terrains and planets in minutes, and dare I say, in seconds."
"The world is entirely procedural, which means that rather than it being authored by hand, almost all of the elements in the world are generated through code."
"All of the walkable area is generated by an algorithm, there's no hand-built pieces there."
"That is one way to generate procedural random buildings in Houdini."
"Procedural generation is good at making a lot of stuff, but it's not good at making bespoke, curated, specific, well-written, well-designed stuff."
"The stories must come out of the fact that it's complicated or that we use procedural generation."
"By the end of this video, we should have a pretty powerful road layout tool that we can use directly inside the editor to draw out and procedurally generate road and intersection meshes for our environments."
"Deep Rock Galactic combines jolly cooperation with procedurally generated caves."
"It's useful for not just this but also for all sorts of procedural textures and things like that."
"So this is cool, you're able to procedurally do this kind of cloud stuff."
"It's fully procedural workflow allows for easy creation of visually rich assets and visual effects."
"I absolutely love procedural generation in games."
"We're not gonna use any texture maps; we're gonna go all procedural."
"Digital assets offer iterations and possibilities and procedurally generated things that would be a lot of work to build by hand over and over again."
"Procedural generation was the only way to achieve this due to the relatively small team size."
"This will help you build your worlds faster so you can have a house generator, rock generator or other building tools that can help you make your environments or other things way faster for the procedural workflow."
"This is procedural, so that's the big thing about this."
"Once you grasp the simple underlying architecture, you'll see how PDG works."
"Where humans enter the process, proceduralism breaks down."
"If you look carefully, the power of PDG comes from the fact that these operations that it performs are independent of the shape of the data."
"It does so in a way that is independent of the shape of the underlying data and so it's going to work even if the first chunk of procedural stuff gets regenerated."
"Procedurally generated games... come with what you could call story campaigns, and in my opinion, these are pretty good."
"I'm going to show you how to add procedurally generated puddles to your landscape."
"I've got some nice random puddles."
"That's how we infinitely generate a level."
"And now we've got our own procedurally generated coconuts that adorn our beautifully made palm tree created with the taiyo plant object."
"All of the values near each other will all have similar values, so you get a nice smooth transition between random values."
"I love doing PCG things, I love hearing about PCG things, and I really like sharing the gospel of procedural content generation."
"We have a mix between control and the ability to design just the volume we want and a whole procedural system that allows us to add complexity and randomness."
"So when you start working with procedural generation, it just gives you a lot of flexibility."
"And that's kind of the key for this video series, to show you how we can simplify procedural generation by creating tools that will allow us to help us through that process."