
Freedom Of Belief Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Everybody's entitled to believe what they want to believe."
"We ought to give people the freedom to believe or to disbelieve."
"God Himself gave us one of the greatest gifts we have, the freedom to believe and the freedom to disbelieve."
"Everyone should have the freedom to believe whatever their heart desires. I have no desire to limit freedom of speech or punish others for their thoughts."
"You can believe whatever you want religiously, spiritually, whatever. As long as you're not infringing on anyone else's rights."
"I mean by religious abuse I mean the children were not brought up to develop their own belief systems; they're indoctrinated into the belief system of the group that they are growing up with."
"The company stresses that the beliefs of its owners are not forced upon employees in any way."
"The truth can only succeed by the merits of its own truth and not by coercion."
"The freedom to do and believe whatever you want without fear of public scrutiny is a right that should be offered to all of humanity."
"We support the right of each individual to believe or disbelieve as they choose."
"I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs and their opinions."
"Threatening somebody saying you'll go to hell if you don't do as I say is exactly analogous to holding a gun to someone's head."
"In America, if you hold particular views on particular subjects and you give your own charity to those views but in your business life you service all customers the same, that is not good enough for the left."
"Anyone can believe whatever they want. I support any person that wants to follow any religion. Sure, I think that if you grow up in a place like this you don't have an excuse to promote genocide and then go after a victim of said genocide."
"I'm saying I have actually said before and I will say it again that to the extent that anybody should be able to say that fairies do not exist, they should be able to say there is that a God does not exist if you can't make those two statements."
"It's your right to have whatever belief you want."
"The First Amendment does not permit the prosecution to dictate what individuals are required to believe or say."
"The left wants to compel you to agree with them, to support their agenda."
"We're all entitled to believe what we want to believe while we're on this earth."
"We have the freedom to disagree; you don't have the right to infringe on my beliefs if I'm not harming you personally. If it's my business, I can choose who I serve, who I don't serve based on whatever my views are."
"People should be allowed to say look I think this is a sin according to my religion but you're free to do whatever you want."
"Everybody should have a right to their beliefs."
"I want to treat all beliefs with an equal amount of respect i don't want to afford religious beliefs any special privileges."
"Nobody has the right to impose their belief of the unseen on someone else simply because they haven't seen what you haven't seen."
"People have a right to believe that in America, Biden and the Biden State doesn't have a right to tell you what the truth is."
"They have the right to dissent, they have the right to have different beliefs."
"I wasn't aware that you had to subscribe to a particular faith to have an opinion on it."
"This is America. You can believe whatever you want to believe. You can be in any club you want to be in."
"Tolerance means that you disagree with someone but still give them the right to be wrong."
"Everyone has the right to choose their faith." - Captions
"Practice your freedom, but not at someone else's spiritual expense."
"We've got to build a world where saying 'I don't believe in a god' is not a career death sentence or a family death sentence."
"The minute that you have the government deciding whose beliefs are deeply held... that is the thought place."
"But as Americans in a free society, I feel like if people want to believe those things are right, that's their business."
"People judge you based on your beliefs, and that's what makes this country great is that everybody has their own beliefs and you're allowed to have your own beliefs."
"We want stable families living peaceful lives in prosperity and physical security, while free to pursue our own spiritual or religious beliefs."
"You have the right to your beliefs, and that's all many of us have been saying for years."
"Freedom of religion and belief is integral to people's identity and their sense of themselves and their own personal freedom and security."
"Respect peaceful religions and grant to every human being the right to believe or not to believe as he or she so freely chooses."
"Everyone has a right to their own belief system."
"In America, no man's religious beliefs need be a secret."
"I am somebody who believes that you should be able to believe whatever the hell you want as long as you don't harm anyone."
"It's okay to be an atheist and to say so."
"Everyone has the right, an atheist absolutely has the right to question what your motives are and why you're doing what you're doing."
"There is no compulsion in religion; truth is clear from error."
"Everyone has a right to believe anything they want. And everyone else has the right to find it ridiculous."
"We have the right to believe in whatever we want to believe but we do not have the right to impose that belief as uniquely true to all others."
"Everyone gets to choose what they believe in."
"There's no compulsion in religion; whoever would like to believe, believe."
"Whoever wants to believe can believe; whoever wants to disbelieve can disbelieve."