
Loans Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"If you want to get any kind of loan or credit line, you need one of these three things: cash flow, credit, or collateral."
"We live in this Finance everything world where people are using buy now, pay later loans to finance their alcoholic drinks."
"Tonight, you actually see the bill and you hear about the EIDL grant, the other business grants, and the business loans."
"The money factor is basically your interest rate on the loan."
"Since 1944, I think they've guaranteed nearly 30 million VA loans."
"You can't give loans to people that can't pay it back without then the government just printing money to fix it all again, which means it hasn't been fixed."
"The trick is to just take every loan that's available to you."
"Pay attention to the costs associated with your loan."
"Why do we feel like we keep getting in the situation where we're taking out micro loans?"
"This is the beginning of negative give you loans based on the projected value of your house that wasn't even there yet."
"There's a whole generation of new borrowers who have never experienced rising rates."
"Banks are special... they can create money, so when a bank gives a loan, the money for that loan didn't exist beforehand."
"That's big news right there for anybody that has a student loan debt."
"Our goal in owning anything that has a loan attached to it... is an equity position that becomes a positive part of our net worth calculation."
"What are we doing if we're taking this debt into there? If we're taking payday advances now it's time to grow up."
"You could get an SBA loan for anywhere from 10 to 50% of the purchase price."
"There's not nearly enough outrage over the student loan thing. There should be an eruption of moral outrage over this."
"Make sure that you apply with a few different loan companies before you actually go with one specific company."
"It was all done through basically like particularly the first round in particular was done by like if you have a good relationship with a bank then you're going to get the loan if you don't."
"There is no such thing as a bank deposit. All there is is a loan we've given to the bank."
"You can always close your loan... pay back your loan in stable coins, it will be super easy, super fast."
"Interest rates are going back up, so it's not free money anymore."
"Not all debt's bad; we might take out a loan to buy a house or a car and as long as we're in a position to pay off our debts, this is a good thing."
"For certain service members to access VA home loans." - Representative Kiggins
"We are making so much money, I'm going to pay back. I could probably pay back all of my loan."
"Let's leave that going and we do actually have some loan that's I think is just automatically taken out and given to you."
"The rule is simple: if you take out a loan to buy something that doesn't generate more money than the loan, don't take it."
"The sweet sauce here is when we consolidate these two together into a new consolidation loan."
"It does not sacrifice Public Service Loan Forgiveness for you in the future."
"They use one of their finance companies, they send him the payment, and you get the jewelry. That easy, if you're low on cash and you need some money, they are even offering up to 5K loans."
"The level of financial collateral backing loans which are not reflected on the bank's balance sheets is the highest it has ever been in history."
"Loan flipping is an abusive practice in which a loan is refinanced without any tangible net benefit to the borrower."
"Government loans, they only ensure or guarantee government loans."
"The money coming from Europe is supposed to be loans."
"Be strategic, be smart. That's how I'm getting my loans paid."
"The World Bank was going to guarantee private loans. This is like Fannie Mae Freddie Mac for countrywide, right? This is a good deal."
"You're going to need really good credit and by really good credit I mean almost spotless."
"So how much my loans are i have a federal direct unsubsidized loan that was ten thousand one hundred forty two dollars"
"Build your own house. It will now be easier to go to money lenders such as banks to apply for a house loan."
"The loans benefit the middlemen too. A way of securing the produce is produce."
"Over the course of your loan, the closer you get to paying it off, the bigger the percentage of that that goes to principal as well."
"Your car loans are eating you up right now."
"Martin lives in Berlin where money can buy a lavish lifestyle, but he's one of the seven million people in Britain denied bank loans or credit — skint."
"Lead with my longest term financing to get the lowest monthly payment."
"As long as it's none of those people, it's a third party that owns the other 66%, you can do this loan all day long."
"It's an attempt by a multi-million dollar company to collect interest on the loans they have."
"No one finances these cars. It's almost zero percent."
"While lucrative, the securitization and sale of subprime loans brings eerie parallels to the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis."
"One of the reasons Donald Trump remained solvent is because the banks had loaned the money for his casinos. They said we want our money, he said I'm not going to give you the money."
"Am I happy that I'm taking loans? No."
"Teaser rates are used to get borrowers in the door, offering lower introductory rates that will adjust higher later on."
"So, what is a hard money loan exactly? A hard money loan is a loan that is going to be based on the hard assets, the actual property itself, more so than on your personal background."
"Hard money loans are a loan that is going to be based on the hard assets, the actual property itself, more so than on your personal background."
"Purchased a car, put 10k down, financed the rest with a car loan."
"You mustn't be afraid to go and take loans, you must not be afraid."
"True or false... an interim loan and a takeout loan are the same... no, an interim loan and a construction loan are the same."
"Loans are designed to give you financial relief when you hit hard times. You can get a loan when you want to make a big purchase that requires a significant amount of money you cannot raise."
"These POS loans are just one more step towards the mass normalization of paying for nothing but making payments on everything."
"Upstart can lower your monthly payments."
"If somebody stiffs you on a loan is that immoral or is it just the way of the world? No, that's immoral. You should take responsibility for your act."
"People get involved in college loans, they go to a college they can't possibly afford."
"You make your money syndicating or selling loans."
"Most banks aren't going to give you, first-time business owner, any loans. They're not going to give you anything other than a bank account. So you've really got to up your game if you want to get in."
"Loans: Rich people use them to make money from interest. Poor people use them to pay their bills."
"Of those 21,000 loans, zero defaulted. Every single one was paid back."
"That's every [ __ ] bank holding the head of everybody that [ __ ] got loans for their goddamn Christmas presents or the credit card company."
"Say, well over three hundred thousand people have used Upstart to pay off credit cards or achieve their financial goals."
"By having a higher credit score it allows us to qualify for better loans that can help us win a bid when we're putting in an offer for a home."
"That loan is actually gonna be zero cost to you, truly zero costs."
"Most people use a combination of their own savings and either private loans or loans by some of Stanford's partner institutions."
"Avoidance: don't take out loans that you can't afford to pay back."
"Banks want to loan to small businesses, and getting a small business bank loan is never easy."
"When financing a home with a long term loan, if equal monthly payments are made, the amount of each payment applied to outstanding principal balance will increase while interest payments decrease."
"Government-sponsored loan programs make homeownership affordable for more people."
"Inflationary measures will be tried loans will be tried it's called inflationary finance."
"Fannie Mae tends to purchase loans that are made to well-qualified borrowers."
"If we bring $100 million to you now we want you to be able to give small loans to black people for businesses and homes. That's how you empower our community."
"If you ever find yourself in a situation where you're a few hundred short on your bills and you need a little bit of money to tide you over till your next payday I beg of you do not get a payday loan."
"Putting the personal back into personal loans."
"The whole point of even getting business loans or business credit is to build an actual business that is revenue."
"Loans are a significant source of funds for companies to be able to invest in a manufacturing facility, expand into another country."
"They damn sure should not give you more money in student loans than the major you're majoring in will pay."
"How do I get out of debt? How do I pay back my student loans? Work more, spend less."
"As interest rates go up, do monthly payments go up for the same amount borrowed? Yes."
"You feel a lot of relief when you're done paying your loans."
"The main thing you want to be concerned about is not just the interest rate... but how much you're gonna pay over the length of the loan."
"In the leveraged loan markets, we are starting to see the wheels fall off the bus."
"Who would decline free money? So always accept grants, but you don't have to accept the loans."
"Good loans are made when the borrower has a job, has income, does qualify for the loan."
"If you borrow $10,000 at a rate of nine percent for five years, the amount of interest you'll have to pay back is $4,500."
"Life advice for anybody that doesn't know, do not ever do a payday loan."
"With amortizing loans, the principal payments are spread out over the life of the loan."
"Do not take the entire student loan if you don't need to."
"Nothing makes me happier than when people are able to timely pay their loans and pay us back and are successful."
"Do you want to know the secret of getting a lower interest rate than anybody else in today's high interest rate environment? They're called assumable loans."
"The average interest rate on a car loan has risen from just 3.8 percent in December of 2021 all the way up to 5.3 percent in December of 2022."
"Loans can be approved, or at least application submitted, exponentially faster and that can make a huge difference for businesses to survive."
"Common debt reducer loans might be the one thing that stops you from getting that additional loan."
"You can check your rate in minutes for loans between 1,000 and 50,000 without impacting your credit score."
"In summary of all the loans, we see that over 11 million unique loans have been approved by the SBA so far."
"Loan payments coming back into effect this fall could be a very dangerous state of affairs for a lot of Americans."
"Your credit score can be so useful for a ton of things in your life... a good credit score is going to allow you to get the best interest rates for different types of loans."
"SBA’s Disaster Loans are a critical response for recovery."
"Loans made to other entities are going to be reported in the investing section."
"If we make a loan, that cash outflow is reported in the investing section."
"It's about having your goals really upfront, so you choose the right loan today."
"We can also make better loans and, in particular, we can make loans to people who have never gotten them before."
"Financial economies where companies can access larger loans at better rates because they usually have high-value assets to pledge."
"You can use those cards not just for credit cards but also for medical bills, car loans, or whatever you want to use it for."
"Don't make a habit out of loaning money to people in general."
"China exploits countries by giving loans it knows they won't be able to pay back."
"...we've seen predatory practices from for-profit schools who have private student loan programs."
"Shouldn't more be done to protect consumers from assuming more federal student loan assistance than they can reasonably pay back?"
"They will acquire assets and then take loans against them to live their lifestyle or invest in other things."
"Regain control of their finances with affordable, fixed-rate personal loans."
"With flash loans, you can borrow as many tokens as you want without any collateral."
"I never do that, I don't loan money I can't lose."
"Interest on loans, advances, deposits is exempted."
"The bank transforms short-term lending... into long-term loans that it provides its customers."
"We've approved more than three hundred thousand loans for businesses with fewer than five employees."