
Dog Training Quotes

There are 462 quotes

"Our system is based on being able to communicate to the dog when they're right and wrong, ultimately verbally."
"Every single dog starts out as a reactive dog. There's no reason for a dog to pay attention to us unless we set up the circumstances that make it productive for the dog."
"We train dogs not just for obedience but to make the training process enjoyable and engaging for them."
"It's important to end training sessions while the dog is still having fun to keep them motivated for future sessions."
"From a young age, Cesar knew he wanted to be a dog trainer, but not just any dog trainer, but the best in the world."
"If you start training right when you get your puppy, you don't even have to, at six months your dog is good to go."
"The more that I train dogs, the more I realize how much I don't know, and I embrace that."
"The goal is to bring about optimal behavior without compromising a dog's quality of life or having unintended consequences."
"The real goal of training dogs is to teach them how to think for themselves and problem solve."
"Real dog training doesn't always go smoothly and that's why I'm going to show you every success and mistake and how I work through all the most challenging parts of raising a new puppy."
"I really think that by rewarding dogs for doing the right thing, that's where you're gonna make the most gains in your training."
"Teach your dog in the spirit of using the least aversive method that's likely to actually work."
"I spend a lot of time educating those new owners on how to handle the dog, how to think like the dog, how to view the world from the dog's perspective."
"Adding and proofing a release cue: Once your dog has started staying in the positions after you've removed your hand, you can add your release cue."
"Stimulus control on the release cue means the dog gets up immediately when released and never gets up when not released."
"The wonderful thing about teaching your new dog or puppy a long duration settle behavior is that it makes it extremely easy to then teach a long duration down stay."
"This exercise not only makes training sessions more relaxing and fun, but it increases your dog's impulse control and ability to remain calm and relaxed in the presence of exciting situations and other dogs."
"Teaching and proofing 'sit pretty' is not only good for building your dog's balance, body awareness, but it also builds your dog's core muscles, which is good for preventing your dog from injury to the spine."
"This exercise is not only a great safety exercise, but it's a great way to teach your dog concepts of safety."
"Training dogs is extremely impressive. A lot of things in entertainment are not that impressive."
"It is not treats, it is not love... These type of dogs, they need serious leadership. They need corrections for doing the incorrect thing."
"You're about to see a video with a one-year-old cattle dog. This dog could not be with dogs. After about 40 minutes, he was playing with four dogs, with no muzzle, no leash."
"You have to understand also is there going to be times where the dog is they're going to be over stimulated for him or too stimulated and you're gonna need to correct him for going past that boundary and ignoring him."
"It really is a great way to teach your dog to make good decisions."
"My goal is to get the dogs closer together and not reacting. Fights are more likely to happen in confined spaces."
"I feel hopeful at this moment. I feel like there's nothing that we can't do with the dogs."
"I'm hoping biscuits is gonna bring the toy back to me. You know, it could be so tempting to rush puppies through things, but I'll tell you, if you can stay patient, a lot of times they surprise you."
"Flexibility when you're training a dog is so important. You have to have many ways to reinforce your dog."
"The key to real leash training has very little to do with the leash at all."
"Incorporating a dog's natural needs into training is essential."
"Sunny pulls a little harder sunny wins a legitimate win here it goes again see so what Jeff is actually doing there you go."
"Competing with the scents of an environment is arguably the toughest thing about dog training."
"What do you do when you get a dog who's raw, who's completely untrained, and who happens to be an inner genius? It's fun to see how far you can take them, true?"
"Every dog has its own personality. Anyone who thinks they can train a dog with one set of rules is mistaken."
"Teaching them how to leave something alone that they want to go after is a really basic concept that every dog needs to understand."
"Dog training is all about stacking successes."
"American bullies are brilliant dogs who can easily learn and pick up simple commands."
"Adapting to your dog's behavior is part of being a good trainer."
"Understanding your dog's motivations is essential in training."
"Remember, every lesson is about building communication."
"Being flexible and adapting to your dog's needs is key."
"A tired dog is a good dog." (Reiteration for emphasis)
"Every day try to make incremental progress...have a good time...before you know it...you're going to have a dog that just behaves almost perfectly."
"Part of the challenge is not just how quickly it can complete it but about how many points you can gather by doing all sorts of special events and training the dogs up."
"Teaching tricks is to really build communication with dogs."
"Training sessions like this are how we teach them that listening to me is the way for her to get those things that she wants."
"Patience is one of the most important things you have to remember when teaching a dog."
"Any dog can be a bad dog, it just depends on how you bring them up."
"I know recall off leash was a big thing, right? I'd love for her to have some freedom. She's a working dog, she needs to absolutely exercise, and that makes a huge difference in her behavior in general."
"An appropriate correction from an adult dog is brief, pointed, and with no attempt to harm."
"By far the most challenging part of training my dog."
"If you just modify the results of a dog's behavior with certain consequences or rewards."
"Behavior therapies, including some form of aversives, can eliminate most behavior problems without the wide and dangerous side effects of psychotropic medications."
"Education over ban is essential for the advancement of dog training."
"Exercise is the king of getting a dog to mind."
"It's so [__] crazy, but then what it is, I don't know who does like, do you not do that?"
"Even though this is a mega distracting environment for Inertia, she's still able to do some of her more advanced tricks, and that is a good sign."
"Trick training and sports training like this can be an incredible way to train obedience to a dog."
"Flexible training is key to success with your dog."
"Dogs don't born with problems...human gives the problem...not understanding how a dog functions."
"Legitimate crisis in the dog training industry right now."
"You can never presume to know what a dog is thinking."
"Every professional dog trainer needs to take agency in their craft and in the dogs that they work with."
"Lower your dog around you, mark the movement and feed just a little bit ahead of your dog so your dog isn't stopping when he hears the marker."
"The first step is teaching the rear end awareness exercise."
"Huskies are sassy for a reason, it's because with all that sass, you know, that translates to when you're trying to train them too."
"Dog’s aren’t giving you a hard time, they are having a hard time."
"The secret to stopping your dog's less than desirable behaviors is to teach them what you want them to do in the first place."
"Your dog won’t be able to figure out what you want them to do unless you actually teach them these skills."
"Leave it is such an underestimated important thing to prioritize training with your dog especially when you train it without force without making your dog do it."
"Teaching a dog to stay is important; teaching them to stay at an open door is extra important."
"You cannot depend on using retrieving to exercise your dogs very often."
"What I want out of a good hunting dog is just for the dog to get in a truck and get out of the truck like they got some sense."
"Dogs are simple, they're just like children really, you just have to show them that what you want is in their best interest."
"One thing about dog training is that you're never done training a good dog. You want to teach behaviors when they're young and then reinforce, reinforce, reinforce throughout the lifetime of that dog. Thank you."
"I'm gonna teach Xander here how to do a sit. The easiest way is to lure the dog using food or toys."
"In order for a dog to truly understand the concept, they need to repeat it about a hundred times in different situations and environments."
"Another important thing I want you to remember is to not repeat your commands."
"When you're teaching the dog to come, this is one of those times where you can actually use the word as the dog is doing it instead of practicing it one thing at a time like I explained earlier."
"I believe that we need to teach drive to our sport dogs, but I think we also need to accept the dog for who they are and love them for who they are."
"I've been training dogs for 17 years... I work for the cops with the service dogs for kids with special needs."
"So I highly encourage people, whatever breed it is and they have a job, learn how to fulfill the dog. It's a purpose, the dog will live a happier life."
"If you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed by all of this dog training information, and you need a little bit of extra support, you can come and work with me and the rest of our McCann dogs team online."
"If the dog makes a mistake, that is an opportunity to teach the dog how to fix the mistake."
"The best way of teaching a dog is just to go out and do it until the dog figures it out."
"The faster this dog gets into being trained and worked with, the better."
"Understand that you too are your canine's coach."
"No one who has negative energy is allowed to be around a dog that I'm working with, no one."
"Before Victoria came and showed me how to train them, my dogs had control over me."
"Now I'm taking back control using the tools Victoria showed me."
"I'm impressed. Dorian has done very well with the training."
"Essentially shaping is having the dog choose a behavior, and then we're rewarding them for making the right choice."
"You're not only going to get a handle on this behavior, but you're actually going to grow closer with your dog in the process, strengthening your overall communication."
"Targeting is having your dog choose to focus their attention both mentally and physically on something that you choose in the face of distraction."
"...all you have to do to be a great dog trainer is be persistent, be consistent, get outside, get moving, and be interesting."
"Do you believe that your dog can be amazing like you know I spoke about this on a recent live."
"You want to grow that dog's confidence by using a structured reinforcement-based program."
"I definitely think that this whole experience in training the dogs has brought us as a family closer together."
"Most dogs would do well if managed properly."
"You're not the most super talented dog trainer in the world."
"Create custom feedback to train your dog with natural, simple communication."
"Dog training could be different if people just took more walks."
"Dog training really ain't that hard. It's just about getting out and putting in a little bit of work and being very, very patient while focusing on incremental progress. It's really that simple."
"Socialization actually is desensitizing our dogs to different triggers in their environment to be that sights smells sounds so you name it."
"What we want is a dog that's just happy calm and content and that is where good socialization comes in."
"Your fear is being sensed by your dogs here, so that instead of taking charge when you go out for a walk, you're actually making your dogs so much worse."
"Crate training is an amazing tool for your dog and it's something that your dog should absolutely love."
"As long as there's good dog training happening and then yeah that's all I really care about right you can always say good dog training."
"Fetch also needs to be limited in adult dogs to prevent injury that said I like to train fetch to young puppies as one of the first behaviors that they learn while they still have the tendency to want to hold onto the toy in their mouth when they're called."
"Remember, delivered a hand means from the dog's mouth into your hand. The dog does not have to be sitting, the dog does not have to be stationary, just get the bird."
"I think we both feel more confident about the ability to train our dogs and make our lives better together."
"Every dog that comes here learns to heel on the left side."
"The very first problem typically guys is you the dog owner I know that that doesn't sound great and you probably don't want to hear it but you probably are the problem and solution to your dog's reactivity."
"...so everything when it comes to working with the dog though is showing them the behavior you want them to perform and then giving them some sort of value back to that behavior."
"There's no such thing as bad dogs, only bad owners, agreed."
"other than knowing how to do basic obedience stuff, when we go ahead and get all our dogs certified, he is able to find lost people."
"Look at how fast these are chopping that thing down, look at him go, he's like no other dog is getting my, oh my gosh she's already done."
"Honestly, they're actually very easy in terms of psychology to train your dog with."
"The recall method and the pulling on leash method are a way to train your dog in life and to have your dog be confident."
"Please remember this is both a preventative training plan and a corrective training plan if your dog already has a preexisting nail clipping phobia."
"This, in my opinion, is the single most important thing when it comes to creating long-term success for client and dog."
"Understanding who your dog is is important as you go through the training program."
"You don't want to have a flat dog who's just obedient but isn't happy doing it."
"You have to understand where your dog's sensitivity levels are at, where their pressure level is at to negatively reinforce the dog properly."
"So if you're trying to teach your dog something new always have to come in with a positive attitude."
"Mouthing isn't bad with one caveat, and that is that it's understood for both you and the dog that it's a game, and the instant that you want it to stop, you can use one word and give the dog a command and knock it off."
"It depends on the dog, but I'd say at least a year and a full, I'd say two years for real well-trained, broke off the trash."
"If you want to fix your reactive dog, it's all of these things that come together to form this complete picture."
"Not just about behaviors, it's about putting that dog's emotional well-being first."
"Be really clear with your dog they do something bad no correction right they do something good good boy yes good job buddy right food praise affection everything good toys right super black and white you've got to be crystal clear with your dog and in your expectations."
"Allowing your dog to make mistakes is a critical, critical piece of this."
"...exercise, discipline, affection, and then obviously learn how to put a dog in the crate."
"I want to always be growing my puppy confidence in different environments, in different situations, in different training situations, around different distractions."
"Your dog doesn't need doggy friends, they need to be a connected, confident, emotionally well-adjusted dog."
"The essence of positive reinforcement training is to make your dog understand that how they behave is what opens up access to all the things that they want."
"Your dog, no matter if he's a different breed than all your other dogs, or you got them as an older dog, or he had the chance to learn not to listen. That dog is a reflection of your ability to train dogs like that."
"Your dog will go from pulling you like a freight train to loose leash walking, I guarantee it."
"Do not wait until your puppy is three months, six months, 12 months old before you start really trying to put these things into practice."
"There exists a line for every dog where the perception of pressure goes from negative reinforcement to positive punishment."
"Imagine how your puppy starts to learn your value. Remember, we need to show our dogs that we're worth listening to."
"You use what the dog finds reinforcing, and all of my dogs find food very, very reinforcing."
"If your dog can make good decisions, they are going to live a better life."
"We now have a dog that is calm for the first time since he walked through these doors."
"We had a great win today with early crate training with this young puppy."
"You don't have to be perfect at what I do, you don't have to be perfect at getting your dog to sit, you don't have to be perfect at getting your dog to lay down."
"the reward marker allows us to reinforce behaviors that we like to reinforce a behavior just means you make it more likely the dog will repeat that behavior in the future"
"having a clear reward marker with your dog will improve improve your communication tremendously"
"dogs are Kings of context when you train this for the first time your dog is going to learn that on this day at this park at this time they were not allowed to pull on the leash"
"if you want a strong relationship with your dog a dog you can take anywhere do anything with you have 100% off leash control"
"A well-behaved and well-trained dog is the dream of everyone."
"we'll show you how to go from this a dog who pulls you on the leash ignores you you dread taking them out on walks to this a dog who walks on a nice loose leash they're checking in with you and you actually start looking forward to walking your dog again"
"It's really important that we set our dogs up to be successful."
"The people who get success the fastest with their dogs are the same people that can overcome unusual training challenges along the way."
"It's just a blanket statement that if dogs don't perform as we expect it's because we ask them to perform something that they weren't yet prepared to deliver."
"Instead of telling the dog 'this is a bad idea, don't do that,' we focus on derailing the dog to wanting to do something else."
"Fearful dogs need desensitization. What's happening right now? Socialization as well."
"If you like the journey, the day-to-day part, then you'll like dog training."
"The proof is in the pudding. The gauge of someone's training ability is watching them with their own dogs."
"When you help them with the leash and you pair it with positive reinforcement and you use it with the obedience that the dog knew very well, the learning of understanding what the low-level stim was very, very powerful."
"When the dog is showing me that it's doing well where we're at, and I'm basically doing the same things over and over. The dog's not shut down, right? We said that."
"If you did the foundation work and you did it right your dog's going to be successful."
"The dog does a nice job of marking the go bird, delivers to hand perfectly, and is sent for the memory walk-up bird."
"In any hunt test, the line can be full of distractions to the dog. It's best to try to keep your dog's focus out into the field or water and away from the area behind you."
"For newer handlers, the journey to get through senior can be full of challenges, but when successful, the accomplishment is one to be proud of."
"It's critical that you understand dog body language so you can assess your dog's comfortability in each of these situations and only move on to more challenging ones if and when your dog is comfortable."
"I think that any dog can be a good dog if you spend a lot of time training them."
"He's workable you can really work with him because um he's treat motivated and that is one of the one of the best gateways into helping these dogs is being able to use treats to help them gain confidence guidance training."
"You absolutely must, and I can't stress this enough, socialize this dog like crazy if you want him as a pet, as the drive to protect family, garden, and territory is the most important goal in his existence."
"Dogs understand the common language of calm assertive energy. Empower yourself with that energy and enjoy the relationship you always dreamed of having with your dog."
"Nice dog training skills being presented here."
"I really appreciate how people are actually uploading dog training and basic knowledge about dogs on YouTube."
"One of the most important people who trained modern dogs for all kinds of purposes was a Jewish woman, actually a Zionist named Rudolfina Menzel."
"Putting a dog on their side is rarely a punishment."
"Becoming a master at managing your dog's surroundings and their environments reduces the odds of having unintended trigger events."
"If you want your dog to just dance around for food and do things because it's fun and silly for the camera and no ma'am and yes sir and please and thank you please do this then your dog is going to do that."
"Reward placement directly impacts the focus of the dog and will directly impact what the dog does and how the dog performs the behavior."
"You have to feign the visibility of the reward but still make the dog believe that the reward is here."
"Dogs can't multitask. You can't present multiple things to the dog at the same time they won't be able to learn it."
"I've never trained Finley before because I wanted to show you guys what it looks like when you're training a dog from the very beginning."
"I'm going to show you exactly how you're going to do this with your own dog and it's a very simple step-by-step process."
"I like to teach dogs if I lift up on the leash I want them to sit if I pull down on the leash I want them to lay down or if I pull the leash in any direction I want them to follow it."
"Instead of waiting for the dog to give me the answer or the solution to the problem I'm just going to provide it for the dog."
"Anytime you're teaching your dog a command you want to make sure you can get your dog to do the behavior every single time with the physical cue before you put it on a verbal command."
"If you have a word or sound that predicts a treat then you want to make sure you pay your dog because if you don't it'll start to lower the value of the markers."
"Instead of saying stay a bunch of times I like to do wrong what's known as the implied stay meaning we tell the dog to do the behavior and the stay is implied."
"We want to make sure our dogs are successful because the more successful they are the better they're going to do in the training process."
"Being a police dog handler is the hardest job by far in the RCMP in my opinion, but it's by far the most rewarding job in the RCMP."
"Being able to direct your dog to one command that's transferable in many situations is one of the greatest tools that we can use when we're training our dog."
"I place my dogs on a climb before I put their leash and collar on if we're gonna go for a walk."
"All dogs are trainable, but it's not always worth the effort."
"Remove all emotional attachment and distractions when training your dog."
"You've got to do almost a boot camp type scenario early on, not for the life of leisure, but for the life of work."
"Let me know what you think of teaching a dog a down with targets."
"There's more than one way to train a dog."
"Here are three trials that will give you a good indication about the dog's temperament: restraint, social dominance, and retrieving."
"Tugging is brilliant for building and growing that relationship. It teaches boundaries."
"That, to me, is socialization. That's super, super important with this breed."
"Follow a predictable and reliable schedule. When a dog knows they'll be fed at certain times and they have their own bed to lay on, they'll feel calmer with that specific consistency."
"Targeted training efforts. Research has proven that positive reinforcement for doing the right thing while ignoring bad or incorrect behaviors is also the best method of training fearful dogs."
"Classical conditioning training. This training method can also be used deliberately to train certain behaviors and responses in dogs and to counter condition dogs by associating something that makes a dog scared with something positive."