
Internships Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Internships absolutely a hundred percent do it now."
"If you're a student and you're thinking of a potential path, make sure that you take an internship before you finish your degree."
"Abolish unpaid internships. There is absolutely no valid reason that justifies having students work 40 hours a week and paying them nothing."
"This is more than what I would expect, especially if you're going for an intern position."
"You are not an intern in my opinion. You should never work for free unless you're building your own portfolio for freelancing or your own job."
"Resumes, internships... go for substance over resume."
"Graduate with some internship experience on your resume."
"Unpaid internships are very very unfair for people who are passionate about wanting to work somewhere that can't simply because they want to feed themselves."
"To not have to travel across the state or across the country to get a good quality internship experience, but to literally be able to walk next door, that's a game changer."
"Do something to internships to a voluntary service serve some weight do some work because this is all going to be useful to you when you go for your visa interview."
"Internships are primarily for the benefit of the intern rather than using them as labor"
"Waterloo is pretty special in the fact that you have to do five to six internships before you graduate."
"Never be discouraged that your first internship is shit."
"Universities rarely, rarely ever give out internships, okay? Getting an internship experience or any kind of research experience at an American university while you are an undergraduate student abroad is very, very uncommon."
"Fashion is a [ __ ] show. The way fashion often works is that you have to do internships before you kind of get your foot in the door, and they are usually unpaid internships, which is trash."
"I've done many electrical engineering internships and I loved all of them."
"Summer can literally be the reason for why you land one of those placements."
"I think everyone should be an intern. You should sweep floors, you should pick up pins... you learn so much."
"Please don't buy into this idea of like 'I must have an internship' like during the school year and then like during the summer, etc. etc. because that's what I did and it did me like no good."
"You should be testing grounds and like using internships to kind of like test your footing in different industries and different structures."
"I'm excited for you to see the skills they learn from their internships and how it changes the way they approach stuff moving forward."
"That’s been confirmed. The firms had their largest intake of interns ever this past summer, and so COVID or not, full-time spots are going to be more restricted this fall."
"Internships are primarily for you learning. If all you want is to get Google on your resume, then that's not really the passion that they're looking for."
"Through internships or any type of experience really, you learn more about who you are."
"Sometimes interning at that age is great because it allows you to build connections."
"Internships are very important, that's how you network and get to know people."
"Be really open-minded, especially for the first internship."
"I'm pretty confident in it; I've worked in a couple of internships also, so I have a great idea about how the industry-level codes are written in Flutter."
"Internships are the most important thing you'll ever do."
"Start your internships and job search as soon as you start at the university."
"Students that co-op work in organizations like Apple, NASA, Disney, and places as close as downtown Cincinnati to as far as Japan."
"It's super important because a lot of companies use their spring week interns to fill in their summer applicants."
"A young designer is unlikely to derive any benefits from a studio that offers unpaid internships."
"Internships create a massive awareness of opportunity for people who've never seen it before."
"Internships opened up doors in my career that I had never even dreamed of."
"Intern projects are meant to be a learning experience for the intern."
"It's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows like you see in the 'Day in the Life of' videos on YouTube."
"You're not going to be overworked either."
"You just gotta get in there, it doesn't matter how, but like if you really want to get into a company, there's no positions open, you're scared, you feel like you don't have the experience, apply for an internship position."
"Interns genuinely add so much to the business and so many fresh ideas."
"You should start applying for internships right now while you're in university."
"Internships are a great way to gain experience while you're in college."
"Non-profits are actually more willing to take on an intern versus a more established company."
"Internships are so important when you go out to the real world to actually apply for real jobs."
"Take your time, figure out what you want to do, try things before you do it, internships etc., and then you'll find what you want to do."
"Leverage your internships or your practicum to share your abilities within the organization."
"Internships have huge power when it comes to the job search, short-term and long-term career development."
"Internships are super important... if you have a chance to land an internship, especially before your last semester, just go for it."
"Definitely doing certifications and internship will better your chances, I believe."
"It's about experimenting, it's about interning, it's about gaining experience wherever you can."
"The Knowlton Center has developed programs for all students, from internships in New York City, Chicago, nearby Columbus, and beyond."
"Internships now are the currency by which individuals can get into these prestigious jobs in the professions that are running our country."
"So fun fact about law firms is that people make the summer associate experience a lot of fun."
"Imagine how ahead of the crowd you will be by going through six internships already."
"Start applying for these internships as soon as possible."
"Many international students look forward to doing internships after completing their courses in Australia."
"Internships prepare students for the real world when they actually start working."
"I finished up my freshman year of college as a CS major, and now that things have settled down, I thought I'd take some time to talk about applying to internships as a first-year student."
"It's only an unpaid internship if you don't steal enough office supplies."
"Internships should not just be for people in their 20s."
"Internships are a great opportunity to both learn a lot as well as to earn some moolah, like consistent moolah."
"Your internships begin this afternoon; several of you have chosen to intern with top 10 heroes, so make sure you're on your best behavior."
"The internships are going to be so good, and everyone is going to learn so much."
"If you don't have a lot of internships... having a GitHub with some cool project that you're proud of... might be the difference between getting an interview and not getting an interview."
"Internships are always a big one and there are tons of internships available."
"An internship is not free labor, you actually have to be teaching them something."
"We've had interns with all the five major teams: The Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, Celtics, Revolution."