
Pricing Strategies Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I just want to understand. So you're telling me that somehow a scalper, who has to put in their own labor and time to figure out how to sold ticket, that these people are able to more appropriately price something than somebody else that could just list it higher? Can you walk me through that?"
"Intel's brought its prices down, but it's still not going lower than AMD for the most part."
"Inventory is super important to track, right? And obviously the lower the inventory and the more constricted inventory is, the more prices go up."
"Photography is a valuable skill so put the energy into figuring out a great price for you."
"The low price is the hiding place of the average creator."
"Gaming prices in general have gone down because they are appealing now to a much larger market so they can afford to do that."
"When restaurants got rid of the infamous dollar sign or any other currency symbol and simply displayed a number, patrons were far more likely to purchase more expensive items."
"Companies change pricing all the time, the difference is that when Tesla changes pricing it's extremely transparent."
"A lot of people like the cobra buckle it's been successful in the past and i changed a good thing right yeah we like to also offer two price points yeah i got you."
"The most limitless will run you either ninety-nine dollars or fifty dollars, depending on whenever Mouse decides to remove the $99 price tag."
"You're gonna have games that are big tent poles that people can buy for 60 bucks, that's kind of like going to the theater."
"Price is an arbitrary metric, value is what matters."
"The drastic pricing model shift jettisoned Evolve's paywall."
"The future of pricing could be based on metrics like market cap to total value locked in."
"Launching Lovelace at a price that makes any sense compared to the used market is going to be brutally hard for NVIDIA."
"The pricing for the place where we got the bulk of our hardware was actually determined by two cashiers there's the cashier and there isn't."
"Price is a creative act that you can learn through implementation and practice."
"Hit that Bell right now and then relax because on today's show we're gonna be talking about how to price base on production costs market value and the client budget."
"So the smartest way forward for these iconic labels is to play on their strengths to widen the gap by making their logos even more exclusive using the very powerful pricing tool."
"Price is probably the number one thing everyone wants to know."
"If they can't sell the cards at the higher prices they're going to have to lower those prices and that's what we want lower graphics card prices now."
"Let's just say our game the pale Beyond if we put that up on our own website for a certain amount of money but of course it was there on Steam well we would have to basically have price parity otherwise valve could uh yeah get fairly angry."
"Know your personal hourly rate... and you would ideally charge a little more than that because you want your time to be worth more."
"Minimum wage is not enough, and also, an artist's skills are luxury skills that not everyone could do. So it should be priced a little higher, exactly."
"There's a price on the tag, you can't do this every day with every wholesale customer coming in. You gotta have a system if you're gonna get through this, right?"
"Luxury goods' sales growth is about pricing power, not volume growth."
"MSRPs in the first place are so basically just admitted all of those extra cards that you're spending extra money on."
"You don't have to know what everything is worth you only have to know how to price check it."
"To get this thing off the ground was right away I set it at a lower price point."
"Offer free shipping... include the shipping price within the product itself."
"Even though they're on Amazon, it doesn't mean that you can't sell them for this crazy price that they're selling them for and making bank."
"I just want the same price at Amazon kids cuz I promise you this Amazon if it's selling it for 30 bucks isn't paying 30 bucks for it."
"Traditionally, airline demand is quite elastic—people will often decide whether or not to book based on the price."
"It's just a basic price break down. The price point stays the same and what you get for it just constantly goes up."
"Competition sucks. To compete in business, you have to provide a better product, market more effectively, or lower your prices."
"Sometimes people leave those cynical comments like the coupon code is always here, yeah, but every time the price goes up so it's like 30, 30, 30..."
"FedEx ground sets the rates and those rates change and update anywhere from one to three years."
"Putting pressure on the top end manufacturers to lower their prices... healthy competition is part of what capitalist markets are all about."
"Trying to consider a more well-rounded analysis of all of the different instances where reference center pricing could be utilized absolutely showed me why so many people disagree."
"Never underpriced yourself. This is one of my biggest lessons. First of all, people are not nice if they know what you're doing and if they know that you don't know what you're doing, they will take advantage of you."
"Diversify your product offerings and their price points."
"You don't want those bargain-hunting customers. The people who wanna pay the least expect the most."
"Shrinkflation: prices are going up, but products are getting smaller."
"There's a fixed price that's what you get when you walk in as a plan."
"So will does that mean higher prices for consumers again it depends on what the product is but it doesn't have to be that much higher quite frankly."
"It seems a lot easier right I think you can find eight people who can pay that two hundred and twenty-five dollars on sale versus fifty people who want to pay $400 or $120 whatever it was you see it's just like a game you play with yourself."
"I never in my wildest dreams thought that Ambernic would have better pricing than Retroid."
"Lower the lower the paper price goes the more deliveries will be made because it'll be more worth it for them to be made."
"Beats headphones can set you back $350, but headphone designers estimate a fancy headset like this cost as low as $14 to actually make."
"Real estate isn't liquid if you have a good quality project and you price it right."
"Pricing your work can be SO stressful… But it doesn’t have to be."
"I'm hoping this video is gonna give you a bit more confidence to charge more for your services and hopefully help you build a more sustainable long-term business."
"That's a very clear example of one that is predatory, one whose entire business model clearly revolves around charging an unfair price."
"That's the whole point of something like this, to give you enough stuff to validate the price you pay."
"Tell people they can't have something and then they'll pay more for it. It's just, it's kind of psychology."
"This isn't you just raising your prices, this is manipulation."