
Life Mission Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Every one of those experiences was laying the fundamental foundation for my life's mission."
"I'm on a life mission now. I want to transform a million people's lives."
"In stage six you start to live that mission and that life purpose with a lot of knowing, and with a lot of confidence in your heart."
"You gotta stay focused on the part of you that borrowed the body that came to enjoy the mission... then lift back up and remember you're God again."
"You have a higher spiritual purpose on this earth."
"Focus on the mission, which is, you know, how do I focus on trying to live a good life and documenting the journey along the way."
"The only way you can do that is by taking ownership of your life deciding what's the mission that's going to make you proud and then pursuing it with the most ethical sense you can master."
"My mission in life is that when I pass, he will look at me and say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"Happy, giving, kind, fun-loving person who had a mission in this life and she didn't get to fulfill it."
"When God purposes for you to do something in this earth, He will send confirmation and acceleration."
"Your mission, your sole purpose in this incarnation, with the extension of your past life, is to fight justice on a global level."
"I've made it my mission in this life to atone to my father by showing the world he was right."
"What is it God wants you to be doing to make a difference in the world in which you live?"
"Life is a mission, it is the mission to become the person God made you to be."
"I've made it my life's mission... to kind of remove the stigma of mental health."
"It's your opportunity to live your mission and do what you came here for."
"This is a spiritual awakening for some of you guys. Trust that all will be taken care of and your needs will be met as you continue working on your Divine Life Mission with passion and purpose."
"Discover your authentic self. Your soul came here with an intention. You have a purpose, a mission, a reason."
"Men who are obsessed with their mission and purpose don't have time to waste on nonsense."
"He'll have you looking at that square very differently to see its love, to see its wisdom, and to see how even that thing in your chart that you don't like is part of how it is that you might fulfill your soul's mission in this lifetime."
"My life is worth nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given me."
"It is time for us to fulfill the divine mission that each of us volunteered to accomplish in this lifetime."
"True blissful twin flame reunion is working on the mission."
"Every single one of you has been assigned an assignment in life by God before you even got on this planet."
"I will live my last breath trying to get people to understand, this is remarkable."
"I've made it my mission in life to help people succeed in their careers."
"You want to know, pick a mission or a purpose, and when you're in the darkest times and you can't see the light of hope to navigate by, use that as your torch to navigate your self out of there."
"You are planted where you are for a purpose."
"You are surrounded at times by closed-hearted environments, but living open-hearted is integral to your soul mission."
"Let abundance flow. I need to be helping people. This is my job here on the planet."
"Discover your mission and be true to that mission no matter what else is happening in the world around you."
"You can't receive love from anyone else until you learn to give it to yourself. This is your life mission."
"God would not allow you to have been conceived in your mother's womb unless there was something already finished that you were born to start."
"If you do what you're put here to do, that's it. That's what I feel, whoever or whatever put me here to do, that's what I'm gonna do until it changes."
"My mission in life is to give and give and give."
"Remain connected with your bigger mission in life."
"Every living being is chosen or selected for some sort of specific mission, purpose, or destiny."
"If you have a destiny, if you have a mission in life, if you have an assignment, you will have attacks."
"We're all put on this earth to do what a higher power has put us here to do."
"This is the mission right now, not waiting to die to go on another."
"You are here for a beautiful mission for the upliftment and healing of humanity."
"You're here on a pretty big mission, and I feel like these rejection experiences, these feeling low experiences, are helping to unlock this wisdom within you and unlock your gifts."
"You're here for a soul mission, not just a physical mission."
"Ambition from a place of a meaningful mission is what it's all about."
"You are equipped to do and to become whatever God had in mind when he brought you into this world."
"I want to be very very clear about who I am in my assignment."
"Change is inevitable, only thing in life that is promised is change, ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready for these changes."
"Everything is an extension, an expression of my life purpose."
"You cannot exercise legitimate authority over what you should be over unless you're willing to be under what God has put over you."
"You still have more on this earth God wants you to do."
"Give yourself permission to do something extraordinary on planet Earth because the real true you is amazing."
"Each one of us has a certain mission to fulfill in life, that in order to fulfill this Mission there are various means by which it may be brought about."
"As we live, we find something called a mission, perhaps something chosen by a great flow that we simply can't turn away from."
"She wanted to help people, that was just her main mission in life."
"Your life has a mission, you know I don't want to cry because it's only my second sermon in my 40s that's the worship taming you can start joining us you have a good Heavenly Father and he only gives good things."
"You are called into your calling, your mission, your divine purpose."
"You carry a really powerful spiritual mission in this life, and you are now fully upon that mission."
"Do your work, fulfill your purpose. Every joyful action makes the world a better place."
"Before you were even born, He assigned you with a purpose and a plan."
"Finding what fulfills you and what you were sent here to do."
"A retrograde planet in your chart has a mission to accomplish in this lifetime and they will not be distracted by anything else until they have accomplished it."
"It's become my sort of life's passion and mission ever since."
"We're borrowing this vessel, this body that's made from dirt, made from this earth, to carry out our mission, to carry out our higher purpose in this lifetime."
"You are here to nurture, to care for others, this is something which you deeply desire to do in this lifetime."
"You have a very special mission in this world."
"I believe we all have one core passion, that one thing we were brought into this life to do."
"I feel like you are serving your life mission in a way."
"I decided my life mission will be a 90 seconds response time."
"There was something else out there that now my whole life is about."
"I'm getting to the bottom, that is my life's mission."
"Our assignment in life is to engage with people outside of your belief systems."
"Make that your life goal, make that your life purpose that I'm going to help other people get to where God's trying to get them to be."
"I'm blessed that you are my life. I will do everything in my power to help you find your unique and indispensable mission."
"I made it my life mission to work for the hospital."
"You will not die until you accomplish what you were born to do."
"Be patient as your angels are working to reveal your life's purpose and mission to you."
"We need to change the paradigm, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to do that."
"Live with an urgency to do everything Jesus Christ has set out for us to do."
"Promotion of human values and religious harmony are my two lifelong commitments."
"I'm on this earth to connect with pigs, to have a pig farm."
"He talks about my life and how I could accomplish my mission."
"Every interaction, every decision, and every challenge is approached with a newfound wisdom and an unwavering commitment to their divine mission."
"I want to figure out why I'm here, I want to figure out my assignment and purpose."
"I'm just his mission here was done, but mine isn't, so I just got to keep on going."
"The truest demonstrations of the gospel is a passion to spend your life getting out that message."
"Every human on the planet has something that they should be doing or that they're supposed to be doing."
"All separate selves are on one single mission in life: simply to find happiness, to find peace."
"God did not put you in this world to be successful, he put you in this world to be faithful."
"They're the same moral compass, they have the same mission statement in life."
"Just love yourself. If you can genuinely say that you've enjoyed it, you're enjoying it, and you love the mission that you're on, then you're winning at life."
"I do believe that we have a special place on this earth, and I do believe that our mission here is a spiritual mission."
"We have been sent to this life to serve."
"Eventually, she was told she must return to fulfill her allocated life's mission."
"God has a plan for my life, and that plan is to save souls and to make disciples."
"Cogswell hated drinking and he hated alcohol... he just decided to devote the rest of his life to convincing others of the evils of beer and liquor."
"I'm not on the earth for anything to go the way I hope; I'm on the earth to shine."
"It's about realizing what exactly your job is on this earth."
"I'm going to dedicate my life to eradicating that evil from the face of the earth."
"It's about possibility and that has been my life's work."
"If you believe you'll be as big as you are chasing the purpose that you're here to do, you'll get millions of dollars along the way."
"You are being called to conquering your life mission, discovering your true self."
"God doesn't bless you with you in mind. He blesses you to be a blessing."
"Your chart ruler shapes your life mission and the themes you will experience all throughout your life."
"Your life mission is tied to expansion, to growth, to the expansion of the mind, of your horizon."
"God's gonna get the glory out of my life."
"The main reason every one of us are here on this planet is to learn to love God first and one another next."
"It's your job to live your truth, it's your job to live your life in a way where you're helping other people, you're bringing about positive change."
"Our Lives should be a mission to become the absolute best version of ourselves."
"Keep him alive, everyone. Never forget the mission of your life, and it may not be your mission, but now it is. You didn't know it was until it was."
"Before you're even born, you were given a purpose."
"Loving myself is my whole life goal until my death."
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive."
"You hold a purpose in this lifetime to do something that is impactful."
"As individuals begin to align with their highest selves and release old patterns of fear, doubt, and limitation, they often experience a deep knowing of their true calling and mission in life."
"Fight the fight, validate the rest of my family's death. That's how I want to spend the rest of my life."
"We have to live in time Christ will give us enough time to do exactly what He's called us to do."
"I consider my life worth nothing to me unless I use it to finish the race and complete the mission that the Lord Jesus has given me."
"My mission is very, very simple and very wide, but mostly I can say that it is to protect life, life of all the people living in this country."
"I'm going to give you a job of catching men, and I think that's the greatest business in the world."
"I was put on this Earth to do whatever I got to do."
"My biggest dream is to accomplish my purpose. I just want to do what I'm meant to do."
"Remember more and more what the reason you were born, what your mission is in this lifetime."
"It was his own seemingly miraculous healing as a young man in his native China that led Chunyi to his life's mission to create a Healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering."
"I got to get busy with what I'm supposed to be doing on this Earth."
"I want to know Him, abide in Him, walk like Him, manifest Him, and do the work He sent me to do."
"You were sent to this planet for a purpose."
"We remember who we are and what we came into this world to do."
"I've got to live my life as a soldier, empowered to help the whole world move closer."
"They speak the truth, they speak the philosophy, they speak philosophically, spiritually."
"What has God put on the inside of you that he wanted you to live out during your time on the earth?"
"You've been sent to this earth for a very special purpose."
"I feel that's my purpose in the world. I feel like I came here to touch somebody's life."
"Pre mortally, you and I committed to do a great work while we are here on earth."
"I'm going to be a blessing all the days of my life."
"She's taken charge of her life, living her passions, living her dreams, living her spiritual mission."
"I'm using my fire to focus on my life mission, my purpose."
"You're meant to do something that's going to help other people on their own paths."
"You're more focused on your true life's mission and purpose, you're doing you right now."
"Mastering what you've been called to do, conquering your life mission, discovering your true self."
"You may be reminded of who it is you are and what it is you are here to do upon this planet."