
God's Nature Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"If we are faithless, he will remain faithful for he cannot disown himself."
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."
"God is actually very loving, very forgiving, and not at all punitive."
"That delights the heart of God, you're seeking, you're mining, you're wanting to know more about its character, wanting to know more about his nature."
"Everything that God revealed about himself is that I am a God that moves on your behalf."
"God is forgiving and merciful, God is not a God who always wants blood."
"When you have Jesus in front of you, all you can feel is love, because God is love."
"I do not believe that a god that kills himself or his own son is a god of love."
"That's God's Gift of Love, quit thinking of God as a mean vengeful judge."
"Rest is one of the components of God's character."
"God's never wrong. God's the one. He's the very standard of truth."
"God is love, so everything He says and does is done from love."
"God's not like an angry boyfriend or an angry girlfriend, God's not immature like that."
"This is complex enough and if God is the end all and be all, the salvation, what difference is his color?"
"You want to be mad at God? He's actually a rather big God. He will bend down and box with us a little bit if you need to fight and wrestle."
"God is real, God is love, and God is also just and true."
"I serve a God who is holy, kind, and suffering, but also a God of justice."
"Yahweh is not just a name, it's a statement about God's absolute freedom to do as he pleases."
"The cross reveals God's love as well as his wrath."
"Our God did not come into existence. From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God!"
"God has to be eternal, it cannot be a being that is begun to exist. It's an eternal being."
"God is Joy, love, peace, and much forgiving, most people don't know that I didn't know that I thought he was like the most evil guy."
"Premise 1: God is a loving god. Premise 2: A loving god would not create creatures that he knows will end up in eternal torture. Premise 3: God creates creatures that he knows will end up in eternal torture. Conclusion: God is not a loving god."
"Brothers and sisters, we don't have to decide whether God is a god of wrath or a god of love because He's both. He is not bifurcated between these two things. They're perfectly a part of Him."
"In the person of Christ, we see that God is love, always and forever."
"God's not like that, he's better than that."
"Number three: God is who He is means God is absolute reality. There's no reality before Him. There's no reality outside of Him unless He wills it and creates it. He's not one of many realities. Before He creates, He is simply absolute reality. He's all that was eternally."
"Any view of God that diminishes who he is is an idol."
"Respond with the energies of prayer. For then you are working out your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best, the sun to warm and the rain to nourish, to everyone regardless, the good and the bad, the nice and the nasty."
"The theological values of this book are many. I think one of the greatest theological values of the book concerns the nature of God and how he manifests himself."
"The most fundamental question that the Christian can ever ask and answer: 'What is God really like?'"
"Is this hatred for Esau unconditional or conditional? In other words, is there a good reason for why God has expressed this hatred towards Esau and the or is it just mysterious and without known reasons?"
"How we look at God affects the way we live."
"God doesn't change, no variableness nor shadow of turning."
"When I think about prayer and the wonderful privilege of talking to him, I get a whole different opinion of who God is. He is not somebody out in the far future, but he is a warm intimate personal God, listening."
"The cross reveals the nature of God. He is self-giving, radically forgiving, co-suffering love."
"God is consistent. He is both wrathful towards sin and incredibly loving and gracious and merciful in the Old Testament, and he is both of those things in the New Testament as well."
"This God is not the kind of God to force anyone to be good. He will seek to persuade us, to warn us, but it is our decision whether we respond."
"You can't live out God's nature independent of the Spirit."
"Healing is impossible till we know how expensive we are to God. So, it's His nature to heal."
"For God to be good and wise, loving, just, true, and eternal are not features he has in addition to being God, those just are God."
"God is the most simple being, for that which is first in nature, having nothing beyond it, cannot by any means be thought to be compounded."
"Out of all the names that the Scriptures used to describe the nature and the character of God stagnant, stuck, regressive are not any of them."
"The Holy Spirit is a kind, compassionate, wonderful, sensitive person. And He is God."
"God is love; in men grace and bounty may grow into a habit, but grace with God is an intrinsic attribute of his nature."
"I know that thou art a gracious God, merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness."
"It's a whole new world to read it to look for who God is."
"We always have to start with what we understand about the nature of God. God loves all of his children."
"He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, for God is love."
"He is all-knowing, He is all-powerful, and He is everywhere present and nowhere absent."
"His deep understanding of God's nature and his commitment to proclaiming God's truth regardless of personal cost is a powerful example for us today."
"God forgives quickly and forgets."
"God as a celestial dictator... for me, God is a celestial liberator."
"God is love, so growing in Love is Growing in God."
"God is faithful; His children are faithful too."
"God loves you because He's loving."
"In the Sikh teachings, Guru is telling us in the Mul Mantar that God has got no hate, Nirvair, He has got no hatred towards anybody, no enmity."
"The truth of His word gives us a clearer comprehension of who God is."
"The love of God never fails, that it endures all things, it hopes all things, it believes all things."
"God is long-suffering, that means He's got lots of patience."
"God is irrationally in love with you."
"We have seen only the mere edges of God's ways, only whispers."
"God is love because in the one God miraculously, strangely, God is also other."
"I don't see God sending them to eternal hell; I see that God is a loving, righteous God."
"Oh, the depth both of the riches and of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His paths beyond tracing out!"
"Being all-knowing is innate in his nature."
"It's an ethic grounded on the fact that God has revealed who He is in His word."
"God's unconditional love is like all of his other attributes; it does not change."
"Love is first and foremost the characteristic of God."
"If God is love and Jesus is God, then Jesus is love."
"God is love; this absolute definition of deity is the theme for time and for eternity."
"God is kind of like the North Pole of Reality; by definition, he is the ultimate source of anything else there is."
"We don't worship God just because of what he gives to us, we worship him because of who he is."
"'Qanna'... is not so much about jealousy as it is about being passionate."
"This is not a book of do's and don'ts, this is a book that tells you who God really is and who God says you really are."
"The definition of God is that He's infinite in His mercy, His knowledge, etc."
"All that was in the heart of God is this expression of love, because God is love."