
Youth Behavior Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"These kids are committing acts of violence because they're in search of manhood."
"Going sober is the most effective competitive advantage for most young people."
"If we make this illegal we could see young people move on to much more harmful substances."
"Last year 18 year-old Crystal McGee from Atlanta allegedly used this speed filter to take a selfie and show her friend she was driving 107 miles per hour."
"You saw she's old Massachusetts money with a grand staircase. Her Halloween costume had a corset, and she left the house without telling her parents. That's rich kid privilege."
"There's massive appeal to these boys to belong to a gang."
"I'm not a pervert, that's perfectly natural for a guy my age to be curious about certain things."
"Adam Silver is the parent that lets all the high school kids come over and drink beer and smoke weed."
"Some cinemas have banned young people wearing suits from screenings of Minions: The Rise of Gru over rowdy behavior."
"That mindset is what is breeding these barbaric kids out here."
"There's always that one kid that thinks swearing makes them cool, but it doesn't."
"A lot of young guys are starting to hop on stuff and they're starting to do stuff based off of advice they see on people on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube."
"While it can be sad to see all this girl on girl hate, it's also heartening to realize that most of the time pikmi behavior is a phase more than a fixed personality."
"Black teenagers had the highest rates of condom use, an incredible 92 percent for males and 100 percent for females."
"The reason these kids end up being so hysterical is because they never hear counter ideas."
"I see it as you know these are the teenagers smearing dog [ __ ] on people's car handles because they're so bored."
"They're very motivated by those feelings and when they were younger they could have come across as quite impulsive."
"Essentially, what happened is, you know, apparently, supposedly, a fight broke out amongst a group of teens."
"I was down for whatever. There's nothing like the mentality of a teenager."
"Most eight to 18-year-olds devote an average of seven and a half hours of media in a typical day."
"How do you guys feel about the fact that these other young boys tried to claim killing him for attention, only to find out they had nothing to do with the situation?"
"Not the jerk. She's 19 and needs to realize that actions have consequences."
"But the way it is being taken by kids when they've had a bit of alcohol in the mix..." - Nick Ferrari at breakfast
"It's difficult to imagine what possesses 18-year-olds to do something like this."
"What would have happened if this kid got caught sneaking out the window? That's no, no."
"Let boys be boys in the world we live in today."
"Telling your 16-year-old not to smoke weed is like telling your 12-year-old not to drive the car."
"Some people go, 'Well, you know, these are just kids being kids.' Not when you're now dealing with school shootings."
"They don't want to come to school. They don't want to make them work. They just bum around."
"Juveniles confide more in their friends and their peers."
"Be careful with how much you're skipping school because while it might be fun, it's easy to get away with. It will catch up to you if you do it too much."
"We're expected to do that because we're immature, we were young, and we were stupid, and that's how you learn."
"Dude's a Walmart Menace. He also apparently has a little OnlyFans where he shows his pecker, a th000 posts. Oh my God, how old is he? He's 19, how does he have [__] thousand posts and he's 19?"
"It's at this point that we should mention why police didn't see the incident as the playful antics of misguided teenagers."
"Kids are gonna be kids, they're gonna do what they're gonna do. They go off what they see, so that said, you have to guide that energy and just get it going in the right direction."
"It just shows how messed up we really are that kids feel like it's okay to do something like that."
"A 16-year-old exhibiting these behaviors is honestly more concerning than anything."
"It's hard to be sensible when you're young because we are full of bravado."
"Often people pay for their behavior in their teens and twenties for the rest of their lives."
"There has to be a line that you have to draw: 'Okay, I'll have fun, I'll be an idiot kid, but I won't hurt anybody else while doing so.'"
"In our studies, something like almost 40% of young people, when they're looking for a place for lunch, they don't go to Google Maps or search, they go to TikTok or Instagram."
"Kids aren't dumb they know right from wrong."
"My mom dropped us off in the room where they were showing the movie but before she did she stood in front of the screen and said very loudly 'Don't start having sex or anything.'"
"When you try to make something taboo, kids will just want to do it more."
"I'm not saying that there aren't bad kids out here because they are, but you should be trying to at least find ways to fix that situation with your child."
"What are these kids doing and put your phones away! Oh my god, where's the lunch ninja?"
"She's a teenager, and her self-possession is really strange given her youth."
"Don't mistake youthful selfishness for genuine malice."