
Physical Challenge Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Go earn that [expletive]. Maybe it's over the top from the physical standpoint, but when you're in that cold plunge if you're just there physically, you don't exist in there like what is required of you to get in that cold plunge and to stay that cold plunge. You know, this is not an easy thing to do."
"The final exam was to tread water for 45 minutes."
"I can't believe we've done it, guys. Six kilometers up a mountain, 20 obstacles. I was able to do 16 of them. These guys did 20 without fail. Amazing. I'm covered in dirt and sweat and just an awful like, there's like trees all over me. Everything hurts, but I feel amazing."
"Distance running is hard. It's a very demanding sport."
"Getting the two hands to work together is the most challenging part."
"These rocks were massive and heavy, I don't see how something could have put these together."
"Could you, if there's a giant rock, you know, let's say the Atlas stone we have, what does that weigh 160?"
"It's the most knuckle-busted, gut-wrenching, brain-scrambling, butt-bruising, lip-splitting brawl of all time."
"Lavon is gonna break Michael's arm. People say he can't arm wrestle, and I don't think that's even the case at all."
"How can I admire you beating up a man who, if you were the same age as him, he would rip your head off?"
"In the world of parkour, missing a jump means the mattress thinks you're too handsome."
"When you get to those reps and sets and it gets to be kind of painful, often times I remind myself, 'This is exactly where I need to be.'"
"You go get those many body's limbs in a row with that amount of attention that we saw Anthony do, I mean, they could definitely disorientate you."
"This belongs to you, yeah I mean it weighs 35 kilos but I'll take it with me."
"Would you dare to arm wrestle him? I don't think so."
"I cannot stress enough how difficult this kind of movement is."
"Marjan Hill is 178 meters high and it takes 314 steps to reach the highest point."
"Physically this is going to be a challenge but probably this will be much more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge."
"Metroid Dread is a great story wrapped in a hand-cramping confusing grind."
"I feel a little silly... oh my God, oh my God, so many stairs!"
"This determined kid just doesn't let his physical limitations define who he is."
"You want to break the block with your face on it so bad, you want to break these metal blocks that are conveniently placed right in front of me."
"Holyfield proved he could beat a man who outweighs him by 30 pounds, and a lot of people didn't think that was possible."
"Not only is this challenge physically taxing, but Boney Island is rumored to be cursed, and any item you steal from the island is said to haunt you forever."
"That experience, I mean, is insane. Not just physically but also emotionally, it's incredible."
"Easy does it. Slowly, slowly. We need to get it up in the air and spin it round."
"It's for all the marbles, or what? Then you gotta grab the bar at the end and swing to your okay."
"Yesterday was a half marathon on foot, then eight miles, and today has been a legit full marathon."
"Could you pass the bullet ant test? It's not much unlike sticking your hand into a nest of honeybees."
"I'm gonna beat you up, it's gonna punish you."
"Day one of RAGBRAI was super fun at the beginning, way more fun than I expected. My butt hurts, but the tandem experience was 10 out of 10."
"This is the biggest workout of my life getting that cable on, I had to dig it out."
"Nailing every jump, maintaining that forward momentum, the endorphins are pulsating."
"Is Ronaldo walking into the team after successfully completing 25 squats?"
"A nine-pound round of double Gloucester cheese is rolled down a hill and competitors chase after it for a prize."
"Think about it in terms of gratitude; thank you for this workout that's pushing me to my limits."
"Progress from the hardest to the easiest. Mastering each step ensures proper form and strength."
"Crossfit can be a beautiful expression of physicality and mental fortitude."
"At the end of the four days, despite having sore feet, I felt fit and well-rested enough that I could have kept walking."
"If you wanna fight, let's go out back and I'll just beat your ass."
"Very very tough for my money. Phil toughest stage of this year's Tour de France."
"I beat the crap out of it, and it did survive."
"Pulled it off the Black Forest Trail, Pennsylvania, 43 miles of good views and rugged trails."
"The wheel of pain: a worthy challenge for the strongest man on the planet."
"Scaling the cement tower, one jump at a time."
"That was the most difficult climb I've ever done."
"It's so fun honestly, I mean it definitely takes a toll on your body but whatever."
"The world's longest ice bath: Wim Hof broke his own world record, standing in 1550 pounds of ice for 72 minutes."
"Every human being should run a 100 mile race just once in their life."
"I guarantee you you're being challenged physically and mentally i realized that i was going to need something else in my life that challenged me in that way."
"Intestinal fortitude. It's as simple as just doing it. Doesn't matter if you have to do 1,000 sit-ups in over an hour. Whatever it takes."
"We reached 200...once you can overcome the weight of the wheels."
"My struggle was just getting up the goddamn ramp."
"Challenged in your physical body, challenged in your health."
"I ran on the border wall. That was a big deal."
"Pilates is so amazing because it's easy on my body and my joints but it's also super challenging."
"Even highly conditioned athletes have to go through workouts that are difficult."
"Looking at you Mario Party... willing to destroy your palms for it."
"He has transformed an entire system and made it into a direct reflection of one of the greatest defenses we've seen in the last two decades."
"You need to get punched in the face. Really hard."
"It's all good, it is quite difficult on the hands but the rest of it is just fluid movement running past all these enemies."
"Swinging it, how can you get it away? I don't know."
"An expedition that would push us both to our physical limits."
"The ground shifted and lurched in all directions under him, threatening to throw off his balance at any moment."
"I want to make it hurt: get in there in those tight, tender areas."
"I train with many people that are using performance enhancing drugs and you can see they're not even the same guys when they're on it and when they're off their cycle, the difference is incredible."
"This is challenging even for my knees."
"...it's not for people who don't want to have a physical challenge because it's it's a lot of steps you know we love doing a lot of steps always..."
"It was hard. I mean, I managed to duck out the last two days because the wedding but, you know, 500... I did 505 kilometers, 13,000 meters of climbing."
"you've got this long run late in the race right so you already have the fatigue from being run so many laps now you get this long run late in the race and yes this place is physically demanding"
"...jumping, running, Plyometrics starts to become more challenging on your body."
"I want to push myself physically and mentally."
"Climbing back up the road is where you're gonna feel the challenge."
"It's going to really challenge your balance as well."
"Allowing your body to be pushed and challenged with higher mileage or longer workouts or faster workouts, you're going to get in a lot better shape."
"I'm very excited to see that. It involves 1,260 steps up."
"We are pushing to our limits today."
"I told everybody I would break a mile of wood in 45 minutes; it took me two minutes longer, but I did it."
"It's satisfying to you, and you know that walking in the gym and leading with your legs barely just wobbling, looking at a small staircase, wondering if you can get down it or not, that's a great feeling."
"He's survived the World Championships; all he has to do now is drag his body over this."
"This one challenges my mind and my muscles, I got to work together."
"We call them Reef Donkeys when they get to a monstrous size; they will kick your butt and make your back hurt."
"Come as mentally strong as you can; it's more mental than it is physical."
"We try to get as strong as possible, to lift the craziest stuff, carry as far as possible."
"Despite a physical infirmity, he crawled all these hills; he did a marvelous job."
"We're gonna go all day long until our arms can't take it anymore."
"This view is amazing, but the stairs? No thank you."
"Taking part in the 7048 race was a really incredible experience, felt amazing to push myself that hard physically."
"It's like you know the amount of work we've done this summer physically just the challenge of coming to this property physically has challenged us and mentally as challenges which will kind of keep us young."
"By the time you get to the lake, you've gained about 450 feet from the 3300 or so foot base."
"It's a bit of a climb up, but that view is amazing."
"Muay Thai is a martial art that challenges both the mind and body."
"I remember trying desperately to come even close to some of the physical feats that you were doing."
"My arms still feel good, and the obstacles aren't wet, so I knew I could do it."
"It should start with the joy, the meaning, the satisfaction you get from just being out there and challenging yourself physically, being in nature, and being around other people who are sharing the same kind of experience."
"Needless to say, the extra workout to climb all the way to the top is absolutely worth it."
"Inhale, expanding; on the exhale, back knee and top elbow, can they tap together just under your body?"
"Boxing, the most unforgiving and brutal sport."
"Iron Man racing is not just about the physical demands; it's as much a mental challenge as it is physical."
"If you want to build muscle, if you want to build an impressive physique, you are going to have to learn how to tolerate discomfort and pain."
"Physically challenging exercise is one of the seven essential elements of an effective Parkinson's exercise program."
"It was a physical experience, there were actually a lot of spiritual parallels and things that I learned spiritually through doing it."
"If I can make my body do something that it hates doing, then when it comes to making my mind do stuff, it's easy."
"Unbelievable, my plan was to fill the buckets as much as I can because the more journeys you make, whether or not the buckets are empty, it still hurts your shoulders."
"When you push yourself physically in the gym, it really does mentally make you stronger."
"It was the most painful thing physically I'd ever done, and it sucked, but... if you're really motivated, people don't realize what your body can do."
"It's pushing yourself physically to show you what you can do mentally."
"Dancing is so much a mental battle just as much it is a physical one."
"Just turning round to look behind will become physically exhausting."
"It's a physical battle, but at the same time mentally you're thinking through things as well."
"I liked the inclusion of all the calf exercises; we were challenged a lot more on different things like our balance and our control, and I really, really like that."