
Self-organization Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Underrepresented groups, minority groups, are more than capable of organizing on their own, of finding their own circles, of making their own spaces."
"Free markets are a beautiful example of decentralized self-organization."
"There's a fair bit of evidence that your personality is organized at the highest level through articulated speech."
"Anarchism is an expression of our innate capacity to organize ourselves and run society without rulers."
"Geometry, the plasmoids have an affinity for certain geometries and they are self-organizing."
"Clear out the clutter. Get yourself as clean and organized as possible, you know emotional clutter let go of the baggage."
"It's up to the players to decide where they're going to go and what they're going to do and who they're going to play with they self organize."
"It's always a work in progress figuring what systems work best for you."
"People start to self-organize away from top-down command-and-control economies."
"The market works without anyone overall in charge."
"Every cell, every micro, every being is autonomous, autopoietic, self-organizing, free, dynamic, and evolving."
"Create a list of life areas and life interests that you have."
"I need a day to just relax and just kind of reorganize myself and get structured."
"Teams are self-organizing systems that crop up to solve given problems."
"Love is a self-organizing system. Miracles are possible."
"People are fundamentally capable of organizing themselves. Big government is a farce."
"Everybody must organize themselves under the Bible. When you organize yourself under the Bible, it'll do you well."
"It's a great confidence builder as well and just a great way to keep yourself accountable to keep yourself organized."
"Our DNA contains a list of biochemical ingredients and the basic rules for their assembly. But the pieces self-organize into biochemical pathways, cells, and tissues without reading a manual."
"Scrum teams can learn from experiences, self-organize working on problems to reflect on their victories and their losses to improve."
"Scientists realized there was a deep and unexpected link between Nature's self-organization and the chaotic consequences of the butterfly effect."
"Self-organized teams provide the best architectures, requirements, and design."
"Pretty magical, it was happening by itself, self-organizing to some degree."
"Scrum master is not a manager. They guide the team to be self-organized and accountable for their work."
"There's a natural tendency for things to self-organize."
"Self-organization is a process in which a pattern at the global level of a system emerges solely from the numerous interactions among lower-level components of the system."
"Evolution was able to exploit self-organizational processes to create artifacts of remarkable complexity."
"Scrum teams collaborate with each of the team members. They work together under self-organized."
"Living systems self-organize and self-produce because they can."
"Time might arise from some timeless substance that self-organizes."
"Self organization does not require a conductor."
"Our brain is this network of information as well, communicating and self-organizing, and it's based on feedback."
"The objective of understanding nature... is supplanted by the objective of understanding how nature organizes itself."
"Larger regimes can facilitate local self-organization."
"Sentience is a general property of an information processing system with sufficient complexity, time, and resources for self-organizing itself."
"I would say within our organization we have some people who think Hyperon is just one AI system among many that will run in the decentralizing like prebiotic soup of AI that will self-organize into intelligence."
"Reality is governed by an inherent self-actualizing, self-organizing Cosmos. When you evolve the source code, you've changed the entire system."
"Life by its nature can only exist in communities that self-organize to create and maintain the conditions essential to their own existence."
"Everything we manage is self-organizing in system science, everything we manage is defined as a self-organizing complex system."
"When you want actively, you organize your life to acquire what you want."
"A part of the process of growth and differentiation comes with self-organization."
"The best architectures emerge from self-organizing teams."
"Emergent groups describe teams of self-organized volunteers."
"The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams."
"Even if there is no leader, you will observe the formation of beautiful patterns in the sky."
"From complexity theory, we're starting to have a sense of how this self-organization may happen and what it means."
"Seventy-five thousand people joining up for the prototype year... a massive amount of willingness but also of capacity to self-organize in completely new ways."
"This is gonna be like my goals, my thoughts, my organization."
"Our community got so big we couldn't even handle it ourselves; we needed help from the community to run itself."
"These diverse systems are self-organizing, that's the key thing that the microbes actually know what to do."
"The best structure is the structure that works best for you as the individual."
"Technique and proper behavior come from performing tasks; our body self-organizes around the tasks we create for it."
"The world is capable of self-organization; that form doesn't need us to project our signifiers to be born."
"Self-organization becomes a really good scientific rationale for regionalizing and relocalizing economies."
"Our bodies are wonderful examples of self-organization."
"We are sunlit beings that self-organized 70 trillion copies of the same cell to become dozens of different organ systems."
"Consciousness emerges first in the mental organization and then it's basically the primary learning algorithm for self-organizing systems."
"Life is animated by self-organizing software; the invariance is not matter or the mechanisms but the software itself."
"When I speak of systems that self-organize, I mean something that starts out in a very disordered state and which somehow through its own dynamics spontaneously gets much more organized."
"Freedom and it will organize itself."
"This idea that something simple can lead to something complex is central to Turing's thoughts about self-organization."
"The community organized education itself on its own terms."
"Servant leaders allow project teams to self-organize when possible and increase levels of autonomy."
"The brain is a machine that organizes itself in detail."
"Life force is the ability to attract and self-organize."
"I'm getting my life together on this lovely Sunday after a weekend of social obligations and fun."
"Development happens in a self-organized, self-evolutionary way."
"Freedom is the ability to organize your life and your evolution and your future, and you can't have it without symbiosis."
"In the absence of an overarching coercive institution, somehow people made this thing work."
"Army cares about each other's safety and is self-organized."
"There are so many examples of self-organizing systems that take disorder and turn it into order spontaneously with no directing inputs."
"The hypothesis is that the model, or your solution, self-organizes based on learning rules and interactions."
"The key to this impressive behavior is Stigmergy... a form of self-organization."
"Self-organization is a fundamental principle to agile."
"The structure emerges organically from your interests."
"Minor planets through their own self gravity can actually self organize into this structure."
"If you focus on what you can change, then everything else self-organizes."
"Could it be self-organizing? This coming into sync."
"It's how systems of interacting individuals... organize themselves into larger scale structures not because anybody has planned it but just because the local interactions between them give rise to... patterns of people flowing down the sidewalk or like a flock of birds."
"Self-organized criticality is a property of a nonlinear dynamical system that has a critical point as an attractor."
"Free peoples aren't always very good at organizing themselves."
"See where you want to go first, and then let other things and other people organize themselves around that."
"Integration creates optimal self-organization."
"We're a part of a self-organizing intelligence."
"Self-organizing, emergent... they have like chaos order dynamics."
"A more broadly democratic, participatory, self-organizing approach would work better for the evolution of AI on the planet."