
Operations Quotes

There are 664 quotes

"The original paper FastPass was an idea that was birthed from within operations, while FastPass Plus, by all indications, was a system birthed from marketing."
"Let's check on that operation. It completed with great success."
"You can do anything to both sides of an equation, as long as you do it to both sides."
"Operations today move at the speed of trust."
"Cash from operations we have as an addition to our cash balance, cash that's invested is an outflow of cash."
"Ensuring utmost reliability and safety during operation."
"Turn around. Well, whether you call them shutdowns, outages or turnarounds, they'll all produce the same results."
"You have to be able to finance your operations to make a difference."
"I want to give shout out to Evan for being the glue in the background making sure everything runs smoothly."
"Nothing is more important than restoring all operations as soon as humanly possible," - John Beusen
"Maintaining that margin, that zone separation."
"We have a very successful little mining base going on."
"We actually must physically be present at their main processing distribution center."
"This operation was one of the most significant operations in U.S history."
"Income minus expense equals your net operating income."
"Affordances provide strong clues to the operations of things."
"Barack Obama must approve the operations to kneecap and destroy Donald Trump."
"Every bit of this operation, I mean for all of space flight is safety first."
"It's like calling your secret military convoy 'Operation Pandora's Box.'"
"So, to me, that says that's the plan and that is what they're operating on, okay."
"The operation was rushed, there was no template for it."
"Deep battle combined with deep operations was absolutely the way to go."
"In multifamily investing, you make your money through operations. That's how you make your money by operating."
"Contracts, policies, and boundaries are crucial for a smooth business operation."
"Utilization is at 90%, we have about 10 million more to go."
"Remember, order of operations is important in programming."
"Fold L... it's going to apply an operation on each item of a list... it went through all these different list items from left... and multiplied them all together."
"But those things are not operating now. So, that's an element."
"Complex conjugating a product requires you to complex conjugate both pieces of the product."
"Love languages, that's called Operation well it is Operation."
"We want a cashless society, we have more to gain than anybody from just simply pure operating costs."
"No need to panic, that's just how the transponders operate."
"That is a completely nominal 20-minute venting, right on schedule."
"If the operation is illegal, it is not protected by the law."
"But the thing is is once it is deployed right once it actually is deployed then managing it is fine."
"And from a guest standpoint, my experience at Cedar Point is diminished because of the slower and overly safe operations."
"Absolutely fantastic operations on there today."
"I'm so happy that we can duplicate these now because that is going to make this whole operation a lot easier."
"We had come to know mostly capable organization with a very good feel operationally for the real problems."
"Monitoring is crucial for any production workload to detect issues and ensure smooth operations."
"So, these are just kind of some of the typical natural gases that we see where they're doing a release. And so, they put a TFR in the area as they bleed the pipelines or something to get air out of the system or something, I guess."
"She's so smart, she's like the brains behind the whole operation." - Chadwick Boseman
"It could be probably maybe within an hour until we see that road open if they're indeed done for the day."
"Everything deployed at the center of this operation was aimed at dismantling Russia's illegitimate occupation."
"Disney has started calling even more cast members to return to work at Disney World's theme parks and resorts."
"Shout out to the staff for keeping this stuff running smooth."
"This should be the largest peacetime operation."
"Remember, always evaluate what's inside the parentheses first."
"Exponents come right after parentheses, then it's multiplication and division."
"Following order of operations ensures you get the right answer."
"The question of origins is a categorically different question than the question of operation."
"Minimizing operational burden is super important."
"At the end of the day, it's the operator, man."
"Handling big spars requires a big operation."
"All numerical operations took place on 26-bit values, with multiply and divide instructions having multiple cycles."
"Returning to port between two alerts or operations is strange."
"The determinant of a product: determinant of A times determinant of B."
"We're bringing in 8 to 10 million dollars a week at the height of the operation."
"Web automation can help with operations like form filling, screen scraping, data extraction, and transfer across apps."
"After startup probe, only readiness and liveness will keep on running."
"We have an integrated global organization from production all the way to sales and delivery service."
"It's a finely tuned and massive operation that people everywhere have come to rely on."
"These numbers are constructible because we can make them using the four basic operations and square roots."
"Hopefully, nobody gets hurt; that is the main thing involved in every operation of this sort."
"...to convert from local to World, you actually only need very like Elementary Vector operations."
"We have the owner being Airflow, we have all the runs."
"We're going to set up operations all over the world."
"That's where you see Disney place a lot of the different operational tools that they need to make Disneyland run so beautifully."
"Punctuality is crucial for any airline operating anywhere."
"Operationally though have been remarkable breaking records left right and center."
"All operations need to be quick and accurate."
"REST APIs work over HTTP protocol so that means whatever operations are supported by HTTP should be supported by REST APIs."
"Each day as many as three 26-foot trucks are loaded and driven away from the manor."
"So we have the weight of our total package, so we're going to go through, we're going to take that out and we're just going to put 1.5."
"No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main strength." - Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
"Assuming that everybody is using the same kind of aircraft handling procedures, to be a fleet carrier you normally would say at least have to be able to operate at least 50 aircraft if you're including a deck Park."
"Logistics is how quickly can you put this back into action, how quickly can you repair it."
"It's all very, very easy to combine them, put together, chain one or the other, and then build fairly complicated operations at the end of the day."
"This is the control room, the brains of a majority of our operations while we're submerged."
"This grid will support full CRUD operations, undo, sort, filtering. It is fast, performant, and it can patch all the updates that are made on the grid in one go against your data source."
"Hash tables have a fast insertion, lookup, and deletion of key value pairs."
"How do we help our clients, how do we use it to deliver for our clients and then how do we use it to operate Accenture."
"Regular operations on the rig continue as the evening sets in."
"How involved did the Mafia get in all of this, kind of the bookmaking and all that?"
"IT service projects are supported by IT operations functions, design engineers, CSI staff, change management staff, problem managers, development teams, DevOps."
"They'll do anti-pirating, hostage rescue, and go in behind enemy lines and conduct reconnaissance missions."
"Nobody does the click ops stuff anymore. It's all code."
"Even with meticulous planning, transitioning to five-train operations posed unexpected challenges."
"DevOps engineering is an approach that combines software development with IT operations, aiming to shorten the development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality."
"The ride had to keep pumping trains out of the load and unload stations, to avoid having a train stop in Zone 15, as it waited for space to open up in the unload station."
"Human smuggling is a network of independent operators. It's not a cartel industry making billions. It's just people getting paid at every single leg of the trip."
"99.9% of our business is brick and mortar out of these four doors."
"One of the great things about having this correspondence between seemingly two different fields... sometimes operations are very easy on one side of the correspondence and they predict things on the other side."
"It was open for business, no matter what anyone says."
"Selection is a GIS operation that creates a subset of data that satisfies certain criteria."
"Classification summarizes features into several groups based on predefined conditions."
"Like any large international organization, it takes more than just the exciting, action-filled jobs to keep the wheels turning at the SCP Foundation."
"You can do maths with vectors, adding, subtracting, and even using multiples."
"The design pattern as such is great, it allows you to add operations."
"They'll want to have like at least run their own operations just to make sure it's running efficiently."
"La Casa Nostra runs a profitable and Bloody Business there, gambling alone sharking and extortion rackets."
"Safety is a transitive property. If all operations are safe, you can't build an unsafe one."
"Create an Excel-like experience so I can go ahead and perform full CRUD operations on my data table."
"Continuous feedback loop from operations to development happens when a particular thing would be pushed back to the developer and feedback given to him."
"Strings follow the same order of operations as numbers."
"Operators in Java are certain symbols that tell the compiler to perform certain operations."
"So the order comes into our system and then all of the available goods get printed onto picklists."
"...the direct sum will add the dimensions whereas the tensor product multiplies the dimensions."
"Sysadmins, the architects of digital infrastructure, laying the foundation for seamless operations."
"The original strand hadn't operated freely for a time now. Would his people continue to operate from that old secret base?"
"So we want to capture that using CRUD operations."
"The events of August 1st, 2012, should be a lesson to all development and operations teams. It is not enough to build great software and test it; you also have to ensure its delivery to market correctly so that your customers can get value."
"That is the power of a really great operational backbone with a clear strategy."
"Seating everyone at once is already causing problems for the staff and the guests."
"Using a heat exchanger like this one makes our operations more energy efficient."
"You cannot run a proper business without understanding the operation from the ground up."
"Former 49ers president and CEO Carmen Policy became the minority owner of the Browns owning a 10 percent stake and also becoming the team's president running day-to-day operations."
"It's a constant, it's a never-ending, never caught up, never slowed down operation. It stays constant. We turn cars on a rapid basis, these cars will make four, five, six turns a week where a normal boxcar maybe only turn once or twice a month. They're constantly on the move."
"Automation Studio is kind of where a lot of your segmentation and ETL operations are going to happen."
"Independent of land bases, the aircraft carrier must simultaneously perform surveillance, battle space dominance, and strike in extended combat operations forward."
"Working capital changes reflect cash inflows and outflows."
"The hangar Bay of the USS Gerald R Ford is a bustling Dynamic area where aircraft are stored, maintained, and prepared for flight operations."
"This means generally we cannot take too many snapshots on the said VM until Zen Server has finished running the coalesce."
"A restful api has four major operations: receiving data in a convenient format, creating new data, updating data, and deleting data."
"It's about Focus, going on the floor, understanding operations, and being customer-centric."
"If one oven breaks, it's like a domino effect. Something is gonna fall behind. So you can't take anybody for granted. Especially in such a large operation like what we have here."
"Projects are one-time events, but operations are ongoing and continual. An endeavor, no matter how long it lasts, must come to an end."
"Any kind of finite combinatorial reasoning that could be represented on the computer can be reduced to primitive operations on numbers."
"The consistent architecture that we have, visibility, segmentation, rules and policies, application of those policies, continuous inspection for any threats that you have, and simplifying your operations."
"Continuous Delivery bridges the gap between development and operations teams."
"We're a search and recovery team. We specialize in water operation."
"DevOps will become even more essential."
"Tensor products represent independence, this time between operations as opposed to what we saw before for probability vectors."
"God is a God of systems and operations."
"The cloaker was the head of operations in the Philippines."
"Most of the operations are done just with the mouse alone."
"Delegateable operations enable efficient data processing."
"So it's just the right inverse of the associated unitaries, yeah, those are literally the it's literally the inverse, yeah, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah."
"That was the most solid op reaction that we've done. 100 I have to say that. One up until this point fairy tale was like the most fun and I think black clover was the most solid but this just like took number one of both of those categories."
"It's no longer necessary to minimize operations. It's important to minimize latency."
"We flew over three thousand sorties, carrying more than seven thousand tons of operational supplies, which were used by guerrilla forces to blow up German supply train depots and other military strongholds."
"You're essentially creating This Global Order of all the different sequentially consistent operations in reference to each other."
"Continuous training is a unique feature of ML Ops."
"It's a window into the kind of ways it was able to do business you know clearly and probably still is."
"The lathe works when work is placed on the headstock spindle and driven by the face plate."
"...enable these operators so we can go ahead and take the out off right there basically what we want to do is root operator one two and three into filter one..."
"We were growing very quickly already, even at that small scale of like 4,000 orders per day."
"Machine learning ops engineers ensure seamless deployment of AI models."
"It's not the people, it's the spirits operating."
"The people in this group fundamentally understand that you not only have to be incredible at dispatching but also sales marketing recruiting overseeing operations implementing Tech tracking finances improving customer experience developing service excellence."
"The factor that really drives whether something is successful or not is the relationships that we have with that operational owner."
"Capturing organizational knowledge through SOPs is essential for consistent operations."
"The distributive property applies only to the operations of multiplication and addition. Specifically, if a term is being multiplied by an expression in parentheses, then the multiplication is performed on each of the terms."
"What's particularly nifty for me about AES is that it doesn't use the same kind of operations that you might expect."
"We are really the only platform that does strike missions from the CONUS (United States)."
"The GIGN is one of the most elite counter-terrorism units in the entire world, made up of only 400 operators. The GIGN have a flawless track record of 1800 publicly known missions, rescuing anywhere between 600 to 1300 hostages depending on who you ask."
"The inverse of addition is subtraction, and the inverse of multiplication is division."
"There's a reason why a lot of these missions are now being run by SOCOM or Special Operations Command."
"Order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction."
"Operations can get better too because since the doors are going to be permanently affixed to the platform Riders know where to wait and where the doors of the train are going to open."
"There's something magical about operating in the middle of the night."
"Understanding inventory management is going to be essential for all supply chain professionals regardless of their specific roles. It is the foundation in which successful supply chain operations are built."
"We're going to read the customers from the database and then replace this with the result."
"That's how you can add the items, you can move the item, and you can perform lots of other operations in a similar manner."
"So there was you know there was there was like some of that and then like a lot of just kind of the regimental like kind of your classic like special ops moves you know like okay fast roping jumping out of planes."
"We really want to refer to this as there's a strategic level, an operational level, and a tactical level."
"What we're trying to do is take these little battles, aggregate them together to achieve operational effects, and then put those operational effects to chief strategic ones."
"You've just multiplied and divided two complex numbers."
"it does make sense that they're operated by Navy as an organic capability of their ship"
"Fishermen are often pushing the odds between good catches and maintaining a safe operation."
"Order of operations is super important in woodworking and this is no exception."
"In the example I'm going to give, the blocked customers or blocked calls... the Q discipline specifies what happens to the blocked calls."
"We can strip away the variables if we don't want to, the VAR operations."
"It's the best-operated theme park that I've ever seen in 30 years."
"Observability is a key to operational success irrespective of the type of architecture that you're building."
"Lambda: the bridge between services, orchestrating seamless operations."
"Logs provide insights into service operations, ensuring smooth functioning."
"In the cloud native world, you're not gonna have some operator doing CF push at the time you want to run it."
"Every business has these four essential core functions."
"Relational query optimization applies to the relational operators."
"Transformation is happening at the operational level, which is okay. I transform my processing at this tactical level, I can transform to digital."
"There's a lot that happens in the background, a lot in terms of establishing systems."
"Now, let me go to the Edward DevOps again."
"Amazon, in my view, are the best operators in the world."
"The opposite of squaring something is to take the square root."
"The opposite of squaring is to take the square root."
"Many tools, especially those that do destructive actions Or some kind of action that you cannot undo Provide what's known as a 'dry run flag'."
"The brains control the operations, especially in this reigns over beautifully."
"For stateful applications like MySQL, we explored moving them onto kubernetes clusters using operators."
"But we've inherited a set of operational challenges."
"So our central strategy here is to list what operations must be afforded by a 'Number' in order for 'TypeErasedNumber' to do its job."
"You're saying you've got other operations running which are asynchronous still in conjunction with this."
"ML Ops is a set of processes and automation, managed to jointly manage code, data, and models for the sake of improving the performance, stability, and long-term efficiency of machine learning systems."
"As you can see, there actually is a lot of waiting time and we were able while we were waiting down here in this for loop, we were able to do a fair amount of mathematical operations."
"Netflix is really just about RX Java microservices with histrix and spring cloud out and really Kos monkeys are just running the show."
"Successful business operations rely on satisfied customers."
"They are suited for direct action, which essentially means limited offensive actions in politically sensitive or hostile environments."
"And just as easily do minus 10 we could even do times two and we could do divide by two."
"An interesting thing here is this eve read. If you're familiar, for example, with ranges v3 zip or something like that, they use operator star to get to elements of zip as well as all the other iterations."
"...an interesting thing here is this, uh, how we power pass an operation. So instead of an operation being passed, uh, just operation being passed like a standard inclusive scan, we pass a pair of operation and an identity element for that operation, right?"